

Invading Algae 


Invading Algae



Paragraph 1 

P1 段落大意


Paragraph 2 

P2  段落大意



Paragraph 3 

P3  段落大意


Paragraph 4 

P4  段落大意

Paragraph 5 

P5 段落大意









Biological invasions by exotic species are an escalating threat to biodiversity 

around the globe. Invasive species can displace native ones and irrevocably 

alter ecosystems. Most imported species either die or have limited growth in 

their new home, but a small percentage of the newcomers are opportunists 

whose growth is dangerously out of control. The story of how Caulerpa taxifolia 

became famous as one of these species began in 1989, when Dr. Alexandre 

Meinesz, a marine biologist at the University of Nice in France, learned that 

this exotic alga, which is native to the Caribbean and other tropical seas, was 

thriving in the Mediterranean waters off the coast of Monaco. Upon 

investigation, Meinesz discovered that a mutant variety of C. taxifolia was 

dumped into the Mediterranean with other aquarium refuse by the prestigious 

Oceanographic Institute of Monaco. Eventually, the C. taxifolia was traced 

back to a stock developed at the Wilhelma Zoological and Botanical Gardens 

in Stuttgart, Germany. This stock of C. taxifolia had caught the attention of 

amateur and professional aquarists for its exceptional beauty and hardiness 

and had been widely distributed in public and private aquaria in the 1980s. 

Paragraph 1 生词:

escalating         / ˈeskəleɪtɪŋ /        v.逐步上升(escalate的ing形式)        adj.逐步上涨的

invasive              adj.扩散性的,侵入的;切入的,开刀的

irrevocably        / ɪˈrevəkəbli /        adv.不能取消地;不能撤回地

​​​​​​​alter                      v.改变,改动;(使)变化;改(服装);改建(某建筑);<美>阉割

ecosystem         / ˈiːkoʊsɪstəm /        n.生态系统

imported species 进口的物种

Caulerpa taxifolia        杉叶蕨藻;叶厥藻

caulerpa                        蕨藻属  kao le pa


网上例句:Caulerpa taxifolia escaped into the Mediterranean from the Oceanographic Museum in Monaco.


alga                    / ˈælɡə /        n.藻类,海藻

Caribbean        / ˌkærɪˈbiːən; kəˈrɪbiən /        n.加勒比海;加勒比地区;加勒比人


tropical            / ˈtrɑːpɪk(ə)l /        adj.热带的,热带地区的;(天气)湿热的

Mediterranean         / ˌmedɪtəˈreɪniən /        adj.地中海的;(肤色)浅黑的

   n.地中海(the Mediterranean);地中海地区(the Mediterranean);地中海沿岸国家居民

off the coast             沿海;离开海岸;在海面上;在远离沿岸海面

off the coast of        距离……的海岸

Monaco        / ˈmɑːnəkoʊ /        n.摩纳哥(欧洲西南部国家)

mutant        / ˈmjuːtənt /           adj.突变的;因基因变异而不同的


dump into                                把……倾倒入……;向……倾销

🐠aquarium        / əˈkweriəm /        n.水族箱,养鱼缸;水族馆

refuse                    v.拒绝,回绝(做某事);不接受,拒绝(别人给的东西);拒绝给(所需之物);<非正式>(物体)未应要求起作用;<旧> 不接受(某人的)求婚;(马)拒绝(跨栏或其他障碍物)        n.垃圾,废弃物        adj.废弃的

prestigious        / preˈstiːdʒəs /        adj.有威望的,有声望的

Oceanographic        / əʊʃɪənəʊˈɡræfɪk /        adj.海洋学的;有关海洋学的

(等于 oceanographical)

Institute        / ˈɪnstɪtuːt /        n.研究所,学院,协会;(尤指与法律相关的)注释,论述


pretigious Oceanographic Insititute                著名的海洋学研究所

trace back        / treɪs bæk /        追溯

Wihelma Zoological        / ˌzuːəˈlɑːdʒɪk(ə)l /        adj.动物学的;(与)动物(有关)的


botanical        / bəˈtænɪk(ə)l /        adj.植物(学)的        n.植物制剂

Botanical Gardens        / bəˌtænɪk(ə)l ˈɡɑːdn /        植物园🌳

Stuttgart, Germany        n.斯图加特(德国城市)


aquarist        / əˈkwerɪst /        n.水族馆管理人

exceptional beauty        异常美丽

hardiness        / ˈhɑːrdinəs /        n.大胆;强壮;耐劳性;耐寒性

🐠aquaria                  ​​​​​​​ n.水族馆;养鱼池

Wihelma Zoological

P1 段落大意:外来物种的生物入侵对生物多样性有逐步上升的威胁,入侵的物种可能会取代本地物种,也可能会不可逆转地改变生态系统;大多数进口的物种:1⃣️死亡2⃣️限制性的生长3⃣️(一小部分)会不受控制的危险生长;

eg:Caulerpa taxifolia,1989,生物学家Dr.A M,研究一个加勒比和热带海岸的藻类,在地中海地区繁盛,Meinesz发现,著名的摩纳哥海洋研究所(Oceanographic Institute of Monaco)将一种突变的taxifolia与其他水族馆垃圾一起倾倒在地中海区域。

 Instead of dying in the cold winter waters of the Mediterranean Sea as the 

tropical variety of C. taxifolia does, the mutant variety can withstand several 

months at temperatures that range between 10° and 13°C. In addition, the alga 

grows equally well on a variety of ocean substrates-sand, mud, or rocks-and 

from near the surface to depths of 50 meters. When temperatures exceed 

18°C, the mutant Caulerpa grows at a remarkable rate, capable of elongating 

by 2 centimeters in a single day and forming a new frond every 2 days. A 

single square meter of seafloor can be matted with 5,500 leafy fronds. All of 

this growth is asexual. Unlike the tropical form, the mutated form of C. taxifolia 

produces only male gametes in the Mediterranean and thus replicates only by 

fragmentation. Just a small piece can regenerate and colonize an area. In fact, 

it is believed that fishing nets and boat anchors as well as the ripping action of 

storms have helped the alga spread to new areas. 

Paragraph 2 生词:

substrates                n. 基板;基底(substrate 的复数);基片

substrate                 / ˈsʌbstreɪt /        n.培养基,基质,基层;底物,酶作用物;(供放置或刻的)底面

substrates-sand        沙土地基

elongating             / ɪˈlɔːŋɡeɪtɪŋ /         v.延伸(elongate 的 ing 形式)
elongate                / ɪˈlɔːŋɡeɪt /             vt.拉长;使延长;使伸长        vi.拉长;延长;伸长


​​​​​​​seafloor                n.海底

matted                / ˈmætɪd /        adj.铺席子的;纠缠的;暗淡的,无光泽的

matt                      adj.不光亮的,无光泽的,哑光的




                               n.(Matt) (美、德)马特(人名)

leafy frond            多叶的叶

leafy                      adj.(植物)多叶的;长满树木的;(植物)阔叶的;叶状的;由树木构成的

frond                     / frɑːnd /        n.(蕨类等的)叶,复叶;叶状体

asexual                / ˌeɪˈsekʃuəl /        adj.[生]无性的;无性生殖的;性冷淡的;无性恋的

mutated                突变;变成;经受突变

mutated gene      突变基因

gamete                 / ˈɡæmiːt /           n.[生物] 配子,配偶子

male gametes       雄配子

replicate                / ˈreplɪkeɪt /        v.重复,复制;(遗传物质或生物)自我繁殖,自我复制;复证(实验或试验以得出一致的结果)        adj.复制的;(实验或试验)复现的


fragmentation     / ˌfræɡmenˈteɪʃn /        n.破碎,分裂;分段储存;断裂;断裂生殖

regenerate            vt.使再生;革新        vi.再生;革新        adj.再生的;革新的

colonize                / ˈkɑːlənaɪz /        v.在……开拓殖民地,移民于殖民地;将(场所,产业)据为己用;移植于,大批繁殖于;<美>从他地非法把选民移入

ripping                  v.(突然或猛烈地)撕破;击穿;裂开;猛地扯开;猛冲;抓取(音轨);将(文本或图像)光栅化(rip 的现在分词)        adj.极好的,令人愉快的

ripping action of storms                风暴的猛冲作用

fragmentation    n.破碎,(染色体)🧬断/分裂;分段储存;
gamete  n.[生物] 配子,配偶子

frond   n.(蕨类等的)叶
seafloor  n.海底
substrate  n.ı培养基,基质,基层
asexual   adj.[生]无性的;无性生殖的

sexual                adj. 生殖的,有性繁殖的;(繁殖)配子融合的

P2  段落大意:变异的taxifolia可以忍受几个月温度在10度~13度之间,alga在很多种类型的海洋中生长得一样好从接近海面到五十米的深度。当温度超过18度,caulerpa会以一个显著的速率生长。1平方米的海底可以被5500的多叶蕨类叶matted。无性繁殖,变异的taxifolia仅仅产出雄性配子,因此只能通过自我复制的断裂繁殖,只有小小的一部分可以再生和大批繁殖在这个区域。 

With such a rapid rate of growth, the Mediterranean Caulerpa grows quickly 

over the sea fans. It cuts off vital essentials such as sunlight for photosynthesis 

and currents for filter feeding of nutrients. The area becomes a Caulerpa lawn 

while species diversity is lost. In addition, C. taxifolia is inedible to most marine 

herbivores because of the presence of toxic compounds, primarily 

caulerpenyne. With no predator to inhibit its phenomenal growth, the alga had 

encompassed the Mediterranean coasts of Monaco, France, Italy, Spain, and 

the Croatian coast on the Adriatic Sea, covering 30,000 hectares by 2002. 

Caulerpa infestations have also been found in southern Australia, in estuaries 

near Sydney and Adelaide

Paragraph 3 生词:

fans                n.狂热者,粉丝(fan 的复数形式);[电]风扇

sea fans        [无脊椎] 海扇;扇珊瑚;石帆

filter                n.过滤器;滤光器,滤声器,滤波器;过滤程序,过滤软件;(指示车辆转弯的)分流指示灯


currents for filter feeding of nutrients                过滤营养物的水流

lawn                n.草坪,草地;上等细棉布,上等细麻布

herbivores     n.[动]食草动物,植食动物;食草者(herbivore 的复数形式)

herbivore         / ˈɜːrbɪvɔːr /        n.[动] 食草动物
compound       n.混合物,化合物;复合词;大院,有围墙的场地





inhibit    v.抑制,约束;使拘束,使尴尬;降低(酶等)的活性;禁止(神职人员)司神职

phenomenal                adj.非凡的,杰出的;感觉得到的,可感知的;现象的

encompass                 v.包含,包括;包围,环绕;<古>促成,实现

Croatian coast           克罗地亚沿海

Croatian                     / kroʊˈeɪʃn /        adj.克罗地亚的;克罗地亚人的;克罗地亚语的(等于 Croat)                 n.克罗地亚人;克罗地亚语(等于 Croat

Adriatic Sea            亚得里亚海(地中海的一部分,位于意大利东海岸和巴尔干半岛之间)

hectare                       / ˈhekter /        n.公顷(土地丈量单位,等于1万平方米或约2.5英亩)

复数 hectares

infestation                 / ˌɪnfeˈsteɪʃn /        n.感染;侵扰

estuary                       / ˈestʃueri /             n.河口;江口

复数 estuaries

Adelaide                    / ˈædəleɪd /             n.阿德莱德(女子名,澳大利亚港市)


Adelaide  n.阿德莱德
estuary n.江口;河口

Adriatic sea 亚得里亚海

P3  段落大意:地中海caulerpa快速生长,taxifolia切断了重要的物质例如进行光合作用所需要的光照和过滤营养物的水流,变成了caulerpa的国王,生物多样性消失了。

对于大多数海洋食草生物来说,taxifolia是不可食用的。因为没有捕食者,alga环绕整个地中海地区、Croatian coast on the Adriatic sea,2002年,覆盖30000公顷。澳大利亚南部也发现了caulerpa的侵扰。

Various methods have been tried to eradicate this deadly invader. Divers have 

been employed to rip the alga out by hand, but care must be taken because 

even a small fragment is capable of colonizing new areas. Black plastic tarp

have been placed over the alga in an attempt to deprive it of life-giving sunlight. 

Chemicals such as copper, a conventional algicide, and toxic levels of salt 

have also been applied to Caulerpa fields. There has been limited success but 

only if the area of invasion is small. 

Paragraph 4 生词:

eradicate                / ɪˈrædɪkeɪt /        v.根除,消灭

rip                         v.(使)撕裂,(使)划破;迅速扯开,猛力去除;(迅速)贯穿,穿过;划出(孔洞),击穿;抢掠,剥夺;严厉批评,训斥;利用程序将(光盘上的音序)复制到硬盘驱动器上

/ rɪp /                        


rip out                      扯掉;狠狠地发出

tarp                         n.油布;防水布

tarp  n.油布;防水布
eradicate v.根除;消灭

algicide              / ˈældʒɪsaɪdˌˈælɡɪsaɪd /        n.灭藻剂,杀藻剂;除海藻的药​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​P4  段落大意:尝试了很多方法消灭alga。1⃣️潜水员狠狠拔掉2⃣️黑色防水布遮盖住alga3⃣️铜——传统的灭藻剂​​​​​​​,有毒水平的盐===>很少入侵alga的区域有着imited succes~

One hopeful avenue is biological control. In biological control, a disease or 

predator of the invasive organism is introduced and allowed to destroy it. In the 

native range of the tropical C. taxifolia, two species of sea slug are immune to 

its poisons and feed on the alga exclusively. They suck the cytoplasm out of 

the leaves and incorporate the algal chloroplasts, the part of the plant that 

contains green photosynthetic pigment, into their skin. The chloroplasts 

provide camouflage as the snails feed in the Caulerpa fields and, surprisingly, 

continue to photosynthesize, providing additional nutrition for the slugs. Dr. 

Meinesz is suggesting the importation of these slugs to the Mediterranean as 

the only way to eliminate the immense area that Caulerpa now covers. But 

many experts fear that another exotic importation may lead to more environmental damage. 

Paragraph 5 生词:

avenue                n.大街;(通向大宅子的)林荫道;途径,渠道

sea slug                / siː slʌɡ /                海参

immune                / ɪˈmjuːn /                adj.免疫的;不受影响的;免除的,豁免的


suck out                 吸出,抽出

cytoplasm               / ˈsaɪtoʊplæzəm /        n.[细胞] 细胞质

incorporate            / ɪnˈkɔːrpəreɪt /             v.包含,合并;组成公司;掺和,混合(成分);使具体化,体现        adj.合成一体的,合并的;具体化的;组成公司(或社团)的

algal                        / ˈælɡəl /                        adj.海藻的

chloroplast             / ˈklɔːrəplæst /              n.[植] 叶绿体

photosynthesis pigment                           光合作用色素

algal chloroplast        藻叶绿体

camouflage                / ˈkæməflɑːʒ /            n.(军事上的)伪装,隐蔽;(士兵作伪装用的)迷彩服,伪装色;(动物的)保护色,保护形状;掩饰,欺瞒


snail                            / sneɪl /                        n.蜗牛;迟钝的人        v.缓慢移动

importation                 进口,引进;输入品

snail  n.蜗牛🐌;迟钝的人 v.缓慢移动
camouflage n/v. 伪装;掩饰

chloroplast  n.叶绿体
incorporate  v.包含,合并
cytoplasm  n.细胞质

immune  adj.免疫的;n.免疫者
sea slug  海参
avenue n.大街;途径

P5 段落大意:一个有用的途径是生物控制,一种疾病或者引入入侵者去毁灭它们。海参对taxifolia的毒素棉衣,并且以alga为食。海参吸出叶子的细胞质,并且incorporate藻叶绿体。藻叶绿体包含光合作用色素,叶绿体提供了动物的保护色。

但是许多专家担心海参(another exotic importation引进)也会造成环境的破坏。 


Paragraph 1 

Biological invasions by exotic species are an escalating threat to biodiversity 

around the globe. Invasive species can displace native ones and irrevocably 

alter ecosystems. Most imported species either die or have limited growth in 

their new home, but a small percentage of the newcomers are opportunists 

whose growth is dangerously out of control. The story of how Caulerpa taxifolia 

became famous as one of these species began in 1989, when Dr. Alexandre 

Meinesz, a marine biologist at the University of Nice in France, learned that 

this exotic alga, which is native to the Caribbean and other tropical seas, was 

thriving in the Mediterranean waters off the coast of Monaco. Upon investigation,

Meinesz discovered that a mutant variety of C. taxifolia was dumped into

the Mediterranean with other aquarium refuse by the prestigious 

Oceanographic Institute of Monaco. Eventually, the C. taxifolia was traced 

back to a stock developed at the Wilhelma Zoological and Botanical Gardens 

in Stuttgart, Germany. This stock of C. taxifolia had caught the attention of 

amateur and professional aquarists for its exceptional beauty and hardiness 

and had been widely distributed in public and private aquaria in the 1980s. 

P1 段落大意


eg:Caulerpa taxifolia,1989,生物学家Dr.A M,研究一个加勒比和热带海岸的藻类,在地中海地区繁盛,Meinesz发现,著名的摩纳哥海洋研究所(Oceanographic Institute of Monaco)将一种突变的taxifolia与其他水族馆垃圾一起倾倒在地中海区域。



A ✅

1. According to paragraph 1, what event first caused Caulerpa taxifolia to become publicly known as a damaging species? 

A. Marine biologist Alexandre Meinesz identified a variety of C. taxifolia growing in the Mediterranean near Monaco. 

B. The Oceanographic Institute of Monaco disposed of a variety of C. taxifolia in the Mediterranean.

C. The Wilhelma Zoological and Botanical Gardens developed a new variety of C. taxifolia. 

D. A variety of C. taxifolia became widely distributed in public and private aquaria. 

Paragraph 2 

Instead of dying in the cold winter waters of the Mediterranean Sea as the 

tropical variety of C. taxifolia does, the mutant variety can withstand several 

months at temperatures that range between 10° and 13°C. In addition, the alga 

grows equally well on a variety of ocean substrates-sand, mud, or rocks-and 

from near the surface to depths of 50 meters. When temperatures exceed 

18°C, the mutant Caulerpa grows at a remarkable rate, capable of elongating 

by 2 centimeters in a single day and forming a new frond every 2 days. A 

single square meter of seafloor can be matted with 5,500 leafy fronds. All of 

this growth is asexual. Unlike the tropical form, the mutated form of C. taxifolia 

produces only male gametes in the Mediterranean and thus replicates only by 

fragmentation. Just a small piece can regenerate and colonize an area. In fact, 

it is believed that fishing nets and boat anchors as well as the ripping action of 

storms have helped the alga spread to new areas. 

P2  段落大意




A ❌ near the surface to depths of 50 meters

B ❌ only

C ❌ dies



A ❌ 未提及pace

B   mutant是asexual+produces male gametes 并且这些特征是unlike the tropical form


C ❌ mutant是fragmentation

D ❌ only

2. According to paragraph 2, which of the following is true of the mutant variety of C. taxifolia? 

A. It grows more rapidly on ocean substrates than near the surface of the sea. 

B. It thrives only when temperatures rise above 18°C. 

C. It dies when the temperature drops below 13°C. 

D. It reproduces through fragmentation. 

3. What can be inferred from paragraph 2 about the reproduction of the tropical form of C. taxifolia? 

A. It is accomplished asexually and at a slower pace than that of the mutant form of C. taxifolia. 

B. It may be accomplished sexually, from the union of male and female gametes. 

C. It occurs due to fragmentation caused by both human activity and storms. 

D. It takes place only in winter, when temperatures are colder. 

Paragraph 3 

With such a rapid rate of growth, the Mediterranean Caulerpa grows quickly 

over the sea fans. It cuts off vital essentials such as sunlight for photosynthesis 

and currents for filter feeding of nutrients.【A】 The area becomes a Caulerpa lawn 

while species diversity is lost. In addition, C. taxifolia is inedible to most marine 

herbivores because of the presence of toxic compounds, primarily 

caulerpenyne.【B】 With no predator to inhibit its phenomenal growth, the alga had 

encompassed the Mediterranean coasts of Monaco, France, Italy, Spain, and 

the Croatian coast on the Adriatic Sea, covering 30,000 hectares by 2002. 

Caulerpa infestations have also been found in southern Australia, in estuaries 

near Sydney and Adelaide. 

P3  段落大意


对于大多数海洋食草生物来说,taxifolia是不可食用的。因为没有捕食者,alga环绕整个地中海地区、Croatian coast on the Adriatic sea,2002年,覆盖30000公顷。澳大利亚南部也发现了caulerpa的侵扰。



feed on                v.以……为食;以……为能源

B ❌ herbivores而不是native plant species

C ❌ 未提及

D ❌ 错误信息

4. Which of the following is true of Caulerpa in the Mediterranean, as described in paragraph 3? 

A. It grows over native species, depriving them of sunlight and nutrients. 

B. It poisons native plant species with its toxic compounds. 

C. It feeds on native marine herbivores. 

D. It grows on the surface of the sea. 

Paragraph 4 

Various methods have been tried to eradicate this deadly invader. Divers have 

been employed to rip the alga out by hand【5A】, but care must be taken because 

even a small fragment is capable of colonizing new areas. Black plastic tarps 

have been placed over the alga in an attempt to deprive it of life-giving sunlight. 【5B】

Chemicals such as copper, a conventional algicide, and toxic levels of salt 

have also been applied to Caulerpa fields.【5C】 There has been limited success but 

only if the area of invasion is small. 

P4  段落大意

尝试了很多方法消灭alga。1⃣️潜水员狠狠拔掉2⃣️黑色防水布遮盖住alga3⃣️铜——传统的灭藻剂​​​​​​​,有毒水平的盐===>很少入侵alga的区域有着imited succes~

Paragraph 5 

One hopeful avenue is biological control. In biological control, a disease or 

predator of the invasive organism is introduced and allowed to destroy it. In the 

native range of the tropical C. taxifolia, two species of sea slug are immune to 

its poisons and feed on the alga exclusively.【5D】 They suck the cytoplasm out of 

the leaves and incorporate the algal chloroplasts, the part of the plant that 

contains green photosynthetic pigment, into their skin. The chloroplasts 

provide camouflage as the snails feed in the Caulerpa fields and, surprisingly, 

continue to photosynthesize, providing additional nutrition for the slugs. Dr. 

Meinesz is suggesting the importation of these slugs to the Mediterranean as 

the only way to eliminate the immense area that Caulerpa now covers. But 

many experts fear that another exotic importation may lead to more environmental damage. 

P5 段落大意


但是许多专家担心海参(another exotic importation引进)也会造成环境的破坏。 


NOT​​​​​ ​​蓝色高亮部分

D toxin-immune 毒素免疫的

❌ native tange of the tropical taxifolia而不是地中海水域


exclusively         adv.仅仅,单独地,专门地;作为唯一的(消息)来源
entirely                ​adv.完全地,完整地;仅仅,只




immense                adj.极大的,巨大的;非常好,极好;无边无际的


根据段落大意可得:A  ✔ 

5. According to paragraphs 4 and 5, which of the following is NOT a method that has been used in trying to eliminate C. taxifolia from Mediterranean waters? 

A. Having divers pull it out by hand         B. Putting dark plastic tarps over it 

C. Applying algicides and salt to it         D. Importing toxin-immune sea slugs to feed on it 

6. The word “exclusively” in the passage is closest in meaning to 

A. entirely         B. heavily         C. mostly         D. frequently 

7. The word “immense” in the passage is closest in meaning to 

A. general         B. vast         C. additional         D. primary 

8. Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the passage? 

A. A description of an ecological problem is followed by a discussion of some possible solutions to the problem. 

B. A general statement about an ecological problem is followed by a discussion of several specific examples that support the general statement. 

C. An argument about the hazards of certain ecological practices is followed by a discussion of alternatives to those practices. 

D. A description of certain harmful ecological practices is followed by a discussion of the origins of the practices. 

9. Look at the four squares [] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. 

How can we predict that the presence of sea slugs will not harm a native Mediterranean species? 

Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage. 

One hopeful avenue is biological control. In biological control, a disease or 

predator of the invasive organism is introduced and allowed to destroy it. In the 

native range of the tropical C. taxifolia, two species of sea slug are immune to 

its poisons and feed on the alga exclusively. They suck the cytoplasm out of 

the leaves and incorporate the algal chloroplasts, the part of the plant that 

contains green photosynthetic pigment, into their skin.  The chloroplasts 

provide camouflage as the snails feed in the Caulerpa fields and, surprisingly, 

continue to photosynthesize, providing additional nutrition for the slugs.  Dr. 

Meinesz is suggesting the importation of these slugs to the Mediterranean as 

the only way to eliminate the immense area that Caulerpa now covers.  But 

many experts fear that another exotic importation may lead to more environmental damage.  


 D  ✔ 

10. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points. 

Drag your choices to the spaces where they belong. To review the passage, click on View Text. 

* 问题10

Caulerpa taxifolia is an invasive imported species that threatens the biodiversity of the Mediterranean. 

A. taxifolia first caught the attention of amateur and professional aquarists after it was widely distributed in public and private aquaria in the 1980s. 

B. Unlike the tropical variety, the mutant variety of C. taxifolia can endure both cold and warm temperatures and can reproduce extremely quickly. 

C. taxifolia threatens sea life in the Mediterranean by cutting off access to life essentials such as sunlight and nutrients. 

D. Some experts believe that fishing nets, boat anchors, and even violent storms are to blame for the rapid spread of C. taxifolia. 

E. Attempts to eliminate C. taxifolia from the Mediterranean have met with only limited success, and an untried method of biological control is risky, some experts say. 

F. Not only are the algal chloroplasts of C. taxifolia harmless to the sea slugs that eat it, but they also provide additioonal nutrition for the predators. 

P1 段落大意:外来物种的生物入侵对生物多样性有逐步上升的威胁,入侵的物种可能会取代本地物种,也可能会不可逆转地改变生态系统;大多数进口的物种:1⃣️死亡2⃣️限制性的生长3⃣️(一小部分)会不受控制的危险生长;
eg:Caulerpa taxifolia,1989,生物学家Dr.A M,研究一个加勒比和热带海岸本土的藻类,却在地中海地区繁盛;Meinesz发现,著名的摩纳哥海洋研究所(Oceanographic Institute of Monaco)将一种突变的taxifolia与其他水族馆垃圾一起倾倒在地中海区域。

P2  段落大意:变异的taxifolia可以忍受几个月温度在10度~13度之间,alga在很多种类型的海洋中都生长得一样好,从接近海面到五十米的深度。当温度超过18度,caulerpa会以一个显著的速率生长。1平方米的海底可以被5500的多叶蕨类叶matted。c.taxifolia无性繁殖,变异的taxifolia仅仅产出雄性配子,因此只能通过自我复制的断裂繁殖,只有小小的一部分可以再生和大批繁殖在这个区域。

P3  段落大意:地中海caulerpa快速生长,taxifolia切断了重要的物质例如进行光合作用所需要的光照和过滤营养物的水流,变成了caulerpa的国王,生物多样性消失了。
对于大多数海洋食草生物来说,taxifolia是不可食用的。因为没有捕食者,alga环绕整个地中海地区、Croatian coast on the Adriatic sea,2002年,覆盖30000公顷。澳大利亚南部也发现了caulerpa的侵扰。

​​​​​​​P4  段落大意:尝试了很多方法消灭alga。1⃣️潜水员狠狠拔掉2⃣️黑色防水布遮盖住alga3⃣️铜——传统的灭藻剂​​​​​​​,有毒水平的盐===>很少入侵alga的区域有着imited succes~

P5 段落大意:一种有用的途径是生物控制,一种疾病或者引入入侵者去毁灭它们。海参对taxifolia的毒素免疫,并且以alga为食。海参吸出叶子的细胞质,并且incorporate藻叶绿体。藻叶绿体包含光合作用色素,叶绿体提供了动物的保护色。但是许多专家担心海参(another exotic importation引进)也会造成环境的破坏。

A ❌ 定位P1,first caught the attention为错误信息,1989 became famous

B 定位P2

C 定位P3

D ❌定位P2,黄色高亮部分

E 定位P4+P5,可得信息正确

F ❌ 定位P5,信息正确,但是着重描述sea slugs,为minor ideas



于 2023-05-14 10:45:19 发布

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