



  1. 与生产或年代有关的单词:

  • Generation:将其与“发电机”(generator)联系起来,发电机是产生电力的设备,而 generation 指的是一代人或一批人的产生。

  • Obsolete:将其与“过时”(obsolete)联系起来,过时的技术或设备可能是早期的一代产品,现在已经被新的一代取代。

  1. 与集中注意力或注意力有关的单词:

  • Concentration:将其与“浓度”(concentration)联系起来,浓度可以指化学物质的浓度,也可以指注意力的集中程度。

  • Perpetual:将其与“永久”的第一部分“per”联系起来,per 有“每个”、“全部”之意,而 perpetual 意为永久的,也可以指持续的。

  1. 与实现或执行有关的单词:

  • Implement:将其与“工具”(implement)联系起来,工具是用来实现或完成某项工作的,而 implement 意为实施或执行。

  • Consensus:将其与“共识”(consensus)联系起来,共识是指一群人对某个问题或决策达成的一致意见,而 consensus 意为共识。

  1. 与弹性或适应能力有关的单词:

  • Resilient:将其与“弹性”(resilience)联系起来,弹性可以指材料的弹性,也可以指人的适应能力,而 resilient 意为有弹性的或具有适应能力的。

  • Elaborate:将其与“详细阐述”(elaboration)联系起来,详细阐述可以指对某个问题进行深入的解释或探讨,而 elaborate 意为详细阐述的。

  1. 与过度或不必要有关的单词:

  • Exaggerate:将其与“夸大”(exaggeration)联系起来,夸大可以指对某个事情的描述或解释过于夸张或不实,而 exaggerate 意为夸大或过度渲染。

  • Redundant:将其与“多余”(redundancy)联系起来,多余可以指某个事物或信息的重复或不必要的存在,而 redundant 意为多余或冗余的。

Generation: You can remember this word by thinking of the word "gene." A gene is something that is passed down through generations, so the word "generation" can be associated with the passing down of traits through families.

Concentration: One way to remember this word is to break it down into "concentrate" and "ion." Concentrate means to focus on one thing, and ions are particles with a positive or negative charge. So, you can imagine focusing on a single ion to help you remember the word "concentration."

Implement: This word can be broken down into "imp" and "lement." Imagine an imp (a small, mischievous creature) using a tool or instrument (the "lement" part) to complete a task. This can help you remember the word "implement."

Resilient: This word can be associated with the word "spring," as both words refer to something that bounces back or recovers quickly. So, you can imagine a spring that is resilient to pressure or weight to help you remember the word "resilient."

Substantial: Think of the word "substance." Something that is substantial has a lot of substance or material, so you can imagine a large amount of substance to help you remember the word "substantial."

Exaggerate: This word can be broken down into "ex" and "aggerate." Ex means out of or beyond, and aggerate is similar to the word "aggregate," which means to gather or combine. So, you can imagine someone going beyond the truth by gathering or combining exaggerations to help you remember the word "exaggerate."

Condense: You can think of the word "dense," which means thick or compact. To condense something means to make it more compact, so you can imagine something becoming more dense to help you remember the word "condense."

Inevitable: You can break down this word into "in" and "evitable." In means not or without, and evitable means avoidable. So, something that is inevitable is something that is not avoidable. You can imagine a situation that is impossible to avoid to help you remember the word "inevitable."

Obsolete: This word can be broken down into "ob" and "solete." Ob means against or in the way of, and obsolescence means the state of being outdated. So, you can imagine something that is in the way of progress or modernity to help you remember the word "obsolete."

Conspiracy: You can break down this word into "con" and "spiracy." Con means together or with, and spire means to breathe. So, you can imagine a group of people breathing together in secrecy to help you remember the word "conspiracy."

Perpetual: This word can be associated with the word "eternal," which means never-ending or lasting forever. So, you can imagine something that is constantly going or never-ending to help you remember the word "perpetual."

Elaborate: You can think of the word "labor," which means work or effort. To elaborate something means to add more detail or work to it, so you can imagine someone putting in extra work or effort to add more detail to something to help you remember the word "elaborate."

Consensus: This word can be broken down into "con" and "sensus." Con means together or with, and sensus means sense or understanding. So, you can imagine a group of people coming to a shared understanding or agreement to help you remember the word "consensus."

世代:你可以通过想到“基因”这个词来记住这个词。基因是代代相传的东西,所以“世代”这个词可以与通过家庭传递特征联系在一起。 浓度:记住这个词的一种方法是将其分解为“浓度”和“离子”。集中意味着专注于一件事,离子是带正电或负电的粒子。因此,您可以想象专注于单个离子来帮助您记住“浓度”一词。 实施:这个词可以分解为“imp”和“lement”。想象一个 imp(一个小的、淘气的生物)使用工具或仪器(“元素”部分)来完成一项任务。这可以帮助您记住“实施”一词。 弹性:这个词可以与“春天”这个词联系在一起,因为这两个词都指的是能够快速反弹或恢复的东西。因此,您可以想象一个能够承受压力或重量的弹簧来帮助您记住“弹性”一词。 实质:想想“实质”这个词。实质性的东西有很多物质或材料,所以你可以想象大量的物质来帮助你记住“实质性”这个词。 夸大:这个词可以分解为“ex”和“aggerate”。Ex 的意思是超出或超出,aggerate 类似于单词“aggregate”,意思是聚集或组合。所以,你可以想象有人通过收集或组合夸张来帮助你记住“夸大”这个词,从而超越真相。 浓缩:你可以想到“稠密”这个词,意思是浓密或紧凑。To condense something means to make it more compact,所以你可以想象一些东西变得更密集,以帮助你记住“condense”这个词。 不可避免:您可以将这个词分解为“在”和“不可避免”。In 表示没有或没有,evitable 表示可以避免。所以,不可避免的事情就是无法避免的事情。你可以想象一个无法避免的情况来帮助你记住“不可避免”这个词。 Obsolete:这个词可以分解为“ob”和“solete”。Ob表示反对或妨碍,obsolescence表示过时的状态。所以,你可以想象一些阻碍进步或现代性的东西来帮助你记住“过时”这个词。 阴谋:你可以把这个词分解成“骗局”和“阴谋”。Con 的意思是一起或与,spire 的意思是呼吸。所以,你可以想象一群人秘密地呼吸在一起,帮助你记住“阴谋”这个词。 永恒:这个词可以与“永恒”这个词联系在一起,意思是永无止境或永远持续下去。所以,你可以想象一些不断发生或永无止境的东西来帮助你记住“永恒”这个词。 精心制作:您可以想到“劳动”这个词,它的意思是工作或努力。详细说明某事意味着添加更多细节或对其进行工作,因此您可以想象有人付出额外的工作或努力为某事添加更多细节以帮助您记住“详细说明”一词。 共识:这个词可以分解为“con”和“sensus”。Con 表示一起或与,sensus 表示感觉或理解。因此,您可以想象一群人达成共识或达成共识,以帮助您记住“共识”一词。



"Imp" can have different meanings depending on the context. Here are a few possible definitions:

A small, mischievous demon or fairy in folklore.

A mischievous or naughty child.

An abbreviation for "important" or "impressive" in slang.

In computer science, IMP can refer to Interface Message Processor, a device used in the early days of the internet to connect different networks.

Please let me know if you were looking for a specific definition or context for the word "imp."

can you example some obsolete thing?

Certainly! Here are some examples of things that are considered obsolete:

  1. Floppy disks: these were used for data storage in the past, but have since been replaced by USB flash drives and cloud storage.

  1. Typewriters: before computers and word processors, people used typewriters to create written documents.

  1. Payphones: with the widespread availability of mobile phones, payphones are no longer needed or commonly used.

  1. VHS tapes: these were once a popular format for movies and home video, but have been replaced by DVDs and digital streaming.

  1. CRT televisions: these bulky TVs with cathode ray tubes have been replaced by flat-screen LCD and LED TVs.

  1. Dial-up internet: with the availability of high-speed broadband internet, the slow and outdated technology of dial-up internet is no longer used.

These are just a few examples, but there are many other things that can become obsolete as technology and society evolves.

There are a few ways to memorize the word "floppy":

  1. Visualize the object: Imagine a floppy disk in your mind, with its square shape and thin, flexible disk inside. Picture the disk being inserted into a computer and used to transfer data.

  1. Use a mnemonic device: Create a sentence or phrase that uses the first letter of each word in "floppy" to help you remember the word. For example, "Fragile Little Object Perfectly Preserves Yesterday's data."

  1. Make connections: Think of other things that are floppy, such as a floppy hat or a floppy-eared dog. Associate these objects with the word "floppy" to help solidify the memory.

  1. Repeat and practice: Repeat the word "floppy" out loud several times and use it in sentences to help reinforce the memory. You could also try writing the word down multiple times to help you remember it.


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