

新标准大学英语(第二版)综合 3

Unit 1 Discovering yourself

1-2 Active reading 2

∫ ∫ N o t e B o o k \int \int NoteBook ∫∫NoteBook

bearer n. [C]

(~ of) someone who brings you a particular type of news or information

eg. I hate to be the bearer of bad news.

substantiate vt.

to provide evidence that proves something

eg. They were unable to substantiate their claims of recent sea-level fall.

We are all going to be either coffin dwellers or trampled ash
in the rose garden of some local cemetery. (Para 1)

N o t e : Note: Note:

  • 【幽默说法】 coffin dwellers -> dead people
  • 【幽默说法】 trampled ash -> scattered ashes of a cremated(火葬的) person.

After all, we never quite know when the hooded, scythe-carrying,
bringer-of-the-last-breath might come a-calling. (Para 1)

N o t e : Note: Note:

戴着兜帽(hooded)、手持镰刀(scythe)、带来最后一口气的人指的是冷酷的收割者(Grim Reaper),这是西方对死亡的一种拟人化,可以追溯到中世纪。收割者被拟人化为一个身材魁梧的骷髅,穿着黑色连帽斗篷,手持镰刀。收割者带来死亡,或者带来你的最后一口气(last-breath)。

  • when the Reaper comes -> when death comes to you
  • might come a-calling = might call -> visit (前缀 a- 是过时的,幽默感++)

… and nothing underlines the uncertainty and absolute frailty of
humanity like the untimely exit of a friend. (Para 1)

N o t e : Note: Note:

  • untimely: happening at a time that is not suitable. -> too soon or即
    occurs when a person is young.
  • exit: -> exit from this world, ie death.

sideline n. [C]

  1. (the ~s) a situation in which you watch something that is happening but are not involved in it or cannot influence it

    eg. sit on the sidelines / watch death from the

本文标签: 新标准unitreadingActive