


Windows 7 is being officially released on October 22nd, which also happens to be today. The team here has been furiously writing Windows 7 articles, and updating old articles for Windows 7—and we now have more than 175 articles covering Windows 7.

Windows 7将于10月22日正式发布,也恰好是今天。 这里的团队一直在疯狂地编写Windows 7文章,并为Windows 7更新旧文章-现在我们有超过175篇涉及Windows 7的文章。

First: Get Your Copy Yet?


If you haven’t already gotten your copy of Windows 7, you can buy it now on Amazon… although if you are impatient you could also head down to the local tech store and grab it. We recommend Home Premium for almost anybody, though you can grab Ultimate or Professional if you wanted to spend more.

如果您尚未获得Windows 7的副本,则可以立即在亚马逊上购买它……尽管如果您不耐烦,也可以前往当地的技术商店购买。 我们建议几乎所有人使用Home Premium,但如果您想花更多钱,可以购买Ultimate或Professional 。

Get Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade for $119 @ Amazon

亚马逊现价$ 119可获得Windows 7 Home Premium升级

Note: If you are currently running the Release Candidate version, we’ve got a guide on how to Upgrade the Windows 7 RC to RTM (Final Release). You should also keep in mind that you can’t upgrade from an Ultimate to a Home edition– there’s an upgrade chart if it’s too confusing.

注意:如果您当前正在运行Release Candidate版本,我们将提供有关如何 将Windows 7 RC升级到RTM(最终版本)的指南 您还应该记住,您无法从Ultimate升级到Home版本–如果过于混乱,则会有一个升级图表 。

The How-To Geek Windows 7 Category

极客Windows 7类别

We’ve written just loads of articles, and so we’ve decided to do a roundup of most of them here in a single post. If that’s too much for you, you can check out our roundup of the the 20 Best Windows Tweaks that Still Work in Windows 7.

我们只写了许多文章,因此我们决定在一篇文章中对其中的大多数文章进行汇总。 如果这对您来说太多了,您可以查看我们对仍可在Windows 7中运行的20个最佳Windows调整的总结。

And don’t forget to look through our Windows 7 category, bookmark it, and share it with anybody who hates gigantic lists of links:

并且不要忘记浏览我们的Windows 7类别,将其添加为书签,并与讨厌巨大链接列表的任何人共享它:

Awesome Articles About New Windows 7 Stuff

关于新Windows 7资料的精彩文章

Windows 7 is still very similar to Vista in many ways, so there’s not quite as many articles about completely new Windows 7 features. Here’s the quick list of articles that touch on the new features:

Windows 7在许多方面仍然与Vista非常相似,因此关于全新Windows 7功能的文章并不多。 这是涉及这些新功能的快速文章列表:

  • Disable User Account Control (UAC) the Easy Way on Win 7 or Vista

    在Win 7或Vista上通过简便方法禁用用户帐户控制(UAC)

  • How to Upgrade the Windows 7 RC to RTM (Final Release)

    如何将Windows 7 RC升级到RTM(最终版本)

  • Add the Quick Launch Bar to the Taskbar in Windows 7

    在Windows 7中将快速启动栏添加到任务栏

  • Change the Windows 7 Taskbar to Work Like Vista

    将Windows 7任务栏更改为像Vista一样工作

  • The 20 Best Windows Tweaks that Still Work in Windows 7

    Windows 7仍然可以使用的20个最佳Windows调整

  • Migrate XP to Windows 7 with Easy Transfer and a USB Drive

    通过Easy Transfer和USB驱动器将XP迁移到Windows 7

  • Migrate XP to Windows 7 with Easy Transfer Over the Network

    通过网络轻松传输,将XP迁移到Windows 7

  • Access Frequently Used Items in Windows 7 with Jump Lists

    使用跳转列表访问Windows 7中的常用项目

  • Access Hidden Regional Themes in Windows 7

    在Windows 7中访问隐藏的区域主题

  • Awesome Desktop Wallpapers: The Windows 7 Edition

    令人敬畏的桌面壁纸:Windows 7版

  • BitLocker To Go Encrypts Portable Flash Drives in Windows 7

    BitLocker To Go加密Windows 7中的便携式闪存驱动器

  • Disable Aero Shake in Windows 7

    在Windows 7中禁用Aero Shake

  • Disable Aero Snap (the Mouse Drag Window Arranging Feature in Windows 7)

    禁用Aero Snap(Windows 7中的鼠标拖动窗口排列功能)

  • Disable Sidebar / Desktop Gadgets on Windows 7

    在Windows 7上禁用边栏/桌面小工具

  • Disable System Restore in Windows 7

    在Windows 7中禁用系统还原

  • What is conhost.exe and Why Is It Running?


  • Make Sure your Computer Can Run Windows 7 with Upgrade Advisor

    确保您的计算机可以使用Upgrade Advisor运行Windows 7

  • Make the Windows 7 Taskbar Work More Like Windows XP or Vista

    使Windows 7任务栏更像Windows XP或Vista

  • How To Manage UAC Notifications in Windows 7

    如何在Windows 7中管理UAC通知

  • Make Windows Live Messenger Minimize to the System Tray in Windows 7

    使Windows Live Messenger最小化到Windows 7中的系统托盘

  • Manage Devices the Easy Way with Device Stage in Windows 7

    在Windows 7中使用Device Stage轻松管理设备

  • What You Should Expect from the Windows 7 Beta

    您对Windows 7 Beta的期望

  • Manage Files and Documents Easier with Libraries in Windows 7

    在Windows 7中使用库更轻松地管理文件和文档

  • Stream Media To Other Computers on a Home Network with Windows 7

    使用Windows 7将媒体流式传输到家庭网络上的其他计算机

  • Easily Backup & Import Your Wireless Network Settings in Windows 7

    在Windows 7中轻松备份和导入您的无线网络设置

  • Extend the Windows 7 Trial from 30 to 120 Days

    将Windows 7试用版从30天延长到120天

  • GeekNewb: Get to Know These Windows 7 Hotkeys

    GeekNewb:了解这些Windows 7热键

  • Share Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP

    在Windows 7和XP之间共享文件和打印机

  • Share Files and Printers in Windows 7 with HomeGroup

    在Windows 7中使用HomeGroup共享文件和打印机

  • How to Drag Files to the Taskbar to Open Them in Windows 7

    如何在Windows 7中将文件拖到任务栏以打开它们

  • Search Websites from Your Desktop in Windows 7 with Search Connectors

    在Windows 7中使用搜索连接器从您的桌面搜索网站

  • Install Windows Live Essentials In Windows 7

    在Windows 7中安装Windows Live Essentials

  • New Features in WordPad and Paint in Windows 7

    Windows 7中写字板和绘画中的新功能

  • Simple Tips: Windows 7 Volume Mixer Enables Quick Access to Sound Settings

    简单提示:Windows 7 Volume Mixer允许快速访问声音设置

  • Use Problem Steps Recorder to Help Troubleshoot Windows 7

    使用问题步骤记录器帮助解决Windows 7问题

  • Using Backup and Restore in Windows 7

    在Windows 7中使用备份和还原

Articles About Shortcuts & Hotkeys


We love our keyboard shortcuts and special shortcut icons that do all sorts of great things. Here’s a list of all the ones that we’ve tested with Windows 7.

我们喜欢我们的键盘快捷键和特殊的快捷方式图标,它们可以完成各种出色的工作。 以下是我们在Windows 7中测试过的所有产品的列表。

  • Add Home Directory Icon to the Desktop in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中将主目录图标添加到桌面

  • Add Internet Explorer Icon to Windows 7 / Vista Desktop

    将Internet Explorer图标添加到Windows 7 / Vista桌面

  • “Up” Keyboard Shortcut for Windows 7 or Vista Explorer

    Windows 7或Vista Explorer的“上”键盘快捷键

  • Hotkey for Creating New Folder in Windows Explorer


  • Bring Misplaced Off-Screen Windows Back to Your Desktop (Keyboard Trick)


  • Create a Shortcut for Locking Your Computer Screen in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中创建用于锁定计算机屏幕的快捷方式

  • Create a Shortcut Icon or Hotkey to Turn Windows 7 / Vista Firewall On or Off

    创建快捷方式图标或热键以打开或关闭Windows 7 / Vista防火墙

  • Create a Shortcut or Hotkey for the Safely Remove Hardware Dialog


  • Create a Shortcut or Hotkey to Clear the Clipboard in Windows


  • Create a Shortcut or Hotkey to Eject the CD/DVD Drive

    创建快捷方式或热键以弹出CD / DVD驱动器

  • Create a Shortcut or Hotkey to Immediately Eject a Specific USB Drive


  • Create a Shortcut or Hotkey to Mute the System Volume in Windows


  • Create a Shortcut or Hotkey to Open Task Manager’s “All Users” View in Windows 7 or Vista

    创建快捷方式或热键以在Windows 7或Vista中打开任务管理器的“所有用户”视图

  • Create a Shortcut or Hotkey to Run CCleaner Silently


  • Create a Shortcut or Hotkey to Switch Power Plans


  • Create a Shortcut or Hotkey to Turn Off the Monitor


  • Create a Shortcut or Hotkey to Turn the Desktop Icons On or Off


  • Create a Shortcut to Enable/Disable Aero Transparency in 7 / Vista

    创建快捷方式以在7 / Vista中启用/禁用航空透明度

  • Create a Shortcut to Search Your IE Favorites With Windows 7 or Vista Search

    创建快捷方式以使用Windows 7或Vista搜索您的IE收藏夹

  • Create a Shortcut to the Stored User Names and Passwords Dialog in Windows


  • Create Administrator Mode Shortcuts Without UAC Prompts in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中创建没有UAC提示的管理员模式快捷方式

  • Create Icons to Start the Screensaver on Windows 7 or Vista

    创建图标以在Windows 7或Vista上启动屏幕保护程序

  • Create Shutdown / Restart / Lock Icons in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中创建关机/重新启动/锁定图标

  • Map Any Key to Any Key on Windows 7 / XP / Vista

    在Windows 7 / XP / Vista上将任意键映射到任意键

  • Quickly Open Network Connections List in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中快速打开网络连接列表

Context Menu Modding


Need to add a little more power to your right-click menu options? We’ve got you covered with a bunch of tweaks.

是否需要为您的右键菜单选项添加更多功能? 我们已经为您进行了一堆调整。

  • Add “Open with Notepad” to the Context Menu for All Files


  • Add “Run as Administrator” for AutoHotkey Scripts in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中为AutoHotkey脚本添加“以管理员身份运行”

  • Add “Run as Administrator” to Any File Type in Windows 7 or Vista

    将“以管理员身份运行”添加到Windows 7或Vista中的任何文件类型

  • Add “Take Ownership” to Explorer Right-Click Menu in Win 7 or Vista

    在Win 7或Vista中将“获取所有权”添加到资源管理器右键菜单

  • Add Copy To / Move To on Windows 7 or Vista Right-Click Menu

    在Windows 7或Vista的右键菜单上添加“复制到/移至”

  • Add Defragment to the Right-Click Menu for a Drive


  • Add Disk Cleanup to the Right-Click Menu for a Drive


  • Create a Context Menu Item to Copy a List of Files to the Clipboard in Windows 7 / Vista / XP

    创建上下文菜单项以将文件列表复制到Windows 7 / Vista / XP中的剪贴板

  • Create a Context Menu Item to Copy a Text File To the Clipboard in Windows 7 / Vista / XP

    创建上下文菜单项以将文本文件复制到Windows 7 / Vista / XP中的剪贴板

Disabling Stuff You Don’t Want


It never fails, no matter what version of Windows you are using, there are still things you are going to want to disable. Here’s the quick list of the ones that we’ve covered:

无论您使用的是哪个版本的Windows,它都永远不会失败,您仍然需要禁用某些功能。 以下是我们介绍的内容的快速列表:

  • Disable User Account Control (UAC) the Easy Way on Win 7 or Vista

    在Win 7或Vista上通过简便方法禁用用户帐户控制(UAC)

  • Disable Aero on Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista上禁用Aero

  • Disable Caps Lock Key in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中禁用大写锁定键

  • Disable Delete Confirmation Dialog in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中禁用“删除确认对话框”

  • Disable Power Management on Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista上禁用电源管理

  • Disable Program Compatibility Assistant in Windows 7 and Vista

    在Windows 7和Vista中禁用程序兼容性助手

  • Disable Shortcut Icon Arrow Overlay in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中禁用快捷方式图标箭头覆盖

  • Disable System Restore in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中禁用系统还原

  • Disable the “Send To” Folder on the Windows Explorer Context Menu


  • Disable the Annoying “This page has an unspecified potential security risk” When Using Files on a Network Share


  • Disable the Irritating Sticky / Filter Keys Popup Dialogs


  • Disable Thumbnail Previews in Windows 7 or Vista Explorer

    在Windows 7或Vista资源管理器中禁用缩略图预览

  • Disable User Account Control (UAC) the Easy Way on Win 7 or Vista

    在Win 7或Vista上通过简便方法禁用用户帐户控制(UAC)

  • Disable User Account Control(UAC) For Administrators Only


  • Disable Win+X Shortcut Keys on Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista上禁用Win + X快捷键

  • 4 Ways to Make UAC Less Annoying on Windows 7 / Vista

    在Windows 7 / Vista上减少UAC烦恼的4种方法

  • Disable Windows Mobility Center in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中禁用Windows Mobility Center

  • Disable/Enable Lock Workstation Functionality (Windows + L)

    禁用/启用锁定工作站功能(Windows + L)

  • Easily Disable Win 7 or Vista’s Aero Before Running an Application (Such as a Video Game)

    在运行应用程序(例如视频游戏)之前,轻松禁用Win 7或Vista的Aero

  • Hide Desktop Icon Text on Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista上隐藏桌面图标文本

  • Hide Drives from Your Computer in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中隐藏计算机中的驱动器

  • Hide, Delete, or Destroy the Recycle Bin Icon in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中隐藏,删除或销毁回收站图标

  • Make User Account Control (UAC) Stop Blacking Out the Screen in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中,使用户帐户控制(UAC)停止黑屏

  • How to Delete a System File in Windows 7 or Vista

    如何在Windows 7或Vista中删除系统文件

  • Enable or Disable UAC From the Windows 7 / Vista Command Line

    从Windows 7 / Vista命令行启用或禁用UAC

  • How to Delete a Windows Service in Windows 7, Vista or XP

    如何在Windows 7,Vista或XP中删除Windows服务

  • Remove “Shortcut” Text From New Shortcuts in Windows 7 or Vista

    从Windows 7或Vista中的新快捷方式中删除“快捷方式”文本

  • Remove Gadgets and Screen Resolution on Windows 7 Desktop Context Menu

    在Windows 7桌面上下文菜单上删除小工具和屏幕分辨率

  • Remove the Ugly “Send Feedback” Link in Windows 7 Beta

    删除Windows 7 Beta中的“发送反馈”丑陋链接

  • Stop Windows Update from Hijacking the Sleep/Shutdown Button

    阻止Windows Update劫持“睡眠/关机”按钮

  • Temporarily Disable Windows Update’s Automatic Reboot in Win7 or Vista

    在Win7或Vista中暂时禁用Windows Update的自动重新启动

  • Turn Off Windows Explorer Click Sounds in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中关闭Windows资源管理器的单击声音

  • Turn on Remote Desktop in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中打开远程桌面

  • Uninstall, Disable, or Delete Internet Explorer 8 from Windows 7

    从Windows 7卸载,禁用或删除Internet Explorer 8

  • Stopping Obnoxious MSN / Windows Live Messenger Spammers

    停止讨厌的MSN / Windows Live Messenger垃圾邮件发送者

  • Completely Disable the System Tray on Windows 7 / Vista / XP

    在Windows 7 / Vista / XP上完全禁用系统托盘

Stupid Geek Tricks


Yeah, most of these are just silly, geeky tricks. Which perhaps makes them more fun than anything else.

是的,其中大多数只是愚蠢的怪异技巧。 这也许使它们比其他任何事物都有趣。

  • Stupid Geek Tricks: Navigate in the File Open/Save Dialog With the Keyboard


  • Stupid Geek Tricks: Open an Explorer Window from the Command Prompt’s Current Directory


  • Stupid Geek Tricks: Secret Items on the Windows 7 Send To Menu

    愚蠢的怪胎技巧:Windows 7上的秘密项目发送到菜单

  • Stupid Geek Tricks: Undo an Accidental Move or Delete With a Keyboard Shortcut


  • Stupid Geek Tricks: Using 7-Zip as a Blazing Fast File Browser


  • Stupid Geek Tricks: Windows 7 Easter Egg Shows the XP Alt-Tab Prompt

    愚蠢的怪胎技巧:Windows 7复活节彩蛋显示XP Alt-Tab提示

  • Hidden Trick to Close Windows Explorer in Windows 7 or Vista

    隐藏的技巧来关闭Windows 7或Vista中的Windows资源管理器

  • Keyboard Ninja: Toggle File Extension Display With a Shortcut Key in Windows


  • Scroll the Window Under the Mouse in Windows 7 / XP / Vista

    在Windows 7 / XP / Vista中,在鼠标下滚动窗口

  • Switch Windows by Hovering the Mouse Over a Window in Windows 7 or Vista

    通过将鼠标悬停在Windows 7或Vista中的窗口上来切换Windows

  • Boost Your Mouse Pointing Accuracy in Windows


  • Quick Tip: Change Monitor Timeout From Command Line


Misc Windows Configuration Tweaks and Such


There’s always lots of other tweaks you’ll need to do—from changing your computer name to logging on automatically. We’ve covered quite a few of those as well.

从更改计算机名称到自动登录,您总是需要做很多其他调整。 我们也涵盖了其中许多。

  • Always Start an Application in Administrator Mode on Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista上始终以管理员模式启动应用程序

  • Make Windows 7 or Vista Log On Automatically

    使Windows 7或Vista自动登录

  • Mount an ISO image in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中挂载ISO映像

  • Backup/Copy Files that are “In Use” or “Locked” in Windows (Command Line)


  • Change Start Menu to Use Small Icons in Windows 7 or Vista

    更改开始菜单以在Windows 7或Vista中使用小图标

  • Change the Number of Recent Items Shown on the Windows 7 / Vista Start Menu

    更改Windows 7 / Vista开始菜单上显示的最近项数

  • Change the Windows 7 or Vista Power Buttons to Shut Down/Sleep/Hibernate

    更改Windows 7或Vista电源按钮以关闭/睡眠/Hibernate

  • Change Your Computer Name in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中更改您的计算机名称

  • Add “My Computer” to Your Windows 7 / Vista Taskbar

    将“我的电脑”添加到Windows 7 / Vista任务栏

  • Display My Computer Icon on the Desktop in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中在桌面上显示我的电脑图标

  • Enable Additional Clocks in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中启用其他时钟

  • Get the Classic Start Menu in Windows 7

    在Windows 7中获取经典开始菜单

  • Enable Military Time in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中启用军事时间

  • Show Hidden Files and Folders in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中显示隐藏的文件和文件夹

  • Using Windows 7 or Vista Compatibility Mode

    使用Windows 7或Vista兼容模式

  • Using Windows 7 or Vista System Restore

    使用Windows 7或Vista系统还原

  • Configure Disk Defragmenter Schedule in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中配置磁盘碎片整理程序计划

  • Create a Restore Point for Windows 7 or Vista’s System Restore

    为Windows 7或Vista的系统还原创建还原点

  • Create a System Restore Point in Windows 7

    在Windows 7中创建系统还原点

  • Customize the Manufacturer Support Info in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中自定义制造商支持信息

  • Customize the Notification Area in Windows 7 Using Local Group Policy

    使用本地组策略自定义Windows 7中的通知区域

  • Easily Set Default OS in a Windows 7 / Vista and XP Dual-boot Setup

    在Windows 7 / Vista和XP双启动设置中轻松设置默认操作系统

  • Enable Run Command on Windows 7 or Vista Start Menu

    在Windows 7或Vista开始菜单上启用运行命令

  • How to Create a System Image in Windows 7

    如何在Windows 7中创建系统映像

  • How to Install IIS on Windows 7 or Vista

    如何在Windows 7或Vista上安装IIS

  • Quick Tip: Change the Registered Owner in Windows


  • Resize a Partition for Free in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中免费调整分区大小

  • Set Icons in Win7 / Vista to Open With a Single Click Instead of Double-Click

    将Win7 / Vista中的图标设置为单击即可打开而不是双击

  • Restore Missing Desktop Icons in Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista中还原丢失的桌面图标

  • Run a Command as Administrator from the Windows 7 / Vista Run box

    从Windows 7 / Vista运行框中以管理员身份运行命令

  • Enable Mapping to \\Hostname\C$ Share on Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista上启用映射到\\ Hostname \ C $共享

  • Enable the (Hidden) Administrator Account on Windows 7 or Vista

    在Windows 7或Vista上启用(隐藏)管理员帐户



Yes, this was one long list of articles. Be sure to share it with your friends, relatives, enemies, or random people on the street. We recommend printing it off, creating paper airplanes, and seeing how far they fly.

是的,这是一长串文章。 请务必与您的朋友,亲戚,敌人或街上随意的人分享。 我们建议将其打印出来,创建纸飞机,并查看其飞行距离。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/howto/5391/175-windows-7-tweaks-tips-and-how-to-articles/


本文标签: 操作方法大小窗口提示文章