

Overview of the AutoCAD .NET API


The AutoCAD .NET API enables you to manipulate AutoCAD and drawing files programmatically with the assemblies or libraries that are exposed. With these objects exposed, they can be accessed by many different programming languages and environments.

使用AutoCAD .NET API提供的程序集,我们可以通过编程对AutoCAD和图形文件进行操作。并且可以使用许多不同的编程语言和开发环境。

 There are several advantages to implementing a .NET API for AutoCAD:

AutoCAD 中实现 .NET API 的几大优点:

·         Programmatic access to AutoCAD drawings is opened up to more programming environments. Before the .NET API, developers were limited to ActiveX® Automation and languages that supported COM, AutoLISP®, and C++ with ObjectARX.

  • 更多的编程环境可以编程访问 AutoCAD图形。在 .NET API出现之前,开发人员只能局限于使用 ActiveX® Automation和支持COM的语言、AutoLISP® ObjectARX C++

·         Integrating with other Windows® based applications, such as Microsoft Excel and Word, is made dramatically easier by using an application’s native .NET API or exposed ActiveX/COM library.

  • 通过使用应用程序本地化的 .NET API 或公开的 ActiveX/COM 库与其它 Windows® 应用程序(例如 Microsoft Excel Word)共享数据比以前更方便了。

·         The .NET Framework is designed for both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. Visual Basic for Applications was only designed for 32-bit operating systems.

·          .NET 框架是为32位及64位操作系统而设计,而VBA只为32位操作系统设计。

·         Allows access to advanced programming interfaces with a lower learning curve than those for more traditional programming languages such as C++.

  • 相对于如 C++传统编程语言,通过.NET,用较低的学习成本就可以使用高级编程接口。

Objects are the main building blocks of the AutoCAD .NET API. Each exposed object represents a precise part of AutoCAD, and they are grouped into different assemblies and namespaces. There are many different types of objects in the AutoCAD .NET API. For example:

对象是 AutoCAD .NET API 的主要构造块。每一个公开的对象均精确代表一个 AutoCAD 组件,它们之间又组成了不同的程序集和命名空间。AutoCAD .NET API 有许多不同类型的对象。例如:


·         Graphical objects such as lines, arcs, text, and dimensions

·         直线、圆弧、文字和标注等图形对象都是对象。

·         Style settings such as text and dimension styles

·         文字与标注样式等样式设置都是对象。

·         Organizational structures such as layers, groups, and blocks

·         图层、组合和块等组织结构都是对象。

·         The drawing displays such as view and viewport

·         视图和视口等图形显示都是对象。

·         The drawing and AutoCAD application

·         甚至图形、AutoCAD应用程序本身也是对象。


