

Have you ever heard of a kaizo game? The concept is pretty straightforward. Players take an existing game — including its assets, like character sprites — and “remix” them to build eye-wateringly difficult levels. There’s a whole culture around kaizo games. If you’re curious, I highly recommend checking out Josh Bycer’s fantastic piece on the topic.

等皆你听说过一个kaizo的游戏? 这个概念非常简单。 玩家使用现有的游戏(包括其资产,例如角色精灵),并对其进行“重新混合”以建立令人眼花eye乱的关卡。 kaizo游戏周围有整个文化。 如果您好奇,我强烈建议您查看Josh Bycer关于该主题的精彩文章 。

One of the most fascinating elements of kaizo games is the concept of a kaizo trap. The idea is that the designer sets up a particularly nasty obstacle that the player will trigger with little to no forewarning. It’s often the case that these traps are aimed squarely at players who attempt to take the easiest path through a level. I think of it as a kind of contrapasso, which makes it all the more delightfully fiendish.

kaizo游戏最吸引人的元素之一就是kaizo trap的概念。 这个想法是设计师设置了一个特别讨厌的障碍,玩家将在很少甚至没有预警的情况下触发该障碍。 通常情况下,这些陷阱直接针对那些试图通过最简单的关卡的玩家。 我认为它是一种违规行为 ,这使其变得更加令人愉快。

Most people would probably think of kaizo games as setting out to achieve the exact opposite of what games generally aim for. For the most part, video game designers try to carefully balance difficulty. Challenge is important, but overwhelmingly punishing difficulty (where, for instance, players routinely encounter unavoidable deaths) is usually a sign of poor game design. Kaizo games avoid the “poor game design” moniker because they are deliberately designed to inflict maximum pain, and players understand this when diving in.

大多数人可能会认为kaizo游戏正着手实现与一般游戏相反的目的。 在大多数情况下,视频游戏设计师会尝试谨慎地平衡难度。 挑战固然重要,但压倒性地惩罚难度(例如,玩家经常遇到不可避免的死亡)通常是游戏设计不佳的标志。 Kaizo游戏避免使用“游戏设计不佳”的绰号,因为它们的设计故意造成最大的痛苦,玩家在潜水时都可以理解这一点。

Aside from the specific mechanical traits that make a kaizo game, well…kaizo, there’s another important ingredient at play: it’s the fans taking an established game and “hacking” it in order to turn it into the equivalent of running uphill during a landslide.

除了制作kaizo游戏的特定机械特性外, kaizo还有另外一个重要的因素在发挥作用: 粉丝们正在制作既定的游戏并“破解”该游戏,以使其在滑坡过程中相当于上坡。

But what happens when a prominent, family-friendly game company converts one of its most iconic, beloved titles into a heinous meat grinder?


That’s exactly what Nintendo did in 1986, when they released Super Mario Bros. 2 on the Famicom Disk System in Japan.

这正是任天堂在1986年所做的,当时他们在日本的Famicom磁盘系统上发布了《 超级马里奥兄弟2 》。

Okay, so, Richard Gere is Nintendo. We’re all Julia Roberts. And that jewellery box? It’s a rusty bear trap containing Super Mario Bros. 2.
好吧,理查德·基尔(Richard Gere)是任天堂。 我们都是茱莉亚·罗伯茨。 那珠宝盒? 这是一个装有Super Mario Bros.2的生锈的熊陷阱。

The story behind Super Mario Bros. 2 is fascinating and there are many wonderful documentaries on the internet that dive into quite some detail on the topic. For now, though, I’ll give you the crash course.

超级马里奥兄弟2 ( Super Mario Bros. 2 )背后的故事令人着迷,互联网上有许多精彩的纪录片,深入探讨了该主题的细节。 不过,现在,我将为您提供速成课程。

Super Mario Bros. was released in 1985 and became a global phenomenon. Nintendo wanted to rapidly follow it up with a sequel, which was due to be released on the Famicom Disk System (an attachment for the Famicom console that played games on special re-writeable disks). There was a feeling that many Japanese players had already mastered Super Mario Bros., and therefore needed a more challenging sequel. Nintendo marketed Super Mario Bros. 2 as being “for super players”. Unfortunately, the game was so brutal that Nintendo of America didn’t want to publish it (leading to another title — Doki Doki Panic — being retrofitted to become Super Mario Bros. 2 in western markets). The “real” Super Mario Bros. 2 would eventually be released in western markets as part of the 1993 Super Mario All-Stars compilation for Super Nintendo. On the compilation, it would become known as Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels.

超级马里奥兄弟 ( Super Mario Bros. )于1985年发行,并成为一种全球现象。 任天堂希望通过续集快速跟进,该续集将在Famicom磁盘系统(Famicom控制台的附件,在特殊的可重写磁盘上玩游戏)中发行。 感觉很多日本选手已经掌握了《 超级马里奥兄弟》 ,因此需要续集更具挑战性。 任天堂将“ 超级马里奥兄弟2 ”推向“超级玩家”。 不幸的是,这款游戏是如此残酷,以至于美国任天堂都不愿发布它(导致另一个游戏名称-Doki Doki Panic-进行了改装,成为了西方市场的《 超级马里奥兄弟2》 )。 “真正的” 超级马里奥兄弟2最终将作为1993年超级任天堂超级马里奥全明星赛的一部分在西方市场上发布。 在汇编中,它将被称为《 超级马里奥兄弟:失落的关卡》

Super Mario Bros. 2 (Famicom Disk System) box art. Source: inserteaquititulodeblog.wordpress.
超级马里奥兄弟2(Famicom磁盘系统)盒装艺术。 资料来源:inserteaquititulodeblog.wordpress。

Let me just say: I’m a huge Mario fan. And I’m pretty damn good at Mario games, if I do say so myself. But I’ve never beaten Super Mario Bros. 2 — not until recently, that is. The ability to play this game as part of the Nintendo Switch Online NES catalogue (with those sweet, sweet save states) has been a literal game-changer for me.

我只想说:我是马里奥的忠实粉丝。 如果我自己这么说的话,我非常擅长Mario游戏。 但是我从来没有击败超级马里奥兄弟2-直到最近,才是。 作为Nintendo Switch Online NES目录(带有那些甜蜜的,甜蜜的保存状态)的一部分,玩此游戏的能力对我来说确实是改变游戏规则的人。

I always knew Super Mario Bros. 2 was difficult. What I didn’t really appreciate until my latest play through is just how blatantly treacherous Nintendo’s designers could really be. This game is full of dark patterns that strike at the heart of Nintendo’s own Mario rulebook. This is, in part, what makes Super Mario Bros. 2 so much fun to play. It’s as though the Mario team got utterly ruined on sake after a haywire office party, said fuck it, and took a match to the million-seller they’d only just shipped.

我一直都知道《 超级马里奥兄弟2》很难。 直到我上一部最新剧集时,我才真正感到非常欣赏的是任天堂的设计师可能多么野蛮狡猾 。 这款游戏充满了黑暗的图案 ,触及任天堂自己的《马里奥规则》的核心。 这在一定程度上是让Super Mario Bros. 2玩起来如此有趣的原因。 就好像马里奥队拿到上起见,乱糟糟的办公室派对后彻底毁了他妈的说 ,把火柴他们会才刚刚运百万卖家。

Original video by VideoGameCollectionHD.

Let’s start with the most well-known change: the poison mushroom. This little bastard appears right away in World 1–1. Sure, it looks like the recently-paroled cousin of the regular super mushroom upon close inspection. But if you’ve just arrived here from the first game, your instinct will be to pick up whatever looks like a “power up”. Doing so is the equivalent of absent-mindedly putting your hand on a hot stove: after recoiling from the sting, you’ll immediately be on a more careful and deliberate footing.

让我们从最著名的变化开始: 毒蘑菇 。 这个小混蛋立刻出现在世界1–1中。 当然,经过仔细检查,它看起来像是经常食用的超级蘑菇表亲。 但是,如果您刚从第一场比赛来到这里,您的直觉将是捡起任何看起来像“加电”的东西。 这样做等同于无意识地将手放在火炉上:从钉子上co下后,您将立即处于更加谨慎和谨慎的立场。

Original video by PieCreeper.

Don’t worry, though: the poison mushroom is just the beginning of the fuckery. How about World 3–1’s backwards warp pipe? Just like the original game, you will find warp pipes at various points and some of them will certainly propel you forward to later worlds. World 3–1 is a masterclass in psychological warfare. You find the springboard right before the flagpole. As you fly right over said flagpole, you just know you’re in for some Nintendo magic. How exciting! Sure enough, you’ll eventually stumble upon a warp pipe. Then you realise it’s a World 1 warp pipe and you have no way of avoiding it (other than falling into the pit and losing a life). It’s like someone asking you to taste some delicious cake batter from a wooden spoon…only to smack you in the teeth with the same spoon a moment later.

不过,请不要担心:毒蘑菇只是小事的开始。 世界3–1的向后弯管怎么样? 就像原始游戏一样,您会在不同的位置找到扭曲管道,其中一些管道肯定会带您进入更广阔的世界。 世界3-1是心理战的大师班。 您会在旗杆之前找到跳板。 当您飞过所说的旗杆时,您只知道自己会爱上任天堂的魔法。 多么激动人心! 果然,您最终会偶然发现一个扭曲的管道。 然后,您意识到这是世界1的经线您无法避免(除非掉入坑中并丧命)。 就像有人要您用木勺品尝一些美味的蛋糕糊…… 只是过一会儿才用相同的勺子把您的牙齿拍打。

Nintendo’s follow-up to the original Super Mario Bros. shouldn’t be missed. Super Mario Bros. (original) and Famicom console pictured above. Source: RetroVision.
任天堂对最初的《超级马里奥兄弟》的追随不容错过。 上图所示的超级马里奥兄弟(原始)和Famicom控制台。 资料来源:RetroVision。

There’s a whole lot more to contend with in Super Mario Bros. 2. Some jumps are physically impossible unless you first find a hidden block in the environment to leap from. Even then, some of these blocks are high enough that you can’t easily jump on them from a standing start — it’s necessary to get a good run up, leap on the hidden block, and then leap across the impossible chasm.

超级马里奥兄弟 ( Super Mario Bros)2还有很多需要解决的问题除非您首先找到环境中要躲避的隐蔽障碍,否则某些跳跃实际上是不可能的。 即使这样,其中一些块仍然足够高,以至于您不能轻易地从站立开始就跳上它们-必须获得良好的跑动,在隐藏的块上跳跃, 然后跨越不可能的鸿沟。

Later in the game, you’ll encounter powerful gusts of wind that violently propel Mario across the screen while in mid-air. I found World 7–3 particularly challenging. In order to navigate through the level you need to use springboards while dealing with the wind gusts. Because the springboards propel Mario up “above” the visible are of the level, it’s incredibly difficult to know where he’ll land when he eventually comes back down.

在游戏的后期,您会遇到强烈的阵风,在空中时马里奥猛烈地推动整个屏幕。 我发现世界7–3特别具有挑战性。 为了在关卡中导航,您需要在处理阵风时使用跳板。 由于跳板将Mario推至可见高度“上方”,因此当他最终跌落时,很难知道他将在何处着陆。

Source: Nintendo.

Although it’s filled with devious twists and turns, I am being slightly hyperbolic when I suggest that it’s a kaizo game. There’s nothing here that’s inherently unfair; nothing that leaves the player with no recourse. Rather, Super Mario Bros. 2 is a clear indication that Miyamoto and co. understand their own creation down to the pixel. They know exactly what skills you had to master in the original game, and the expectations you established based on that game’s rules. The deliberate violation of these rules in the sequel doesn’t imply that Nintendo abandoned all sense and structure. Rather, your muscle memory is used against you in an effort to shake you from complacency. It’s almost like being forced to write with your opposite hand — the basic rules of writing are the same, but you can’t entirely fall back on what you already know. You’re pushed back into a growth mindset, where knowledge is again replaced with curiosity. For this reason, I’d say Super Mario Bros. 2 is great to dive into right after you’ve finished Super Mario Bros. Playing both back-to-back will further sharpen your appreciation of the sequel.

尽管它充满了曲折的曲折,但当我建议这是一个怪诞游戏时,我有点夸张。 这里没有什么本来就是不公平的; 没有什么可以让玩家没有追索权。 相反,《 超级马里奥兄弟2》清楚地表明了宫本和合作。 了解自己的创作到像素。 他们确切地知道您必须在原始游戏中掌握哪些技能,以及您根据该游戏规则建立的期望。 在续集中故意违反这些规则并不意味着任天堂放弃了所有的感觉和结构。 而是,您的肌肉记忆被用来对抗您,以使您摆脱自满。 这就好比被迫用另一只手书写–基本的书写规则是相同的,但是您不能完全依靠已经知道的东西。 您将被带回到成长的思维定势中,在那里知识再次被好奇心所取代。 基于这个原因,我想说《 超级马里奥兄弟2》非常适合您在完成《 超级马里奥兄弟》之后就开始学习。背靠背玩这两个游戏会进一步加深您对续集的欣赏。

Source: Nintendo.

Remember, too: if you’ve never played Super Mario Bros. 2 then you will die and this will likely be a repeated occurrence. This is why playing the original version with limited lives is extremely tricky. But if you’re playing on Nintendo Switch, don’t be ashamed to take advantage of those save states. They make the game accessible enough to work your way through without entirely dulling the (good) pain.

还要记住:如果您从未玩过《 超级马里奥兄弟2》,那么您将死亡,并且很可能会重复发生。 这就是为什么播放寿命有限的原始版本非常棘手的原因。 但是,如果您在Nintendo Switch上玩游戏,不要为利用这些保存状态而感到羞耻。 它们使游戏易于访问,足以完全缓解(良好)痛苦。

翻译自: https://medium/super-jump/nintendos-brutal-mario-game-a2da33731118

本文标签: 马里奥残酷游戏任天堂