


At WWDC 2020 Apple officially announced what everyone in the industry already knew: that Apple is transitioning the Mac from “Intel Inside” to “Apple Silicon”.

在WWDC 2020上,Apple正式宣布了业内每个人都已经知道的事情:Apple正在将Mac从“ Intel Inside”过渡到“ Apple Silicon”。

With “Apple Silicon” being the new marketing term for a new generation of processors based on the existing A-series of ARM-based chips that power everything from the iPhone to the iPad to the Apple TV and Apple Watch.

“ Apple Silicon”是基于现有A系列基于ARM的芯片的新一代处理器的新营销术语,这些芯片为从iPhone到iPad到Apple TV和Apple Watch的所有功能提供支持。

But just how fast is Apple Silicon?

但是Apple Silicon到底有多快?

GeekBench (GeekBench)

Well, one way of measuring performance is GeekBench 5, which runs a series of benchmarked algorithms on a variety of hardware and which gives a variety of results like single-core performance, multi-core performance, and so on.

好吧,衡量性能的一种方法是GeekBench 5,它可以在各种硬件上运行一系列基准测试算法,并且可以提供各种结果,例如单核性能,多核性能等。

The A12Z is an 8-core chip running at 2.48GHz and powers their newest 4th Generation iPad Pro. Let’s look at the performance:

A12Z是运行于2.48GHz的8核芯片,并为其最新的第四代iPad Pro供电。 让我们看一下性能:

Single Core Performance: 1118, Multi-Core Performance: 4625

单核性能: 1118 ,多核性能: 4625

These numbers are a bit meaningless by themselves, so let’s compare them to the Geekbench 5 result for a 2020 MacBook Pro 13 model with a 4-core Intel Core i7–1068NG7 and 16 GB of RAM.

这些数字本身并没有多大意义,所以让我们将其与2020年MacBook Pro 13型号(具有4核Intel Core i7-1068NG7和16 GB RAM)的Geekbench 5结果进行比较。

Single Core Performance: 1260, Multi-Core Performance: 4676

单核性能: 1260 ,多核性能: 4676

Not bad for a chip designed for a tablet. Not quite as good in single core, but pretty much on par with the performance delivered by Intel’s 10th-generation four core mobile processor.

对于为平板电脑设计的芯片来说还不错。 单核性能不佳,但与英特尔第十代四核移动处理器所提供的性能相当。

But the A12 isn’t the latest generation of Apple’s A-series processors.

但是A12并不是最新一代的Apple A系列处理器。

The A13 in Apple’s iPhone 11 scores 1327 in single core performance, which puts it close to the speed of an Intel Core i9–9900K running on an iMac. (1351) And that’s clocked at 3.6 GHz as opposed to that of the A13, running at a mere 2.7 GHz.

苹果iPhone 11的A13在单核性能方面得分为1327 ,这使其接近于在iMac上运行的英特尔酷睿i9–9900K的速度。 ( 1351 )时钟频率为3.6 GHz,而A13的时钟频率仅为2.7 GHz。

节流 (Throttling)

Of course, many will be quick to point out that the A13 and A12Z can’t keep up that pace as both will soon be throttled down to prevent overheating and to preserve battery life… and they would be absolutely correct in doing so.


But that’s actually one of the key points.


These are the scores that Apple’s A12 and A13 chips post when running on a tablet and on a phone. When they’re constrained by a tablet and phone’s power budget and thermal envelope.

这些是在平板电脑手机上运行时Apple的A12和A13芯片所获得的分数。 当它们受到平板电脑和手机的电源预算和散热范围的限制时。

When Apple introduced the new iPad Pro, they stated that Apple’s latest tablet was as fast — or faster — than 92% of the notebook and tablet computers then in use.

当苹果公司推出新的iPad Pro时,他们表示,苹果公司最新的平板电脑的速度甚至快于当时使用的92%的笔记本电脑和平板电脑。

That’s 92%, in a tablet that’s 1/4" thick and without a fan.


So what happens when you remove those constraints? What happens if you give them a notebook’s power budget and when you give them a notebook’s active cooling system? What happens when they run on a desktop with a desktop’s massive heatsinks and fans?

那么,删除这些约束会发生什么? 如果给他们笔记本电脑的功率预算以及给他们笔记本电脑的有源散热系统会怎样? 当他们与台式机的庞大的散热片和风扇在桌面上运行,会发生什么?

The potential is… intriguing, to say the least.


世界发展中心 (WWDC)

During the Keynote presentation Apple presented the following chart.


Here Apple points out that an important metric is power-per-watt. Just how much performance do you get out from the energy you put in? Notebooks, for example, are constrained by their need to limit power consumption so that they don’t drain their batteries dry in just a few minutes.

苹果在这里指出,一个重要的指标是每瓦功率。 您从投入的能量中获得了多少性能? 例如,笔记本电脑受到限制功率消耗的需求的限制,因此它们不会在几分钟内耗尽电池电量。

In the chart, Apple seems to indicate that Macs made with Apple Silicon could potentially deliver higher performance on a notebook than chips running today’s current desktop systems.


It could simply be marketing hyperbole… but again, what if it’s not?


A14 (A14)

It’s an open secret that the next generation iPhone will use an A14 chip.


But what do we know about it?


Well, TSMC, who manufactures Apple’s SOCs (System On a Chip), has previously stated publicly that the transistor density is 1.8 times higher, that the speed is increased by 15%, and that the power consumption is reduced by 30%.

那么,台积电,谁制造苹果的SOC(片上系统),先前已公开表示,晶体管密度高1.8倍, 速度提高了15%,而功耗降低了30%。

A 15% speed increase would bump the GeekBench score up into the neighborhood of 1550.


真实世界的表现 (Real World Performance)

Of course, critics will be quick to point out that benchmarks like GeekBench don’t tell the whole story, and it’s real world performance that counts.


And they would be right again.


One of the key differentiating features behind iPhone and iPad is Apple’s custom silicon. More and more, Apple’s mobile devices depend on custom on-chip processors and silicon specifically designed to solve a particular problem in a highly efficient manner.

iPhone和iPad背后的主要区别功能之一是Apple的定制芯片。 苹果的移动设备越来越依赖于定制的片上处理器和专门设计用于以高效方式解决特定问题的芯片。

The Secure Enclave, the many hardware accelerators for photo and video encoding and decoding, on-device encryption hardware, the Neural Engine, all of these extra capabilities help Apple make their their devices stand out from the competition, driving features, functionality, and once more, performance.

Secure Enclave,用于照片和视频编码和解码的许多硬件加速器,设备上加密的硬件,神经引擎,所有这些额外的功能都可以帮助Apple使自己的设备在竞争,驱动功能,功能以及竞争中脱颖而出。更多,性能。

There’s a YouTube video where an editor is using LumaFusion on a 4th Generation iPad Pro to edit a 4K video. He was playing back multiple 4K streams and doing effects and color grading in real time. The final 4K render produced by the software was also just a few seconds off from fully rendering in real time.

在YouTube视频中,编辑人员正在第4代iPad Pro上使用LumaFusion编辑4K视频。 他正在播放多个4K流,并实时进行效果和颜色分级。 该软件产生的最终4K渲染距离实时完全渲染仅几秒钟的时间。

This was on an iPad, and it wasn’t even breathing hard.

这是在iPad上 ,甚至没有呼吸困难。

According to code just found within the iOS14 camera app beta, Apple’s forthcoming iPhone 12’s could be the first smartphones to record 4K video at up to 240fps.

根据iOS14相机应用Beta中的代码,苹果即将面世的iPhone 12可能是首批以高达240fps的速度录制4K视频的智能手机。

That’s four times the performance of the iPhone 11.

这是iPhone 11的四倍

Every iPhone and iPad contains a Neural Engine capable of five teraflops of processing, and that functionality is being used in more and more places in the system: Photos and face/scene/object detection, on-device voice transcription, on-device language translation, Scribble handwriting recognition, and so on.


Adding the same type of capabilities to their notebooks and desktops will again help Apple leverage those features and make those products stand out from the competition.


And what happens if, say, Apple designs a notebook processor with 20 TFPS of AI processing power behind it?

如果说,如果苹果设计的笔记本处理器背后具有20 TFPS的AI处理能力,会发生什么?

What new features and functionality would it make possible?


Bringing these capabilities to the Mac is one of the core reasons behind Apple making the transition to Apple Silicon.

将这些功能带给Mac是Apple过渡到Apple Silicon的主要原因之一。

Because, as shown, real-world performance is what really counts.


开发人员过渡套件 (Developer Transition Kit)

The A12Z mentioned earlier is also at the heart of Apple’s Developer Transition Kit, available to selected developers to test their apps on Apple Silicon prior to the release of the actual products coming later this fall.

前面提到的A12Z也是Apple开发人员过渡套件的核心,可供选定的开发人员在今年秋天晚些时候发布实际产品之前在Apple Silicon上测试其应用程序。

Many people are waiting to see what kind of numbers this machine puts out, but in a recent interview with John Gruber Apple’s Craig Federighi wanted to stress that the Developer Transition Kit that was released this week should not be compared to any future consumer product.

许多人都在等待看到这台机器的数字,但是在最近一次与John Gruber的访谈中,苹果公司的Craig Federighi强调说,本周发布的开发人员转换套件不能与任何未来的消费类产品进行比较。

“Even that DTK hardware, which is running on an existing iPad chip that we don’t intend to put in a Mac in the future, it’s just there for the transition, the Mac runs awfully nice on that system.”


“It’s not a basis on which to judge future Macs, of course, but it gives you a sense of what our silicon team can do when they’re not even trying,” Federighi continued. “And they’re going to be trying.”

“当然,这不是判断未来Mac的依据,但是它使您了解我们的硅团队甚至不尝试时可以做什么,” Federighi继续说道。 “而且他们将要尝试。”

Which brings us back around to the original question: just how fast can Apple Silicon go?

这使我们回到了最初的问题:Apple Silicon可以走多快?

Can you say, “Ludicrous Speed”?


翻译自: https://medium/swlh/just-how-fast-is-apple-silicon-a6d3e1804ba6


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