

应用程序开发完毕,一般都需要对程序进行打包后发布,除开源项目外,很少有发布源码的。另一方面,Python 程序的运行必须要有 Python 的环境,如果每次都给客户电脑上部署一个python运行环境,就显得啰嗦又复杂,这时我们就要将 Python 程序打包为 exe 文件。这样,在 Windows 平台下,就可以直接运行该程序,不论有没有 Python 环境。






pip install pyinstaller




在你想放置应用的文件夹下打开cmd,pyinstaller + 参数 +文件入口或打包定义文档


2. 打包参数

–upx-dir UPX_DIR指定upx工具的目录默认:execution path
–log-level LEVEL控制编译时pyi打印的信息一共有6个等级,由低到高分别为TRACE DEBUG INFO(默认) WARN ERROR CRITICAL。也就是默认清空下,不打印TRACE和DEBUG信息
–add-data打包额外资源用法:pyinstaller --add-data=src;dest。windows以;分割,linux以:分割
–hidden-import打包额外py库pyi在分析过程中,有些import没有正确分析出来,运行时会报import error,这时可以使用该参数

–add-binary 使用实例可以参考:《python3 pyinstaller 打包后执行文件运行错误 No such file or directory 和 Cannot load native module 解决方法》python3 pyinstaller 打包后执行文件运行错误 No such file or directory 和 Cannot load native module 解决方法_whatday的博客-CSDN博客

-i为main.exe指定图标pyinstaller -i beauty.ico
–version-file添加版本信息文件pyinstaller --version-file ver.txt
-m, --manifest添加manifest文件pyinstaller -m main.manifest
-r RESOURCE请参考原文



pyinstaller -F 文件名.py


pyinstaller --paths PyQt5模块路径 -D -w --icon=窗口图标文件 文件名.py
# 参数说明:
# --paths:指定第三方模块的安装路径。
# -w:表示窗口程序。
# --icon:可选项,如果设置了窗口图标,则指定相应文件路径;如果没有,则省略。
# 文件名.py:窗口程序的入口文件。



1 . ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 没有找到模块的问题


 pyinstaller -F -p (项目目录\venv\Lib\site-packages) (py文件路径)


2. 打包含ddddocr模块的程序,显示 onnxruntime_providers_shared.dll 、common.onnx缺少的问题

见前面的文章:pyinstaller快捷打包含ddddocr模块的程序,解决 onnxruntime_providers_shared.dll 、common.onnx缺少的问题_pyinstaller ddddocr-CSDN博客




Nuitka the Python Compiler — Nuitka the Python Compiler documentation




pip install nuitka


1. 最简单的方法:

nuitka 程序文件.py







nuitka --follow-import-to=mdl



nuitka --standalone --onefile --enable-plugin=tk-inter --remove-output --windows-disable-console

--standalone     独立环境,使结果可移植
--onefile    打包为单个exe文件
--enable-plugin=tk-inter    打包tkinter模块的需要
--remove-output    打包结束后删除产生的临时文件
--windows-disable-console    去掉运行时cmd窗口




# 指令示例
nuitka --mingw64 --plugin-enable=numpy --module  ./self_strategy/


nuitka --standalone --mingw64 --show-memory --show-progress --nofollow-imports --enable-plugin=pyqt5 --follow-import-to=need --output-dir=output 你的.py

# 参数说明:
# --standalone     独立环境,使结果可移植
# --mingw64        指定c/c++编译器
# --show-memory    显示内存的占用
# --show-progress  显示编译的进度
# --nofollow-imports  所有的import不编译,交给python3x.dll执行
# --enable-plugin=pyqt5   打包pyqt5模块的需要
# --follow-import-to=need  need为你需要编译成C/C++的py文件夹命名
# --output-dir=output     输出文件目录
# --onefile               打包为单个exe文件

注意:刚开始调试的时候, --windows-disable-console这个命令一定不要加入,否则看不到报错


--standalone 独立环境,使结果可移植
--windows-disable-console 去掉CMD控制窗口
--output-dir=out 生成exe到out文件夹下面去
--show-progress 显示编译的进度
--show-memory 显示内存的占用
--enable-plugin=pyside6  打包pyside6模块的需要
--plugin-enable=tk-inter 打包tkinter模块的需要
--plugin-enable=numpy 打包numpy,pandas,matplotlib模块的需要
--plugin-enable=torch 打包pytorch的需要
--plugin-enable=tensorflow 打包tensorflow的需要
--windows-icon-from-ico=你的.ico 软件的图标
--onefile 打包为单个exe文件
--include-package=复制比如numpy,PyQt5 这些带文件夹的叫包或者轮子
--include-module=复制比如 这些以.py结尾的叫模块
–-include-data-files= 按文件名包含数据文件,等号后的格式为<SRC=DEST>。SRC指的是文件夹的路径,DEST指的是文件夹相对于打包结果的路径,其中DEST只能使用相对路径。如:--include-data-files=/Users/admin/Downloads/
-–include-data-dir= 包含文件夹中的数据文件,等号后的格式为<SRC=DEST>。使用方法与--include-data-files=相同。
--follow-import-to=MODULE/PACKAGE    如果使用该模块,请遵循该模块;如果是一个包,请遵循整个包。可以多次给定。默认为空。








1. 首先下载并安装c/c++编译器

推荐使用https://download.csdn/download/qq_58168857/88152647?spm=1001.2014.3001.5503,经过本人多个项目验证,此编译器能解决您的大部分涉及c/c++ 软件包的安装、编译调用出错问题。

2 .关于参数--mingw64

实际上 --mingw64--msvc=MSVC是一对孪生参数,这两个参数二选一,用于指定编译器,如果当前环境既安装了mingw64,又安装了msvc,可以使用该参数选择兼容性最好的编译器,建议使用mingw64。如果不存在上面两种编译器都存在的情况,就不需要显式设置这个参数,默认会调用系统中能用的编译器。


  •  Numpy等类似c程式和pyd的调用还是忽略编译好,有大佬测试,编译后反而使打包出来的程序运行更慢。
  • PyQT,Numpy,Scipy,Pandas,Opencv,OpenpyXL等pyd的模块不编译,交给python3x.dll来调用,避免模块依赖失败。生成的UI_xxx.py文件和你编写的py模块(可以包含IP,密码)放到一个下一级的文件夹,设置为必须编译为C/C++。从此你的打包成功率提升到95%,exe打开速度提升到一秒左右

4.参数plugin control


(1)如果程序中使用了pyqt或者pyside,那么  --plugin-enable = qt-plugins

(2)如果程序中使用了numpy, scipy, pandas, matplotlib,那么 --plugin-enable=numpy


(3)如果有多个插件需要启用 --plugin-enable=numpy   --plugin-enable=qt-plugins  --plugin-enable=tensorflow

可以使用 nuitka --plugin-list查看可用的插件


Usage: [--module] [--run] [options]

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --module              Create an extension module executable instead of a
                        program. Defaults to off.
  --standalone          Enable standalone mode in build. This allows you to
                        transfer the created binary to other machines without
                        it relying on an existing Python installation. It
                        implies these option: "--recurse-all". You may also
                        want to use "--python-flag=no_site" to avoid the
                        "" module, which can save a lot of code
                        dependencies. Defaults to off.
                        Architecture of Python to use. One of "x86" or
                        "x86_64". Defaults to what you run Nuitka with
                        (currently "x86_64").
  --python-debug        Use debug version or not. Default uses what you are
                        using to run Nuitka, most likely a non-debug version.
                        Python flags to use. Default uses what you are using
                        to run Nuitka, this enforces a specific mode. These
                        are options that also exist to standard Python
                        executable. Currently supported: "-S" (alias
                        "nosite"), "static_hashes" (do not use hash
                        randomization), "no_warnings" (do not give Python
                        runtime warnings), "-O" (alias "noasserts"). Default
                        If using Python3.3 or Python3.4, provide the path of a
                        Python binary to use for Scons. Otherwise Nuitka can
                        use what you run Nuitka with or a "scons" binary that
                        is found in PATH, or a Python installation from
                        Windows registry.
                        Enable warnings for implicit exceptions detected at
                        compile time.
  --warn-unusual-code   Enable warnings for unusual code detected at compile
                        Allow Nuitka to download code if necessary, e.g.
                        dependency walker on Windows.

  Control the inclusion of modules and packages:
                        Include a whole package. Give as a Python namespace,
                        e.g. ``some_package.sub_package`` and Nuitka will then
                        find it and include it and all the modules found below
                        that disk location in the binary or extension module
                        it creates, and make it available for import by the
                        code. Default empty.
                        Include a single module. Give as a Python namespace,
                        e.g. ``some_package.some_module`` and Nuitka will then
                        find it and include it in the binary or extension
                        module it creates, and make it available for import by
                        the code. Default empty.
                        Include the content of that directory, no matter if
                        it's used by the given main program in a visible form.
                        Overrides all other recursion options. Can be given
                        multiple times. Default empty.
                        Include into files matching the PATTERN. Overrides all
                        recursion other options. Can be given multiple times.
                        Default empty.

  Control the recursion into imported modules:
    --follow-stdlib, --recurse-stdlib
                        Also descend into imported modules from standard
                        library. This will increase the compilation time by a
                        lot. Defaults to off.
    --nofollow-imports, --recurse-none
                        When --recurse-none is used, do not descend into any
                        imported modules at all, overrides all other recursion
                        options. Defaults to off.
    --follow-imports, --recurse-all
                        When --recurse-all is used, attempt to descend into
                        all imported modules. Defaults to off.
    --follow-import-to=MODULE/PACKAGE, --recurse-to=MODULE/PACKAGE
                        Recurse to that module, or if a package, to the whole
                        package. Can be given multiple times. Default empty.
    --nofollow-import-to=MODULE/PACKAGE, --recurse-not-to=MODULE/PACKAGE
                        Do not recurse to that module name, or if a package
                        name, to the whole package in any case, overrides all
                        other options. Can be given multiple times. Default

  Immediate execution after compilation:
    --run               Execute immediately the created binary (or import the
                        compiled module). Defaults to off.
    --debugger, --gdb   Execute inside "gdb" to automatically get a stack
                        trace. Defaults to off.
                        When immediately executing the created binary
                        (--execute), don't reset PYTHONPATH. When all modules
                        are successfully included, you ought to not need
                        PYTHONPATH anymore.

  Dump options for internal tree:
    --xml               Dump the final result of optimization as XML, then

  Code generation choices:
    --full-compat       Enforce absolute compatibility with CPython. Do not
                        even allow minor deviations from CPython behavior,
                        e.g. not having better tracebacks or exception
                        messages which are not really incompatible, but only
                        different. This is intended for tests only and should
                        not be used for normal use.
                        Select what value "__file__" is going to be. With
                        "runtime" (default for standalone binary mode and
                        module mode), the created binaries and modules, use
                        the location of themselves to deduct the value of
                        "__file__". Included packages pretend to be in
                        directories below that location. This allows you to
                        include data files in deployments. If you merely seek
                        acceleration, it's better for you to use the
                        "original" value, where the source files location will
                        be used. With "frozen" a notation "<frozen
                        module_name>" is used. For compatibility reasons, the
                        "__file__" value will always have ".py" suffix
                        independent of what it really is.

  Output choices:
    -o FILENAME         Specify how the executable should be named. For
                        extension modules there is no choice, also not for
                        standalone mode and using it will be an error. This
                        may include path information that needs to exist
                        though. Defaults to <program_name> on this platform.
                        Specify where intermediate and final output files
                        should be put. The DIRECTORY will be populated with C
                        files, object files, etc. Defaults to current
    --remove-output     Removes the build directory after producing the module
                        or exe file. Defaults to off.
    --no-pyi-file       Do not create a ".pyi" file for extension modules
                        created by Nuitka. This is used to detect implicit
                        imports. Defaults to off.

  Debug features:
    --debug             Executing all self checks possible to find errors in
                        Nuitka, do not use for production. Defaults to off.
    --unstripped        Keep debug info in the resulting object file for
                        better debugger interaction. Defaults to off.
    --profile           Enable vmprof based profiling of time spent. Not
                        working currently. Defaults to off.
    --graph             Create graph of optimization process. Defaults to off.
    --trace-execution   Traced execution output, output the line of code
                        before executing it. Defaults to off.
    --recompile-c-only  This is not incremental compilation, but for Nuitka
                        development only. Takes existing files and simply
                        compile them as C again. Allows compiling edited C
                        files for quick debugging changes to the generated
                        source, e.g. to see if code is passed by, values
                        output, etc, Defaults to off. Depends on compiling
                        Python source to determine which files it should look
    --generate-c-only   Generate only C source code, and do not compile it to
                        binary or module. This is for debugging and code
                        coverage analysis that doesn't waste CPU. Defaults to
                        off. Do not think you can use this directly.
                        Use features declared as 'experimental'. May have no
                        effect if no experimental features are present in the
                        code. Uses secret tags (check source) per experimented
                        Disable the dependency walker cache. Will result in
                        much longer times to create the distribution folder,
                        but might be used in case the cache is suspect to
                        cause errors.
                        For an update of the dependency walker cache. Will
                        result in much longer times to create the distribution
                        folder, but might be used in case the cache is suspect
                        to cause errors or known to need an update.

  Backend C compiler choice:
    --clang             Enforce the use of clang. On Windows this requires a
                        working Visual Studio version to piggy back. Defaults
                        to off.
    --mingw64           Enforce the use of MinGW64 on Windows. Defaults to
    --msvc=MSVC         Enforce the use of specific MSVC version on Windows.
                        Allowed values are e.g. 14.0, specify an illegal value
                        for a list of installed compilers.  Defaults to the
                        most recent version.
    -j N, --jobs=N      Specify the allowed number of parallel C compiler
                        jobs. Defaults to the system CPU count.
    --lto               Use link time optimizations if available and usable
                        (gcc 4.6 and higher). Defaults to off.

  Tracing features:
    --show-scons        Operate Scons in non-quiet mode, showing the executed
                        commands. Defaults to off.
    --show-progress     Provide progress information and statistics. Defaults
                        to off.
    --show-memory       Provide memory information and statistics. Defaults to
    --show-modules      Provide a final summary on included modules. Defaults
                        to off.
    --verbose           Output details of actions taken, esp. in
                        optimizations. Can become a lot. Defaults to off.

  Windows specific controls:
                        When compiling for Windows, use this dependency tool.
                        Defaults to depends.exe, other allowed value is
                        When compiling for Windows, disable the console
                        window. Defaults to off.
                        Add executable icon (Windows only).

  Plugin control:
    --plugin-enable=PLUGINS_ENABLED, --enable-plugin=PLUGINS_ENABLED
                        Enabled plugins. Must be plug-in names. Use --plugin-
                        list to query the full list and exit. Default empty.
    --plugin-disable=PLUGINS_DISABLED, --disable-plugin=PLUGINS_DISABLED
                        Disabled plugins. Must be plug-in names. Use --plugin-
                        list to query the full list and exit. Default empty.
                        Plugins can detect if they might be used, and the you
                        can disable the warning via --plugin-disable=plugin-
                        that-warned, or you can use this option to disable the
                        mechanism entirely, which also speeds up compilation
                        slightly of course as this detection code is run in
                        vain once you are certain of which plug-ins to use.
                        Defaults to off.
    --plugin-list       Show list of all available plugins and exit. Defaults
                        to off.
                        The file name of user plugin. Can be given multiple
                        times. Default empty.

本文标签: 一文使用方法详解参数Python