


Ever been doing some work at the command line when you realized… it would be a lot easier if I could just use the mouse for this task? One command later, you’ll have a window open to the same place that you’re at.

当您意识到时,曾经在命令行上做过一些工作吗……如果我可以只使用鼠标来完成此任务,会容易得多吗? 一个命令之后,您将打开一个窗口,该窗口指向您所在的位置。

This same tip works in more than one operating system, so we’ll detail how to do it in every way we know how.


Open a File Browser in Windows


We’ve actually covered this before when we told you how to open an Explorer window from the command prompt’s current directory, but we’ll briefly review: Just type the follow command into your command prompt:


explorer .


Note: You could actually just type “start .” instead.

注意:您实际上可以只输入“开始”。 代替。

And you’ll then see a file browsing window set to the same directory you were previous at. And yes, this screenshot is from Vista, but it works the same in every version of Windows.

然后,您将看到一个文件浏览窗口,该窗口设置为先前的目录。 是的,此屏幕截图来自Vista,但在每个Windows版本中都可以使用。

If that wasn’t good enough, you should really read how you can navigate in the File Open/Save dialogs with just the keyboard—now that’s a Stupid Geek Trick!


Open a File Browser in Linux


For this exercise, we’re going to assume that you’re using Gnome under a Linux flavor like Ubuntu, because that’s the most common. From your terminal window, just type in the following command:

在本练习中,我们将假设您在Linux风格(如Ubuntu)下使用Gnome,因为这是最常见的。 在终端窗口中,只需输入以下命令:

nautilus .


And the next thing you know, you’ll have a file browser window open at the current location. You’ll see some type of error message at the prompt, but you can pretty much ignore that.

接下来,您将在当前位置打开一个文件浏览器窗口。 您将在提示符下看到某种类型的错误消息,但是您几乎可以忽略它。

You can also use “gnome-open .” if you want.

您还可以使用“ gnome-open”。 如果你想。

Open Finder in Mac OS X

在Mac OS X中打开Finder

All the Mac computers in this office are running Linux, so we haven’t had a chance to verify, but you should be able to use the following command on OS X to open Finder in the current terminal location:

该办公室中的所有Mac计算机都在运行Linux,因此我们没有机会进行验证,但是您应该能够在OS X上使用以下命令在当前终端位置打开Finder:

open .


Open Dolphin on Linux KDE4

在Linux KDE4上打开Dolphin

dolphin .


Got any extra tips to help out your fellow readers? How do you do the same thing in KDE3? What about OS X? Leave your savvy advice in the comments, and maybe we’ll update the article. Or not. Either way, it’ll help somebody!

还有其他提示可以帮助您的其他读者吗? 您如何在KDE3中做同样的事情? OS X呢? 在评论中留下您精明的建议,也许我们会更新本文。 或不。 无论哪种方式,它都会对某人有所帮助!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/howto/15781/open-a-file-browser-from-your-current-command-promptterminal-directory/


本文标签: 提示符终端命令提示符浏览器打开浏览器