



【单选题】立体被平面截切所产生的表面交线称为( )。




【单选题】控制电路如图所示,在( )之间添加( )可以实现H到达B地后自动后退,回到A地停止。

【单选题】9. 关于太极拳的作用,叙述错误的是 ( ) A. 练习时可锻炼肌肉,舒筋活络 B. 长期坚持打太极,可以增加神经系统的灵敏性,畅通经络、血管、淋 巴及循环系统 C. 可以预防慢性冠心病、高脂血症、动脉硬化症等症状 D. 太极拳可以替代药物及手术治疗高血压、冠心病等














【多选题】某运动部件 H 由电动机拖动,在 A 、 B 两地分别放置行程开关 ST a 和 ST b ,交流接触器 KM F 控制电动机正转, H 前进,交流接触器 KM R 控制电动机反转, H 后退,电动机的控制电路如图所示,分析该控制电路实现的功能。( )



【单选题】孔子时代的“三年之丧”的时间相当于我们今天的( )。

【简答题】主机安装 安装位置要求 1.1.1 安装位置必须保证无 强电 、 强磁 和强腐蚀性设备的干扰; 1.1.2 主机安装场所应干燥、灰尘小、且通风良好; 1.1.3 主机安装位置便于 馈线 、 电源线 、地线的布线; 1.1.4 主机安装在室内。安装主机的室内不得放置 易燃品 ;室内温度、湿度不能超过主机工作温度、湿度的范围; 1.1.5 主机挂壁式安装时,主机底部距离地面为 1 米,在移动机房、 交换机 房等特殊机房内安装时,主机底部或顶部应与其它原有壁挂设备底部或顶端保持在同一水平线上; 1.1.6 主机落地式安装时,龙门架底座或主机座应与墙壁距离 0.8 米,在移动机房、 交换机房等特殊专用设备机房内安装时,应与原有设备保持整体协调。 1.1.7 微蜂窝 机房内主机需加装空调挡板时,由分布厂商负责安装;如微蜂窝机房内需做 隔断 ,由负责安装主设备的施工单位负责,根据石棉瓦、门窗、面积、台阶做预算,报给建设单位和监理方。 1.1.8 建议主设备安装及微波安装在分布工程施工期限间进行,根据分布厂商与业主之间的协议,分布厂商须事先告知安装主设备的施工方是否需要加装电表,如需装电表,由安装主设备的施工单位负责。且电表安装位置要便于察看。 1.1.9 主机安装时工作人员应配戴干净手套 , 以保证设备表面的清洁。 Standard 4 Competent management of your business 4.1 You are expected to have effective systems in place to ensure that your practice is run professionally and that projects are regularly monitored and reviewed. 4.2 You should ensure that you are able to provide adequate professional, financial and technical resources when entering into a contract and throughout its duration. You should also, where appropriate, ensure you have sufficient suitably qualified and supervised staff to provide an effective and efficient service to clients. 4.3 You should ensure that adequate security is in place to safeguard both paper and electronic records for your clients, taking full account of data protection legislation, and that clients’ confidential information is safeguarded. 4.4 You are expected to ensure that before you undertake any professional work you have entered into a written agreement with the client which adequately covers: • the contracting parties; • the scope of the work: • the fee or method of calculating it; • who will be responsible for what ; • any constraints or limitations on the responsibilities of the parties; • the provisions for suspension or termination of the agreement, including any legal rights of cancellation; • a statement that you have adequate and appropriate insurance cover as specified by ARB; • the existence of any Alternative Dispute Resolution schemes that the contract is subject to and how they might be accessed; • that you have a complaints-handling procedure available on request; • that you are registered with the Architects Registration Board and that you are subject to this Code. 4.5 Any agreed variations to the written agreement should be recorded in writing. 4.6 Upon reasonable demand you should promptly return to a client any papers, plans or property to which they are legally entitled.


【多选题】以下观点属于《论语》中对孝的表达的有( )。

【填空题】P101-6 Banked cloze A involve 需要;包含;牵涉;影响 B showered (洗)淋浴;洒落;纷纷降落;抛撒 C pushed 推;逼迫;推行;挤 D employing 使用;雇用;使专心于 E advocate 提倡;拥护;支持 F remarkable 非凡的;奇异的;显著的;引人注目的 G intense 很大的;十分强烈的;严肃紧张的;激烈的 H commitment 承诺;投入;保证;许诺 I require 需要;依靠;依赖;使做(某事) J hailed 招呼;〈正式〉喊;捧;歌颂 K focusing 聚焦;对焦; L applying 应用;使用; M tragedy 悲剧 N tender 和善的;温柔的;亲切的;慈爱的 O fulfilled 完成 , 实现 In January 2011, Daniel Hernandez saved congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords’ life in a mass shooting in Tucson. He kept her alive by 1)_________ pressure to her wounds and speaking 2) _________ words of sympathy until medical people arrived. He was 3)_________ as a hero by the public. Although his devotion to public service is 4)_________, in his book They Call Me a Hero: A Memoir of My Youth, Hernandez insists that he is not a hero. Hernandez said that he initially resisted the idea of writing a book about his experience on that day of enormous 5)_________. “I had been 6)_________ by a few publishers after the incident,” he said. I thought heroes should be people who make a lifetime 7) _________ to helping others.” However, Hernandez, now a school board member, had come to realize that he would be interested in writing a book 8) _________ on his public service. “As a young official, I’ve faced some big challenges, and I want young people to know that they need to face challenges and 9) _________ themselves in their communities.” When asked if he had any plan with a second book, Hernandez said his major purpose at present was to continue to serve his community and pursue his passion as a(n)10_________ for education. “But I’m not going to say no,” he said.



【判断题】在程序开发中,如果对某些代码的执行不确定(程序的语法完全正确) 可以增加try来捕获异常。


【单选题】已知圆柱截切后的主、俯视图,正确的左视图是( )。

【其它】Watch the video and summarize the tips you for successful business conference



【单选题】单片机的复位引脚是( )


【其它】数据处理_练习数据.xlsx 项目2数据处理.docx

【简答题】试说明 XA 6132 卧式 铣床主轴部件的修复工艺要点。


【判断题】使用except而不带任何异常类型: except,后面不写,表示捕获所有异常。



【判断题】使用except而带多种异常类型: except,后面写,捕获对应的异常。


【单选题】弟子( )曾和孔子就“三年之丧”展开辩论。



本文标签: 常规异常Python