


We all want our computers to last forever, but if yours seem to die before their time, your habits could be to blame. Here’s some behavior to avoid.

我们都希望我们的计算机能够永久使用,但是如果您的计算机似乎在其使用时间之前就死了,那么您的习惯可能就是罪魁祸首。 这是要避免的一些行为。

By Whitson Gordon

通过 惠特森戈登

Nothing lasts forever—especially tech—but your computer can last you quite a few years if you treat it well. If your laptop tends to break down earlier than you feel it should, there’s a chance you’re helping it along with some especially bad habits. Here are some of the worst things you can do to a PC without even realizing you’re doing anything wrong.

一切都不会永远持续下去,尤其是技术不会永远持续下去,但是如果处理得当,您的计算机可以使用很多年。 如果笔记本电脑出现故障的时间比您预期的要早,则有可能会帮助您解决一些不良习惯。 在没有意识到自己做错任何事情的情况下,您可能会对PC做出一些最坏的事情。

将笔记本电脑放在毛绒表面上(以及其他过热问题) (Leaving Your Laptop on a Plush Surface (and Other Overheating Problems))

Heat is your computer’s mortal enemy. If your computer gets too hot, the processor may slow down, throttling itself to keep temperatures reasonable, or even shutting down completely. Running at high temperatures for extended periods can reduce the lifespan of your processor, fans, and battery as well — not to mention make your computer loud and sizzling to touch.

热是计算机的致命敌人。 如果您的计算机温度过高,处理器可能会减慢速度,限制自身温度以保持合理的温度,甚至完全关闭。 在高温下长时间运行会降低处理器,风扇和电池的使用寿命,更不用说使计算机响亮 ,动听了。

For desktop computers, the solution is pretty simple: make sure your case has adequate airflow, with enough vents and fans to keep cool air moving through the components. That means keeping it out of tight cabinets and other spaces that trap heat. You probably want to clean out the dust once in a while with an electric duster (more on that below). And if you’re overclocking, take extra care to watch those voltages and temps.

对于台式计算机 ,解决方案非常简单:确保您的机箱有足够的气流,并带有足够的通风Kong和风扇,以保持冷空气在组件中流动。 这意味着将其放在密闭的橱柜和其他散发热量的空间中。 您可能需要不时用电动除尘器清洁灰尘(更多信息请参见下文)。 而且,如果您超频 ,请格外小心以观察那些电压和温度。

Laptops, on the other hand, require a bit more care. Their portability leads to a lot of bad habits, like putting it on a blanket or other plush surface. This blocks airflow under the laptop, and potentially through the laptop (if the blanket covers the fan vents).

另一方面,笔记本电脑需要多加注意。 它们的便携性导致许多不良习惯,例如将其放在毯子或其他毛绒表面上。 这会阻碍笔记本电脑下方的气流,并可能阻止气流通过笔记本电脑(如果毯子覆盖了风扇的通风Kong)。

When possible, use your laptop on a flat surface (where the rubber feet usually raise it up off a desk), or at least make sure your lap is free of blankets and other things that can block airflow. Lap desks are a good way to ensure things stay cool.

可能的话,请将笔记本电脑放在平坦的表面(橡胶脚通常将其抬离桌子),或者至少确保膝上没有毯子和其他会阻碍气流的东西。 膝上书桌是确保物品保持凉爽的好方法。

Other than that, the same rules apply to laptops as desktops: Don’t leave it in hot places (like a car on a sunny day) and blow out the dust once in a while.


让污垢,灰尘和液体肆虐 (Letting Dirt, Dust, and Liquids Run Wild)

All computers accumulate some dust over time, heating up the components and making those fans work harder. While cleaning it regularly can help, you also want to prevent stuff from getting into your computer in the first place.

随着时间的流逝,所有计算机都会积聚一些灰尘,从而使组件发热并使风扇工作更困难。 定期清洁它可能会有所帮助,但您也想一开始就防止东西进入计算机。

For example, cigarette smoke and pet fur will exacerbate those problems, and putting your desktop PC on the floor will ensure more of that dust, hair, and debris will get sucked into the intake. And if you have carpet on your floor, you’re probably blocking the power supply’s intake fan. Keep your computer on a desk or other riser, if at all possible, and make sure there are filters on your intake fans.

例如,香烟烟雾和宠物毛皮会加剧这些问题,将台式机放在地板上将确保更多的灰尘,头发和碎屑被吸入口中。 而且,如果地板上铺有地毯,则可能是阻塞了电源的进气风扇。 尽可能将计算机放在桌子或其他提升板上,并确保进气风扇上装有过滤器 。

Secondly, don’t eat or drink near your PC, or at least take some care when you do. Getting crumbs in your keyboard is not only disgusting, but it can damage the switches or make certain keys harder to press. And I’m sure you’ve heard enough horror stories about people spilling coffee on their laptop, which can straight up destroy the machine.

其次,不要在您的PC旁吃饭或喝水,或者至少要当心。 在键盘上弄碎面包屑不仅令人恶心,而且还会损坏开关或使某些按键难以按动。 而且我敢肯定,您已经听到足够多的恐怖故事,关于人们在笔记本电脑上洒咖啡,这会直接破坏机器。

Even well-intentioned moves, like cleaning your screen with Windex, can introduce liquid where it shouldn’t be (also, Windex is too harsh for your monitor). Spray your gentle screen cleaner on a microfiber cloth, not on the screen, and don’t go crazy — a little goes a long way.

即使是精心设计的举动,例如用Windex清洁屏幕,也会在不应该进入的地方引入液体(而且,Windex对显示器来说太苛刻了)。 将您温和的屏幕清洁剂喷在超细纤维布上,而不要喷在屏幕上,不要发疯-稍微花点时间。

随意处理笔记本电脑 (Handling Your Laptop Carelessly)

Again, while desktops have the luxury of sitting comfortably in your office, laptops are subject to all sorts of abuse. I’ve seen people pick up the laptop by its display, open the hinge from one side with way too much force, and toss the laptop onto the couch from the other side of the room. (Sure, a couch is rather soft, but one day, you’re going to miss and hit the table or floor, and you’ll be sorry.) I’ve even seen people use closed laptops as a coaster for their drink, which makes me grit my teeth in anxiety.

同样,尽管台式机可以舒适地坐在办公室中,但笔记本电脑会遭受各种滥用。 我已经看到人们通过笔记本电脑的显示屏拿起笔记本电脑,用太大的力从一侧打开铰链,然后从房间的另一侧将笔记本电脑扔到沙发上。 (当然,沙发很柔软,但是有一天,您会想念并撞到桌子或地板上的,您会后悔的。)我什至看到人们使用封闭式笔记本电脑作为杯垫来喝酒,这使我在焦虑中咬紧牙关。

Laptops are meant to be portable, and some can be pretty durable, but the more you abuse it, the more likely you are to damage something. At best, you’ll just have to deal with a worn-out laptop hinge or a crack in the casing. But if your laptop has a traditional spinning hard drive instead of an SSD, tossing or shaking the computer — especially if the drive is active at the time — can even cause its head to dislocate or touch the surface of the disk. It isn’t common, but if that happens, you’re going to have a bad day, especially if you haven’t backed up your data. Your laptop is an expensive piece of property: treat it as such.

笔记本电脑本来就是便携式的,有些甚至可以很耐用,但是滥用得越多,损坏物品的可能性就越大。 充其量,您只需应对破旧的笔记本电脑铰链或外壳上的裂缝。 但是,如果您的笔记本电脑具有传统的旋转硬盘驱动器而不是SSD ,则抛掷或摇动计算机(尤其是在驱动器当时处于活动状态)甚至会导致其头部移位或接触磁盘表面。 这并不常见,但是如果发生这种情况,那将是糟糕的一天,尤其是如果您尚未备份数据时 。 您的笔记本电脑是一件昂贵的财产:应将其照做。

电池使用不当 (Mismanaging Your Old Battery)

Just because your laptop’s battery starts with “eight hours of battery life” doesn’t mean it’ll stay that way forever. Batteries degrade over time — you may get eight hours on a full charge when you first buy it, but after a few years, that may degrade to six or seven hours. There’s no escaping this decline, but you may be degrading it faster than necessary if you always run your laptop down to 0 percent.

仅仅因为笔记本电脑的电池以“八小时的电池寿命”开始,并不意味着它将永远保持这种状态。 电池会随着时间的推移而退化 -首次购买时,充满电可能会消耗8个小时,但是几年后,电池的寿命可能会缩短到6或7个小时。 无法避免这种下降,但是如果您始终将笔记本电脑的运行速度降低到0%,则降级的速度可能比必要的快。

To prolong your battery’s long-term health, it’s best to perform shallow discharges, and recharge it frequently. Don’t over-stress about this, of course — if you’re on a plane and need to work, an occasional discharge won’t kill your battery — but over time, it’s best to err on the side of charging regularly than running it down to empty.

为了延长电池的长期使用寿命,最好执行浅放电,并经常对其进行充电 。 当然,请不要过分强调-如果您在飞机上并且需要工作,偶尔的放电不会杀死电池-但随着时间的流逝,最好是定期充电而不是跑步它下降到空。

You should, however, stress out if your battery is swollen. If your battery is bulging so much that it’s pushing against the case of your laptop, creating a gap between the panels, you need to stop using your computer now and (safely) replace the battery, lest you encounter an explosive failure.

但是,如果电池膨胀,则应特别注意。 如果电池过分膨胀,以至于推向笔记本电脑的外壳,在面板之间形成间隙,则需要立即停止使用计算机,并(安全地)更换电池,以免发生爆炸性故障。

When you replace the battery, don’t buy a cheap knockoff from eBay — buy it from the manufacturer or a respected third-party store. Low-quality batteries will, at best, not hold a charge very well, and at worst, can be dangerous. The same goes for third-party chargers — just stick to the manufacturer’s official offering or, in the case of laptops that charge over USB-C, a certified USB-PD charger.

更换电池时,请勿从eBay购买便宜的仿制产品,而应从制造商或受人尊敬的第三方商店购买。 低质量的电池充其量充其量不能很好地充电,而在最坏的情况下可能会很危险。 第三方充电器也是如此—只需遵循制造商的官方产品,或者对于通过USB-C充电的笔记本电脑,则应使用经过认证的USB-PD充电器 。

忽略电气安全 (Disregarding Electrical Safety)

Your PC draws a sizable amount of power, and it’s susceptible to damage from power surges — small, temporary increases in voltage coming through the power line. These can happen after power outages, after turning on another high-power device in your home, or an unreliable power grid in your city. The power supply inside your PC includes some basic surge protection, but you’ll get longer-lasting protection from a dedicated surge protector.

您的PC消耗大量功率 ,并且容易受到电涌的损害-通过电源线的电压暂时性小幅升高。 这些可能发生在断电之后,在家里打开另一台高功率设备或城市中不可靠的电网之后。 PC内部的电源包括一些基本的电涌保护器,但专用的电涌保护器将为您提供更持久的保护。

Note that this is different from a power strip, which provides multiple outlets without the protection from surges. Be sure to replace it every three to five years, since that protection wears out over time — if yours is old, there’s a good chance it’s offering zero protection. Keep in mind that surge protectors won’t protect against high-voltage spikes (like lightning), but it can protect you from smaller surges and extend the life of your PC.

请注意,这与配电板不同,配电板提供了多个插座而没有电涌保护。 确保每三到五年更换一次,因为这种保护会随着时间的推移而逐渐耗尽-如果您的年龄较大,则很有可能会提供零保护。 请记住,电涌保护器无法抵御高压尖峰(例如闪电),但可以保护您免受较小的电涌影响并延长PC的使用寿命。

If you have a few more dollars to spend, you might even want to get an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). This device contains a battery backup that prevents your PC from losing data during a sudden power outage.

如果您要花几美元,甚至可能想要获得不间断电源 (UPS)。 该设备包含备用电池,可防止您的PC在突然断电期间丢失数据。

Lastly, laptops require a bit more care due to their portability. While a desktop’s power cable can sit stationary for years at a time, your laptop cable goes with you everywhere, subject to kinking, hard yanks out of the wall, and other mishandling. This can not only make the cable unreliable, it can pose a fire hazard, so always pull the charger out of the wall from the plug, not the cable — and don’t wrap it too tightly.

最后,由于便携性,笔记本电脑需要多加注意。 台式机的电源线一次可以固定放置数年,而笔记本电脑的电缆随处随身携带,可能会发生扭结,从墙上猛拉,以及其他操作不当的情况。 这不仅会使电缆不可靠,还可能引起火灾,因此请务必从插头(而不是电缆)中将充电器从插头中拉出墙壁,并且不要将其缠绕得太紧。

强调电缆和端口 (Stressing the Cables and Ports)

While damaging a USB port or cable isn’t as dangerous as mishandling the power adapter, it can still cause avoidable damage to your computer. This may seem obvious, but don’t force cables into ports if they aren’t sliding in properly (I once knew someone who forced a USB cable into a FireWire port and broke both).

虽然损坏USB端口或电缆不如不正确使用电源适配器那样危险,但仍然可以避免对计算机造成损坏。 这看起来似乎很明显,但是如果电缆没有正确滑入,则不要强行将其插入端口(我曾经认识过有人将USB电缆强行插入FireWire端口,并且将两者都弄坏了)。

Similarly, if you leave something plugged in, take care not to bend it — if you have a flash drive in your laptop’s USB port, using your laptop cross-legged may bend the flash drive, damaging either the drive, the port, or both. And with USB ports at such a premium on today’s laptops, you definitely don’t want to ruin one of them.

同样,如果您插了东西,请注意不要弯曲它–如果笔记本计算机的USB端口中有闪存驱动器,则盘腿使用便携式计算机可能会使闪存驱动器弯曲,从而损坏驱动器,端口或同时损坏两者。 鉴于当今笔记本电脑的USB端口价格如此之高,您绝对不想破坏其中之一。

The same goes for your cables. If you constantly make sharp bends back and forth, you’re more likely to break the connection inside, which can render the cable finicky or useless. Keep them away from hungry children and pets who might chew through the plastic, and when you coil them up, avoid wrapping them too tightly. Thankfully, a damaged cable is cheap to replace compared to your PC, but why waste money when you don’t have to?

您的电缆也是如此。 如果您不断来回弯曲,则很可能断开内部连接,从而使电缆有条不紊或无用。 请将它们远离可能会咀嚼塑料的饥饿的儿童和宠物,并且在将它们卷起来时,请避免将它们包裹得太紧。 值得庆幸的是,与PC相比,损坏的电缆要便宜得多,但是为什么不用时却浪费钱呢?

浪费时间进行不必要的维护 (Wasting Time on Unnecessary Maintenance)

Back in the days of Windows XP, when hardware was limited and computers were slow, PC maintenance may have made a difference. But these days, deleting unused and temporary files is unlikely to give you a noticeable speed boost. Many “PC Cleaning” utilities are scams meant to scare you into buying their product — and the free, less scammy ones are still unnecessary most of the time.

早在Windows XP时代,硬件有限且计算机运行缓慢,PC维护可能会有所作为。 但是,如今,删除未使用的文件和临时文件不太可能显着提高速度。 许多“ PC清洁”实用程序都是骗局,旨在吓you您购买其产品-而且,在大多数情况下,免费,骗局少的实用程序仍然是不必要的。

Furthermore, certain types of “maintenance” may actually be harmful. Registry cleaners provide almost no benefit, but if they delete a registry entry you actually need, they can actually cause problems. Similarly, these new “privacy” apps that claim to stop Windows 10 from “spying” on you can break certain features without you knowing why.

此外,某些类型的“维护”实际上可能是有害的。 注册表清理程序几乎没有任何好处,但是,如果它们删除了您实际需要的注册表项,则实际上可能会引起问题。 同样,这些声称阻止Windows 10监视您的新“隐私”应用程序可能会破坏某些功能,而您不知道为什么。

The internet is full of people confused about why something stopped working, only to find that it’s the fault of one of these tools. You’re better off going through Windows 10’s settings, learning what they do, and tweaking them yourself.

互联网上到处都是人们困惑,为什么某些东西停止工作,却发现这是其中一种工具的错误。 最好进行Windows 10的设置,了解它们的功能,然后自己进行调整。

If you want to clean up your hard drive, use Windows’ built-in Disk Cleanup utility and delete any movies, music, and other files you aren’t using. And if your computer is running unbearably slow, try removing startup programs or resetting your PC — if that doesn’t work, it’s probably time to upgrade your hardware.

如果要清理硬盘 ,请使用Windows内置的“磁盘清理”实用程序并删除所有未使用的电影,音乐和其他文件。 并且,如果您的计算机运行缓慢,令人难以忍受,请尝试删除启动程序或重置PC-如果这不起作用,则可能是时候升级硬件了。

浏览不受保护的网络 (Browsing the Web Unprotected)

Contrary to popular belief, “common sense,” while very valuable, should not be your only malware protection. Even legitimate sites can become infected with malware, passing those problems on to you, and browsing carefully won’t save you. You need to use antivirus on your computer.

与普遍的看法相反,“常识”虽然非常有价值,但不应仅是保护您的恶意软件 。 甚至合法的网站也可能感染恶意软件,将这些问题传递给您,而仔细浏览并不会挽救您。 您需要在计算机上使用防病毒软件。

Thankfully, Microsoft’s built-in Windows Defender feature has gotten quite good, after a few years of sub-par ratings. Just leave it on and let it do its job. If you want extra protection, though, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is a bit more aggressive with its protection, and I’ve found that it catches a lot of stuff that Chrome and Windows Defender miss.

值得庆幸的是,经过几年的低于标准水平的评估,Microsoft的内置Windows Defender功能已经变得相当不错。 只需将其保留并让其完成工作即可。 但是,如果您想要额外的保护,则Malwarebytes Anti-Malware的保护功能会更加主动一些,而且我发现它捕获了Chrome和Windows Defender缺少的许多功能。

The free version is good if you just want to run an occasional scan, but the paid version includes always-running anti-exploit features that block potentially harmful sites before they make it to your screen. When used in conjunction with a traditional antivirus like Windows Defender, you’ll be pretty well set on protection.

免费版本是很好的选择,如果您只想偶尔进行扫描,但是付费版本包含始终运行的反利用功能,可以在将潜在有害站点进入屏幕之前将其阻止。 与传统的防病毒软件(例如Windows Defender)结合使用时,您将在保护方面做得很好。

On top of that, other basic security practices still apply: keep your software up to date (both Windows and the programs you use), use a good password manager (instead of using the same password on every site), and learn how to spot phishing scams. Don’t pirate software (which often contains malware) and keep your home Wi-Fi secure with a WPA2 password.

最重要的是,其他基本安全性惯例仍然适用:使软件(Windows和所用程序均保持最新),使用良好的密码管理器 (而不是在每个站点上使用相同的密码)以及学习如何查找网络钓鱼诈骗 。 请勿盗版软件(通常包含恶意软件),并使用WPA2密码保护您的家庭Wi-Fi安全 。

Originally published at https://www.pcmag.

最初发布在 https://www.pcmag

翻译自: https://medium/pcmag-access/8-bad-habits-that-are-destroying-your-pc-1d0d2e4081f4


本文标签: 您的处理器不良习惯协议