

chrome 导出 书签

Bookmarks are used to pin selected web pages URLs into the web. Most of the web browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari provides Bookmark Manager in order to bookmark favorite web pages.

书签用于将选定的网页URL固定到网络中。 大多数网络浏览器(例如Google Chrome,Mozilla Firefox,Opera,Safari)都提供Bookmark Manager,以便为喜欢的网页添加书签。

打开书签管理器 (Open Bookmark Manager)

In order to manage and export bookmarks, we need to open the Bookmark Manager. Bookmark Manager is used to editing, export and import bookmarks. We can open the bookmark manager in a different way for Google Chrome. We can open the bookmark Manager from Chrome Menu -> Bookmarks -> Bookmark manager like below.

为了管理和导出书签,我们需要打开书签管理器。 书签管理器用于编辑,导出和导入书签。 我们可以通过其他方式为Google Chrome打开书签管理器。 我们可以从Chrome Menu -> Bookmarks -> Bookmark manager打开书签管理Bookmark manager如下所示。

Open Google Chrome Bookmark Manager
打开Goog​​le Chrome书签管理器

Alternatively, we can use the CTRL+SHIFT+O keyboard shortcut easily opens the Bookmark Manager.

或者,我们可以使用CTRL + SHIFT + O键盘快捷键轻松打开书签管理器。


The last alternative way is using the address bar with chrome://bookmarks like below.


Google Chrome Bookmark Manager
Google Chrome书签管理器

导出书签(Export Bookmarks)

Bookmarks can be exported from the bookmark manager screen. We will click to the top-right menu sign and select the menu item Export bookmarks like below.

可以从书签管理器屏幕中导出书签。 我们将单击右上角的菜单符号,然后选择菜单项“导出书签”,如下所示。

Export Google Chrome Bookmarks

We will see the following Save As screen which will save the current bookmarks as HTML. Bookmarks are exported in HTML web pages in Google Chrome. We will specify the HTML document name or filename for the bookmark export. In this case, we will set as poftut. By default, the export location is the current user documents folder but we can change it.

我们将看到以下“另存为”屏幕,该屏幕会将当前书签另存为HTML。 书签将导出到Google Chrome浏览器HTML网页中。 我们将为书签导出指定HTML文档名称或文件名。 在这种情况下,我们将设置为poftut。 默认情况下,导出位置是当前用户文档文件夹,但是我们可以更改它。

Select Location and Bookmark File Name

恢复/导入书签(Restore/Import Bookmarks)

We can restore exported Google Chrome bookmarks easily by using the Bookmark Manager. We will click to the top-right Bookmark Manager menu where we will select the import bookmarks menu item.

我们可以使用书签管理器轻松地恢复导出的Google Chrome书签。 我们将单击右上角的“书签管理器”菜单,在这里我们将选择“导入书签”菜单项。

Import Google Chrome Bookmark

We will see an Open File dialog where we will select the exported bookmark file which we want to import. In this example, we will import the bookmark backup named poftut.

我们将看到一个“打开文件”对话框,从中选择要导入的导出书签文件。 在此示例中,我们将导入名为poftut的书签备份。

Select Bookmarks File To Import
LEARN MORE  How To Use Bookmarks In Google Chrome - Create, View & Edit Bookmarks? 了解更多信息如何在Google Chrome浏览器中使用书签-创建,查看和编辑书签?

翻译自: https://www.poftut/how-to-export-google-chrome-bookmarks/

chrome 导出 书签

本文标签: 书签chromeGoogle