

One of the features that many people love in Chrome is the minimal UI at the top of the browser. Want to minimize it even more? Then you will definitely want to make use of the new feature added to the Experimental Features page.

Chrome中许多人喜欢的功能之一是浏览器顶部的最小UI。 是否想将其最小化? 然后,您肯定要利用添加到“实验功能”页面上的新功能。

To get started enter “about:flags” into the Address Bar and hit Enter. Scroll down until you see the listing for Compact Navigation. Enable it and let the browser restart to gain access to the feature.

首先,在地址栏中输入“ about:flags”,然后按Enter 。 向下滚动,直到看到“紧凑导航”列表。 启用它,然后让浏览器重新启动以访问该功能。

Once the browser has restarted right click on one of the tabs and select Hide the toolbar from the Context Menu.


Here is what the top of the browser looks like afterwards. As you can see the Back, Forward, and Tools Menu buttons have moved into the Tab Bar.

这是随后浏览器顶部的外观。 如您所见,“后退” ,“前进”和“工具菜单”按钮已移至“标签栏”

To access the Address Bar simply click on the tab. Keep in mind that the Address Bar will auto-hide rather quickly if you do not make use of it soon enough.

要访问地址栏,只需单击选项卡。 请记住,如果您没有足够快地使用它,地址栏将很快自动隐藏。

Hiding the Address Bar and Bookmarks Bar will really minimize the top UI section of the browser (see first screenshot above).


Note: For the moment the feature is only available on Windows systems for Chrome Dev, Canary, and Chromium releases.

注意:目前,该功能仅在Windows系统上适用于Chrome Dev,Canary和Chromium版本。

[via Digitizor]

[通过Digitizor ]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/93995/how-to-auto-hide-the-address-bar-in-google-chrome-and-chromium/

本文标签: 地址栏如何在chromeGoogleChromium