


The Cross-Disciplinary Teaching Tale of Psychological Programmer Lin Haoran and Linguistic Decoder Yang Lingyun in the Vocational Education Realm


In a dynamic and innovative vocational college, two distinctive teaching stars shine brightly—Professor Lin Haoran and Professor Yang Lingyun. Each excelling in their own subject areas, Lin Haoran is a software instructor adept at precise psychological analysis, while Yang Lingyun possesses linguistic insights akin to a language scholar.


Lin Haoran, a master of code logic and an analyzer of “psychological programs,” can be considered a Freudian figure in the vocational education realm. He cleverly integrates psychoanalytic theory into programming courses. When students face complex algorithmic challenges, he guides them to delve into the subconscious “data stack,” unearthing the underlying reasons for their fear or resistance to problems. For example, if a student consistently gets stuck while handling big data projects, Professor Lin might use Freud’s theory to help the student recognize the “mental block” caused by fear of the unknown. Through a combination of psychological counseling and technical guidance, Lin Haoran successfully helps students overcome psychological barriers and solve a series of technical challenges.


Our leading lady, Yang Lingyun, is an English teacher well-versed in the power of language and capable of decoding the secrets of the human mind. She not only is proficient in Adler’s social context theory but also deeply inspired by Whorf’s views on cultural and social influences. In her English classroom, learning is not merely an accumulation of vocabulary and grammar; it is also an arena for individual cognition and social interaction. Facing students who are shy and hesitant to speak, Yang Lingyun, like Adler, encourages them to establish autonomy. Through forms such as group discussions and simulated dialogues, she helps them realize that English is both a means of communication and a stage for demonstrating self-worth. At the same time, drawing on Whorf’s insights into cultural factors, Professor Yang designs a variety of colorful cultural experiential activities. These activities allow students to appreciate the customs and traditions from around the world, enhancing their confidence and abilities in cross-cultural communication.


As for Lacan’s theory of language and the unconscious structure, Lin Haoran and Yang Lingyun, this marvelous duo, have also found interdisciplinary applications. In joint cross-cultural communication seminars, they explore how to use programming logic to understand the rules of language construction and apply linguistic principles to interpret the subconscious structures behind human behavior. Such collisions of exchange allow the seemingly unrelated disciplines to spark the wisdom of each other. Students benefit greatly, broadening their horizons in the process.


The story of Lin Haoran and Yang Lingyun tells us that, regardless of the subject being taught, psychology is an essential tool in the hands of educators. They integrate profound psychological theories into everyday teaching with humor and wit, enriching the content of the courses and promoting the all-around development of students. Amidst laughter and joy, they consistently remind their colleagues and themselves of the importance of correctly understanding and applying psychological knowledge, avoiding misunderstandings, and truly sowing the seeds of enlightenment in students’ minds, guiding them toward healthy growth.


The Extended Family of Psychoanalysis: From Freud to Lacan


In the exploration of the psychological world, if you think of Freud as a solitary “prophet,” you are gravely mistaken. He’s more like an “ancestral figure.” While his classic psychoanalytic theories read like a weighty family history book—detailing unconscious conflicts, how childhood memories linger like shadows, and the everyday interactions of the “family members” Id, Ego, and Superego—over time, this “psychological family” has given rise to various interesting and unique branches.


First to step onto the stage is Jung, the “artistic” cousin, who introduced the concept of the collective unconscious. He believed our inner depths still harbor some ancient “ancestral souls”—archetypes. He advocated that personal growth is like a fantastical journey in search of one’s true self, filled with various symbolic meanings, akin to a philosophical animated film.


Next up is Adler, the motivational elder brother of the family. He firmly believed that everyone is vigorously pursuing a sense of superiority on life’s stage, attempting to overcome inferiority complexes. His concept of “lifestyle scripts” is like a personalized psychological growth guide for each individual, turning therapists into life directors in an instant.


Mrs. Horney is the family’s reformist aunt who couldn’t stand Freud’s stereotypical descriptions of female psychology. She proposed that culture and social environment are crucial “cooking ingredients” influencing an individual’s psychological development. Her revelation of basic anxiety and neurotic tendencies is a series of “psychological home-cooked dishes.”


Lastly, enter the representative of the “philosopher school,” Lacan. He artfully integrated linguistic and structuralist ideas into the family “genes.” He believed that the process of establishing self-identity in front of a mirror is like a grand ceremony. Moreover, he argued that every day, through verbal communication, we weave an invisible web of the unconscious—a true “dreamweaver” in the family of psychology.


So, as you can see, although these psychoanalytic schools each have their viewpoints and occasionally engage in academic “family disputes,” they have all enriched the multidimensional panorama of human psychology in their own ways. It’s as the saying goes, “Let a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend,” only through such diversity can the garden of psychology be more vibrant and full of interest. In learning and research, what we need to do is embrace the unique perspectives of each school. After all, understanding the complex beauty of human nature is not something that can be achieved with a single viewpoint!

本文标签: 英语高职园地心理杨凌