


    • 用句子来定义
    • 定义的结果
    • 多个定义
    • 定义的困难性
    • 引用他人的定义
    • 评论定义
    • 说明文中的术语


  1. A university is an institution where knowledge is produced and passed on to others.
  2. A scientific theory can be defined as an explanation of some aspect of the natural world [which has been] confirmed by observation or experiment.
  3. Science is the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
  4. Social Economics may be defined as the branch of economics [which is] concerned with the measurement, causes, and consequences of social problems.
  5. Research may be defined as a systematic process which consists of three elements or components: (1) a question, problem, or hypothesis, (2) data, and (3) analysis and interpretation of data.
    研究可以被定义为一个系统的过程,它由三个要素或组成部分组成: (1)一个问题,问题或假设,(2)数据,(3)数据的分析和解释。
  6. Education is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, or values of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next.
  7. Braille is a system of touch reading and writing for blind people in which raised dots on paper represent the letters of the alphabet.


  1. X can broadly be defined as …
    可以广义地定义为… …。
  2. X can be loosely described as …
    可以粗略地描述为… …。
  3. X can be defined as … It encompasses …
    X 可以被定义为… 它包含…。
  4. In the literature, the term tends to be used to refer to …
  5. The broad use of the term ‘X’ is sometimes equated with …
    “ x”一词的广泛使用有时等同于…。
  6. Defined as X, obesity is now considered a worldwide epidemic and is associated with …
    定义为 x,肥胖现在被认为是一个全球性的流行病,并与…。
  7. The term ‘X’ is a relatively new name for a Y, commonly referred to as …
    术语“ x”是一个相对较新的名称的 y,通常被称为…。
  8. X is a/an relatively new term that refers to …
    是一个相对较新的术语,指… …。
  9. X is a/an umbrella term used to describe …
    是一个用来描述… 的总括术语。
  10. X is a/an common term covering a wide range of …
    X 是一个通用术语,涵盖了… 的广泛范围。
  11. X is a/an umbrella term covering a wide range of …
    X 是一个涵盖范围广泛的术语…。
  12. X is a/an broad term covering a wide range of …
    X 是一个宽泛的术语,涵盖… 的广泛范围。
  13. X is a/an relatively new term which encompasses …
    X 是一个相对较新的术语,它包括…。
  14. X is a/an common term that refers to …
    是一个常用的术语,指… …。
  15. X is a/an non-specific term covering a wide range of …
    X 是一个非专有名词,涵盖了… … 的广泛范围。
  16. X is a/an generic term used to describe …
    X 是一个通用术语,用来描述…。
  17. X is a/an relatively new term covering a wide range of …
    X 是一个相对较新的术语,涵盖了… … 的广泛范围。
  18. X is a/an common term used to describe …
    是一个常用的术语,用来描述… …。
  19. The term ‘X’ is generally understood to mean …
    “ x”一词通常被理解为… …。
  20. The term ‘X’ has been used to refer to situations in which …
    “ x”这个词用来指… … 的情况。
  21. The term ‘X’ has come to be used to refer to …
    “ x”这个术语已经被用来指… …。
  22. The term ‘X’ carries certain connotations in some types of …
    “ x”这个词在某些类型的… … 中有一定的内涵。
  23. X is a/an non-specific term that refers to …
    X 是一个非专有名词,指的是… …。
  24. X is a/an generic term covering a wide range of …
    X 是一个通用术语,涵盖了… 的广泛范围。
  25. X is a/an umbrella term which encompasses …
    X 是一个总括术语,它包括… …。
  26. X is a/an generic term which encompasses …
    X 是一个通用术语,它包括…。
  27. X is a/an generic term that refers to …
  28. X is a/an relatively new term used to describe …
    是一个相对较新的术语,用来描述… …。
  29. In broad terms, X can be defined as any stimulus that is …
    从广义上来说,x 可以被定义为任何刺激…。
  30. Whereas X refers to the operations of …, Y refers to the …
    而 x 指的是… 的操作,y 指的是… 的操作。
  31. The term ‘disease’ refers to a biological event characterised by …
    “疾病”一词是指以… … 为特征的生物事件。
  32. X is a/an umbrella term that refers to …
    是一个总括术语,指的是… …。
  33. X is a/an broad term that refers to …
    是一个广义的术语,指… …。
  34. X is a/an broad term which encompasses …
    X 是一个宽泛的术语,它包括… …。
  35. X is a/an common term which encompasses …
    X 是一个常见的术语,它包括… …。
  36. X is a/an non-specific term which encompasses …
    X 是一个非特定的术语,它包括…。
  37. X is a/an broad term used to describe …
    X 是一个广义的术语,用来描述… …。
  38. X is a/an non-specific term used to describe …
    X 是一个非特定的术语,用来描述… …。


  1. In the field of X, various definitions of X are found.
    在 x 领域中,发现了 x 的各种定义。
  2. This term has two overlapping, even slightly confusing meanings.
  3. Despite its common usage, X is used in different disciplines to mean different things.
    尽管常用,但 x 在不同的学科中被用来表示不同的意思。
  4. The meaning of this term has been extended to refer to …
    这个术语的意思已经扩展到指… …。
  5. The meaning of this term has been broadened in recent years.
  6. The definition of X has evolved.
    X 的定义已经发生了变化。
  7. Widely varying definitions of X have emerged (Smith and Jones, 1999).
    X 的各种定义已经出现(史密斯和琼斯,1999)。
  8. Since the definition of X varies among researchers, it is important to clarify how the term is used in …
    由于研究人员对 x 的定义各不相同,因此有必要澄清这个术语在…。
  9. The meaning of this term has changed somewhat from its original definition, particularly in …
    这一术语的含义已经有所改变,特别是在… …。
  10. The meaning of this term has varied over time.
  11. The meaning of this term has not been consistent throughout …
  12. There are multiple definitions of X.
    X 有多种定义。
  13. Several definitions of X have been proposed.
    提出了 x 的几个定义。
  14. The term ‘X’ embodies a multitude of concepts which …
    “ x”这个词包含了许多概念… …。
  15. The meaning of this term has evolved.


  1. X is a rather nebulous term …
    X 是一个相当模糊的术语…。
  2. A generally accepted definition of X is lacking.
    缺乏一个普遍接受的 x 的定义。
  3. Unfortunately, X remains a poorly defined term.
    不幸的是,x 仍然是一个定义不明确的术语。
  4. There is no agreed definition on what constitutes …
    对于什么构成… … 没有一致的定义。
  5. There is little consensus about what X actually means.
    对于 x 到底意味着什么,人们几乎没有达成共识。
  6. Numerous terms are used to describe X, the most common of which are ….
    描述 x 的术语很多,最常见的是…。
  7. Although differences of opinion still exist, there appears to be some agreement that X refers to …
    虽然意见分歧仍然存在,但似乎有一些共识认为 x 指的是…。
  8. The meaning of this term has been a matter of ongoing discussion among …
    这个术语的意思一直是… … 中正在讨论的问题。
  9. The meaning of this term has proved to be notoriously hard to define.
  10. The definition of X varies in the literature and there is terminological confusion.
    关于 x 的定义在文献中有所不同,并且存在术语上的混乱。
  11. Smith (2001) identified four abilities that might be subsumed under the term ‘X’: a) …
    史密斯(2001)确定了四种能力可以归入术语“ x” : a)。
  12. ‘X’ is a term frequently used in the literature, but to date there is no consensus about …
    “ x”是文献中经常使用的一个术语,但到目前为止还没有达成共识…。
  13. The meaning of this term has been disputed.
  14. The meaning of this term has been debated ever since …
  15. These terms are often used interchangeably and without precision.
  16. X is a commonly-used notion in psychology and yet it is a concept difficult to define precisely.
    X 是心理学中一个常用的概念,但是它是一个很难精确定义的概念。
  17. The meaning of this term has been an object of major disagreement in …
    这个术语的意义一直是… … 争论的主要对象。
  18. X is a contested term.
    X 是一个有争议的任期。
  19. X is challenging to define because …
    X 很难定义,因为… …。
  20. A precise definition of X has proved elusive.
    事实证明,x 的精确定义是难以捉摸的。
  21. There is a degree of uncertainty around the terminology in …
    关于… 的术语有一定程度的不确定性。


  1. For Smith (2001), X means …
    对于 Smith (2001)来说,x 意味着…。
  2. In 1987, psychologist John Smith popularized the term ‘X’ to describe …
    1987年,心理学家约翰 · 史密斯普及了 x 这个词来描述… …。
  3. Smith, has shown that, as late as 1920, Jones was using the term ‘X’ to refer to particular …
    史密斯的研究表明,直到1920年,琼斯还在使用术语 x 来指代特定的… …。
  4. One of the first people to define nursing was Florence Nightingale (1860), who wrote: ‘… …’
    最早定义护理学的人之一是弗罗伦斯·南丁格尔,他写道: ‘ … … ’
  5. Aristotle defines the imagination as ‘the movement which results upon an actual sensation.’
  6. Smith et al. (2002) have provided a new definition of health: ‘health is a state of being with …
    史密斯等人(2002)提供了一个新的健康定义: “健康是一种状态与…。
  7. Smith (2001) uses the term ‘X’ to refer to …
    史密斯(2001)使用术语“ x”来指… …。
  8. Smith (1954) was apparently the first to use the term …
  9. This definition is close to that of Smith (2012) who defines X as …
    这个定义接近于史密斯(2012)的定义,他将 x 定义为…。
  10. According to a definition provided by Smith (2001:23), X is ‘the maximally …
    根据 Smith (2001:23)提供的定义,x 是“最大… …。
  11. Chomsky writes that a grammar is a ‘device of some sort for producing the …’ (1957, p.11).
    乔姆斯基写道,语法是“某种产生… … 的工具”(1957年,第11页)。


  1. This definition is intended primarily for …
    这个定义主要是为了… …。
  2. This definition fails to capture the idea of …
    这个定义没有抓住… 的概念。
  3. This definition will continue to evolve.
  4. This definition can vary depending on …
    这个定义可以根据… 有所不同。
  5. The following definition is useful because …
    下面的定义很有用,因为… …。
  6. The following definition is inadequate since …
  7. What is interesting about this definition is that it acknowledges …
    这个定义有趣的地方在于它承认… …。
  8. What is striking about this definition is that it recognises …
    这个定义的惊人之处在于,它承认… …。
  9. What is important about this definition is what it does not include …
    这个定义的重要之处在于它没有包括… …。
  10. What is notable about this definition is that it is based on …
    值得注意的是,这个定义是基于… …。
  11. What is striking about this definition is that it offers …
    这个定义的惊人之处在于它提供了… …。
  12. What is troubling about this definition is that it is based on …
  13. What is notable about this definition is that it acknowledges …
    值得注意的是,这个定义承认… …。
  14. What is appealing about this definition is that it encompasses all …
    这个定义吸引人的地方在于它涵盖了所有… …。
  15. What is useful about this definition is the emphasis on …
    这个定义的有用之处在于强调了… …。
  16. What is distinctive about this definition is that it takes for granted …
    这个定义的独特之处在于它认为理所当然… …。
  17. What is significant about this definition is that it takes for granted …
    这个定义的重要意义在于它认为理所当然… …。
  18. What is interesting about this definition is the emphasis on …
    这个定义的有趣之处在于它强调了… …。
  19. What is appealing about this definition is the emphasis on …
    这个定义吸引人的地方在于它强调… …。
  20. What is significant about this definition is that it acknowledges …
    这个定义的重要意义在于它承认… …。
  21. This definition is intended primarily for …
    这个定义主要是为了… …。
  22. This definition fails to capture the idea of …
    这个定义没有抓住… 的概念。
  23. This definition will continue to evolve.
  24. This definition can vary depending on …
    这个定义可以根据… 有所不同。
  25. The following definition is useful because …
    下面的定义很有用,因为… …。
  26. The following definition is inadequate since …
  27. What is interesting about this definition is that it acknowledges …
    这个定义有趣的地方在于它承认… …。
  28. What is striking about this definition is that it recognises …
    这个定义的惊人之处在于,它承认… …。
  29. What is important about this definition is what it does not include …
    这个定义的重要之处在于它没有包括… …。
  30. What is notable about this definition is that it is based on …
    值得注意的是,这个定义是基于… …。
  31. What is striking about this definition is that it offers …
    这个定义的惊人之处在于它提供了… …。
  32. What is troubling about this definition is that it is based on …
  33. What is notable about this definition is that it acknowledges …
    值得注意的是,这个定义承认… …。
  34. What is appealing about this definition is that it encompasses all …
    这个定义吸引人的地方在于它涵盖了所有… …。
  35. What is useful about this definition is the emphasis on …
    这个定义的有用之处在于强调了… …。
  36. What is distinctive about this definition is that it takes for granted …
    这个定义的独特之处在于它认为理所当然… …。
  37. What is significant about this definition is that it takes for granted …
    这个定义的重要意义在于它认为理所当然… …。
  38. What is interesting about this definition is the emphasis on …
    这个定义的有趣之处在于它强调了… …。
  39. What is appealing about this definition is the emphasis on …
    这个定义吸引人的地方在于它强调… …。
  40. What is significant about this definition is that it acknowledges …
    这个定义的重要意义在于它承认… …。
  41. What is important about this definition is that it recognises …
    这个定义的重要之处在于它承认… …。
  42. What is appealing about this definition is that it stresses …
    这个定义吸引人的地方在于它强调… …。
  43. What is distinctive about this definition is the emphasis on …
  44. What is notable about this definition is that it stresses …
    值得注意的是,这个定义强调… …。
  45. This definition poses a problem for …
    这个定义给… … 提出了一个问题。
  46. This definition has largely fallen out of use.
  47. This definition raises some important issues.
  48. This definition captures a number of important features of …
    这个定义抓住了… 的一些重要特征。
  49. This definition has been broadened to include …
  50. This definition takes into account …
    这个定义考虑到… …。
  51. The following definition is in need of revision since …
  52. The following definition is rather imprecise.
  53. The following definition is problematic as …
    下面的定义有问题,因为… …。
  54. The following definition is important for what it excludes.
  55. What is important about this definition is that it clearly links …
    这个定义的重要之处在于它清楚地链接了… …。
  56. What is remarkable about this definition is that it clearly links …
    这个定义值得注意的地方在于它明确地联系了… …。
  57. What is useful about this definition is that it stresses …
    这个定义的有用之处在于它强调… …。
  58. What is remarkable about this definition is that it offers …
    这个定义值得注意的是它提供了… …。
  59. What is troubling about this definition is that it encompasses all …
    这个定义的麻烦之处在于它涵盖了所有… …。
  60. What is notable about this definition is what it does not include …
    值得注意的是,这个定义没有包括… …。
  61. What is important about this definition is that it recognises …
    这个定义的重要之处在于它承认… …。
  62. What is appealing about this definition is that it stresses …
    这个定义吸引人的地方在于它强调… …。
  63. What is distinctive about this definition is the emphasis on …
  64. What is notable about this definition is that it stresses …
    值得注意的是,这个定义强调… …。
  65. This definition poses a problem for …
    这个定义给… … 提出了一个问题。
  66. This definition has largely fallen out of use.
  67. This definition raises some important issues.
  68. This definition captures a number of important features of …
    这个定义抓住了… 的一些重要特征。
  69. This definition has been broadened to include …
  70. This definition takes into account …
    这个定义考虑到… …。
  71. The following definition is in need of revision since …
  72. The following definition is rather imprecise.
  73. The following definition is problematic as …
    下面的定义有问题,因为… …。
  74. The following definition is important for what it excludes.
  75. What is important about this definition is that it clearly links …
    这个定义的重要之处在于它清楚地链接了… …。
  76. What is remarkable about this definition is that it clearly links …
    这个定义值得注意的地方在于它明确地联系了… …。
  77. What is useful about this definition is that it stresses …
    这个定义的有用之处在于它强调… …。
  78. What is remarkable about this definition is that it offers …
    这个定义值得注意的是它提供了… …。
  79. What is troubling about this definition is that it encompasses all …
    这个定义的麻烦之处在于它涵盖了所有… …。
  80. What is notable about this definition is what it does not include …
    值得注意的是,这个定义没有包括… …。
  81. What is notable about this definition is that it recognises …
    这个定义值得注意的是,它承认… …。
  82. What is useful about this definition is that it encompasses all …
    这个定义的有用之处在于它涵盖了所有… …。
  83. What is distinctive about this definition is what it does not include …
    这个定义的独特之处在于它没有包括… …。
  84. What is useful about this definition is that it is based on …
    这个定义的有用之处在于它是基于… …。
  85. What is appealing about this definition is what it does not include …
    这个定义吸引人的地方在于它没有包括… …。
  86. This definition helps distinguish …
    这个定义有助于区分… …。
  87. This definition highlights the …
    这个定义强调了… …。
  88. This definition was agreed upon after …
    这个定义是在… 之后达成的。
  89. This definition includes …
  90. This definition allows for …
  91. The following definition is does not recognise …
  92. The following definition is modelled on …
  93. The following definition is intended to …
  94. What is important about this definition is that it acknowledges …
  95. What is significant about this definition is the emphasis on …
    这个定义的重要意义在于强调… …。
  96. What is troubling about this definition is what it does not include …
    这个定义的麻烦之处在于它没有包括… …。
  97. What is significant about this definition is that it stresses …
    这个定义的重要意义在于它强调… …。
  98. What is significant about this definition is that it clearly links …
    这个定义的重要意义在于它清楚地连接了… …。
  99. What is interesting about this definition is that it is based on …
    这个定义的有趣之处在于它是基于… …。
  100. What is troubling about this definition is that it clearly links …
    这个定义令人不安的地方在于它明显地联系了… …。
  101. What is significant about this definition is what it does not include …
    这个定义的重要意义在于它没有包括… …。
  102. What is striking about this definition is the emphasis on …
    这个定义的引人注目之处在于它强调… …。
  103. What is troubling about this definition is the emphasis on …
    这个定义的麻烦之处在于它强调了… …。
  104. What is interesting about this definition is that it offers …
    有趣的是,这个定义提供了… …。
  105. What is notable about this definition is that it takes for granted …
    值得注意的是,这个定义认为理所当然… …。
  106. What is notable about this definition is that it clearly links …
    关于这个定义值得注意的是,它清楚地连接了… …。
  107. What is appealing about this definition is that it recognises …
    这个定义吸引人的地方在于,它承认… …。
  108. What is significant about this definition is that it recognises …
    这个定义的重要意义在于它承认… …。
  109. What is useful about this definition is that it recognises …
    这个定义的有用之处在于它承认… …。
  110. What is troubling about this definition is that it takes for granted …
    这个定义的麻烦之处在于它认为理所当然… …。
  111. What is appealing about this definition is that it takes for granted …
    这个定义吸引人的地方在于,它认为理所当然… …。
  112. What is distinctive about this definition is that it offers …
    这个定义的独特之处在于它提供了… …。
  113. What is striking about this definition is what it does not include …
    这个定义的惊人之处在于它没有包括… …。
  114. What is appealing about this definition is that it is based on …
    这个定义吸引人的地方在于它是基于… …。
  115. What is significant about this definition is that it is based on …
  116. What is important about this definition is that it takes for granted …
    这个定义的重要之处在于它认为理所当然… …。
  117. What is appealing about this definition is that it offers …
    这个定义吸引人的地方在于它提供了… …。
  118. What is troubling about this definition is that it offers …
    这个定义的麻烦之处在于它提供了… …。
  119. What is notable about this definition is the emphasis on …
    这个定义值得注意的是强调… …。
  120. What is interesting about this definition is that it encompasses all …
  121. What is important about this definition is that it offers …
  122. What is remarkable about this definition is the emphasis on …
  123. What is important about this definition is that it is based on …
    这个定义的重要之处在于它是基于… …。
  124. What is striking about this definition is that it stresses …
    这个定义的惊人之处在于它强调… …。
  125. What is appealing about this definition is that it clearly links …
    这个定义吸引人的地方在于它明显地联系了… …。
  126. What is useful about this definition is that it acknowledges …
    这个定义的有用之处在于它承认… …。


  1. In this paper, the term that will be used to describe this phenomenon is ‘X’.
    在本文中,用来描述这种现象的术语是“ x”。
  2. The term ‘X’ will be used solely when referring to …
    术语“ x”将仅用于指… …。
  3. While a variety of definitions of the term ‘X’ have been suggested, this paper will use the definition first suggested by Smith (1968) who saw it as …
    虽然关于“ x”一词的定义已经提出了各种各样的建议,但本文将使用史密斯(1968)首先提出的定义,他认为“ x”一词是…。
  4. The term ‘X’ is used here to refer to …
    “ x”这个词在这里用来指… …。
  5. In the present study, X is defined as …
    在本研究中,x 被定义为…。
  6. Throughout this thesis, the term ‘X’ is used to refer to informal systems as well as …
    在本文中,“ x”一词被用来指非正式系统以及…。

本文标签: 句式科研常见