









  • 农业:内布拉斯加州是美国主要的农业州之一,主要农产品包括玉米、大豆、小麦和牛肉。牧场业和农作物种植是该州经济的重要支柱。
  • 制造业:内布拉斯加州拥有发达的制造业,主要生产食品加工、机械设备和金属制品。
  • 服务业:包括金融服务、保险和医疗保健等在内的服务业在内布拉斯加州的经济中占有重要地位。奥马哈是多个大型公司的总部所在地,如伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)和联合健康集团(Mutual of Omaha)。



  • 内布拉斯加大学林肯分校(University of Nebraska-Lincoln):位于林肯,是该州最大的公立大学,以其农业科学、工程学和商业管理项目著名。
  • 克瑞顿大学(Creighton University):位于奥马哈,是一所私立大学,以其医学、法学和商学项目而闻名。



  • 历史和遗产:内布拉斯加州有着丰富的历史遗迹和博物馆,如内布拉斯加州立历史博物馆(Nebraska State Historical Society)和斯图尔特博物馆(Stuhr Museum of the Prairie Pioneer)。
  • 户外活动:内布拉斯加州提供丰富的户外活动机会,如远足、钓鱼、狩猎和露营。沙丘地区和内布拉斯加国家森林(Nebraska National Forest)是热门的旅游目的地。
  • 艺术和文化:内布拉斯加州有多个艺术和文化中心,如奥马哈的乔斯林艺术博物馆(Joslyn Art Museum)和林肯的利德艺术中心(Lied Center for Performing Arts)。



  • 奥马哈(Omaha):内布拉斯加州最大的城市和经济中心,以其金融服务、保险业和食品加工产业闻名。奥马哈还拥有丰富的文化和娱乐设施,如亨利·杜雷动物园(Henry Doorly Zoo)和奥马哈儿童博物馆(Omaha Children’s Museum)。
  • 林肯(Lincoln):内布拉斯加州的首府和第二大城市,是该州的政治和文化中心,以其大学城氛围和丰富的历史遗迹著称。
  • 贝尔维尤(Bellevue):位于奥马哈南部,是一个重要的住宅和商业区,以其空军基地和自然公园闻名。




Nebraska, located in the central United States, is known for its vast plains, agricultural production, and rich historical heritage. Here is a detailed introduction to Nebraska, covering its geographical location, population, economy, education, culture, and major cities.

Geographical Location

Nebraska is bordered by Iowa and Missouri to the east, Kansas to the south, Colorado and Wyoming to the west, and South Dakota to the north. The state’s terrain is primarily composed of expansive plains and grasslands, with the Missouri River flowing along its eastern border. Nebraska’s natural landscapes include extensive prairies, rivers, and sand dunes, such as those in the Sandhills region.


According to the 2020 Census, Nebraska has a population of approximately 1,961,504 people. The population is mainly concentrated in the eastern part of the state in cities like Omaha and Lincoln. Nebraska’s population is predominantly White, with significant communities of Latinos, African Americans, Asians, and a small number of Native Americans.


Nebraska’s economy is based on agriculture, manufacturing, and services, with a diverse industrial structure.

  • Agriculture: Nebraska is one of the leading agricultural states in the U.S., with major products including corn, soybeans, wheat, and beef. Ranching and crop farming are vital to the state’s economy.
  • Manufacturing: Nebraska has a developed manufacturing sector, producing food products, machinery, and metal goods.
  • Services: The services sector, including financial services, insurance, and healthcare, plays a significant role in Nebraska’s economy. Omaha is home to the headquarters of several large companies, such as Berkshire Hathaway and Mutual of Omaha.


Nebraska is home to several higher education institutions known for their high-quality education and research programs.

  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL): Located in Lincoln, UNL is the largest public university in the state, renowned for its programs in agricultural sciences, engineering, and business administration.
  • Creighton University: Located in Omaha, Creighton is a private university known for its medical, law, and business programs.


Nebraska has a rich and diverse culture that includes historical heritage, outdoor activities, and arts.

  • History and Heritage: Nebraska has numerous historical landmarks and museums, such as the Nebraska State Historical Society and the Stuhr Museum of the Prairie Pioneer.
  • Outdoor Activities: Nebraska offers abundant outdoor activities, including hiking, fishing, hunting, and camping. The Sandhills and the Nebraska National Forest are popular tourist destinations.
  • Arts and Culture: Nebraska has several arts and cultural centers, such as the Joslyn Art Museum in Omaha and the Lied Center for Performing Arts in Lincoln.

Major Cities

Nebraska has several major cities, each with its unique charm.

  • Omaha: The largest city and economic center of Nebraska, Omaha is known for its financial services, insurance industry, and food processing sector. Omaha also boasts rich cultural and recreational facilities, such as the Henry Doorly Zoo and the Omaha Children’s Museum.
  • Lincoln: The capital and second-largest city of Nebraska, Lincoln is the political and cultural center of the state, known for its university-town atmosphere and rich historical landmarks.
  • Bellevue: Located south of Omaha, Bellevue is an important residential and commercial area, known for its Air Force base and natural parks.


Nebraska is known for its vast plains, rich agricultural resources, and diverse economic structure. The state holds a significant position in agriculture, manufacturing, and services, while its unique natural landscapes and vibrant cultural activities attract numerous tourists and new residents. Whether in bustling cities or amidst expansive prairies, Nebraska showcases its distinctive charm.



本文标签: 加州美国双语中英布拉斯