


In tech, constantly learning (both in and out of work) is an unstated job requirement.


When I was growing up, I would go to the bookstore with my dad every weekend, and every time he would pick up a new book on coding. At the time, I always asked why he was working on the weekends. Now I understand, because I now spend my weekends the same way.

在我长大的时候,我每个周末都会和父亲一起去书店,每次他拿起一本关于编码的新书时。 当时,我总是问他为什么在周末工作。 现在我明白了,因为我现在以同样的方式度过周末。

Working in tech requires you to constantly learn new skills. The industry moves so quickly that those who do not continue to learn fall behind. Continuing to succeed at your job is dependent on your ability to learn, but it can be an overwhelming prospect to finish a long day of work only to go home to study.

从事技术工作需要您不断学习新技能。 行业发展如此之快,以至于那些不愿继续学习的人落伍了。 继续取得成功取决于您的学习能力,但是完成漫长的一天工作只是回家学习可能是压倒性的前景。

So how do you do find the motivation to study and ensure that the time you spend learning is productive?


1:设定目标 (1: Set a Goal)

Set a SMART goal (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time based). It will help you structure your thinking. For example, a general goal would be ‘I want to learn how to code.’ A SMART Goal would be ‘I want to build a website with HTML and CSS in the next 6 months.’

设置一个SMART目标(具体,可测量,可实现,相关和基于时间)。 这将帮助您构建思路。 例如,一个总体目标是“我想学习编码”。 SMART的目标是“我希望在未来6个月内使用HTML和CSS构建网站”。

  • Specific: Going from ‘learn to code’ (general) to ‘build a website using HTML and CSS’ (specific). This should be something which motivates and focuses you. What do you want to achieve? Why?

    特定的:从“学习到代码”(一般)到“使用HTML和CSS构建网站”(特定)。 这应该是激发和聚焦您的东西。 您想实现什么? 为什么?
  • Measurable: How can you track your progress toward your goal? Does writing a script count as ‘learning to code’? Think about how you can measure your progress toward your goal. If it isn’t measurable, it’s a lot easier to get unmotivated. Something like ‘build a website using HTML and CSS’ is much easier to track your progress toward.

    可衡量的:如何跟踪实现目标的进度? 编写脚本是否算作“学习代码”? 考虑一下如何衡量实现目标的进度。 如果无法衡量,那么变得无动力就容易得多。 诸如“使用HTML和CSS构建网站”之类的内容可以更轻松地跟踪您的进度。
  • Attainable: Think realistically about your own limitations. If you’re used to coming home and watching TV every day for 3 hours, you’re probably not suddenly going to start coming home from work every day and spending 3 hours studying. That’s okay. Don’t plan for very dramatic change – it’s very hard to make that kind of change sustainable.

    可实现:切实考虑自己的局限性。 如果您习惯每天回家看电视3个小时,那么您可能不会突然开始每天下班回家并花费3个小时学习时间。 没关系。 不要计划进行非常大的改变–很难使这种改变可持续。

    Attainable: Think realistically about your own limitations. If you’re used to coming home and watching TV every day for 3 hours, you’re probably not suddenly going to start coming home from work every day and spending 3 hours studying. That’s okay. Don’t plan for very dramatic change – it’s very hard to make that kind of change sustainable.

    可实现:切实考虑自己的局限性。 如果您习惯每天回家看电视3个小时,那么您可能不会突然开始每天下班回家并花费3个小时学习时间。 没关系。 不要计划进行非常大的改变–很难使这种改变可持续。

    Instead, think about small changes. Plan for 30 minutes to spend on a new skill. Think about what you’ve accomplished in the past and if this goal is achievable for you. This is also a good time to think about whether or not you are overcommitting. Are you trying to learn Spanish, play the Oboe, and learn a new framework all in the next month? Pick one thing and stay focused on it. That will make it easier to accomplish one goal, and you can always choose a different goal for your next project.

    相反,请考虑一些小的变化。 计划30分钟以花在一项新技能上。 考虑一下您过去的成就以及该目标是否可以实现。 这也是思考您是否过度投入的好时机。 您是否打算在下个月学习西班牙语,玩双簧管并学习新的框架? 选择一件事并专注于它。 这样可以更轻松地实现一个目标,并且您始终可以为下一个项目选择其他目标。

  • Relevant: Is this goal relevant to what I want? For example, if your goal is to become a software developer, what are the top skills you need to develop? Prioritize learning those skills first. Ask yourself if this the best time for this goal.

    相关:这个目标与我想要的目标相关吗? 例如,如果您的目标是成为软件开发人员,那么您需要开发哪些顶级技能? 首先优先学习那些技能。 问问自己,这是否是实现该目标的最佳时间。
  • Time-based: The first goal doesn’t set any time limit, which can be hard to motivate yourself to pursue. After all, when you have forever it’s much easier to think ‘I’ll start tomorrow.’ The second goal gives you a hard timeline to accomplish it (6 months).

    基于时间:第一个目标没有设定任何时间限制,这可能很难激发自己的追求。 毕竟,永远拥有时,想“我明天就开始”要容易得多。 第二个目标给您一个艰难的时间表来完成它(6个月)。

While it’s definitely harder (and takes more time initially) to set SMART goals, it will save you time in the long term.


In Sprint, the authors point out that all of us have limited decision-making capacity each day. It needs to be conserved for the most important tasks. With the first goal (learn to code), you now have to decide what language to program in, what kind of project or projects you want to build, and when you’re going to do it. The second goal (build a website using HTML and CSS) answers all of those questions for you.

作者在Sprint中指出,我们每个人每天的决策能力有限。 对于最重要的任务,需要保留它。 在第一个目标(学习编码)的前提下,您现在必须决定要使用哪种语言进行编程,要构建哪种类型的项目以及何时进行构建。 第二个目标(使用HTML和CSS建立网站)为您解答了所有这些问题。

2分解 (2 Break it Down)

Now that you have your goal, break it down into monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly steps (as far down as you need to go). For the example earlier, if your goal is to build a website with HTML and CSS and you don’t know how to code, break it down into manageable steps. For example:

现在您有了目标,将其分解为每月,每周,每天或每小时的步骤(尽可能远地细分)。 对于前面的示例,如果您的目标是使用HTML和CSS构建网站并且不知道如何编码,则将其分解为可管理的步骤。 例如:

  • Find resources to learn HTML and CSS (like freecodecamp)

    查找学习HTML和CSS的资源(如freecodecamp )

  • Spend at least 30 minutes every day working on programming challenges

  • Start building a website and dedicate at least 30 minutes every day to working on it


This is a pretty simple example, but the goal looks more manageable already. Build a website? That seems really hard. Spending 30 minutes every day working on learning a new thing? That’s much more manageable. Pretty much everyone has a spare 30 minutes they can work into their day for something that matters to them.

这是一个非常简单的示例,但是目标看起来已经更加易于管理。 建立一个网站? 看起来真的很难。 每天花费30分钟学习新事物吗? 那更容易管理。 几乎每个人都有30分钟的空闲时间,他们可以每天工作对自己重要的事情。

#3封锁时间 (#3 Block out Time)

Now that you have your goal, figure out how to spend a solid block of time on it every day (or as often as you can). Small chunks of time (say 5 minutes) here and there are easy to get erased in favor of other things, or may not be long enough for you to focus on the task at hand.

现在您有了目标,请弄清楚如何每天(或尽可能多地)花费大量的时间在目标上。 在这里只有一小段时间(例如5分钟),很容易被其他事物抹去,或者可能不足以使您专注于手头的任务。

Research shows that regaining focus after an interruption can take (on average) more than 20 minutes. It’s more effective if you can identify an hour (or even 30 minutes) every day and block them out to only focus on this goal.

研究表明 ,中断后重新获得焦点可能平均需要20分钟以上。 如果您每天可以确定一个小时(甚至30分钟)并将其屏蔽以仅专注于此目标,则效果会更好。

This is also why time-sensitive goals are so important. It’s much easier to block off time if you can say ‘this is just for 1 month, or two months, etc.’ Blocking off indefinite time is much harder to do.

这也是时间敏感目标如此重要的原因。 如果您可以说“这只是1个月或2个月等”,则可以更轻松地推迟时间。 阻塞不确定的时间要困难得多。

Plus, blocking out just a small chunk of time means you can work on your project for the assigned time, then go do something else, knowing you accomplished something. Blocking off specific time to work on a personal project  means you can work for 30 minutes, then relax without having to worry, as opposed to working on and off while trying to multitask 6 other things (watching Netflix, checking texts, cooking, etc.) is probably going to end with you even more stressed out and feeling less productive.

另外,仅需花费一小段时间,就意味着您可以在指定的时间内处理项目,然后在知道自己已完成某件事的情况下去做其他事情。 将特定的时间花在个人项目上意味着您可以工作30分钟,然后放松而不必担心,这与尝试多任务处理6项其他事情(观看Netflix,检查文本,做饭等)相反。 )可能最终会给您带来更大的压力和生产力下降的感觉。

Studies show that very, very, very few people can truly multitask (I'm definitely not one of them), and that trying to do so just makes accomplishing tasks much harder. Don't try. Block off time, use it for your project, then do something you enjoy.

研究表明,很少有人能够真正完成多任务(我绝对不是其中之一),而尝试这样做只会使完成任务变得更加困难。 不要尝试 节省时间,将其用于您的项目,然后做自己喜欢的事情。

4专注 (4 Stay Focused)

It can be very, very easy in tech to start learning one thing and get side-tracked. There are tons of free resources to learn just about anything and it can be overwhelming, and difficult to know where to start (to the extent that it can be paralyzing and impossible to begin learning everything at all).

在技​​术上开始学习一件事并获得旁观者可能非常非常容易。 有大量的免费资源可用于学习几乎所有内容,并且可能使您无所适从,而且很难知道从哪里开始(在某种程度上它可能瘫痪并且根本无法开始学习所有内容)。

Escape some of this paralysis by picking just one goal, and sticking with it. It will be a lot more helpful if you can do one thing well (for example creating a website) than a lot of things just a little (for example, printing 'Hello World' in every possible language). Take time to make sure that what you’re doing is helping you accomplish your goal. Ask yourself ‘Is this helping me accomplish my SMART goal?’ If not, it’s probably time to re-evaluate.

通过选择一个目标并坚持下去,可以避免一些麻痹。 如果您能做一件事(例如创建一个网站),而不是做很多事(例如,以每种可能的语言打印“ Hello World”),那么它将会大有帮助。 花些时间确保您正在做的事情可以帮助您实现目标。 问自己“这是否有助于我实现SMART目标?” 如果没有,可能是时候重新评估了。

Remember, you’ve already done the hard part when you set your goal. You’ve decided this is important and blocked off time. Now you just need to work on it.

请记住,设定目标时您已经完成了艰巨的任务。 您已经确定这很重要,并阻止了时间。 现在,您只需要进行处理即可。

If every time you sit down to study, you have to motivate yourself to do so, you won’t have the energy to study. Making the studying a habit saves your energy for the actual task. Ideally you'll get to the point where you come in, sit down, and just start working, without thinking about it.

如果每次您坐下来学习时,都必须激励自己去做,那么您就没有精力学习。 养成学习习惯可以节省实际任务的精力。 理想的情况是,您无需思考就可以进入,坐下并开始工作。

Now, go learn something!


Looking for more resources? Check out these really smart people:

寻找更多资源? 看看这些真正聪明的人:

  • 6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person


  • So You Want to Work in Security…


  • What I learned from Coursera’s Learning How to Learn


  • The 30 Hour Method For Learning a New Skill


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/how-to-constantly-learn-without-burning-out/


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