

Almost everyone who uses Windows has seen it. You launch an application or game, and Windows Firewall pops up and says it’s “blocked some features of this app.” What does this mean, and should you allow access?

几乎每个使用Windows的人都可以看到它。 您启动一个应用程序或游戏,然后Windows防火墙弹出,并说它“阻止了此应用程序的某些功能”。 这是什么意思,您应该允许访问吗?

为什么会出现此消息? (Why Does This Message Appear?)

This message appears when an application wants to act as a server and accept incoming connections. You don’t see this prompt for most applications you use, like web browsers and email clients. You only see it with specific types of applications, such as media servers, games with multiplayer features, online file-sharing tools, and other server applications.

当应用程序要充当服务器并接受传入连接时,将显示此消息。 对于您使用的大多数应用程序(例如Web浏览器和电子邮件客户端),您都不会看到此提示。 您只能在特定类型的应用程序中看到它,例如媒体服务器,具有多人游戏功能的游戏,在线文件共享工具以及其他服务器应用程序。

The Windows Firewall blocks incoming connections by default. But the first time it blocks connections to a new application, this message pop up. You can then choose whether to allow the connection through. This ensures connections aren’t silently blocked without your knowledge.

Windows防火墙默认情况下会阻止传入连接。 但是,当它第一次阻止与新应用程序的连接时,会弹出此消息。 然后,您可以选择是否允许连接通过。 这样可确保在您不知情的情况下,不会默默地阻止连接。

On Windows 10, you see a “Windows Defender Firewall has blocked some features of this app” pop-up. On Windows 7 and 8, you see the “Windows Firewall has blocked some features of this app” message instead.

在Windows 10上,您会看到“ Windows Defender防火墙已阻止此应用程序的某些功能”弹出窗口。 在Windows 7和8上,您会看到“ Windows防火墙已阻止此应用程序的某些功能”消息。

您应该允许访问吗? (Should You Allow Access?)

When this box appears, you have a few choices. You can click “Allow Access” and allow incoming connections through the firewall. Or, you can click “Cancel,” and the firewall continues to block incoming connections for that application.

出现此框时,您有几种选择。 您可以单击“允许访问”,并允许通过防火墙的传入连接。 或者,您可以单击“取消”,防火墙继续阻止该应用程序的传入连接。

You can also choose which types of networks you want to allow the connections on. For example, you might allow a media server application only on private networks. That way, when you connect your laptop to public Wi-Fi, no one can connect to your media server. People on your home or work networks, however, will still be able to connect.

您还可以选择允许连接的网络类型。 例如,您可能只允许媒体服务器应用程序在专用网络上。 这样,当您将笔记本电脑连接到公共Wi-Fi时,没有人可以连接到媒体服务器。 但是,您家庭或工作网络中的人仍然可以连接。

When you connect to a network, you choose whether it’s public or private—Windows doesn’t automatically know. You can change this option for a network later in the Control Panel or Settings app.

连接到网络后,您可以选择是公共网络还是私有网络-Windows不会自动知道 。 您可以稍后在“控制面板”或“设置”应用中为网络更改此选项。

If you trust an application and want to use all its features, you should allow access. If you disallow access for a PC game, you might not be able to host multiplayer games. If you see this prompt and want to use a media server to share your media with other systems on your network, you likely have to allow access to do so. A BitTorrent client, for example, needs this access to upload data to other systems on the internet.

如果您信任某个应用程序并希望使用其所有功能,则应允许访问。 如果您禁止访问PC游戏,则可能无法托管多人游戏。 如果看到此提示,并想使用媒体服务器与网络上的其他系统共享媒体,则可能必须允许访问权限。 例如,BitTorrent客户端需要此访问权限才能将数据上传到Internet上的其他系统。

If you don’t allow access, an application might not function properly. So, you might not be able to host multiplayer games in a PC game, as the firewall blocks incoming connections.

如果您不允许访问,则应用程序可能无法正常运行。 因此,由于防火墙阻止传入连接,因此您可能无法在PC游戏中托管多人游戏。

If you don’t recognize the application, you might want to search the web for the name and find out more information. Some types of malware function as a server and might trigger a firewall alert. Run a scan with your preferred antivirus program if you’re concerned your PC might have malware.

如果您无法识别该应用程序,则可能需要在网络上搜索名称,并查找更多信息。 某些类型的恶意软件充当服务器,并可能触发防火墙警报。 如果您担心PC可能存在恶意软件,请使用首选的防病毒程序运行扫描 。

以后如何允许或禁止访问 (How to Allow or Disallow Access Later)

The Windows Firewall doesn’t ask you twice about the same application, but you can change the setting to allow or disallow any app in the future. To do so, head to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Defender Firewall > Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall.

Windows防火墙不会再次询问您相同的应用程序,但是您可以更改设置以允许将来允许或禁止任何应用程序。 为此,请转到控制面板>系统和安全性> Windows Defender防火墙>允许通过Windows Defender防火墙的应用或功能。

Click “Change Settings” to unlock the settings. Locate the application in the list, and then click the Public or Private checkboxes to control whether it’s allowed or disallowed, respectively. If you uncheck both boxes next to an application, it won’t be allowed to connect on either Public or Private networks. If you check both boxes, the app can connect on both.

单击“更改设置”以解锁设置。 在列表中找到该应用程序,然后单击“公共”或“私有”复选框以分别控制它是允许还是禁止。 如果您取消选中应用程序旁边的两个框,则将不允许它在公共或专用网络上连接。 如果同时选中两个框,则应用程序可以同时连接两个框。

如何禁用通知 (How to Disable the Notifications)

If you’d prefer not to see these notifications and that Windows automatically block incoming connections to all applications, you can.


To do so, head to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Defender Firewall > Change notification settings.

为此,请转到控制面板>系统和安全性> Windows Defender防火墙>更改通知设置。

To disable the notifications, uncheck the “Notify me when Windows Defender Firewall blocks a new app” option. There are two options here: one for private networks and one for public.

若要禁用通知,请取消选中“ Windows Defender防火墙阻止新应用程序时通知我”选项。 这里有两种选择:一种用于专用网络,一种用于公共网络。

This window is a pretty common sight on Windows, and you’ll usually have some idea why an application wants this level of network access. In most cases, if you trust an app, it’s safe to allow. Even if you allow an application through the Windows Firewall, your router’s network address translation (NAT) still prevents many incoming connections unless you set up port forwarding.

该窗口在Windows上很常见,您通常会知道为什么应用程序需要这种级别的网络访问。 在大多数情况下,如果您信任某个应用,则可以放心使用。 即使您允许通过Windows防火墙的应用程序,路由器的网络地址转换(NAT)仍然会阻止许多传入连接,除非您设置端口转发 。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/435610/why-does-windows-defender-firewall-block-some-app-features/

本文标签: 应用程序防火墙功能Windowsdefender