

(1)come true
(4)carry out
(7)bring into effect

(8)carry into effect

这两个单词一个是实现的意思,一个是执行的意思,确切的说一般情况下动宾搭配不一样,realization of a dream——realize a dream,implementation of the regulations——implement regulations。 

come trueprove to be true or correct实现;证实*His dream of becoming a university teacher has come true.他当一名大学教师的梦想实现了。*What the newspaper said about the weather for today has come true.报纸上关于今天天气的报道已经被证实了。 ...

implementim.ple.ment[`Impləmənt; ˋimplimənt]《源自拉丁文“用以装满里面的东西”的意思》名词1 a. (C)道具,用具,器具(→ instrument 【同义字】)agricultural [farm] ~s农具b. [~s]用具 [家具]2 (C)手段; 起工具作用的人(-9mZnt; -ment)及物动词1 履 ...[`riəˌlaIz; ˋriəlaiz]《real 的动词》及物动词1 a. 清楚地了解,认清,认知,领悟She has not ~d her own mistakes.她还没有认知自己的错误b. 领悟,了解,理解I didn't ~ that she was so ill.我不知道她病得那么重(cf. 1 c)c. 领悟,了解 ...

carry outfulfil;accomplish;perform 实行;履行*He carried out the plan without difficulty.他毫无困难地实施了那项计划。*It is often easier to make plans than to carry them out.常常是订计划容易,执行计划难。*I expect her to carry out her obligations. ...

achievea.chieve[ə`tʃiv; əˋtʃi:v]《源自古法语“达到顶点 [终了] ”的意思》及物动词1 达成,完成,成就,实现 (→ accomplish)~ a task完成工作[任务]All this cannot be ~d in a day.这无法在一天之内全部完成2 达成 ,树立 ,博得 ~ one's purpose [ ...[`æktʃJəlˌaIz; ˋæktʃuəlaiz]及物动词实现 ; 使…成为事实名词[]kt~l `ze~n; ]ktju~lai'zein]

本文标签: implementtruerealizeachievecarry