

Server is a bunch of hardware and software which is used to serve and provides different services to the clients in computing. Servers are an important part of computing where in today every internet user consumes different services from different companies’ servers. Servers are providing part of the Client-Server model and consumed by the different and multiple clients at the same time. Servers generally contain specialized hardware and software but in some cases, server hardware can be a regular computer, PC, laptop even a mobile device that runs server application or service.

Server是一堆硬件和软件,用于在计算中为客户端提供服务并提供不同的服务。 服务器是计算的重要组成部分,如今,每个互联网用户都使用来自不同公司服务器的不同服务。 服务器提供了客户端-服务器模型的一部分,并且同时被不同的客户端和多个客户端使用。 服务器通常包含专用的硬件和软件,但是在某些情况下,服务器硬件可以是常规计算机,PC,便携式计算机,甚至是运行服务器应用程序或服务的移动设备。

服务器历史记录 (Server History)

The term Server is created by Kendall in 1953 for its Queueing Theory. The firsts technical and more realistic usage dates back to 1969 where the server is explained in RFC 5. This document was related and explaining the ARPANET which is the predecessor of the internet.

Server一词由肯德尔(Kendall)于1953年为其排队理论创建。 最早的技术使用和更实际的使用可以追溯到1969年,当时在RFC 5中对服务器进行了说明。该文档与Internet的前身ARPANET有关,并对其进行了说明。

服务器属性和功能 (Server Attributes and Features)

Servers are different from PCs, mobile devices, and other IT related devices with the following attributes and features.


Scaleability : Server hardware, operating system, and software are designed with scalability in mind. They try to be more scalable in order to be more reliable, high performance, etc.

Scaleability :服务器硬件,操作系统和软件设计时考虑了可扩展性。 他们尝试更具可扩展性,以便具有更高的可靠性,更高的性能等。

Reliable: The most important attribute of the server is reliability. Servers are designed to work 7×24 without service interruption. Their hardware, operating system, and software must be reliable to work months even years without a problem.

Reliable :服务器最重要的属性是可靠性。 服务器设计为可以7×24正常工作而不会中断服务。 他们的硬件,操作系统和软件必须可靠可靠地工作数月甚至数年。

Cost: Servers are called enterprise IT components which makes them cost a lot higher than regular PC or laptops. The cost of the servers is also related to redundant hardware, advanced software, etc.

Cost :服务器被称为企业IT组件,使其成本比普通PC或笔记本电脑高很多。 服务器的成本还与冗余硬件,高级软件等有关。

服务器类型和用法 (Server Types and Usages)

Servers are generally designed and created to serve some service to the clients over the network. With the advecement of the computing a lot of different types of services are provided to the client. In this part we will list different server types and usages for different cases.

通常设计和创建服务器以通过网络为客户端提供一些服务。 随着计算的发展,向客户提供了许多不同类型的服务。 在这一部分中,我们将列出不同情况下的不同服务器类型和用法。

Application Server is one of the most popular server example where single or mulltiple applications are provided to the clients over the network. Application servers contains all or most of the application code and the client only connects this application or navigates it via internet with a web browser. As an example Facebook, Google Search, Twitter Web are popular web applications which are served by Application Servers.

Application Server是最流行的服务器示例之一,其中通过网络向客户端提供单个或多个应用程序。 应用程序服务器包含所有或大多数应用程序代码,客户端仅连接此应用程序或使用Web浏览器通过Internet对其进行导航。 例如,Facebook,Google搜索,Twitter Web是由应用程序服务器提供服务的流行Web应用程序。

Catalog Server is an old type of server where some structured and cataloged information is provided by the server. Catalog server generally provides information like computer list, usernames, phone numbers, users, server list etc. Catalog server is an old type of server which is currently not used so much were it was very popular in the first days of the servers.

Catalog Server是一种旧服务器,其中服务器提供一些结构化和分类信息。 目录服务器通常提供诸如计算机列表,用户名,电话号码,用户,服务器列表等信息。目录服务器是一种旧类型的服务器,由于它在服务器诞生的第一天就很流行,因此目前很少使用。

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Web Server is similar to the Application Server but a bit different where it may run web applications and also provides other web resources like image, documents, CSS, JavaScript files and generally contains some web server application like Apache, Nginx, IIS etc.

Web Server与Application Server类似,但在运行Web应用程序的地方有所不同,并且还提供其他Web资源,例如图像,文档,CSS,JavaScript文件,并且通常包含某些Web服务器应用程序,例如Apache,Nginx,IIS等。

Database Server is mainly designed to serve database services which is provided by database software, Database server stores information in a structured manner and provide access, update, delete, add operating to the clients. Database servers generally used by Application Servers in order to store and consume data.

Database Server主要设计用于服务由数据库软件提供的数据库服务。数据库服务器以结构化的方式存储信息,并为客户端提供访问,更新,删除,添加操作。 Application Server通常用于存储和使用数据的数据库服务器。

File Server is used to store and serve files over network. File server provides access to the multiple clients for files. This is a popular server type where different files, documents, images, programs can be accessed from a single point without duplication over different computers.

File Server用于通过网络存储和提供文件。 文件服务器提供对多个客户端的文件访问。 这是一种流行的服务器类型,可以从一个点访问不同的文件,文档,图像,程序,而无需在不同的计算机上重复。

Game Server is newly emerged server type where clients or gamers can play online games in a single platform. Game servers run the game logic where muliple clients connects to the same game and graphics are rendered by the clients.

Game Server是新兴的服务器类型,客户端或游戏玩家可以在一个平台上玩在线游戏。 游戏服务器运行游戏逻辑,其中多个客户端连接到相同的游戏,并且图形由客户端渲染。

Mail Server is the core part of the todays IT and business. E-mails are important part of the IT and communication where emails transferred and stored in mail servers. Clients will send or get the emails via mail servers where they can not send email each other directly.

Mail Server是当今IT和业务的核心部分。 电子邮件是IT和通信的重要组成部分,电子邮件是在其中传输和存储在邮件服务器中的。 客户将通过不能直接彼此发送电子邮件的邮件服务器发送或获取电子邮件。

Media Server is another popular server type which is emerged recently with the advencement of the internet and mobile devices. Media server is used to store and stream different media types like movies, music, image, file. Media services can be provided by companies as well as home media servers too. Netflix, Hulu are examples about media servers from companies.

Media Server是另一种流行的服务器类型,最近随着Internet和移动设备的出现而出现。 媒体服务器用于存储和流传输不同的媒体类型,例如电影,音乐,图像,文件。 媒体服务可以由公司以及家庭媒体服务器提供。 Netflix,Hulu是有关公司媒体服务器的示例。

Print Server is used to provide print services to the clients over network. Printers are connected to the print server where every print request or job will be sent to printer server and the print server will redirect this to the printer. Print servers generally used in companies but home users can also setup print servers too.

Print Server用于通过网络向客户端提供打印服务。 打印机连接到打印服务器,在该服务器上每个打印请求或作业都将发送到打印机服务器,并且打印服务器会将其重定向到打印机。 公司通常使用的打印服务器,但家庭用户也可以设置打印服务器。

Proxy Server is used as an intermediary to connect other servers. Proxy server works between client and server communication. Generally companies or individuals uses web proxy servers to connect remote web service. Proxy servers provides authentication, security, protection, anonymity.

Proxy Server用作连接其他服务器的中介。 代理服务器在客户端和服务器之间进行通信。 通常,公司或个人使用Web代理服务器来连接远程Web服务。 代理服务器提供身份验证,安全性,保护,匿名性。

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Virtual or Virtualization Server is a server type where is provides virtualization services. Virtualization server mainly used for enterprise level and provides different resources like computing, memory, storage, graphic processing etc to the clients. VMware, HyperV, Citrix provides virtuliazation server software.

Virtual or Virtualization Server是提供虚拟化服务的服务器类型。 虚拟化服务器主要用于企业级,并为客户端提供不同的资源,如计算,内存,存储,图形处理等。 VMware,HyperV,Citrix提供虚拟化服务器软件。

Cloud Servers are similar to the Virtualization Servers where they are generally has more services and provided via 3rd party cloud operators like Amazon Web Server, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure etc. Cloud servers provides tons of services like computing, server-less computing, graphic processing, CDN etc.

Cloud Servers类似于虚拟化服务器,它们通常具有更多服务,并通过第三方网络运营商(例如Amazon Web Server,Google Cloud Platform,Microsoft Azure等)提供。云服务器提供大量服务,例如计算,无服务器计算,图形处理,CDN等

DNS, FTP, DHCP Server are used to provide network services like DNS, FTP and DHCP. A single server can provide all of these services or different servers can provide different services. This type of servers can work with little resource because of the services low work load.

DNS, FTP, DHCP Server用于提供网络服务,例如DNS,FTP和DHCP。 单个服务器可以提供所有这些服务,或者不同的服务器可以提供不同的服务。 由于服务的工作负荷低,这种类型的服务器可以使用很少的资源工作。

服务器组件和架构 (Server Components and Architecture)

As stated previously servers consist of multiple components called Server Software and Server Hardware. There is also a less important component called Server Operating System . Even not all of them are required to call the system as server generally the server software is the most important part of the server.

如前所述,服务器由称为Server SoftwareServer Hardware的多个组件组成。 还有一个不太重要的组件,称为Server Operating System 。 通常,即使不是全部都需要将系统作为服务器来调用,服务器软件是服务器中最重要的部分。

服务器软件 (Server Software)

Server Software is the most important part of the server where services are provided via this server software. Generally the server software work as a services on the system which starts on the boot automatically. Server software runs 7×24 without or very little interruption in order to provide reliable service to the clients.

Server Software是服务器中最重要的部分,通过该服务器软件提供服务。 通常,服务器软件在系统上作为服务工作,该系统会在启动时自动启动。 服务器软件以7×24的速度运行而不会中断或中断很少,以便为客户端提供可靠的服务。

服务器操作系统 (Server Operating System)

Server Operating System can be also called a component of a server but with less importance. The Server Operating system is responsible for managing the server hardware and providing a platform to run for the server software. Today most of the operating systems can be used server operating system but for more reliability, less operation and performance specifically created server operating systems should be preferred. Microsoft Server 2012, Microsoft Server 2016, Microsoft Server 2019, Ubuntu Server, CentOS, SUSE are popular server operating systems designed for servers.

Server Operating System也可以称为服务器的组件,但重要性较低。 服务器操作系统负责管理服务器硬件,并提​​供运行服务器软件的平台。 今天,大多数操作系统都可以用作服务器操作系统,但是为了获得更高的可靠性,更少的操作和性能,应该优先选择专门创建的服务器操作系统。 Microsoft Server 2012,Microsoft Server 2016,Microsoft Server 2019,Ubuntu Server,CentOS,SUSE是为服务器设计的流行服务器操作系统。

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服务器硬件 (Server Hardware)

Server Hardware is used to create the physical part of the server where it consists of hardware designed for servers. Even normal computers or mobile devices can be used as server hardware they will provide less stability, durability, and performance according to the server hardware. Server hardware is far more reliable according to the standard hardware. But server hardware is more pricy according to the normal hardware as they provide enterprise-level features and stability.

Server Hardware用于创建服务器的物理部分,其中由专为服务器设计的硬件组成。 甚至普通的计算机或移动设备都可以用作服务器硬件,根据服务器硬件,它们将提供较少的稳定性,耐用性和性能。 根据标准硬件,服务器硬件要可靠得多。 但是服务器硬件比普通硬件价格更高,因为它们提供企业级功能和稳定性。

Server Hardware
  • Server hardware generally provides no or less graphical GUI and features unless it is a gaming or rendering server.

  • Server CPU should be reliable where Intel Xeon is generally used.

  • Server Storage consists of multiple HDD for reliability and performance.

  • Servers contain RAID Cards for more storage performance and stability in order to use multiple hard disk devices.

  • Servers use more advanced power supplies even multiple power supply for a single server for power reliability.

  • Servers generally located specially designed rooms and locations like server root, data center which is cooled very well.


服务器与个人计算机(PC) (Server vs Personal Computer (PC))

Even personal computers, mobile devices, or laptops can be used as a server there are some differences between the official server and personal computers from hardware, operating system, and software viewpoint.


  • Server hardware, operating system, and software is more reliable than PC hardware, operating system, and software.

  • Server hardware, operating system, and software cost more than PC hardware, operating system, and software.

  • Server hardware is heavier then PC hardware in general.

  • Server hardware is generally duplicate and more than one where PC hardware is a single instance.

  • PC hardware, operating system, and software can be used as server hardware, operating system, and software but it will not reliable as server hardware, operating system, and software.

  • Servers can be clustered especially as software but multiple PCs can not be clustered.

  • Servers run 7×24 where PCs are used 6-10 hours a day.

  • Servers are located in special environments like server rooms, datacenter where PCs are used inside the living and working environment.

  • Servers create a lot more heat then PCs.

  • Servers create a lot more noise than PCs.

  • Servers generally do not contain or use monitors where PCs always used with monitors.


翻译自: https://www.poftut/what-is-server-in-computing/

本文标签: 服务器