

Android can be confusing. There are a lot of different versions, and many of them are still running on devices today. Keeping up with the latest version can be a challenge, but fret not—we have you covered.

Android可能令人困惑。 有许多不同的版本,其中许多仍在当今的设备上运行。 紧跟最新版本可能是一个挑战,但不必担心-我们已经为您服务。

Major Android versions are generally released once per year (though it wasn’t always like this), with monthly security updates released in between. Occasionally, Google also releases point updates (.1, .2, etc.), though those generally come without regularity. Oftentimes, more significant updates that aren’t quite as significant as full version releases warrant a point update—like the update from Android 8.0 to Android 8.1, for example.

主要的Android版本通常每年发布一次(尽管并非总是这样),并且在两个版本之间每月发布一次安全更新。 Google有时还会发布点更新(.1,.2等),尽管这些更新通常没有规律性。 通常,更重要的更新(不如完整版发行的重要)要进行点更新,例如从Android 8.0到Android 8.1的更新。

Alongside every version of Android is a code name, which many people use instead of the version number. Each one is named after a dessert or some other form of confection, which is more for fun than anything else.

每个版本的Android旁边都有一个代号,很多人使用它来代替版本号。 每个人都以甜点或其他形式的甜食命名,这比其他任何事情都有趣。

简短的Android版本历史 (A Brief Android Version History)

We thought it fitting to give a brief rundown of each Android version on the accompanying code name and release date. You know, for completeness.

我们认为可以在附带的代码名称和发布日期上简要概述每个Android版本。 您知道,为了完整性。

  • Android 1.5, Cupcake: April 27, 2009

    Android 1.5,纸杯蛋糕: 2009年4月27日

  • Android 1.6, Donut: September 15, 2009

    Android 1.6,Donut: 2009年9月15日

  • Android 2.0-2.1, Eclair: October 26, 2009 (initial release)

    Android 2.0-2.1,Eclair: 2009年10月26日(初始版本)

  • Android 2.2-2.2.3, Froyo: May 20, 2010 (initial release)

    Android 2.2-2.2.3,Froyo: 2010年5月20日(初始版本)

  • Android 2.3-2.3.7, Gingerbread: December 6, 2010 (initial release)

    Android 2.3-2.3.7,Gingerbread: 2010年12月6日(初始版本)

  • Android 3.0-3.2.6, Honeycomb: February 22, 2011 (initial release)

    Android 3.0-3.2.6,Honeycomb :2011年2月22日(初始版本)

  • Android 4.0-4.0.4, Ice Cream Sandwich: October 18, 2011 (initial release)

    Android 4.0-4.0.4,Ice Cream Sandwich: 2011年10月18日(首次发布)

  • Android 4.1-4.3.1, Jelly Bean: July 9, 2012 (initial release)

    Android 4.1-4.3.1,Jelly Bean: 2012年7月9日(初始版本)

  • Android 4.4-4.4.4, KitKat: October 31, 2013 (initial release)

    Android 4.4-4.4.4,KitKat: 2013年10月31日(初始版本)

  • Android 5.0-5.1.1, Lollipop: November 12, 2014 (initial release)

    Android 5.0-5.1.1,Lollipop: 2014年11月12日(初始版本)

  • Android 6.0-6.0.1, Marshmallow: October 5, 2015 (initial release)

    Android 6.0-6.0.1,棉花糖: 2015年10月5日(初始版本)

  • Android 7.0-7.1.2, Nougat: August 22, 2016 (initial release)

    Android 7.0-7.1.2,牛轧糖: 2016年8月22日(初始版本)

  • Android 8.0-8.1, Oreo: August 21, 2017 (initial release)

    Android 8.0-8.1,Oreo: 2017年8月21日(初始版本)

  • Android 9.0, Pie: August 6, 2018

    Android 9.0 Pie: 2018年8月6日

  • Android 10.0: September 3, 2019

    Android 10.0 :2019年9月3日

As you can see, the update system was without any sort of regularity early on, but the Ice Cream Sandwich era started the yearly OS version update schedule.

如您所见,更新系统初期没有任何规律性,但是Ice Cream Sandwich时代开始了年度OS版本更新时间表。

A few other fun notes:


  • Honeycomb was the only tablet-specific version of Android, and it ran alongside the Gingerbread build for phones. The separate phone and tablet OSes were then combined starting with Ice Cream Sandwich.

    Honeycomb是唯一的平板电脑专用Android版本,它与手机的Gingerbread版本一起运行。 然后从Ice Cream Sandwich开始将单独的手机和平板电脑操作系统组合在一起。
  • Ice Cream Sandwich was arguably the most dramatic update to Android to date. It not only combined the tablet and phone versions of the OS, but completely overhauled the look and feel of the system.

    冰淇淋三明治可以说是迄今为止Android上最引人注目的更新。 它不仅结合了平板电脑和手机版本的操作系统,而且还彻底改变了系统的外观。
  • Google initially released developer-focused Nexus devices to highlight each Android version’s power. This eventually evolved into the consumer-focused Pixel device line we have today.

    Google最初发布了以开发人员为中心的Nexus设备,以突出每个Android版本的功能。 这最终演变为我们今天拥有的以消费者为中心的Pixel设备系列。
  • Android KitKat marked the first time Google teamed up with a commercial manufacturer for an Android release. They did it again for Android Oreo.

    Android KitKat标志着Google首次与商业制造商合作推出Android版本。 他们再次针对Android Oreo做到了。

Android的最新版本是10.0 (The Latest Version of Android is 10.0)

The initial version of Android 10.0 was released on September 3, 2019 on Google’s Pixel devices.

Android 10.0的初始版本于2019年9月3日在Google的Pixel设备上发布。

Unlike previous versions of Android, this version doesn’t have a cute dessert name—or any other type of name beyond the version number. It’s just “Android 10.” Google still plans to use dessert names internally for development builds.

与以前的Android版本不同,此版本没有可爱的甜点名称-或版本号以外的任何其他名称。 只是“ Android 10”。 Google仍计划内部使用甜点名称进行开发。

Android 10 features a number of updates and new features over its predecessor, including revamped gesture navigation, a system-level dark mode, better permission controls, more system security updates delivered through Google Play.

Android 10在其先前版本的基础上进行了许多更新和新功能,包括改进的手势导航,系统级暗模式,更好的权限控制,通过Google Play提供的更多系统安全更新。

如何检查您的Android版本 (How to Check Your Version of Android)

Here’s the fun part about Android: how you find out even the simplest information varies depending not only what version of Android your phone is running, but also who manufactured the device.


But we’ll keep it as simple as possible here. Go ahead and open your phone’s setting menu by pulling down the notification shade, and then tapping the cog icon.

但是我们将在这里使其尽可能简单。 继续,通过下拉通知栏,然后点击齿轮图标,打开手机的设置菜单。

From there, scroll to the very bottom of the menu and tap the “About Phone” entry (it may also read “About Device”). If your phone doesn’t have this option, it’s probably running Oreo, which received a pretty dramatic Settings overhaul. In that case, look for the “System” option.

从那里滚动到菜单的最底端,然后点击“关于电话”条目(它也可能显示为“关于设备”)。 如果您的手机没有此选项,则说明它可能正在运行奥利奥(Oreo),该设备进行了相当大的设置检修。 在这种情况下,请寻找“系统”选项。

There should be an entry for Android Version—again, depending on the device and Android version, it may be different. On Oreo, you can find the version info under the “System Update” section.

同样,应该有一个关于Android版本的条目-再次,具体取决于设备和Android版本。 在Oreo上,您可以在“系统更新”部分下找到版本信息。

如何更新到最新版本 (How to Update to the Latest Version)

The short answer is also an unfortunate one: you might not be able to.


Android updates are first handled by the manufacturer of your phone—so Samsung is responsible for its updates, LG handles updating its phone, and so on. The only updates handled by Google itself are for Pixel and Nexus devices.

Android更新首先由您的手机制造商处理-因此,三星负责其更新,LG负责更新其手机,依此类推。 Google本身处理的唯一更新仅适用于Pixel和Nexus设备。

To see if there’s an update available for your device, head into Settings > About Device > System Updates (or similar). Again, this may be in a different place depending on your phone—Samsung puts the System Updates option in the root of the Settings menu, for example.

要查看设备是否有可用的更新,请进入“设置”>“关于设备”>“系统更新”(或类似内容)。 同样,根据您的手机,它可能位于不同的位置,例如,三星将“系统更新”选项放在“设置”菜单的根目录中。

Tapping this option will check for an update on the device, but there’s a good chance it won’t find anything. As soon as an update is available for your phone, it generally notifies you of that fact, and prompts you to download and install it right then.

轻触此选项将检查设备上的更新,但是很有可能找不到任何更新。 只要有适用于您手机的更新,它通常会通知您该事实,并提示您立即下载并安装它。

The only surefire way to make sure you’ll get the latest version of Android is to buy from the Pixel line. Google updates these phones directly, and they’re generally up to date with the latest major version and security patches.

确保获得最新版本Android的唯一保证方法是从Pixel系列购买。 Google会直接更新这些手机,并且通常都具有最新的主要版本和安全补丁。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/345250/whats-the-latest-version-of-android/

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