

pci-e 1x和4x

The PCI Express standard is one of the staples of modern computing, with a slot on more or less every desktop computer made in the last decade. But the nature of the connection is somewhat nebulous: on a new PC, you might see a half-dozen ports in three or four different sizes, all labelled “PCIE” or PCI-E.” So why the confusion, and which ones can you actually use?

PCI Express标准是现代计算的主要组成部分之一,在过去的十年中,每台台式计算机上都或多或少地装有插槽。 但是连接的本质有些模糊:在新的PC上,您可能会看到六个或六个,三个或四个不同大小的端口,都标记为“ PCIE”或PCI-E。 那么,为什么要混淆?您可以实际使用哪些?

了解PCI Express总线 (Understanding the PCI Express Bus)

As an upgrade to the original PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) system, PCI Express had one huge advantage when it was initially developed in the early 2000s: it used a point-to-point access bus instead of a serial bus. That meant that each individual PCI port and its installed cards could take full advantage of their maximum speed, without multiple cards or expansions being clogged up in a single bus.

作为对原始PCI(外围组件互连)系统的升级,PCI Express在2000年代初期最初开发时具有一个巨大的优势:它使用点对点访问总线而不是串行总线。 这意味着每个单独的PCI端口及其安装的卡都可以充分利用其最大速度,而不会在单个总线中阻塞多个卡或扩展。

PCI Express replaced the older PCI slot standard. This motherboard supports both: PCIE x16 in blue, PCIE x1 in black, and PCI in beige.
PCI Express取代了较早的PCI插槽标准。 此主板支持以下两种:蓝色的PCIE x16,黑色的PCIE x1和米色的PCI。

In layman’s terms, imagine your desktop PC as a restaurant. The old PCI standard was like a deli, everyone waiting in a single line to get served, with the speed of service limited by a single person at the counter. PCI-E is more like a bar, every patron sitting down in an assigned seat, with multiple bartenders taking everyone’s order at once. (Okay, so it’s never possible to get a bartender to every patron right away, but let’s pretend this is a really great bar.) With dedicated data lanes for each expansion card or peripheral, the entire computer can access components and accessories faster.

用外行的话来说,将台式PC想象成一家餐馆。 旧的PCI标准就像是熟食店,每个人都在一行中等待服务,而服务速度受到柜台上一个人的限制。 PCI-E更像是一个酒吧,每个顾客都坐在一个指定的座位上,有多个调酒师一次接管每个人的订单。 (好吧,因此永远不可能马上让每个顾客都来调酒师,但是我们假装这是一个非常棒的酒吧。)借助每个扩展卡或外围设备的专用数据通道,整个计算机可以更快地访问组件。

Now to extend our deli/bar me

本文标签: 端口主板大小PCI