

Abstract task: social relation extraction( SRE): aims to infer the social relation between two people method: FL-MSRE:a few-shot learning based approach to extractingsocial relations from both texts and face images datasets: presents three multimodal datasets annotated from four classical masterpieces and corresponding TV series Introduction SRE be of great value in reality: can capture social connections and enable machines better understand human behaviors clarify the following two questions: Can introducing face image information into a text-basedmodel improve the performance for SRE? Can facial features extracted from different images achieve similar performance as from the same image? contributions: present multimodal social relation datasets propose a novel approach FL-MSRE for SRE Extensive experiments demonstrate...... Related Work task: pres:unimodal(text only or image only) -> ours: multimodal(both text and image) pres: multimodal(with only one image) -> ours: multimoday(a lists of images) few-shot learning: prototypical network Multimodal Learning :略 Multimodal Social Relation Datasets 略 The Proposed Approach FL-MSRE Problem Formulation Every entity e consists of two parts: a bounding box b e = ( x 1 , y 1 , x 2 , y 2 ) a character name: c e follow the N way K shot setting input tuple:( s, h, t, g h , g t , r ) denotes sentence、head entity、tail entity、the image containing the face of h、the image containing the face of t、the relation between h and t Overview Multimodal Encoder Sentence Encoder Prototypical Network Experiments The Baseline Approach

Experiments The Baseline Approach :BERT ( The BERT encoder is also fifine-tuned with prototypical network Image Sampling two methods for image sampling: the same image&&different images(s have their own advantages Experiment Setting Dataset Analysis and Splits Implementation Details Result Analysis

Cross-Dataset Analysis

 Answering the Two Questions

Case Study Conclusion 


本文标签: ShotLearningFLMSREBased