

使用EXPDP在完成数据导出时,可以使用ESTIMATE参数评估待导出数据库对象的大小,简单演示一下,供参考。1.查看有关ESTIMATE参数的帮助信息1)查看命令行帮助信息ora10g@secDB /expdp$ expdp help=y……ESTIMATE  Calculate job estimates where the valid keywords are:(BLOCKS) and STATISTICS.……2)Oracle官方文档中关于ESTIMATE参数的描述参考链接:引用内容如下:


Default: BLOCKS


Specifies the method that

Export will use to estimate how

much disk space each table in the export job will consume (in bytes).

The estimate is printed in the log file and displayed on the client's

standard output device. The estimate is for table row data only; it does

not include metadata.

Syntax and Description


BLOCKS - The estimate is calculated by multiplying the

number of database blocks used by the source objects, times the

appropriate block sizes.

STATISTICS - The estimate is calculated using statistics

for each table. For this method to be as accurate as possible, all

tables should have been analyzed recently.


If the Data Pump export job involves compressed tables, the default

size estimation given for the compressed table is inaccurate when ESTIMATE=BLOCKS

is used. This is because the size estimate does not reflect that the

data was stored in a compressed form. To get a more accurate size

estimate for compressed tables, use ESTIMATE=STATISTICS.


The following example shows a use of the ESTIMATE

parameter in which the estimate is calculated using statistics for the employees


> expdp hr/hr TABLES=employees ESTIMATE=STATISTICS DIRECTORY=dpump_dir1

DUMPFILE=estimate_stat.dmp2.显式指定ESTIMATE参数为BLOCKSora10g@secDB /expdp$ expdp sec/sec directory=expdp_dir dumpfile=sec.dmp ESTIMATE=BLOCKSExport: Release - 64bit Production on Saturday, 10 April, 2010 6:23:26Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reser

本文标签: 备份大小参数数据ORACLE