

专栏作家莫博士就有关电脑和其他电子设备的常见技术问题答读者问。问:我有一台带Windows XP的电脑,我买它是因为我的电脑专家说不要用Vista。我看你的专栏,里面说从XP升级到新的Windows 7比从Vista升级更麻烦。那我现在该怎么办?先暂时升级成Vista,以便更顺利地升级到Windows 7?还是等一段时间,到秋季再买一台带Windows 7系统的电脑,然后将XP电脑上的文件和程序转移过去?答:如果不考虑预算的话,我觉得后一种方案更好。比起要花几个月时间升级两次到新操作系统的那台电脑,预装Windows 7的新电脑性能可能会更好。但是要记住,你必须得在新的Windows 7电脑上重新安装所有的应用软件,而且甚至可能还要买新的(取决于软件许可证的期限)。另一方面,如果你直接在旧电脑上进行升级,不买新电脑,那就可以避免软件的问题,或至少避免很大一部分。Walter S. Mossberg(编者按:本文作者Walter S. Mossberg是《华尔街日报》科技栏目Personal Technology,Mossberg's Mailbox等栏目的专栏作家。这些栏目主要介绍一些最新的消费类科技产品和解决方案,并解答读者提出的问题。)相关阅读Windows和Mac是否还存在兼容问题? 2009-05-15微软Windows 7将于年末面市 2009-05-12怎样改善电脑性能 2009-05-07微软押注Windows 7初级版 2009-04-28苹果电脑在Windows环境下的安全问题 2009-04-23 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年06月03日09:14', 'MSFT'));Microsoft Co.总部地点:美国上市地点:纳斯达克股票代码:MSFT

[Technology columnist Walter S Mossberg answers readers' questions]Q: I have a PC with Windows XP, which I bought because my computer guru said to stay away from Vista. I read your column saying upgrading from XP to the new Windows 7 will be much more cumbersome than doing so from Windows Vista. So, what should I do now? Upgrade to Vista for a while so I can then move more smoothly to 7? Or wait, buy a separate Windows 7 computer in the fall, and just transfer my files and applications from the XP computer?A: Putting budget considerations aside, I think the latter course would make more sense. The new machine with Windows 7 preloaded will probably give you smoother performance than one you upgraded twice to new operating systems in a matter of months. But, bear in mind that you will have to reinstall all your applications on the new Windows 7 computer, and that, depending on the terms of the applications' licenses, you might even have to buy new copies. On the other hand, if you do the chain of upgrades, and don't buy a new machine, you may be able to avoid this application problem, or at least much of it.Walter S. Mossberg

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