






Subject to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-foreign Equity Joint

Ventures and the Implementation, the documents submitted to the examination and

approval authority by the foreign and Chinese parties shall be written in Chinese.

Thereinto the feasibility study report, joint venture agreement, contract and articles of

association and the list of candidates for chairperson, vice-chairperson and directors

may be written simultaneously in a foreign language agreed upon by the parties to the

joint venture. Both versions shall have equal validity.

That is to say, the documents submitted shall principally be in Chinese and the

Chinese version shall prevail; if simultaneously submitted in both Chinese and an

agreed foreign language, both versions shall have equal validity when approved by

the authority, where the parties have agreed otherwise, such agreement shall prevail.

There are no further laws and regulations about the circumstance where the parties

have no consensus of the validity of the equal versions. As for the joint venture

agreement and contract, the validity is up to the authority’s approval and governed by

the Chinese law. The regulation about the validity of the Chinese and English versions

of the labor contract in Shanghai—if the contents of the Chinese and the foreign

language versions of a labor contract are inconsistent, the Chinese version of the labor contract shall prevail—may reflect the attitudes of the Chinese courts .



第7条 申请设立合营企业,由中外合营者共同向审批机构报送下列文件:








Article 7 when applying for establishing a joint venture, the foreign and Chinese

parties shall jointly submit the following documents to the examination and approval


(1) an application for the establishment of a joint venture;

(2) the feasibility study report jointly prepared by the parties to the joint venture;

(3) joint venture agreement, contract and articles of association signed by

representatives authorized by the parties to the venture;

(4) list of candidates for chairperson, vice-chairperson and directors nominated by the

parties to the venture;

(5) other documents required by the examination and approval authority.

The documents listed in the preceding paragraph shall be written in Chinese.

Documents (2), (3) and (4) may be written simultaneously in a foreign language

agreed upon by the parties to the joint venture. Both versions shall have equal validity.

Where any contents are found to be inappropriate in the submitted documents, the

examination and approval authority shall demand an amendment to it within a limited


第十条 合营企业协议与合营企业合同有抵触时,以合营企业合同为准。

Article 10

If the joint venture agreement conflicts with the contract, the contract shall prevail.

第十二条 合营企业合同的订立、效力、解释、执行及其争议的解决,均应当适用中国的法律。

Article 12

The formation of a joint venture contract, its validity, interpretation, execution and the

settlement of disputes under it shall be governed by the Chinese law.

第十四条 合营企业协议、合同和章程经审批机构批准后生效,其修改时同。

Article 14

The agreement, contract and articles of association shall come into force after being

approved by the examination and approval authority. The same applies in the event of


本文标签: 效力版本合营合营企业