


2013年河南专升本英语试题2013年河南专升本英语免费试题1. She has bought a pair of glasses, which she can never when reading books.A. do withB. do upC. do awayD. do without2. If Alaska to the United States, perhaps Russian there now.A. were not to be sold; is spokenB. were not sold; is spokenC. had not been sold; would be spokenD. had not been sold; was spoke n3. I left school he had taught our class for two years.A. WheneverB. The momentC. By the timeD. Since4. Nobody likes her because she to carry favour with the boss.A. has always triedB. does always tryC. always triesD. is always trying5. Tom and I are seeing you, so don’t disappoint us!A. looking forB. looking forward toC. looking toD. looking out on1. D2. C3. C4. D5. B6. The meeting was when the chairman suddenly fell ill.A. put downsB. cut short

C. put upD. set off7. Have dinner with us, ?A. will youB. are youC. would youD. aren’t you8. There’s no need to be frightened of the dog; he’s quite .A. eagerB. harmlessC. cheerfulD. weak9. Some hard plastics can metals in manufacturing machine parts.A. take place forB. take the place forC. take place ofD. take the place of10. Smoking in bed 1, 000 fires a year.A. burnsB. catchesC. keepsD. causes6. B7. A8. B9. D10. D11. It was a good game, and at the end the was Argentina 3, Germany 2 .A. accountB. markC. scoreD. record12. There are four factories in our institute, .A. with each having over 100 workersB. each having over 100 workersC. which there are over 100 workers

D. with each that has over 100 work ers13. The little boy put the bird in a cage to it from flying away.A. avoidB. restrictC. preventD. resist14. Mary enjoyed herself the full at her birthday party yesterday evenin g.A. onB. inC. toD. at15. There is no in going to school if you are not willing to learn.A. needB. reasonC. pointD. effect11. C12. B13. C14. C15. C16. I didn’t know what to do but then an idea suddenly to me.A. occurredB. happenedC. appearedD. lighted17. The minister had his secretaries a press conference.A. arrangeB. to arrangeC. arrangingD. arranged18. A dolphin six length can move as fast as more ships.A. feet inB. foot inC. feet ofD. foot of19. The enemy had to after heavy losses.A. restrainB. register

C. retreatD. regulate20. I’ve given up my advice. Whether or not you act on it is to you.A. upB. onC. forD. from16. A17. A18. A19. C20. A21. Is there anyone who the plan put forward by the committee?A. differsB. disagreesC. objectsD. opposes22. When from the windows, the lake looks very beautiful.A. seeingB. being seenC. seenD. to see23. children are not admitted to this film.A. UnattachedB. UnattendedC. UnrelatedD. Unaccompanied24. It’s about time I something about home decorating.A. learnB. learnedC. have learnedD. should learn25. She told her children that they must not, , play with matches.A. on any accountB. to good accountC. in no senseD. by no means21. D22. C23. D24. B25. A26. In some countries people favor together even though there is much more space.

A. to stayB. stayC. stayingD. of staying27. I’d rather you in other people’s affairs.A. would not interfereB. didn’t interfereC. should not interfereD. don’t interfere28. She all her life to the welfare of women and children.A. presentedB. dedicatedC. contributedD. recommended29. A from every person, no matter how small, will help the Red Cross r each the goal of $100,000.A. contractB. contributionC. concentrationD. construction30. Our public transportation system is not for the needs of the people.A. completeB. adequateC. normalD. perfect26. C27. B28. B29. B30. B31. Finding it difficult to to the climate there, he decided to move to the north.A. fitB. adoptC. suitD. adapt32. The nerve stimulus.A. replies toB. responds toC. answers

D. reflects33. You all those clothes by hand! You have a washingmachine to that kind of thing.A. mustn’t have washedB. cannot have washedC. needn’t have washed D. shouldn’t wash34. It is because English is very useful .A. what we study hardB. which we study hardC. why we study it hard D . that we study it hard35. He wasn’t asked to take on the chairmanship of the society, insufficiently popula r with all members.A. being consideredB. consideringC. to be consideredD. having conside red31. D32. B33. C34. D35. A36. She was in white like a nurse.A. clothingB. dressedC. wearingD. worn37. It is generally believed that swimming is one of the best ways for a p erson to good health.A. reserveB. sustainC. preserveD. maintain38. problems in sailing in tropical seas is the coral reefs.A. One of the biggestB. Of the biggest oneC. The biggest oneD. There are the biggest39. The doctor the criminal dead after careful examination.A. said

B. pronouncedC. claimedD. related40. I that you and Jim and Mill have all finished this work.A. worryB. showC. displayD. Suspect36. B37. D38. A39. B40. D11. Old Wang’s apple trees will start to fruit this year.A. makeB. bearC. showD. produce12. As films are to light, they can only be processed in darkness.A. senseB. touchedC. sensitiveD. sensible13. “You call me uncle because I am about the same age as your fathe r,” said the visitor to the boy.A. more or lessB. may just as wellC. sort ofD. may just as soon14. To postpone the debt will ruin our business reputation.A. payingB. to payC. payD. paid15. The milk smells sour.A. as if it isB. like it isC. as if it wasD. like it was11. B12. C13. B14. A15. A

16. After April 30, we will have no choice but your credit.A. cancelB. canceledC. will cancelD. to cancel17. salary, I do not know what to say. Would $4,500 a month be too m uch?A. BesidesB. As yetC. As throughD. As for18. I had just posted the letter I remember that I hadn’t enclosed the photo.A. asB. whenC. afterD. while19. He likes her but at the same time is on guard against her.A. companionB. accommodationC. accompanimentD. company20. Only after all lights went out .A. would the baby fall into sleepB. the baby would fall into sleepC. the baby fell into sleepD. fell the baby into sleep16. D17. D18. B19. D20. A21. an answer, she decided to write another letter.A. Not having receivedB. Having not receivedC. Not receivingD. Recei ving not22. She turned, instinct, to her father for protection.A. byB. in

C. onD. for23. He likes .A. writing and to be writtenB. to write and to be writtenC. to write and being writtenD. writing and written24. Many a person that kind of experience.A. haveB. hasC. havingD. are having25. The experts in the company are paid.A. highlyB. highC. higherD. more21. A22. A23. B24. B25. A26. You can make some modifications to the plan you find anything im practical.A. even thoughB. unlessC. now thatD. in case27. I certainly appreciate us about the delay in receiving the materials b ecause we had planned to begin work tomorrow.A. he tellingB. he tellC. his tellingD. him telling28. “If we together, we will .” he said to his friends.A. do not hang; be hungB. hang; hangC. are not hung; be hangedD. do not hang; be hanged29. It was from Mr. Brown he received an interest in language and finall y became a linguist.A. who

B. whereC. thatD. which30. I cannot come to your dinner party tonight. I would be , but I have a previous engagement.A. gladB. glad to haveC. glad toD. glad to have come26. D27. C28. D29. C30. C31. At the age of eleven, Sophia was already something a poet.A. ofB. forC. likeD. as32. While the plan was still , Frank did not like to make promise at rando m.A. in the airB. in airC. on the airD. on air33. What he said just now had little to do with the question discussion.A. onB. inC. underD. at34. It’s high time that we to bed; we have an examination tomorrow early in t he morning.A. goB. wentC. will goD. have gone35. Warm hearted, he others.A. is always helpingB. always helpsC. has always helpedD. will always he lp

31. A32. A33. C34. B35. A36. Christmas Day is day of family’s union.A. a; aB. the; aC. the; theD. a; the37. This dictionary doesn’t belong to .A. myB. meC. mineD. I38. Although not an economist himself, Dr. Smith has long been a severe critic of the government’s policies.A. economicalB. economicC. economyD. economics39. Jim always backs his friends in a debate.A. upB. awayC. outD. down40. My gloves are , I must buy a new pair.A. worn outB. broken throughC. at handD. out of order36. B37. B38. B39. A40. A1. When Mr. Jones gets old, he will over his business to his son.A. takeB. thinkC. handD. get2. She has no pencil .

A. to write aboutB. to write withC. to writeD. to write in3. I feel like to the owner of the house to complain.A. writingB. to writeC. writeD. having written4. The manager is on the other phone. Will you hold for a minute or tw o?A. inB. offC. outD. on5. I’m not surprised you failed the exam. You have worked harder.A. shouldB. mustC. wouldD. ought1. C2. B3. A4. D5. A6. I don’t know about him, comment on him behind his back.A. let aloneB. let goC. leave aloneD. take leave7. They set off by car and the nearest town.A. made forB. made afterC. made outD. made to8. She had heard strange footsteps in the house several times, so she hir ed a private detective tothe matter.

A. go intoB. put intoC. look intoD. take into9. She did not want to share the room with her brother because she cou ld nothis bad habits.A. keep up withB. take account ofC. stand up toD. put up with10. My uncle from the company because he was made to undertake da ngerous assignments.A. removedB. emergedC. resignedD. Shifted6. A7. A8. C9. D10. C11. You will be getting married and having a family and then you’ll understand why parents want to protect their children.A. by and byB. in generalC. at largeD. at length12. By the time you get to Greenwich you the most historic parts of Lon don.A. will be seeingB. will seeC. are going to seeD. will have seen13. Unfortunately, even computer cannot completely errors.A. reduceB. diminishC. dischargeD. eliminate14. I felt like to him, “Don’t be such a complainer all the time.”

A. sayB. sayingC. to be saidD. to say15. Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office, but our work , we declined the offer.A. not being finishedB. had not been finishedC. not having finishedD. w as not finished11. A12. D13. D14. B15. A16. Don’t organize the children’s play all the time. them to their own resources.A. AskB. AdviseC. LeadD. Leave17. She is so that she cried for days when her pet rabbit died.A. sensitiveB. sensibleC. touchedD. impressive18. The higher the standard of living and the greater the national wealth , the .A. greater is the amount of electricity is consumedB. greater amount of electricity is consumedC. amount of electricity is consumed is greaterD. greater the amount of electricity consumed19. The second box seems exactly the same as the first one .A. except for that it is twice as heavyB. except that it is as twice as heavyC. except it is twice as heavyD. except that it is twice as heavy20. The youth often get strange thoughts and dreams.A. familiar toB. engaged withC. concerned about

D. caught up in16. D17. A18. D19. D20. D21. Arab people suddenly smashing French shop windows.A. set asideB. set offC. set aboutD. set out22. Vegetables are cheap when they are in season.A. to buyB. to buy themC. buyingD. to be bought23. At the meeting there was a hot argument and so many problems we re left .A. to solveB. solvingC. solvedD. unsolved24. To the farmers’ surprise, the crops the drought.A. surveyedB. surpassedC. surprisedD. survived25. It was silly the mistake, which is rather difficult to .A. of him to make; admitB. for him to make; be admittedC. for him to make; admitD. of him to make; be admitted21. C22. A23. D24. D25. A26. He has left the book here for you to read.A. on scheduleB. on purposeC. at randomD. at large27. As fighting broke out again between the two countries, the negotiati ons were most to fail.A. like

B. possibleC. likelyD. probable28. are that we will fulfill the task ahead of schedule.A. PossibilitiesB. ChancesC. PossibleD. Probabilities29. The business of each day, selling goods or shipping them, went quite smoothly.A. it beingB. be itC. was itD. it was30. and under no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear we apons.A. At timesB. At a timeC. At all timesD. At no time26. B27. C28. B29. B30. D31. , the professor is still trying to learn a new language.A. However he is oldB. Old as he isC. He is as oldD. As old he is32. You have spent your money in a so free and unrestrained way. I thin k you’ll have to your expenses more or less.A. cut offB. cut downC. cut outD. cut across33. Of the many opinions expressed to the council members by the vari ous citizens’ group present, was the only opinion thatmattered.A. theirB. their oneC. theirsD. they

34. The boy students in this school are nearly as the girl students to say they intend to get a college degree in business.A. as likely twiceB. likely as twiceC. as twice likelyD. twice as likely35. The defense computers calculate ways to the enemy missiles.A. spoilB. harmC. destroyD. damage31. B32. B33. C34. D35. C36. When I finished the story, Lenin jumped from his chair and started t o pace the floor, , deep in thought.A. with his head bendingB. his head bendingC. his head bentD. bending his head37. Everybody was required to keep the future plan in .A. safetyB. secretC. securityD. secrecy38. It is not always possible to foresee the obstacles your way towards an ambitious goal.A. blockedB. blockingC. to blockD. to blocking39. Jim’s mouth watered for the apple, but he still his work.A. took toB. stuck toC. saw toD. turned to40. Today, household chores have been made much easier by electrical .A. facilitiesB. equipmentC. appliances

D. utilities36. C37. B38. B39. B40. C1. does he know what has happened to the neighbor.A. NoneB. LittleC. MuchD. Few2. If he had not been hurt much, he’d never resign from office.A. fairlyB. justC. ratherD. that3. A 1,000 kilometer railway will be as a major means of transport for th is area.A. availableB. attainableC. applicableD. approachable4. We have revised the project the recent developments.A. in light ofB. by virtue ofC. under control ofD. on behalf of5. “Green eyed” can be used to describe someone who is of others.A. youngB. short sightedC. jealousD. mature1. B2. D3. A4. A5. C6. The members of the research group waited anxiously for the final of the experiment.A. outlookB. outcome

C. outletD. output7. Please don’t be angry. I to help rather than to hurt you.A. plottedB. managedC. supposedD. meant8. Children all like films from fairy tales.A. adaptedB. adoptedC. admittedD. adjusted9. International must be reduced before this treaty is signed.A. stressB. crisisC. strainD. tension10. Twenty teenagers are interviewed about the thing they like best, and 80 percent named TV without .A. hesitationB. realizationC. confirmationD. comprehension6. B7. D8. A9. D10. A11. The airplane landed down at Cairo to India.A. by the wayB. in the wayC. on the wayD. out of the way12. The child was told to apologize being rude to his uncle.A. withB. forC. to

D. at13. The good service of the restaurant the poor food to some extent.A. made forB. made outC. made up forD. made use of14. traveling by bike has disadvantage, it also has advantages.A. No matter howB. WhileC. Providing thatD. So that15. the English novels you asked for, I also brought you an English Chinese dictionary.A. In spite ofB. In addition toC. In return forD. Instead of11. C12. B13. C14. B15. B16. I was absorbed what I was reading and didn’t hear the knock.A. forB. inC. withD. by17. Joe’s car has a flat tire. now is to walk to the nearest telephone.A. All he can doB. He can doC. That he can doD. All he did18. Do you think he is ?A. the alive happiest manB. the happiest alive manC. the most happiest man aliveD. the happiest man alive19. I play bridge you do.A. no better asB. no better than

C. rather better thanD. not well as20. There are many kinds of metals, .A. each having its special propertiesB. having its special propertiesC. one has its special propertiesD. each has its special properties16. B17. A18. D19. B20. A21. —Did you go to Beijing last year?—No, .A. I have never goneB. I’ve never been to BeijingC. I haven’t gone to BeijingD. I did never go there22. Most Chinese like to drink tea. But some prefer coffee tea.A. toB. forC. withD. against23. I apologize for my promise.A. not having keptB. being keptC. not to have keptD. having not kept24. By the time we got to the cinema, the film for half an hour.A. has begunB. had begunC. has been onD. had been on25. I agree with him , but not entirely.A. until a certain pointB. to some pointC. to some extentD. in a certain extent21. B22. A23. A24. D25. C

26. My new glasses cost me last pair that I bought.A. times threeB. three times more thanC. three times as much asD. as much three times as27. At the moment she with her brother at home.A. may playB. must be playingC. can playD. must play28. No one was interested in his lecture, ?A. weren’t theyB. wasn’t heC. were theyD. was he29. Jane get angry if you ask her stupid questions.A. tends toB. attempts toC. tempts toD. temper to30. We need a chairman .A. whom everyone has confidenceB. in whom everyone has confidenceC. whom everyone have confidence inD. in who everyone has confidenc e26. C27. B28. C29. A30. B31. Your cough will get worse you give up smoking.A. so long asB. on condition thatC. unlessD. otherwise32. I have two brothers. in the army.A. None of them isB. Neither of them isC. None of them are

D. Neither of them are33. They’ve on a trip round the world.A. left awayB. begunC. set offD. started up34. My mother lives far away we hardly ever see her.A. very; thatB. too; toC. so; thatD. that; so35. So little about mathematics that the lecture was completely beyond me.A. I knowB. I knewC. did I knowD. do I know31. C32. B33. C34. C35. C36. Nobody knows the age of the earth certain.A. byB. inC. withD. for37. There is some evidence dishonesty may ebb and flow.A. whyB. howC. whenD. that38. My uncle rarely used to oversleep, ?A. did heB. did not heC. does heD. doesn’t he39. The writer for five years.A. diedB. has died

C. was deadD. has been dead40. I regret harder at school.A. not to have workedB. not having workedC. not have workedD. having not worked36. D37. D38. A39. D40. B1. I don’t doubt he’s a brilliant scientist, but can he teach?A. whyB. thatC. whetherD. if2. The machine old cars into blocks of scrap metal.A. compressesB. deliversC. confinesD. composes3. I really appreciate to help me, but I am sure that I will be able to man age it by myself.

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