






1. According to the first paragraph, peer pressure often

emerges as

[A] a supplement to the social cure. [B] a stimulus to group


[C] an obstacle to social progress. [D] a cause of undesirable


解:根据fist paragraph定位第一段,根据peer pressure定位第二句话和第三句话,即...when we hear the words peer pressure.

It usually leads to no gooddrinking, drugs and casual sex.题干中often是usually的同义再现,D项undesirable是原文no


2. Rosenverg holds that public-health advocates should

[A] recruit professional advertisers. [B] learn from

advertisers experience.

[C] stay away from commercial advertisers. [D] recognize the

limitations of advertisements.

解:根据public-health advocates定位第三段最后一句话Rosenberg

argues convincingly that public-health advocates ought to take

a page from advertisers, so skilled at applying peer

pressure.(注意:不能只根据人名Rosenverg来定位,因为有时范围太大,所以需要根据题干中更多的细节来定位以缩小答案范围。)题干中should是原文ought to的同义再现,再一次确定了答案范围就是此句。此句中take a page from是B项learn from的同义再现,故答案为B项。若不确定take a page from的意思,可根据之后的1


skilled at applying peer pressure可知,作者对advertiser持肯定态度,故可排除C项远离商业广告人和D项认识到广告的局限性。A项招募职业广告人文中未提及,故也可排除,故答案为B项学习广告人的经验。

3. In the authors view, Rosenbergs book fails to

[A] adequately probe social and biological factors. [B]

effectively evade the flaws of the social cure.

[C] illustrate the functions of state funding. [D] produce a

long-lasting social effect.

解:虽然题干中没有给具体定位信息,但是可根据出题顺序(第二题范围在第三段,第四题范围在第五段)确定该题范围在第四段。根据Rosenbergs book定位Join the club is filled with irrelevant

detail and not enough exploration of the social and biological

factors that make peer pressure so powerful.此句中的not enough

exploration恰为A项(fails to) adequately probe的同义再现,再加上原文social and biological factors恰与A项social and

biological factors内容重合,故答案为A项(未能)充分探索社会和生物因素。其中与B项相关的内容是The most glaring flaw of the

social cure as its presented here is that it doesnt work very

well for very long.但是此句意为书中指出,社会治疗的最大缺陷是:它的作用不会太长久。,而B项(未能)有效避免社会治疗的缺点不符题。与C项相关的内容是Rage Against the Haze failed once

state funding was cut.,Rage Against the Haze不是题中Rosenberg的书,故C不对。与D项相关的内容是the loveLife program produces


4. Paragraph 5 shows that our imitation of behaviors

[A] is harmful to our networks of friends. [B] will mislead

behavioral studies.



[C] occurs without our realizing it. [D] can produce negative

health habits.

解:根据paragraph 5定位第五段,根据imitation of behaviors定位最后一句we unconsciously imitate the behavior we see every

day.原文中unconsciously为C项without our realizing的同意替换,故答案为C项。其中与A项相关的内容是An emerging body of

research shows that positive health habitsas well as negative

onesspread through net works of friends via social


5. The author suggests in the last paragraph that the effect

of peer pressure is

[A] harmful. [B] desirable. [C] profound. [D] questionable.

解:根据the last paragraph定位最后一段。Far less certain,

however, is how successfully experts and bureaucrats can select

our peer groups and steer their activities in virtuous

directions.通过Far less certain可知作者持怀疑态度故为D项questionable。其中A项有害的,B项有利的,C项深刻的均不对。



本文标签: 社会答案阅读范围考研