




温补脾阳, warmly invigorating spleen yang 温补肾阳, warming and

recuperating kidney yang 温补心肺, warmly invigorating heart and

lung 温补脾胃, warmly invigorating spleen and stomach 温阳行气,

warming yang for activating qi flowing 补气养血,benefiting qi and

nourishing blood 补益肝脾, invigorating liver and spleen 补益心脾,invigorating heart and spleen 补益心肺, invigorating heart and lung

补益脾肾,invigorating spleen and kidney 补益心肝,invigorating heart

and liver 滋阴补阳, nourishing yin and tonifying yang 温阳益气,

warming yang and benefiting qi 益气滋阴, benefiting qi and

nourishing yin 补益精髓, strengthening and nourishing marrow and

essence 补肾调精, invigorating kidney for regulating menstruation 滋补肾精, replenishing kidney essence 补益心肾 invigorating heart and

kidney 滋阴补血, nourishing yin and supplementing blood 温里法,

method of warming interior 回阳救逆, restoring yang [and rescuing

the patient from collapse! 温阳散寒, warmins vans for dispelling cold

温阳散寒, warming yang for dispelling cold 温中散寒, warming

spleen and stomach for dispelling cold 温肺散寒, warming lung for

dispelling cold 温肾散寒, warming kidney for dispelling cold 温肝散寒, warming liver for dispelling cold 温胃散寒, warming stomach for

dispelling cold 温通小肠, warmly dredging small intestine 温经散寒,

warming channel for dispelling cold 暖宫散寒, warming uterus for

dispelling cold 温经活血, warming channel and activating blood

circulation 温经止血, warming the channel for stopping bleeding 治风法, method of expelling wind 疏散风邪, dispelling wind pathogens

袪风解肌, dispelling pathogenic wind from muscles 平肝息风,

suppressing hyperactive liver for calming endogenous wind 清热息风, clearing heat for calming endogenous wind 凉血息风, cooling

blood for calming endogenous wind 清肝息风, clearing liver-fire for

channel for hemostasis 固涩止血,astringing for hemostasis 固冲止带,consolidating Chong Vessel for stopping leukorrhagia 补肾安胎,tonifying kidney for preventing miscarriage 固涩敛乳,astringing for

arresting lactation 缩尿止遗,reducing urination for preventing

enuresis 治痈疡法,method for treating sores and carbuncles 疮疡消法,resolving method for ulcer and sore 疮疡托法,method of expelling

pathogens by strengthening vital qi 疮疡补法,benefiting method for

sore and ulcer

解毒消痈,removing toxic substance for eliminating carbuncles 活血解毒,promoting blood circulation and detoxication 解毒护阴,removing

toxic substance for protecting yin 解毒消肿,removing toxic

substance for detumescence 清热排脓,clearing heat and discharging

pus 通腑排脓,catharsis and expelling pus 祛瘀排脓,removing blood

stasis and expelling pus 托里排脓,expelling pathogens by

strengthening vital qi and expelling pus 提脓拔毒,elminating pus and

toxin 提脓去腐,eliminating pus and slough 活血去腐,promoting

blood circulation and eliminating necrosis 去腐消肿,eliminating

slough and detumescence 去腐生肌,eliminating slough and

promoting granulation 透脓生肌,promoting pus-drainage and

granulation 生肌收口,promoting granulation and wound healing 养阴生肌,nourishing yin and promoting granulation 益气生肌,benefiting qi and promoting granulation 养血生肌,nourishing blood

and promoting granulation 回阳生肌,restoring yang and promoting

granulation 去毒生肌,detoxication and promoting granulation 消肿生肌,detumescence and promoting granulation 生肌定痛,promoting

granulation and relieving pain 消痈散疖,resolving carbuncle and

expulsing boil 通乳消肿,promoting lactation for resolving carbuncle

燥湿敛疮,eliminating dampness and astringing sores 消解余毒,expelling retained toxin 敛疮止痛,healing sore and rlieving pain 明目,improving eyesight 祛风明目,dispelling pathogenic wind for

improving eyesight 清肝明目,removing liver-fire for improving

eyesight 凉血明目,cooling blood for improving eyesight 化瘀明目,expelling blood stasis for improving eyesight 补肾明目,tonifying

kidney for improving eyesight 滋肝明目,nourishing liver for

improving eyesight 养血明目,nourishing blood for improving

eyesight 补气明目,benefiting qi for improving eyesight 退翳明目,removing nebula for improving eyesight 通耳,improving hearing 通鼻,relieving stuffy nose 利咽,relieving sore throat 清咽,clearing heat

from throat 开音,sound producing 固齿,strengthening teeth 壮水制阳,strengthening governor of water for restraining hyperactivity of


益火消阴,boosting source of fire for eliminating abundance of yin 引火归原,conducting fire back to its origin 交通心肾,restoring normal

coordination between heart and kidney 续经接骨,reunion of

fractured tendons and bones 强筋壮骨,strengthening tendons and

bones 通络下乳,dredging collateral for promoting lactation 外治法,external tretment 掺药法,method of dusting powder drug 吹药法,method of blowing drug 导药法,guiding medicinal method 滴药法,dripping method 割治法,cutting method 药熨疗法,therapy of hot

medicinal compress 热敷疗法,hot compress therapy 敷贴疗法,application therapy 膏药疗法,plaster therapy 药膏疗法,ointment

therapy 发疱疗法,vesiculation therapy 箍围疗法,therapy of encircling

lesion with drugs 湿敷疗法,moisten-compress therapy 敷脐疗法,umbilical compress therapy 药浴疗法,medicinal bath therapy 熏洗疗法,fumigation and wash therapy 熏蒸疗法,fumigation and steaming

therapy 冲洗疗法,irrigation therapy 腐蚀疗法,immersion and wash

therapy 缠缚疗法,eroding method binding therapy 切开疗法,incision

therapy 引流疗法,drainage therapy 放血疗法,blood letting therapy 活烙疗法,cauterization threapy 烧蚀疗法,burning-eroding therapy 刮痧疗法,scrapping therapy 神灯照疗法,lamp lighting up therapy 点眼法,eye dripping therapy 敷眼疗法,eye compress therapy 金针拔障疗法,therapy of cataractopiesis with mental needle 勾割疗法,

hook-cutting therapy 滴耳疗法,ear-dripping therapy 吹耳疗法,Ear

insufflation therapy 塞耳疗法,ear-plugging therapy 洗耳疗法,ear-washing therapy 鼻嗅疗法,smelling therapy

塞鼻法,nostril plugging therapy 吹鼻疗法,nasal insufflation therapy

滴鼻疗法,nasal dripping therapy 鼻腔填塞疗法,therapy of plugging

into nasal cavity 取嚏疗法,sneezing therapy 喷雾疗法,spraying

therapy 蒸汽吸入疗法,steam-inhaling therapy 吹喉疗法,lanynx-blowing therapy 药栓疗法,medicinal suppository therapy 药线疗法,medicated thread therapy 挂线疗法,ligation therapy 结扎疗法,ligating therapy 灌肠了法,enema therapy 包扎固定疗法,bandage-fixing therapy 夹板固定疗法,splint-fixing therapy 整复疗法,reduction therapy 泥疗法,mud therapy 蜡疗法,wax therapy 食疗,dietetic therapy 药枕疗法,medicinal pillow therapy 药兜疗法,medicinal bag therapy 蜂毒疗法,bee-toxin therapy 鳝血疗法,eel-blood therapy 草药,medicinal herb 药材,medicinal material:

crude medicinal 地道药材,famous-region drug 鲜药,fresh medicine

天然药物,natural medicine 采制,collection and manufacturing 采收期,collection period 产地加工,processing in situ 萌发期,germination

period 枯萎期,withering period 贮藏,storage 干燥,drying 晾干,drying in the sun 阴干,drying in the shade 烘干,drying by baking 虫蛀,bitten by insect 霉变,milden and rot 泛油,oily 调制,compounding

霉变, milden and rot 泛油,oily

调制,compounding 原植物鉴定,identification of original plant 原动物鉴定,identification of original animal 原矿物鉴定,identification of

original mineral 基源鉴定,identification of original 根,root 根茎,

rhizome 皮, bark, peel 叶,leaf 花,flower 果实,fruit 种子,seed 全草, whole herb 性状鉴定,macroscopical identification 形状,shape,form 大小,size 表面特征,surface character 色泽,color and

luster 质地, texture 折断面, fracture surface 断面特征,cut surface

character 菊花心,radial striations 朱砂点,spot of oil cavity 气(嗅)odor,smell 味,taste 显微鉴定,microscopical identification 理化鉴定,physical and chemical identification 生化鉴定,biological

identification 质量分析,quality analysis 质量标准,quality standard 质

量控制,quality control 炮制,processing 饮片,decoction pieces 净制,cleansing 挑选,selection 筛选,screening 风选, selection in the wind

水选,selection in the water 洗漂,washing and blanching 润,

moistening 浸润,immersion 洗润, rinsing moistening 淋润,showering moistening 泡润,soaking moistening

切(制) ,cutting 切片,slice 切段,section 切片,piece 切丝, sliver

炒制,stir-frying 清炒, simple stir-frying 加辅料炒,fried with adjuvant

material 辅料,adjuvant material 麸炒,stir-frying with bran 土炒,fried

with earth 烫,scalding 烫制,scalding 砂烫, heated with sand 锻制,calcining 明煅,calcining openly 煅淬,calcining and quenching 制碳,carbonizing 炒碳,carbonizing by stir-frying 煅碳,carbonizing by

calcining 制炭存性,burn as charcoal with nature 煨制,roasting in

ashes 蒸制,steaming 煮制,boiling 炖制,stewing 酒制,processing

with wine 酒炙,stir-frying with wine 酒炖,stewing with wine 酒蒸,steaming with wine 醋制,processing with vinegar 醋灸,stir-frying

with vinegar 醋煮,boiling with vinegar 醋蒸,steaming with vinegar

盐制,processing with salt-water 盐灸,stir-frying with salt-water 盐蒸,steaming with salt-water 姜汁制,stir-frying with ginger juice 蜜制,stir-frying with honey 油制,processed with oil 制霜,frost-like

powder 水飞,levigating 性味,nature and flavour 四气,four nature of


寒 cold 热 hot 温 warm 凉 cool 平,calm, plain 五味,five flavours

辛,pungent 甘 sweet 酸,sour 苦,bitter 咸,salty 淡,tasteless 涩,

astringent 升降浮沉,ascending and descending,floating and sinking

归经,channel entry 引经,channel affinity,channel ushering 配伍,

concerted application of drugs 七情,seven relations 单行,drug used

singly 相使, mutual enhancement 相须,mutual promotion 相畏,incompatibility 相杀,counteract the toxicity of another drug 相恶,mutual inhibition 相反,clashing,antagonism 十八反,eighteen clashes

十九畏,nineteen fears 禁忌,contraindications 配伍禁忌,incompatibility of drugs in a prescription 证候禁忌,incompatibility of

drugs in pattern 妊娠禁忌(药) , contraindications during pregnanacy

服药食忌,food taboo (dietetic restraint) in drug application 剂量,

dosage 克, gram 毫升,millilitre 丁公藤,Caulis Erycibes(拉);

obtuseleaf erycibe stem 丁香,Flos Caryophylli(拉'); clove 八角茴香,Fructus Anisi Stellati(拉); Chinese star anise 人参,Radix Ginseng(拉);

ginseng 野山参,Radix Ginseng Indici (拉); wild ginseng 红参,Radix

Ginseng Rubra(拉); red ginseng 生晒参,Radix Ginseng(拉) fresh

ginseng 人参叶,Folium Ginseng(拉); ginseng leaf

儿茶,Catechu(拉); cutch,black catechu 九里香,Folium et Cacumen

Murrayae(拉); murraya jasminorage 九香虫,Aspongopus(拉);

stink-bug 刀豆,Semen Canavaliae(拉); jack bean 三七,Radix

Notoginseng(拉); sanchi 三棱,Rhizoma Sparganii(拉): common

burreed rubber 生姜,Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens(拉); fresh ginger 干姜,Rhizoma Zingiberis(拉); zingiber(dried ginger) 干漆,ResinaToxicodendri(拉); dried lacquer 土木香,Radix Inulac(拉): inula

root 土贝母,Rhizoma Bolbostematis(拉); paniculate bolbostemma

土荆皮,Cortex Pseudolaricis(拉); golden larch bark 土茯苓, Rhizoma

Smilacis Glabrae(拉); glabrous greenbrier rhizome 土鳖虫,Eupolyphaga Seu Steleophaga(拉); ground beetle 大血藤,Caulis

Sargentodoxae(拉); sargentgloryvine stem 大青叶, Folium Isatidis(拉); dyers woad leaf 大枣,Fructus Jujubae(拉); Chinese date 红大戟, Radix Knoxiae(拉); knoxia root 京大戟,Radix Euphorbiae

Pekinensis(拉); peking euphorbia root 大黄,Radix et Rhizoma Rhei(拉); rhubarb 大蓟, Herba seu Radix Cirsii Japonici(拉) ; Japanese

thistle herb Japanese 大腹皮,Pericarpium Arecae(拉): areca peel 山麦冬,Radix Liriopes(拉): liriope roottuber 山豆根,Radix Sophorae

Tonkinensis(拉); Vietnamese sophora root 北豆根,Rhizoma

Menispermi(拉): asiatic moonseed rhizome 北沙参,Radix Glehniae

(拉); coastal glehnia root 山茱萸,Fructus Corni(拉); asiatic cornelian

cherry fruit 山药,Rhizoma Dioscoreae(拉); common yam rhizome 山柰,Rhizoma Kaempferiae(拉): galanga resurrectionlily rhizome 山楂,Fructus Crataegi(拉): hawthorn fruit 山慈菇, Pseudobulbus

Cremastrae seu Pleiones(拉): appendiculate cremastra pseudobulb

or common pleiine pseudobulb 千年健,Rhizoma Homalomenae(拉);

obscured homalomena rhizome 千金子,Semen Euphorbiae(拉); caper

euphorbia seed 川乌,Radix Aconiti(拉): common monkshood mother

root 制川乌, Radix Aconiti Preparata(拉): prepared common

monkshood mother 川芎, Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong(拉);

szechwan lovage rhizome 川楝子,Fructus Meliae Toosendan(拉);

szechwan chinaberry fruit 广藿香,Herba Pogostemonis(拉): cablin

patchouli herb 小茴香, Fructus Ligustri Lucidi(拉): glossy privet fruit

女贞子,Fructus Foeniculi(拉); fennel 小蓟 HerbaCirsii(拉); field thistle

herb 马齿苋,Herba Portulacae(拉); purslane herb

马勃,Lasiosphaera seu Calvatiae(拉); puff-ball 马钱子,Semen Strychni(拉); nux vomica 马兜铃,, Fructus Aristolochiae(拉); dutohmanspipe

fruit 马鞭草,Herba Verbenae(拉); european verbena herb 土牛膝,Radix et Rhizome Achyranthes(拉); native achyranthes 王不留行,

Semen Vaccariae(拉); cowherb seed 天仙子,Semen Hyoscyami(拉):

henbane seed 天仙藤, Herba Aristolochiae(拉): dutchmanspipe vine

天冬,Radix Asparagi(拉); cochinchinese asparagus root 天花粉,Radix

Trichosanthis(拉); snakegourd root 天竹黄,Concretio Silicea

Bambusae(拉); tabasheer 天南星,Rhizoma Arisaematis(拉);

jackinthepulpit tuber 胆南星, Rhizoma Arisaematis Cum bile(拉); bile

arisaema 天麻,Rhizoma Gastrodiae(拉); tall gastrodia tuber 天葵子,Radix Semiaquilegiae(拉): muskroot-like semiaquilgia root 木瓜,Fructus Chaenomelis(拉); common floweringqince fruit 木香,Radix

Aucklandiae(拉); common aucklandia root 木贼,Herba Equiseti

Hiemalis(拉): common scouring rush herb 木通,Caulis Akebiae(拉) ,

akebia stem 川木通,Caulis Clematis armanoii(拉); armand clematis

stem 关木通,Caulis Aristolochiae Manshuriensis(拉); manchurian

dutchmanspipe stem 木蝴蝶,Semen Oroxyli(拉); indian

trumpetflower seed 木鳖子,Semen Momordicae(拉); cochinchina

momordica seed 五加皮,Corlex Acanthopanax Radicis (拉) ,acanthopanax [root bark] 香加皮,Cortex Periplocae(拉); Chinese

silkvine root-bark 五味子,Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis(拉); Chinese

magnoliavine fruit 五倍子,Galla Chinensis(拉); Chinese gall 五灵脂,Faeces Togopteri(拉); flying squirrel's droppings 太子参,Radix

Pseudostellariae(拉); heterophylly lalsestarwort root 车前子,Semen

Plantaginis(拉): plantain seed 车前草,Herba Plantaginis(拉); plantain

herb 瓦楞子,ConchaArcae(拉); are shell 牛黄,Calculus Bovis(拉);

cow-bezor 牛蒡子,Fructus Arctii(拉); great burdock achene 牛膝,

Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae(拉); twotoothed achyranthes root 川牛膝,Radix Cyathulae (拉); medicinal cyathula toot 贝母,Bulbus

Fritillaria (拉); fritillaria [bulb], 川贝母,Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae(拉); tendrilleaf fritillary bulb 浙贝母, Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii(拉); thunberb fritillary bulb 升麻, Rhizoma Cimicifugae(拉);

largetrifoliolious bugbane rhizome 化橘红, Exocarpium Citri Grandis(拉); pummelo peel 月季花,Flos Rosae Chinensis(拉); Chinese rose

flower 乌药,Radix Linderae(拉) ,combined spicebush root

乌梢蛇,Zaocys(拉); black-tail snake 乌梅,Fructus Mume(拉); smoked

plum 火麻仁,Fructus Cannabis(拉); hemp seed 巴豆,Fructus Crotonis(拉): croton fruit 巴戟天,Radix Morindae Officinalis(拉); morinda

root 水牛角,Cornu Bubali(拉): buffalo horn 水红花子,Fructus

Polygoni Orientalis(拉); pirnce's-teather fruit 水蛭, Hirudo(拉);

leech 玉竹,Rhizoma Polygonati Odorati(拉); fragrant solomonseal

rhizome 功劳木,Caulis Mahoniae(拉); Chinese mahonia stem 功劳叶, Folium Ilex(拉); mahonia [leaf] 甘松,Radix et Rhizoma

Nardostachyos(拉): nardostachys root 甘草, Radix Glycyrrhizae(拉);

liquorice root 甘遂,Radix Euphorbiae Kansui(拉): gansui root 艾叶,Folium Artemisiae Argyi(拉); argy wormwood leaf 石韦, Folium

Pyrrosiae(拉); shearer's pyrrosia leaf 石决明, Concha Ha1iotidis(拉);

abalone shell 石菖蒲,Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii(拉); grassleaf

sweetflag rhizome 石斛,Herba Dendrobii(拉); dendrobiurn 石榴皮,Pericarpium Granati(拉); pomegranate rind 石膏,Gypsum Fibrosum

(拉): gypsum 龙胆,Radix Geniianae(拉): Chinese gentian 龙骨,Os Draconis(拉) ;dragon bone 龙眼肉,Arillus Longan(拉); longan

aril 仙茅,Rhizoma Curculigins(拉): common curculigo rhizome 仙鹤草, Herba Agrimoniae(拉); hairyvein agrimonia herb 白及,Rhizoma Blelillae(拉); common bletilla rubber 白术,Rhizoma

Atractylodis Macrocephalae(拉); largehead alractylodes rhizome 白头翁, Radix Pulsatillae(拉): Chinese Pulsatilla root 白豆蔻,Fructus

Ammomi Rotundus (拉); white cardamon fruit 白毛藤,Herba Solani

(拉) ;dimbing nightshade 白花蛇舌草, Herba Hedyotis (拉);

hedyotis 白芷,Radix Angelicae Dahuricae(拉): dahurian angelica root

白附子, Rhizoma Typhonii(拉); giant typhonium rhizome 白茅根,

Rhizoma Imperatae(拉); lalang grass rhizome 白矾,Alumen(拉); alum

白果,Semen Ginkgo(拉); ginkgo seed 白前,Rhizoma Cynanchi

Stauntonii(拉): willowleaf swallowwort rhizome 白白扁豆, Semen

Dalichoris Album(拉): white hyacinth bean 白蔹,Radix Ampelopsis(拉): Japanese ampelopsis root 白鲜皮,Cortex Dictamni(拉);

densefruit pittany root-bark 白薇,Radix Cynanchi Atrati(拉);

blackend swallowwort root 瓜蒌, Fructus Trichosanthis(拉);

snakegourd fruit

瓜蒌子,Semen Trichosanthis(拉); trichosanthes seed 瓜蒌皮,Pericarpium Trichosanthis(拉): snakegourd peel 冬瓜皮,Exocarpium

Benincasae(拉) ,Chinese waxgourd peel 冬瓜子,Semen Benincasae(拉);wax gourd seed 冬虫夏草 Cordyceps(拉); Chinese caterpillar

fungus 冬葵果,Fructus Malvae(拉); cluster mallow fruit 玄明粉,Natrii

Sulfas Exsiccatus(拉); exsiccated sodium sulfate 玄参,Radix

Scrophulariae(拉); figwort root 半边莲,Herba Lobeliae Chinensis(拉):

Chinese lobelia herb 半枝莲, Herba Scutellariae Barbatae(拉);

barbated skullcup herb 半夏,Rhizoma Pinelliae(拉): pinellia tuber 法半夏,Rhizoma Pinelliae Preparatum(拉); prepared pinellia tuber 清半夏,Rhizoma Pinelliae Preparata(拉) purified pinellia [tuber] 姜半夏,Rhizome Pinelliae Preparata (拉);ginger[-processed] pinellia

[tuber] 半夏曲,Rhizoma Pinelliae Fermentata(拉); fermented pinellia

丝瓜络,Retinervus Luffae Fructus(拉): luffa vegetable sponge 老鹤草, Geranii(拉): common heron's bill

d granesbill herb 白芍,Radix Paeoniae Alba(拉); white

peony root 赤芍,Radix Paeoniae Rubra(拉); red peony root 地龙,Lumbricus(拉); earthworm 地肤子, Fructus Kochiae(拉): belvedere

fruit 地骨皮,Cortex Lycii(拉); Chinese wolfberry root-bark 地黄,Radix

Rehmanniae(拉); rehmannia root 生地黄,Radix Rehmaniae Recens(拉);dried/fresh rehmannia [root] 熟地黄,Radix Rehmanniae

Preparata(拉); prepared rehmannia root 地榆,Radix Sanguisorbae(拉); garden burnet root 地锦草,Herba Euphorbiae Humifusae(拉);

creeping euphorbia 芒硝,Natrii Sulfas(拉); sodium sulfate 胡麻子,Semen Lini(拉): linseed 西红花,Stigma Croci(拉); saffron 西河柳,Cacumen Tamaricis(拉); Chinese tamarisk twig 西洋参,Radix Panacis

Quinquefolii(拉); american ginseng 百合,Bulbus Lilii(拉); lily bulb

百部,Radix Stemonae(拉); stemona root 当归, Radix Angelicae

Sinensis(拉); Chinese angelica 肉豆蔻, Semen Myristicae(拉):

nutmeg 肉苁蓉, Herba Cistanches(拉); desertliving cistanche 肉桂,

Cortex Cinnamomi(拉); cassia bark 朱砂,Cinnabaris(拉); cinnabar

竹节参,Rhizoma Panacis Japonici(拉): Japanese ginseng 竹茹,Caulis

Bambusae in Taenia(拉); bamboo shavings 延胡索, Rhizoma

Corydalis(拉); yanhusuo 自然铜,Pyritum(拉); pyrite 血余炭, Crinis

Carbonisatus(拉); carbonized hair

血竭,Sanguis Draconis(拉): dragon's blood 全蝎,Scorpio(拉);

scorpion 合欢皮,Cortex Albiziae(拉); silktree albizia bark 合欢花,Flos Albiziae(拉); albizia flower 决明子,Semen Cassiae(拉); cassia

seed 冰片,Bomcolum Syntheticum(拉): borneol 灯芯草,Medulla

Junci(拉): common rush 安息香,Benzoinum(拉); benzoin 广防己,

Radix aristolochiae fangchii (拉);southern fangchi root 防己, radix

Stephaniae Tetrandrae (li);mealy fangji [root]u 防风,Radix

Saposhnikoviae(拉); divaricate saposhnikovia root 红豆蔻, Fructus

Alpiniae Galangae(拉): galanga galangal fruit 红花,Flos Carthami(拉); safflower 红芪, Radix Hedysari(拉); manyinflorescenced

sweetvetch root 红景天, Radix Rhodiolae (拉); folium seu Herba

Rhodiola 麦冬, Radix Ophiopogonis(拉); dwarf lilyturf tuber 麦芽,

Fructus Hordei Germinatus(拉); germinated barley 远志, Radix

Polygalae(拉); thinleaf milkwort root 赤小豆, Semen Phaseoli(拉);

rice bean 赤石脂,Halloysitum Rubrum(拉); red halloysite 芫花, Flos

Genkwa(拉); lilac daphne flower 花椒, Pericarpium Zanthoxyli(拉):

pricklyash peel 花蕊石,Ophicalcitum(拉); ophicalcite 芥子,Semen

Sinapis Albae(拉): ustard [seed] 苍术,Rhizoma Atractylodis(拉):

atractylodes rhizome 苍耳子,Fructus Xanthii(拉): Siberian cocklebur

fruit 芡实,Ssemen Euryales(拉); gordon euryale seed 芦荟,Aaloe(拉); aloes 芦根,Rhizoma Phragmitis(拉); reed rhizome 芦笋,Cacumen Asparagi (拉); asparagus 苏木, Lignum Sappan(拉):

sappan wood 苏合香,styrax(拉) , storax 杜仲,Cortex Eucommiae(拉); eucommia bark 豆蔻,Fructus Amomi Rotundus(拉); 两面针,

Radix Zanthoxyli(拉): shiny leaf pricklyash root 连钱草, Herba

Glechomae(拉); longtube ground ivy herb 连翘, Fructus Forsythia(拉); weeping forsythia capsule 吴茱萸,Fructus Evodiae(拉);

medicinal evodia 牡丹皮,Cortex Moutan Radicis(拉); tree peony bark

牡荆叶,Folium Viticis Negundo(拉); hempleaf negundo chastetree

leaf 牡蛎,Concha Ostreae(拉): oyster shell 何首乌, Radix Polygoni

Multiflori(拉); fleeceflower root 制何首乌, Radix Polygoni Multiflori

Preparata (拉) ; prepared fleeceflower root 伸筋草, Herba Lycopodii(拉); common clubmoss herb

佛手,Fructus Citri Sarcodactylis(拉): finger citron 皂角刺,Spina

Gleditsiae(拉); Chinese honeylocust spine 谷芽,Fructus Setariae

Germinatus(拉); millet sprout 谷精草, Flos Eriocauli(拉); pipewort

flower 龟甲,Carapax et Plastrum Testudinis(拉); tortoise carapace

and plastron 辛夷,Flos Magnoliae(拉): biond magnolia flower 羌活,Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii(拉): incised notopterygium rhizome

or root 沙苑子,Semen Astragali Complanari(拉); flatstem milkvetch

seed 沙棘,Fructus Hippophae(拉); seabuckthorn fruit 沉香, Lignum

Aquilariae Resinatum(拉): Chinese eaglewood wood 诃子,Fructus

Chebulae(拉); medicine terminalia fruit 补骨脂,Fructus Psoraleae(拉): malaytea scurfpea fruit 灵芝,Ganoderma(拉): glossy

ganoderma 阿胶,Colla Coni Asini (拉);ass hide glue 阿魏,Resina

Ferulae(拉); Chinese asafetida 陈皮, Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae(拉): dried tangerine peel 附子,Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata(拉):

prepared common monkshood daughter root 忍冬藤, Gaulis

Lonicerae(拉); honeysuckle stem 鸡内金,Endothelium Corneum

Gigeriae Galli(拉): chicken's gizzard-skin 鸡血藤, Gaulis Spatholobi(拉); suberect spatholobus stem 鸡骨草,Herba Abri(拉): canton

love-pea vine 鸡冠花, Flos Celosiae Cristatae(拉): cockcomb flower

玫瑰花,Flos Rosae Rugosae(拉); rose flower 青木香,Radix

Aristolochiae(拉): slender dutchmanspipe root 青风藤,Gaulis

Sinomenii(拉); orientvine stem 青叶胆,Herba Swertiae Mileensis(拉);

mile swertia herb 青皮,Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride(拉); green

tangerine peel 青果,Fructus Canarii(拉); Chinese white olive 青葙子,Semen Celosiae(拉); feather cockscomb seed 青蒿,Herba Artemisiae

Annuae(拉): sweet wormwood herb 青黛,Indigo Naturalis(拉);

natural indigo 青礞石,Lapis Chloriti(拉); chlorite schist 杏仁,Semen

Armeniacae Amarum(拉); bitter apricot seed 苦参, Radix Sophorae

Flavescentis(拉); lightyellow sophora root 苦楝皮, Cortex Meliae(拉); szechwan chinaberry bark 枇杷叶,Folium Eriobotryae(拉);

loquat leaf 板蓝根,Radix Isatidis(拉); isatis root 松花粉,Pollen Pini(拉); pine pollen 枫香脂, Resina Liquidambaris(拉): beautiful

sweetgum resin 刺五加, Radix et Gaulis Acanthopanacis Senticosi(拉);manyprickle acanthopanax 郁李仁,Semen Pruni(拉); Chinese

dwarf cherry seed 郁金, Radix Curcumae(拉) ,: turmeric root tuber

虎杖,Rhizoma Polygoni Cuspidati(拉); giant knotweed rhizome 昆布,s Laminariac,s Eckloniacf;kelp or tangle

明党参,Radix Changii(拉); medicinal changium root 败酱草,Herba

Patriniae(拉); atrina glass 罗布麻叶, Foliun Apocyni Veneti;dogbane

leaf 罗汉果, Fructus Momordicae(拉): grosvenor momordica fruit 知母,Rhizoma Anemarrhenae(拉); common anemarrhena rhizome 委陵菜,Herba Potentillae Chinensis(拉): Chinese cinquefoil 垂盆草,

Herba Sedi(拉); stringy stonecrop herb 使君子, Fructus Quisquali(拉): rangooncreeper fruit 侧柏叶, Cacumen Platycladi(拉); Chinese

arborvitae twig and leaf 佩兰,Herba Eupatorii(拉): fortune

eupatorium herb 金果榄,Radix Tinosporae(拉): tinospora root 金沸草,Herba Inulae(拉)inula herb 金芥麦,Rhizoma Fagopyri Dibotryis(拉); golden buckwheat rhizome 金钱白花蛇,Bungarus Parvus(拉);

coin-like white-banded snake 金钱草,Herba Lysimachiae(拉);

Christina loosestrife 广金钱草, Herba Desmodii(拉) snowbellleaf

tickclover herb 金银花,Flos Lonicerae(拉): honeysuckle flower 金樱子,Fructus Rosae Laevigatae(拉); Cherokee rose fruit 金礞石,Lapis

Micae Aureus(拉); mica-schist 狗脊, Rhizoma Cibotii(拉): cibot

rhizome 肿节风, Herba Sarcandrae (拉) arcandra [twig and leaf| 鱼腥草,Herba Houttuyniae(拉); houttuynia 炉甘石,Ga1aniina(拉):

calamine 卷柏,Herba Selaginellae(拉): spikemoss 泽兰,Herba Lycopi(拉); hirsute shiny bugleweed herb 泽泻, Rhizoma Alismatis;oriental waterplantain rhizome 降香, Lignum Dalbergiae Odoriferae

(拉) ,; rosewood 细辛,Herba Asari(拉); manchurian wildginger

珍珠, Margarita(拉): pearl 珍珠母,Concha Margarititera(拉): nacre

荆芥,Herba Schizonepetae(拉); fì neleaf schizonepeta herb 茜草,Radix Rubiae(拉); india madder root 荜茇,Fructus Piperis Longi(拉);

long pepper 荜澄茄, Fructus Litseae(拉); mountain spicy fruit 草乌,Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii(拉): kusnezoff monkshood root 制草乌,Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii Preparata(拉): prepared kusnezoff

monkshood root 草豆蔻,Ssemen Alpiniae Katsumadai(拉);

katsumada galangal seed 草果, Fructus Tsaoko(拉); caoguo 茵陈,Herba Artemisiae Scopariae(拉); virgate wormwood herb 茯苓,Poria(拉); indian bread 茺蔚子,Fructus Leonuri(拉); motherwort fruit 胡芦巴,Semen Trigonellae(拉); common fenugreek seed 胡黄连,

Rhizoma Picrorhizae(拉); figwortflower picrorhiza rhizome 胡椒,

Fructus Piperis Nigri(拉); pepper fruit

荔枝核,Semen Litchi(拉); lychee seed 南沙参,Radix Adenophorae(拉) , fourleafladybell root 枳壳,Fructus Aurantii(拉); orange fruit

枳实,Fructus Aurantii Immaturus(拉); immature orange fruit 柏子仁,Semen Platycladi(拉); Chinese arborvitae kernel 栀子,Fructus

Gardeniae(拉): cape jasmine Finit 枸杞子,Fructus Lycii(拉); barbary

wolfberry fruit 柿蒂,Calyx Kaki(拉); persimmon calyx 威灵仙,Radix

Clematidis(J;vO; Chinese clematis root 厚朴,Cortex Magnoliae

Officinalis(拉): officinal magnolia bark 厚朴花,Flos Magnoliae

Officinalis(拉): officinal magnolia flow 砂仁,Fructus Amomi Villosi(拉); villous amomum fruit 牵牛子,Semen Pharbitidis(拉); pharbitis

seed 轻粉,Calomelas(拉); calomel 乳香,Olibanum (拉); frankincense

frankincense 没药,Myrrha(拉); myrrh 鸦胆子, Fructus Bruceae(拉):

java brucea fruit 韭菜子, Semen Allii Tuberosi(拉); tuber onion seed

蛤蟆油, Oviductus Ranae(拉); forest frog's oviduct 骨碎补, Rhizoma

Drynariae(拉); fortune's dry'naria rhizome 钟乳石,Stalactitum(拉):

stalactite 钩藤,Ramulus Uncariae Cum Uncis(拉): gambir plant 香

附,Rhizoma Cyperi(拉); nuigrass galingale rhizome 香橼, Fructus

Citri(拉); citron fruit 香薷, llcrba Moslac(拉) ; cbinese mosla 重楼,Rhizoma Paridis(拉); pans root 禹余粮,Limonitum(拉); limonite

独活,Radix Angelicae Pubescentis(拉); doubleteeth pubescent

angelica root 胖大海,Semen Sterculiae Lychnophorae(拉);

boat-fruited sterculia seed 急性子,Semen Impatientis(拉); garden

balsam seed 前胡,Radix Peucedani(拉); hogfennel root 首乌藤,Caulis

Polygoni Multiflori(拉); tuber fleeceflower stem 姜黄,Rhizoma

Curcumae Longae(拉): turmeric 洋金花, Flos Daturae(拉); datura

flower 夜明砂, Feaces Vespetilio (拉); bat's droppings 神曲, Massa

Medicata Fermentata (拉); edicated leaven 穿山甲, Squama Manis(拉); pangolin scales 穿心莲,Herba Andrographis(拉); common

andrographis herb 络石藤,Caulis Trachelospermi(拉); Chinese

starjasmine stem , 秦艽, Radix Gentianae Macrophyllae(拉):

largeleaf gentian root , 秦皮, Cortex Fraxini(拉); ash bark 珠子参,Rhizoma Panacis Majoris(拉); largeleaf Japanese ginseng rhizome 桂枝,Ramulus Cinnamomi(拉); cassia twig 桔梗,Radix Platycodonis(拉); platycodon root

桃仁,Semen Persicae(拉); peach seed 核桃仁, Semen Juglandis(拉):

english walnut seed 莱菔子, Semen Raphani(拉); radish seed 莲子,Semen Nelumbinis(拉); lotus seed 莲子心, Plumula Nelumbinis(拉);

lotus plumule 莲房, Receptaculum Nelumbinis(拉); lotus receptacle

莲须,Stamen Nelmbinis(拉); lotus stamen 莪术, Rhizoma Curcumae(拉); zedoray rhizome 荷叶, Folium Nelumbinis(拉); lotus leaf 夏天无,Rhizoma Corydalis Decumbentis(拉): decumbent corydalis

rhizome 夏枯草, Spica Prunellae(iti): common selfheal fruit-spike 柴胡, Radix Bupleuri(拉); Chinese thorowax root 党参,Radix

Codonopsis(拉); tangshen T 鸭拓草,Herba Commelinae(拉); common

dayflower herb 射干, Rhizoma Belamcandae(拉): blackberrylily

rhizome 徐长卿, Radix Cynanchi Paniculati(拉): paniculater

swallowwort root 凌霄花,Flos Campsis(拉); trumpetcreeper flower

高良姜, Rhizoma Alpiniae Oftlninarum(拉) ;lesser galangal rhizome

萆薢,Rhizome Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae(拉) ; poison am 益母草,

Herba Leonuri(拉): motherwort herb 益智,Fructus Alpiniae

oxyphyllae(拉); sharpleaf glangal fruit 拳参,Rhizoma Bistortae(拉);

bistort rhizome 浮小麦,Fructus Tritici Levis . (拉); light wheat [grian]

海马, Hippocampus(拉); seahorse 海风藤,Caulis Piperis Kadsurae(拉); kadsura pepper stem 海龙,Syngnathus(拉): pipefish 海金沙,Spora Lygodii(拉); Japanese climbing fern spore 海螵鞘,Os

SepiellaeseuSepiae(拉): cuttlebone 海藻, Sargassum(拉); seaweed

浮萍,Herba Spirodelae(拉): common ducksmeat herb 娑罗子, Semen

Aesculi(拉): buckeye seed 预知子, Fructus Akebiae(拉); akebia fruit

桑叶,Folium Mori(拉); mulberry leaf Sie 桑白皮, Cortex Mori(拉);

white mulberry root-bark 桑枝,Ramulus Mori(拉); mulberry twig 桑寄生,Herba TaxilH(拉); Chinese taxillus herb 槲寄生, Herba Visci(拉);chinese viscum herb 桑葚,Fructus Mori(拉); mulberry fruit 桑螵峭,O? theca Mantidis(拉); mantis egg-case 通草,

MedullaTetrapanacis(拉): ricepaperplant pith 黄芩, ,Radix

Scutellariae(拉): baical skullcap root 黄芪, Radix Astragali seu

Hedysari(拉); milkvetch root 黄连,Rhizoma Coptidis(拉); golden

thread 黄柏, Cortex Phellodendri(拉); amur cork-tree

黄精,Rhizoma Polygonati(拉): solomonseal rhizome 黄药子,Rhizoma

Dioscorea Bulbirera . (拉); air potato 菟丝子,Semen Cuscutae(拉);

dodder seed 菊花, Flos Chrysanthemi(拉); chrysanthemun flower 梅花,Flos Mume(拉); plum flower 常山, Radix Dichroae(拉);

antifeverile dichroa root 野菊花, Flos Chrysanthemi Indici(拉); wild

chrysanthemum flower 蛇床子,Fructus Cnidii(拉); common cnidium

fruit 蛇蜕, Periostracum Serpentis(拉); snake slough 蛇莓, Herba

Duchesnea Indica (拉): snake strawberry 晚蚕沙, Faeces Bombycis(拉): silkworm droppings 银杏叶,Folium Ginkgo(拉): ginkgo leaf

银柴胡, Radix Stellariae(拉); starwort root 猪牙皂,Fructus Gleditsiae

Abnormalis(拉); Chinese honeylocust abnormal fruit 猪苓,Polyporus

Umbellatus(拉): chilling 猫爪草,Radix Ranunculi Ternati(拉); catclaw

buttercup root 旋覆花, Flos Inulae(拉): inula flower 麻油,Oleum

Sesami(拉): sesame oil 麻黄,Herba Ephedrae(拉): ephedra 麻黄根,Radix Ephedrae(拉): ephedra root 鹿角, Cornu Cervi(拉); deer

hom(antler) 鹿角霜,Cornu Cervi Degelatinatum(拉): degelatined

deer-horn 鹿茸,Ccornu Cervi Pantotrichum(拉); pilose antler 鹿衔草, Herba Pyrolae(拉): pyrola herb 商陆, Radix Phytolaccae(拉);

pokeberry root 羚羊角,Cornu Saigae Tataricae(拉): antelope horn 断血流,Herba Clinopodii(拉); desertliving cistanche 淫羊藿,Herba

Epimedii(拉) ;epimedium herb 淡竹叶,Herba Lophatheri(拉);

lophatherum herb 淡豆豉, Semen Sojae Preparatum(拉); fermented

soybean 密蒙花, Flos Buddlejae(拉); pale butterflybush flower 续断, Radix Dipsaci(拉); himalayan teasel root 绵马贯众,Rhizoma

Dryopteris Crassirhizomatis(拉); male fern rhizome 斑蝥 Mylabris(拉); blister beetle 款冬花,Flos Farfarae(拉): common coltsfoot

flower 葛根, Radix Puerariae(拉): kudzuvine root 葶苈子,

Lepidii Descurainiae(拉); weed seed

ustard seed 萹蓄,Herba Polygoni Avicularis(拉): common

knotgrass herb 褚实子,Fructus Broussonetiae(拉): papermulberry

fruit 棕榈,Petiolus Trachycarpi(拉); fortune windmillpahn petiole 硫磺,Sulfur(拉); sulfur 雄黄,Realgar(拉); realgar

紫石英,Fluoritum(拉); fluorite 紫花地丁, Herba Violae(拉): tokyo

violet herb 紫苏子,Fructus Perillae(拉): perilla fruit 紫苏叶, Folium

Perillae(拉); perilla leaf 紫苏梗,Caulis Perillae(拉); perilla stem 紫河车, Placenta Hominis(拉); human placenta 紫草, Arnebiae

Lithospermi(拉); a root ll root 紫菀,Radix

Asteris(拉): tatarian aster root 蛤壳,Concha Meretricis seu Cyclinae(拉); clamshell 蛤蚧,Gecko(拉): tokay gecko 黑芝麻,Semen Sesami

Nigri(拉); black sesame 锁阳, Herba Cynomori(拉): songaria

cynomorium herb 鹅不食草,Herba Centipedae(拉): small centipeda

herb 番泻叶, Folium Sennae(拉); senna leaf 滑石,Talcum(拉); talc

蓖麻子,Semen Ricini(拉); castor seed 蒺藜,Fructus Tribuli(拉);

puncturevine caltrop fruit 蒲公英,Herba Taraxaci(拉); dandelion 蒲黄,Pollen Typhae(拉); cattail pollen 椿皮,Cortex AiIanthi(拉);

tree-of-heaven bark 槐花,Flos Sophorae(拉); pagodatree flower 槐角, Fructus Sophorae(拉); Japanese pagodatree pod 雷丸, Omphalia(拉): thunder ball 路路通,Fructus Liquidambaris(拉); beautiful

sweetgum fruit 蜈蚣,Scolopendra(拉); centipede 蜂房,Nidus Vespae(拉): honeycomb 蜂蜡,CeraFlava(拉); beeswax 蜂蜜, Mel(拉);

honey 锦灯笼,Calyx sen fructus Physalis (拉): franchet groundcherry

fruit 满山红,Folium Rhododendri Daurici(拉): dahurian

rhododendron leaf 蔓荆子, Fructus Viticis(拉); shrub chastetree fruit

榧子,Semen Torreyae(拉) : grand torreya seed 槟榔,Semen Arecae(拉); areca seed 酸枣仁, Semen Ziziphi Spinosae(拉); spine date

seed 磁石,Magnetitum(拉); magnetite 豨莶草 Herba Siegesbeckiae(拉): siegesbeckia herb 蝉蜕,Periostracum Cicadae(拉); cicada

slough 罂粟壳, Pericarpium Papaveris(拉); poppy capsule 漏芦,

Radix Rhaponrici(拉); uniflower swisscentaury root 赭石,Haematitum(拉); hematite 蕤仁,Nux Prinsepiae(拉); hedge prinsepia

nut 蕲蛇,Agkistrodon(拉); long-nosed Pit Viper

墨旱莲,Herba Ecliptae(拉): yerbadetajo herb 稻芽, Fructus Oryzae

Germinatus(拉); rice-grain sprout 僵蚕, Bombyx Balryticatus(拉):

stiff silkworm 鹤虱,Fructus Carpesii(拉): common carpesium fruit 橘红,Exocarpium Citri rubrum(拉); red tangerine peel 橘核,Semen Citri

Reticulatae(拉); tangerine seed 薤白 Bulbus Allii Macrostemonis(拉);

longstamen onion bulb 薏苡仁,Semen Coicis(拉); coix seed 薄荷,

Herba Menthae(拉); peppermint A 槁木,Rhizoma Ligustici(拉);

Chinese lovage 檀香,Lignum Santali Albi(拉); sandalwood 藕节,Nodus Nelumbinis Rhizomatis(拉); lotus rhizome node 覆盆子,

Fructus Rubi(拉); palmleaf raspberry fruit 瞿麦,Herba Dianthi(拉);

lilac pink herb 蟾蜍, Vencnum Bulbnis(拉): toad venom 鳖甲,

Carapax Trionycis(拉): turtle carapace 鹿角胶,Colla Comi Cervi(拉);

deerhorn glue 麝香, Moschus(拉); musk 方剂, prescription 处方法, prescribing method 配伍,combine [agents in a formula] 药对,couplet medicines 方论,discourse on prescription 经方, classical

prescriptions 时方,non-classical prescriptions 单方, simple recipe 复方,compound recipe 验方,experiential effective recipe 秘方,secret

recipe 中成药,traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple

preparations 君药,sovereign drug 臣药,minister drug 佐药,

assistant drug 佐助药, supplementary drug 佐治药, supplementary

therapeutic medicines 反佐药, contrary drug 使药,envoy drug 调和药, harmonizing drug 引经药, channel ushering drug 解表药,superficies-resolving formula 辛温解表药, warm acrid superficies

-resolving formula 辛凉解表剂,cool acrid superficies -resolving

formula 扶正解表剂,formula for supporting body resistance and

relieving superficies 表里双解剂,

formula for relieving both superficial and internal disorders 解表清里剂, formula for relieving superficies and clearing interior 解表温里剂,formula for relieving superficies and warming interior 解表通里剂,

formula for relieving superficies and catharsis 和解少阳剂,

reconciling shaoyane formula 清热剂,heat-clearing formula 清气分热剂, formula for clearing heat at the qi level 清营凉血剂, formula for

clearing nutrient level and cooling blood 清热解毒剂, heat-clearing

and detoxication formula 清脏腑热剂,formula for clearing heat in the

viscerae 清热解暑剂, formula for clearing heat and anti-summer heat

清虚热剂,formula for clearing asthenic fever 温里剂,warming the

interior formula 温中散寒剂,formula for warming the interior and

dispersing cold 回阳救逆剂,formula for emergent resuscitation 温经散寒剂,formula for warming the channel and dispersing cold 泻下剂,formula for purgation 寒下剂,cold cathartic formula 温下剂,warm

cathartic formula 润下剂,moistened cathartic formula 逐水剂,drastic

diuretics formula 补益剂,supplementing [and boosting] formula 补气剂,qi-supplementing formula 补血剂,blood-supplementing

formula 气血双补剂,formula for benefiting both qi and blood 补阴剂,yin-supplementing formula 补阳剂,yang-supplementing formula 阴阳并补剂,formula for benefiting both yin and yang 固涩剂, astrigent

formula 固表止汗剂, formula for consolidating superficies and

arresting sweating 敛肺止咳剂, formula for astringing the lung and

arresting coughing 涩肠固脱剂,formula for astringing the intestine

and arresting proptosis 涩精止遗剂, formula for astringing

spermatorrhea 固崩止遗剂,formula for arresting leucorrhea and

metrorrhagoia 安神剂,sedative or tranquilizing formula , 消食剂,

digestive formula 开窍剂,formula for resuscitation 凉开剂, cold

formula for resuscitation 温开剂, warm formula for resuscitation 理气剂, carminative formula 行气剂,formula for activating qi flowing

降气剂,formula for descending qi 理血剂, blood-regulating formula

活血剂,blood-activating formula 止血剂,blood-stanching formula 治凤剂,formula for wind disorder 疏散外风剂,formula for dispering

external wind 平熄内风剂,formula for calming down internal wind 祛湿剂,desiccating formula 和胃燥湿剂,Formula for harmonizing the

stomach and drying dampness 清热祛湿剂, formula for clearing heat

and eliacinating dampness 利水渗湿剂,formula for diuresis and

diffusing dampness 温化水湿剂,formula for warmly resolving watery

dampness 祛痰剂,phlegm-expelling formula 温燥化痰剂,formula for

resolving phlegm with warm drugs 清润化痰剂,formula for resolving

phlegm with clear-moistening drugs 治风化痰剂,formula for

resolving phlegm with arresting wind 驱虫剂,anti-helminthic formula

涌吐剂,emetic formula 剂型,preparation 汤剂,decoction 浓缩煎剂,concentrated decoctions 膏滋, Oral thick paste ft M , 片剂, tablet 泡腾片,effervescent tablet 线剂, thread 条剂, stripe 露剂, distillate

膏剂,plaster ; medicinal paste 软膏剂,ointment 散剂,powder 丸剂,pill 蜜丸,honeyed pill 水蜜丸,water-honeyed pill 水丸, watered pill

水蜜丸, water-honeyed pill 糊丸,flour and water paste pill 浓缩丸,concentrated pill 腊丸,wax pill 微丸, mini-pill 滴丸剂,.dripping pill

颗粒丸,granules 胶囊丸,capsule 硬胶囊丸,hard capsule 软胶囊丸,soft


微囊丸, micro-capsule 茶丸, medicinal lea 糕剂,cream 栓剂,suppository 搽剂,liniment 锭剂, lozenge preparation , 烟熏剂,smoke fumigant 曲剂,fermented medicine 胶剂,gei 气雾剂,aerosol

喷剂,spray 灌肠剂,.enema 灸剂, moxibustion formula , compression

foumula 合剂,mixture 酊剂,tincture 酒剂,Wine 浸膏剂,extract 流浸膏剂,liquid extract 口服液,oral liquid 糖浆剂,syrup 注射剂,injections 乳剂,emulsion 滴鼻剂,nasal drop 滴眼剂,eyedrop 滴耳剂,eardrop 水煎,decoct with water 酒煎, decoct with wine 先煎,

Decocted earlier 后下, Decocted at later stage 饭前服,administered

before meal 饭后服, administered after meal ; p.c.( post cibum ) 空腹服, administered at empty stomach 热服, administered hot 温服,administered warm 冷服, administered cold 噙化, administered

under the tongue 顿服, taken at one draught 分服,taken separately

频服,taken frequently 药引, medicinal usher 一贯煎,yiguan

decoction: yiguanjian 丁香柿蒂汤, dingxiang shidi decoction;

dingxiang shidi tang

七宝美鬓丹,qibao meiran mini-pills; qibao meiran dan 七厘散, qili

powder; qili san 九仙散, Jiuxian powder: jiuxian san 九味羌活散,Jiuwei qianghuo decoction; jiuwei qianghuo tang 二至丸,erzhi pills:

erzhi wan 二妙散,ermiao powder: ertniao san 二陈汤,erchen

decoction; erchen tang 八正散,bazheng powder; bazheng san 八珍汤,bazhen decoction; bazhen tang 十灰散,shihui powder: shihui san

十枣汤,shizao decoction; shizao tang 三子养亲汤,sanzi yangqin

decoction; sanzi yangqin tang 三甲复脉汤,sanjia fumai decoction;

sanjia futnai tang 三仁汤,sanren decoction; sanren tang 三物备急丸,

sanwu beiji pill; sanwu beiji wan 川芎茶调散, chuanxiong chatiao

powder; chuanxiong chatiao san 大补阴丸, da buyin pill: da buyin

wan 大定风珠,dadingfengzhu pill; dadingfengzhu wan 大建中汤,

dajianzhong decoction; dajianzhong tang 大承气汤, dachengqi

decoction; dachengqi tang 大柴胡汤,dachaihu decoction: dachaihu

tang 大秦艽汤,daqinjiao decoction: daqinjiao tang 大黄牡丹汤,dahuang mudan decoction; dahuang mudan tang 大黄附子汤,dahuang fuzi decoction; dahuang fuzi tang 小建中汤,xiaojianzhong

decoction; xiaojianzhong tang 小金丹,xiaojin mini-pills: xiaojin dan

小青龙汤, xiaoqinglong decoction; xiaoqinglong tang 小活络丹,

xiaohuoluo mini-pills; xiaohuoluo dan 小柴胡汤, xiaochaihu

decoction; xiaochaihu tang 小续命汤, xiaoxuming decoction:

xiaoxuming tang 小蓟饮子,xiaoji drink; xiaoji yinzi 小儿回春丹,xiao'er

huichun mini-pills; xiao'er huichun dan 乌梅丸,wumei pills; wumei

wan 五仁丸,wuren pills; wuren wan 五皮饮, wupi drink; wupi yin 五味消毒饮,wuwei xiaodu drink: wuwei xiaodu yin 五苓散,wuling

powder: wuling san 五积散,wuji powder; wuji san 六一散,luyi powder;

liuyi san 六味地黄丸,liuwei dihuang pill; liuwei dihuang wan 内补黄芪汤,neibu huangqi decoction; neibu huangqi tang 化虫丸,huachong

pill: huachong wan

升麻葛根汤,shengma gegen decoction; shengma gegen tang 天王补心丹,tianwang buxin mini-pills; tianwang buxin dan 天台乌药散,tiantai

wuyao powder; tiantai wuyao san 天麻钩藤饮,tianma gouteng drink;

tianma gouteng yin 木香槟榔丸,rnuxiang binlang pills; muxiang

binlang wan 止痉散,zhijing powder; zhijing san 治咳嗽,zhisou

powder: zhisou san 贝母瓜蒌散,beimu gualou powder; beimu gualou

san 苇茎汤,weijing decoction: weijing tang 仙方活命散,xianfang

huoming drink; xianfang huoming yin 加减葳蕤汤,Jiajian weirui

decoction; jiajian weirui tang 半夏白术天麻汤,banxia baizhu tianma

decoction: banxia baizhu tianma tang 半夏泻心汤,banxia xiexin

decoction; banxia xiexin tang 半夏厚朴汤,banxia houpu decoction;

banxia houpu tang 右归丸,yougui pill; yougui wan 右归饮,yougui

drink; yougui yin 四君子汤,sijunzi decoction; sijunzi tang 四妙勇安汤,

simiao yong'an decoction: simiao yong'an tang 四物汤,siwu

decoction: siwu tang 四神丸, sishen pill; sishen wan 四逆汤, sini

decoction; sini tang MiSifS , sini powder; sini san 四逆散,shixiao

powder: 失笑散,shixiao san 左归汤,zuogui pill; zuogui wan 左归饮,zuogui drink: zuogui yin 左金丸,zuojin pill: zuojin wan 布袋丸,budai

pill; budai wan 平胃散,pingwei powder; ping we i san 归脾汤,guipi

decoction: guipi tang 玉女煎,yunu decoction: yunu tang 玉屏风散,yupingfeng powder; yupingfeng san 玉真散,yuzhen powder: yuzhen

san 瓜蒂散,guadi powder: guadi san 甘麦大枣汤,ganmai dazao

decoction: ganmai dazao tang 甘露消毒丹,ganlu xiaodu micropills:

ganlu xiaodu dan 生化汤, shenghua decoction: shenghua tang 生脉饮,shengmai powder; (shengmai drink); shengmai san; (shengmai yin)

白头翁汤,baitouweng decoction; baitouweng tang 白虎汤,baihu

decoction: baihu tang 石斛夜光丸,shihu yeguang pills; shihu yeguang

wan 龙胆泻肝汤,longdan xiegan decoction; longdan xiegan tang 再造散,zaizao powder: zaizao san

地黄饮子,dihuang drink; dihuang yin 安宫牛黄丸,angong niuhuang

pills; angong niuhuang wan 导赤散,daochi powder; daochi san 当归六黄汤,danggui liuhuang decoction; danggui liuhuang tang 当归四逆汤,danggui sini decoction; danggui sini tang 当归补血汤,danggui

buxue decoction; danggui buxue tang 朱砂安神丸,zhusha anshen

pills; zhusha anshen wan 百合固金汤, baihe gujin decoction; baihe

gujin tang 竹叶石膏汤,zhuye shigao decoction: zhuye shigao tang 至宝丹, zhibao mini-pills; zhibao dan 舟车丸,zhouche pills; zhouche

wan 芍药汤, shaoyao decoction: shaoyao tang 血府逐瘀汤, xuefu

zhuyu decoction; xuefu zhuyu tang 防己黄芪汤,langji huangqi

decoction; langji huangqi tang 防风通圣散,fangreng tongsheng

powder; fangfeng tongsheng san 阳和汤,yanghe decoction; yanghe

tang 吴茱萸汤,wuzhuyu decoction; wuzhuyu tang 完带汤,wandai

decoction; wandai tang 杏疏散, xingsu powder; xingsu san 牡蛎散,

muli powder: muli san 羌活胜湿汤,Qianghuo shengshi decoction:

qianghuo shengshi tang 苍耳散,cang'er powder; cang'er san 苏子降气汤,suzi jiangqi decoction; suzi jiangqi tang 苏合香丸,suhexiang pills;

suhexiang wan 补中益气汤,buzhongyiqi decoction: buzhongyiqi tang

补阳还五汤, buyang huanwu decoction; buyang huanwu tang 补肺阿胶汤, bufei erjiao decoction; bufei erjiao tang 连朴饮,lianpu drink;

lianpu yin 麦门冬汤,maimendong decoction; maimendong tang 龟鹿二仙汤, guilu erxian glue: guilu erxian jiao 参苏饮,shensu drink:

shensu yin 参附汤,shenfu decoction; shenfu tang 参苓白术散,

shenling baizhu powder: shenling baizhu san 固冲汤,guchong

decoction; guchong tang 固经丸,gujing pills; gujingwan 定志丸,dingzhi pills: dingzhi wan 定喘汤,dingchuan decoction; dingchuan

tang 定痫丸,dingjian pills; dingjian wan 实脾散, shipi powder; shipi

san 易黄汤,yihuang decoction: yihuang tang 泻白散, xiebai powder;

xiebai san 炙甘草汤, zhigancao decoction; zhigancao tang 肥儿丸,fei'er pills; fei'erwan

肾气丸, shenqi pills: shenqi wan 苓桂术甘汤,linggui zhugan decoction:

linggui zhugan tang 败毒散, baidu powder: baidu san 金沸草散,Jinfeicao powder; jinreicao san , jinlingzi powder: jinlingzi san 金铃子散,jinsuo gujing pills; jinsuo gujing wan 金锁固精丸,qinghao biejia

decoction: 青蒿鳖甲汤,qinghao biejia tang 保和丸,baohe pills; baohe

wan 养阴清肺汤,yangyin qingfei decoction: yangyin qingfei tang 厚朴温中汤,houpu wenzhong decoction: houpu wenzhong tang 咳血方,

kexue formula; kexue fang 复元活血汤,fuyuan huoxue decoction;

fuyuan huoxue tang 枳术丸,zhizhu pills; zhizhu wan 枳实导滞丸,zhishi daozhi pills; zhishi daozhi wan 枳实消痞丸,zhishi xiaopi pills:

zhishi xiaopi wan 柏子养心丸,baizi yangxin pills: baizi yangxin wan 栀子豉汤,zhizichi decoction; zhizichi tang 济川煎,Jichuan decoction;

jichuan jian 济生肾气丸,jisheng shenqi pills: jisheng shenqi wan 牵正散,qianzheng powder: qianzheng san 独活寄生汤,duhuo jisheng

decoction: duhuo jisheng tang 茯苓丸,fuling pills; tilling wan 茵陈五苓散,yinchen wuling powder; yinchen wuling san 茵陈蒿汤,

yinchenhao decoction; yinchenhao tang 香苏散, xiangsu powder;

xiangsu san 香连丸,xianglian pills; xianglian wan 香薷散,xiangru

powder; xiangru san 凉膈散,liangge powder; liangge san 柴胡疏肝散,

chaihu shugan powder; chaihu shugan san m 柴葛解肌汤,chaige jieji

decoction: chaige jieji tang 桂附地黄丸,guifu dihuang pills; guitu

dihuang wan 桂枝汤,guizhi decoction; guizhi tang 桂枝茯苓丸,guizhi

fuling pills: guizhi fuling wan 桑杏汤,sangxing decoction; sangxing

tang 桑菊饮, sangju drink: sangju yin 桑螵峭散,sangpiaoxiao powder:

sangpiaoxiao san 消风散, xiaofeng powder: xiaofeng san 益胃汤,

yiwei decoction; yiwei tang 真人养脏汤,zhenren yangzang decoction-,

zhenren yangzang tang 真武汤,zhenwu decoction: zhenwu tang

逍遥散,xiaoyao powder; xiaoyao san 透脓散, tounong powder:

tounong san 救急稀涎散,Jiuji xixian powder; jiuji xixian san 旋复代赭石汤, xuanfu daizheshi decoction; xuanfu daizheshi tang 清气化痰丸,qingqi huatan pills: qingqi huatan wan 清络饮, qingluo drink;

qingluo yin 清胃散,qingwei powder: qingwei san

本文标签: 疗法鉴定明目补益散寒