



#include "stdio.h" /* Required for MS-DOS use */

#define ENTER 0x1C0D /* Enter key */

int year, month, day;

static char *days[8] = {" ","Sunday ","Monday ","Tuesday ",

"Wednesday","Thursday ","Friday ","Saturday "};

struct TIMEDATE {

int year; /* year 1980..2099 */

int month; /* month 1=Jan 2=Feb, etc. */

int day; /* day of month 0..31 */

int hours; /* hour 0..23 */

int minutes; /* minute 0..59 */

int seconds; /* second 0..59 */

int hsecs; /* 1/100ths of second 0..99 */

char dateline[47]; /* date & time together */


static struct TIMEDATE today;



char cmonth[3];

char cday[3];

char cyear[5];

double getdays();

double daynumb, numbnow;

int weekday, retcode, dayer, i;

dayer = datetime(&today);


for (i=0;i<3;++i)cmonth[i]='0';

for (i=0;i<3;++i)cday[i]='0';

for (i=0;i<5;++i)cyear[i]='0';

putstr(5,8,14,"Enter date in MM DD YYYY format:");

while (retcode != ENTER)


retcode = bufinp(5,41,13,2,cmonth);

if (retcode != ENTER) retcode = bufinp(5,44,13,2,cday);

if (retcode != ENTER) retcode = bufinp(5,47,13,4,cyear);


year = atoi(&cyear);

month = atoi(&cmonth);

day = atoi(&cday);

daynumb = getdays(year, month, day);

numbnow = getdays(, , );

weekday = weekdays(daynumb);

if (numbnow - daynumb == 0)

printf("nn%02d-%02d-%d is",month, day, year);

if (numbnow - daynumb > 0)

printf("nn%02d-%02d-%d was",month, day, year);

if (numbnow - daynumb < 0)

printf("nn%02d-%02d-%d will be",month, day, year);

printf(" a %sn",days[weekday]);

} /* end MAIN */


* GETDAYS - From integer values of year (YYYY), month *

* (MM) and day (DD) this subroutine returns a *

* double float number which represents the *

* number of days since Jan 1, 1980 (day 1). *

* This routine is the opposite of GETDATE. *


double getdays(year, month, day)

int year, month, day;


int y,m;

double a,b,d, daynumb;

double floor(),intg();


** make correction for no year 0 **


if (year < 0) y = year + 1;

else y = year;


** Jan and Feb are months 13 and 14 in this calculation **


m = month;

if (month < 3)


m = m + 12;

y = y - 1;



** calculate Julian days **


d = floor(365.25 * y) + intg(30.6001 * (m + 1)) + day - 723244.0;


** use Julian calendar if before Oct 5, 1582 **


if (d < -145068.0) daynumb = d;


** otherwise use Gregorian calendar **




a = floor(y / 100.0);

b = 2 - a + floor(a / 4.0);

daynumb = d + b;



} /* end GETDAYS */


* GETDATE - This routine takes a double float number *

* representing the number of days since Jan 1,*

* 1980 (day 1) and returns the year month and *

* day as pointer integers *

* This routine is the opposite of GETDAYS *



double numb;


double a,aa,b,c,d,e,z;

double date;

date = numb;

z = intg(date + 2444239.0);

if (date < -145078.0) a = z;



aa = floor((z - 1867216.25) / 36524.25);

a = z + 1 + aa - floor(aa/4.0);


b = a + 1524.0;

c = intg((b - 122.1) / 365.25);

d = intg(365.25 * c);

e = intg((b - d) / 30.6001);

day = b - d - intg(30.6001 * e);

if (e > 13.5) month = e - 13.0;

else month = e - 1.0;

if (month > 2) year = c - 4716.0;

else year = c - 4715.0;

if (year < 1) --year;


} /* end GETDATE */


* WEEKDAYS - This routine takes a double float number *

* representing the number of days since Jan 1,*

* 1980 (day 1) and returns the day of the week*

* where 1 = Sunday, 2 = Tuesday, etc. *


int weekdays(numb)

double numb;


double dd;

int day;

dd = numb;

while (dd > 28000.0) dd = dd - 28000.0;

while (dd < 0) dd = dd + 28000.0;

day = dd;

day = ((day + 1) % 7) + 1;




* FRACT - This routine takes a double float number *

* and returns the fractional part as a double *

* float number *


double fract(numb)

double numb;


int inumb;

double fnumb;

while (numb < -32767) numb += 32767;

while (numb > 32767) numb -= 32767;

inumb = numb;

fnumb = inumb;


} /* end FRACT */


* FLOOR - This routine takes a double float number *

* and returns the next smallest integer *


double floor(numb)

double numb;


double fract(), intg();

double out;

out = intg(numb);

if (numb < 0 && fract(numb) != 0) out -= 1.0;


} /* end FLOOR */


* INTG - This routine takes a double float number

* and returns the integer part as a double

* float number


double intg(numb)

double numb;


double fract();

return(numb - fract(numb));

} /* end INTG */




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