



Lesson One The Company in Which I work


*In the company in which I work , each

of us is afraid of at least one person . 我工作的公司里,每个人都至少害怕一个人。*The lower your position is , the

more people you are afraid of . 职位越低,所惧怕的人越多。

*And all the people are afraid of the

twelve men at the top who helped found

and build the company and now own

and direct it .

所有的人都害怕那十二位顶层上司,他们帮助创建了这个公司,而且现在仍然大权在握。 *All these twelve men are elderly

now and drained by time 歲月滄桑and

success of energy and ambition . 所有这十二位都已经上了年纪,而且岁月的沧桑和对成功的执著追求使他们心力交瘁。

*Many have spent their whole lives

here .They seem friendly ,slow , and

content when I come upon them in the

halls and always courteous(有禮貌的)

and mute 沉默不語的)when they ride

with others in the public elevators . 他们中很多人在这儿干了一辈子。当我在大厅里遇见他们时,他们看上去非常友善、沉稳而心满意足,而且他们与别人一起乘坐公共电梯时又总是彬彬有礼、沉默不语

*Nobody is sure anymore who really

runs the company ( not even the people

who are credited with running it ) , but

the company does run . 没有人知道谁真正经营这家公司(甚至连人们认为现在经营着这家公司的那些人都不知道),然而公司的确在运转。

*He makes it clear to me every now and

then that he wishes to see everything

coming out of my department before it is

shown to other departments 他有时会向我表示他希望我的部门的每一项工作在其他部门知道前要先让他知道。

*and I will bypass him on most of our

assignments rather than take up his time

and delay their delivery to people who

have an immediate need for them . 我会将大部分工作绕过格林并直接交给需要它们的人,而不愿意占他的时间。

*Most of the work we do in my

department is , in the long run, trivial

(鎖事). 毕竟我们部门绝大部分工作只是微不足道的。

*He turns scarlet with rage and

embarrassment(惱羞成怒) is he has not

seen or heard of it . 如果他从未看见或听到过的话,就更是恼羞成怒。

*The people in the company who are

most afraid of most people are the

salesmen . They live and work under

pressure that is extraordinary . When

things are bad , they are worse for the

salesmen ;when things are good , they

are not much better . 公司里非常惧怕大多数人的人是销售人员,他们都生活和工作在极大压力之下,当情况不好时,对销售人员来说就会更糟。而当情况较好时,他们也不会好到哪儿去。

*They are always on trial , always on the

verge of failure , collectively and

individually .They strain even the most

secure and self assured of them , to look

good on paper ; They strain工作努力even the most secure and self assured of

them , to look good on paper ; and there

is much paper for them to look good on .

Each week , for example , a record of the

sales results of the preceding week for

each sales office and for the Sales

Department as a whole for each division

of the company is kept and compared to

the sales results for the corresponding

week of the year before . 不论是从整体上还是个人,他们总是在接受检查,总是处于不合格的边缘。 他们工作非常努力(就连他们中那些很有保障的和充满自信的人都是这样)以使在书面评语上看上去好一些, 况且要让他们看上去好的表格多得很。 比如每星期为各部门准备的每个销售办事处及销售部所作的前一星期的销售业绩总记录加以保存并且与前一年同期的销售业绩相比较。

*The figures are photocopied and

distributed throughout the company to

all the people and departments whose

work is related to selling . 这些数字被复印后发到公司的每位员工和与销售有ce

of each division of the company are

doing at any关的部门。* The result of

the photocopying and distributing is that

there is almost continuous public

scrutiny 公開審查and discussion

throughout the company of how well or

poorly the salesmen in each sales offi

given time . 这样做的结果是公司几乎一直在对每一个分公司的销售办事处中的销售人员在某一既定时间内的工作业绩进行公开审查和评论。

*When salesmen are doing well , there is

pressure upon them to begin doing

better , for fear they may start doing

worse . When they are doing poorly ,

they are doing terribly . When a

salesman lands a large order or brings in

an important new account , his elation is

brief , for there is danger he might lose

that large order or important new

account to a salesman from a competing

company the next time around . 当销售人员业绩好时,他们因为要开始使工作做得更好,以免不如以前,从而感到压力重重。 当他们的业绩不佳时,他们就会做得一塌糊涂` 当一个销售人员争取到了一份大订单或者得到了一笔大的应收的账款,他的兴奋也是短暂的,` 因为很可能他的那份大订单或者大笔的进账下一次有被竞争对手的公司拿去的危险,

*They are vigorous(精力旺盛) ,

fun-loving bunch愛說愛笑 when they

are not suffering abdominal cramps(消化不良)or brooding miserably about the

future ; 在没有消化不良的困扰或不再苦苦为未来忧虑时,他们是一群充满活力、爱说爱笑的人。* on the other hand ,

they often turn cranky without warning

and complain a lot另一方面他们会突然之间变得任性并且牢骚满腹,

*Each of them can name at least one

superior in the company who he feels has

a grudge(怨恨)against him and is

determined to wreck(毀) his career . 他们每个人都至少能说出公司的一个上层人物是令他极度不满并且觉得这个人会毁了他的前程的。

*The salesmen work hard and earn big

salaries , with large personal expense

accounts that they squander(浪費, 揮霍)generously on other people in and out

of the company , including me . 销售人员工作努力,薪金丰厚,还有个人经费,他们会把这笔个人经费挥霍在进出公司的其他人的身上,其中包括我本人。

*They own good houses in good

communities and play good games of golf

on good private golf courses . 他们在豪宅区拥有自己的房子,在高级的私人高尔夫球场打球。

*The company encourages this . The

company , in fact , will pay for their

country club membership and all

charges they incur(開支) there , and

rewards salesmen who make a good

impression on the golf course . 公司鼓励这种做法。实际上,公司为他们支付乡村俱乐部会员费以及他们在那里的所有开支,并且对那些在高尔夫球上给人留下深刻印象的销售人员给予奖励。

*Unmarried men are not wanted in the

Sales Department , not even widowers ,


*for the company has learned from

experience that it is difficult and

dangerous for unmarried salesmen to

mix socially with與社交來往 prominent

executives and their wives or participate

with them in responsible civic affairs .


*If a salesman’s wife dies and he is not

ready to remarry , he is usually moved

into an administrative position after

several months of mourning . 如果一位销售人员的妻子去世了,而他又没有准备再婚,那么通常在丧期后的几个月内他就会调去做行政管理工作。 *They thrive

on explicit guidance toward clear

objectives . 他们在上司的点拨下获得成功,业绩蒸蒸日上。

There must be something in the makeup

of a man that enables him not only to be

a salesman , but to want to be one .一个人一定是具备某种特殊的性格和气质才使他不但从事销售工作而且想做一名销售人员。

* I am very good at these techniques of

deception(欺騙), although I am not

always able anymore to deceive myself .

In fact , I am continuously astonished by

people in the company who fall victim to

their own propaganda .There are so

many now who actually believe that

what we do is really important . 虽然我不是总能欺骗我自己,但是却很擅长这些骗人的把戏。宣傳实际上,我经常为公司的人们被自己的宣传所欺骗而吃惊 ,现在有很多人相信我们所做的工作是非常重要的。

*And it’s a dumb person who’s

convinced he is wise . 只有愚蠢的人才会自作聪明。

*It‘s a real problem to decide whether

it’s more boring to do something boring

than to pass along everything boring that

comes in to somebody else and then have

nothing to do at all . 要判断究竟是干令人生厌的工作更加烦人,还是将令人生厌的工作交给他人处理,然后无所事事更烦人,这真是一个问题。

*Actually , I enjoy my work when the

assignments are large and urgent and

somewhat frightening and will come to

the attention of many people . I get

scared , and am unable to sleep at night ,

but I usually perform at my best under

this stimulating (刺激)kind of pressure

and enjoy my job the most . I handle all

of these important projects myself , and I

rejoice with tremendous pride and

vanity in the compliments I receive when

I do them wel,l But between such peaks

of challenge and elation興奮 there is

monotony and despair . 实际上,当任务又大又紧而且有些令人生畏还会引起很多人的注意时,我就非常喜欢我的工作。我变得惴惴不安,而且夜不能寐。但在这种极有刺激的压力下,我的表现最佳,也最喜欢我的工作。 我独自处理所有这些重大的项目,并且当我成功地完成时,我会因受到赞扬而沉浸在极大的自豪与虚荣之中。 但在这些挑战与兴奋的巅峰之间是单调与绝望。

Lesson Two Eveline伊芙林

*She sat at the window watching the

evening invade the avenue大街. 她坐在窗前看着黄昏涌上大街。 *Her head was

leaned against the window curtains , and

in her nostrils鼻孔 was the odour 氣味of dusty cretonne(印花棉布) . She was

tired . 她的头靠在窗帘上,鼻孔里满是提花窗帘布上的尘土气味。她累了。

*Home ! She looked round the room ,

reviewing all its familiar objects which

she had dusted once a week for so many

years , wondering where on earth all the

dust came from . 家!她环顾屋内,审视着这么多年来她每周都要掸擦一遍的一切熟悉的物品,心里奇怪究竟哪来的这么多灰尘。

She had consented to go away , to leave

her home . Was what wise ? She tried to

weigh each side of the question .In her

home anyway she had shelter and food ;

she had those whom she had known all

her life about her . Of course she had to

work hard , both in the house and at

business . What would they say of her in

the stores when they found out that she

had run away with a fellow ? Say she

was a fool , perhaps; and her place

would be filled up by advertisement。

Miss Gavan would be glad . She had

always had an edge on her , especially

whenever there were people listening .

她已经答应离开,离开自己的家。 这样做明智吗?她试着权衡这个问题的每一个方面。 在家里不管怎么说她有吃有住;有她认识了一辈子的人在她身边。 当然她得拼命干活,不论是在家里还是在商店里。 如果商店里的人知道她和一个男人跑了,她们会怎么说她呢?也许说她是一个傻瓜;她们会登广告找别人代替她的位置。 加文小姐会很高兴。她总是要压她一头,尤其是有旁人听着的时候。

*She knew it was that that had given her

the palpitations (心驚肉跳). 她知道正是因为这种担心才使她心惊肉跳。

*When they were growing up he had

never gone for her , like he used to go for

Harry and Ernest , because she was a

girl ; but latterly he had begun to

threaten her and say what he would do

to her only for her dead mother’s sake .

她们长大以后,他还没有像他曾经打哈利和欧内斯特那样打过她,因为她是个女孩; 但最近他开始威胁地,说要不是因为她死去的母亲的缘故,他会怎样对待她。

Lesson Three What’s Wrong With Our

Press? 我们的报纸问题何在?

*Newspapers have two great advantages

over television 报纸与电视相比具有两大优越性。 They can be used by men as

barriers against their wives . 男人可以把报纸作为阻隔妻子的屏障,

*The fact is that although network

television still allots分配 too little time

to the vital service of informing the

public , it does a better job in that little

time than the nation’s press as a whole .

And when I speak of the nation’s press

as a whole , I am not speaking of the five

or six splendid newspapers ----and the

one great newspaper -----which serve the

world as models of responsible public

information . 事实的,尽管电视节目在为人众提供信息方面,安排的时间很少,

但总的来 说就在这有限的时间内,它在全国新闻界中做得是最出色的。 这里我提到的全国新闻界,不包括那五、六家尊贵的报社——其中一家重要的报社——一被当作是 全世界提供可靠消息的楷模。

*I am speaking of the local press which

in hundreds of American communities is

the only news available , aside from

those recitals(復述) of ticker tape電訊稿

that pass for radio news . 我指的是那些当地报纸。在美国的几百个社区中,除了那些把电讯稿复述一遍充当新闻广播之外,大众惟一能得到的新闻就来自这 些报纸了,而它们并没有履行对大众的义务。

*Television lives on advertising to an

even greater extent than newspapers ,

and since advertising is big business ,

advertising is by nature Republican .yet

nowhere in network newscasts or

network commentaries on current events

have I encountered the intense

partisanship , the often rabid bias that

colors the editorial pages of the majority

of newspapers in this country . 电视比报纸依靠广告的程度甚至还要大,既然广告是笔大生意,广告从本质上就是亲共和党的。 然而无论在电视网的新闻节目中还是时事评论中,我都未遇到这个国家大多数报纸的社论版上所反映出的那强烈的党派性甚至常常是狂热无理的偏见。

*Fortunately for the American public ,

television does not tolerate the kind of

distortion of fact , the kind of partisan

virulence(惡毒攻擊) and personal peeve(怨恨) ,many newspapers not only

welcome but encourage . 幸运的是对美国公众来说,电视不允许那种对事实的歪曲,那种党派间的恶毒攻击和个人怨恨的发泄,而这是许多报纸不仅欢迎而且鼓励的。

*A newspaper has the right ----the duty

even ----to assume an attitude , to take a

position . But it has an equally sacred(神聖的)right to explain that position in the

light of the opposing one , to document

that position , and to bolster(証實) it ,

not with emotion but with fact . 报纸有权利甚至有责任具有某种态度、采取某一立场,但它也有同样神圣的权利参照对立的观点来解释自己的立场,通过翔实的材料来证实这一立场,并运用事实而不是感情来支持这一立场。

*One of the greatest and most justified

criticisms of television has been that in

appealing to the largest audience

possible , it neglects minority audiences

and minority tastes . 对电视最强烈也是最有道理的批评历来就是:它为了吸引最大数量的观众,忽视了少数观众以及少数人的爱好

*This is still largely true . But there is ,

perhaps , one program a day and many ,

of course , on Sunday which an

intelligent man or woman can enjoy and

derive interest from . 这一批评在很大程度上仍是正确的。但是也许一天会有一个节目,当然星期日会有许多个节目,是能令聪明智慧的男女喜欢并产生兴趣的。

*In my trips east or west or north or

south , I pick up the local paper to find

this enjoyment or interest ---in vain(都未能如願) . Now , surely there’s something

wrong here . 在我走南闯北的旅行中,每次拿起当地的报纸寻找我喜欢并感兴趣的东西,都未能如愿,显然这里存在着某种问题。

*They have held their franchise(特權) so

long that change has become

inadmissible (不許可的). 报纸如此长期地享有特权,已经无法接受改变了。

Four 美国的养老政策

*Though we have begun to examine the

socially taboo(忌諱) subjects of dying

and death , we have leaped over that that

long period of time preceding death , we

have leaped over that long period of time

preceding death known as old age . 虽然我们已开始研究有关临终和死亡这个为社会所忌讳的题目,但是我们却跳过了死亡来临之前、称为老年的那一段漫长的时间。

*Death is a dramatic one-time crisis

while old age is a day-by –day and year

–by –year confrontation with (對抗)powerful external and internal forces ,

a bittersweet coming to terms with one’s

own personality and one’s life .。 死亡是富有戏剧性的一次性危机,而老年则一天天一年年都在与强大的内外力量抗争,是一种苦乐参半的逐渐适应自己的个性和生活的过程

*Our popular attitudes could be summed

up as a combination of wishful thinking

and stark terror . 可以把流行在我们之中的态度归纳为痴心妄想和赤裸裸的恐惧的结合。

*We base our feelings on primitive fears ,

prejudice(偏見) and stereotypes(墨守成規) rather than on knowledge and

insight . 我们将感情建筑在原始的恐惧、偏见和墨守成规上而不是建筑在知识和远见之上。

*Old age is neither inherently miserable

(痛苦的)nor inherently sublime(卓越的)---like every stage of life


*The process of aging and eventual

death must ultimately be accepted as the

natural progression of the life cycle , the

old completing their prescribed life

spans and making way for the young .

Much that is unique in old age in fact

derives from the reality of aging and the

imminence (迫近)of death . 年老的过程及最后的死亡必须最终作为生命周期的自然进程被人们所接受,老人结束他们各自的寿数,为年轻人让路。 事实上,老年独特之处多是由于衰老这一现实及死亡之逼近。

*For many elderly Americans old age is

a tragedy, a period of quiet despair ,

deprivation desolation and muted rage .


*This can be a consequence of the kind

of life a person has led in younger years

and the problems in his or her

relationships with others . 这种情况可能是一个人过去某种生活和他或她人际关系上存在的问题造成的后果,

*There are also inevitable personal and

physical losses to be sustained , some of

which can become overwhelming and

unbearable 同时还要承受无法避免的失去亲人或丧失身体机能的痛苦,有些可能会使人难以自拔,无法忍受。

*The tragedy of old age is not the fact

that each of us must grow old and die

but that the process of doing so has been

made unnecessarily and at times

excruciatingly painful , humiliating ,

debilitating and isolating through

insensitivity , ignorance and poverty . 老龄的悲剧并不是在于我们每个人正常变老和死亡,而是在于这过程被冷漠、愚昧和贫困搞得充满了不必要的,有时是难忍的痛苦屈辱、虚弱与孤独。

*The potentials for satisfactions and

even triumphs in late life are real and

vastly underexplored 晚年生活中取得满足甚至成功的可能性是确实存在的,而且还远远没有发掘出来。

*Poverty or drastically lowered income

and old age go hand in hand . 贫困或收入的大幅度下降与老年携手而至,

*People who are poor all their lives

remain poor as they grow old . Most of

us realize this . 一生贫困的人们老后仍然贫困,我们大多数人都认识到这一点。Savings can be wiped out by a single

unexpected catastrophe .只要一个意想不到的灾祸就可以将积蓄化为乌有。

*When Social Security becomes the sole

o r primary income , it means

subsistence –level styles for many , and

recent increases do not keep up with

soaring costs of living . 当社会福利成为仅有的、主要的收入时,这对许多人就意味着仅能勉强维持生活,而且新增加的福利金赶不上高涨的生活费用。`

*Private pension plans often do not pay

off , and pension payments that do come

in are not tied to inflationary彌補

decreases in buying power. 各种非官方的养老金制度经常不能支付全部应付金额,而得到的养老金数 目又不能弥补由于通货膨胀而造成的购买力下降。

*Many more must deprive themselves of

essentials to keep their homes in repair .


*The American dream promised older

people that if they worked hard enough

all their lives , things would turn out well

for them . Today’s elderly were brought

up to believe in pride , self-reliance and

independence . Many are tough ,

determined individuals who manage to

survive against adversity . But even the

tough ones reach a point where help

should be available to them . 美国梦给老人这样的期望,只要他们一生努力工作,一切终会好的。 今天的老人在成长过程中受到的教育是信奉自尊、自立、自主。 许多都是能在逆境中生存下来的坚韧不拔而又有主见的人物,但即使是坚韧不拔的人们也会需要得到帮助。

*Medicare pays for only 45 per cent of

older people’s health expenses ;the

balance must come from their own

incomes and savings , or from Medicaid ,

which requires a humiliating (羞恥的)means test . 国家医疗制度只支付老年人医疗费用的45%,余下部分得从他们自己的收入或积蓄中支付,或由医疗补贴计划来支付,但为此必须接受令人羞辱的家庭经济情况调查。

*A serious illness can mean instant

poverty . 一场重病可能意味着顷刻之间变得一贫如洗。

*Because of loneliness , confusion ,

hearing and visual difficulties they are

prime victims of dishonest door –to –door salesmen and fraudulent

advertising , and buy defective hearing

aids , dance lessons , useless “ Medicare

insurance supplements “ , and quack

health remedies 由于寂寞、糊涂、耳聋眼花,他们是狡诈的挨门挨户推销商品的人和骗人的广告的主要受害者,买下有毛病的助听器,报名上舞蹈课,参加毫无 用处的“国家医疗保障制度补充保险”,还购买骗人的假药。

Lesson Five Trifles (Part One ) 琐事

*They are followed by two women ---the

sheriff ‘s wife first ; she is a slight wiry瘦长却很结实 woman , with a thin

nervous face .Mrs. Hale is larger and

would ordinarily be called more

comfortable looking , but she is

disturbed now and looks fearfully about

as she enters . The women have come in

slowly , and stand close together near the

door . 琐事(第一部分)

他们的身后跟着两个女人——前面的司法官夫人,她身材略显瘦长却很结实,面庞消瘦,而且紧张不安。后面是黑尔夫人,她身材高大,模样平时还称得上令人愉快,但现在却心烦意乱,一进屋就惊恐地四处张望。两个女人缓缓地走进房间,紧挨在一起站在门边。 *She moved from

that chair to this one over here .

( pointing to a small chair in the corner . )

and just sat there with her hands held

together and looking down .I got a

feeling that I ought to make some

conversation , so I said I had come in to

see if John wanted to put in a telephone ,

and at that she started to laugh , and

then she stopped an looked at me

-----scared . ( The county attorney , who

has had his notebook out , makes a

note . ) 她从那把椅子上移到这边的这把上(指着屋角的一把小椅子)。坐在那里双手握在一起,两眼看着下边。 我有种感觉应该说点儿什么,于是我说我来是看看约翰是否愿意装一部电话,她听后大笑起来,然后停下来注视着我——神色惊慌。(县法官早已掏出记事本,现在做了个记录)

*I guess before we’re through she may

have something more serious than

preserves to worry about . 我猜想在我们干完之前她可能还有比水果更重要的东西要担心。

*The sheriff follows the county attorney

into the other room . Then Mrs. Hale

rises , hands tight together , looking

intensely at Mrs. Peters , whose eyes

make a slow turn , finally meeting Mrs.

Hale’s. A moment Mrs. Hale holds her ,

then her own eyes point the way to

where the box is concealed . Suddenly

Mrs. Peters throws back quilt pieces and

tries to put the box in the bag she is

wearing . it is too big . She opens the box ,

starts to take bird out, cannot touch it ,

goes to pieces , stands there helpless . 黑尔走了出去。治安官跟着县检察官进了另一个房间,然后黑尔太太站起身,手紧紧地握在一起,紧张地看了看彼得斯太太,彼得斯太太的眼睛缓慢转过来,最终同黑尔太太的目光相对。黑尔太太注视了她一会,然后目光转向藏盒子的地方。 突然,彼得斯太太把布片扔了回去,试着将盒子放进她背包里。盒子太大了。她打开盒子,想把鸟拿出来,却不敢碰它,很沮丧,无助地站在那儿。

Lesson Seven Ace in the Hole埃斯身陷困境

*No sooner did his car touch the

boulevard heading home than Ace

flicked on the radio . 车子刚开上通向家的大街,埃斯便啪的一声打开收音机。

*His voice , though familiar , irked him ;

it sounded thin and scratchy . 他的声音尽管熟悉,却让他感到厌烦;声音听起来尖细刺耳。`

*The five Kings were doing “ Blueberry

Hill “ ; to hear them made Ace feel so

sure inside that from the pack pinched

between the car roof and the sun shield

he plucked a cigarette , hung it on his

lower lip , snapped a match across the

rusty place on the dash . 五王乐团正在演唱《紫浆果山》; 听到他们的演唱使埃斯感到心里十分踏实,他从塞在车顶和遮阳板中间的烟盒中抽出一根烟叼在下嘴唇上,在仪表盘的生锈处擦着一根火柴。

*He beat time on the accelerator . The

car jerked crazily . 他用脚在加速器上打拍子。汽车疯了一样一冲一冲地前进着。

*At the door of his car , it seemed stupid

to him to drive the measly half block

home . 在车门旁,他觉得只有半条街这点短的可怜的路还开车回家很愚蠢。

*Lesson Eight Science Has Spoiled My

Supper科 学 毁 了 我 的 晚 餐 I am

a fan for Science .My education is

scientific and I have , in one field ,

contributed a monograph to a scientific

journal . 我是个科学迷。我是学科学的,曾为一份科学刊物写过某个领域的一篇专题 文章。 Science , to my mind , is

applied honesty , the one reliable means

we have to find out truth . 在我看来,科学需运用诚实,是我们发现真理的唯一可靠的手段。 That is why , when error is

committed in the name of science , I feel

the way a man would if his favorite uncle

had taken to drink . 因此在 以科学的名义做错事时,我的感觉就像一个人最喜欢的叔叔染上酒瘾后的心情一样。 Over

the years , I have come to feel that way

about what science has done to food . 多年以来,我感觉到科学给食品带来这样的影响。

*I agree that our food is nutritious (有營養成分)and that the diet of most of us is

well-balanced . 承认我们的食物富有营养,我们多数人的饮食中营养均衡。

*A grocer used to be very fussy about his

cheese . Cheddar was made and sold by

hundreds of little factories .

Representatives of the factories had

particular customers , and cheese was

prepared by hand to suit the grocers ,

who knew precisely what their patrons

wanted . Some liked them sharper ; some

liked them yellower ; some liked anise

seed in cheese ,or caraway . 过去食品杂货商对自己出售的奶酪很挑剔。 切达奶酪是由成百的小工厂生产和销售的,



*It is not possible to make the very best

cheese in vast quantities at a low average

cost . 要在平均成本低的情况下大量生产出最上等的奶酪是不可能的。

* It is only lately that I have found how

much science of genetics is involved .

Agronomists and the like have taken to

breeding all sorts of vegetables and fruits

----changing their original nature . This

sounds wonderful and often is insane .

For the scientists have not as a rule

taken any interest whatsoever in the

taste of the things they’ve tampered

with ! 只是在最近一段时间我才发现遗传科学在这里起了多大的作用。 农学家之类 的人物搞起了各种蔬菜和水果的培育一一改变它们原有的特性。 这听起来妙不可言而常常是极其愚蠢的。因为通常这些科学家在鼓捣这些东西的时候对它们的味道会变得如何丝毫不感兴趣。

*What they have done is to develop

“ improved “ strains of things for

every purpose but eating . 他们为了各种目的培育“改良”品种,却不考虑吃。

It is extremely profitable because it is

efficient . What matters if such peas taste

like boiled paper wads ? 由于效率高,这种做法极其有利可图。至于这种豌豆吃起来像煮纸团,又有什么关系呢?

Geneticists have gone crazy over such

“ opportunities “. They ‘ve developed

string beans that are straight instead of

curved , and all one length . 遗传学家对于这一类的“机会”简直着了迷,培育出直的而不是弯的菜豆,而且全都一样长。

Ripening time and identity of size and

shape are , nowadays , more important

in carrots than the fact that they taste

like carrots . 现在胡萝卜的成熟时间和大小形状一样比吃起来有胡萝卜味这一事实更为重要。

*“ Institutes “ exist to experiment and

tell housewives how to cook attractive

meals and how to turn leftovers into

works of art . The food thus pictured

looks like famous paintings of still life .

The only trouble is it’s tasteless . 有“训练班”专门试验,教给主妇们如何烹制一餐好看的食物,如何把剩菜变成艺术品。

这样,拍成照片 的食物看上去就像一幅著名的静物画。唯一不尽人意的问题是吃起来没有味道。

*I wonder if this blandness of our diet

doesn’t explain why so many of us are

overweight and even dangerously so . 我在想不知道我们饮食的这种淡而无味的状况,是不是造成我们之中这么多人过于肥胖的原因,有的甚至胖到了危险的程度`

*It is merely a hypothesis , so far , and

my own . But people have been eating

according to flavor for upwards of a

billion years . *The need to satisfy the

sense of taste may be innate and

important . 迄今为止,这仅仅是一种假设。而且是我个人的假设。` 但是人们已经根据滋味来吃东西吃了十亿年以上了。


*When food has the flavor of library

paste , it may be the instinct of mankind

to go on eating in the unconscious hope

of finally satisfying the frustrated taste

buds . 当食物吃起来像图书馆里的浆糊,也许人类的本能会使他不断地吃下去,不知不觉地希望最终能满足灰心失望的味蕾的渴望。

Lesson Nine I’ll Never Escape the Ghetto我 永 不 脱 离 黑 人 区

*A college venture in Watts terms is a

fateful act 在瓦茨人心目中,上大学是件有关命运的冒险行为。 There are no

retractionsor future deliverance 没有退路,也没有未来的解 脱。 Watts , like

other black ghettos across the country ,

is , for ambitious youths , a transient

status .(暫留之地) 像全国各地的黑人区一样,对充满雄抱负的年青人来说,瓦茨只是个暂留之 地。 Once they have left ,

there is no returning . 他们一旦离开便不再回来。 In this sense , my

credentials(証明) are unsatisfactory . 从这个意义上说,我的那些证明不能令人满意。

*The Watts-as-a-way-station mentality

has a firm hold on both those who

remain and those who leave . Such as it

is , the ghetto is regarded as no place to

make a career for those who have a

future Without exception, the prime

American values underscore the notion .

Negroes , inside it or out , and whites too ,

behave toward the ghetto like travelers .

Accordingly , I was considered one of the

lucky ones .把瓦茨视为中转站的心态在留下的及离去的人身上都有牢固的影响。

在这种情况下,人们认为黑人区不是有前途的人成就一番事业的地方。. 美国的基本价值 观念也毫无例外地强调了这个看法。 黑人区内外的黑人以及白人就像游客一样把 黑人区当做旅途上的暂留之处。 因此,我被看做是个幸运儿。

*Rumors spread quickly that I was a

FBI agent . I was suspect because I was

not supposed to returned . Some people

said I was either a federal agent or a

fool , for no reasonable man , they said ,

returns to Watts by choice . 流言很快传开,说我是联邦调查局的人。我遭到怀疑,因 为没人想到会回去。 有人说我不是个密探就是个傻瓜,因为他们说没有一个有理 性的人会自愿回到瓦茨来。

*I was especially intrigued by a career

in Watts because it was supposed to be

impossible . 我对在瓦茨做一番事业特别感兴趣,因为人们认为这是件不可能的事, I wanted to demonstrate that it

could be done more than anything else .


*It never occurred to me at the time

what I was doing . I thought of it only as

being practical . 在当时我根本没有想到自己在干些什么。我只是认为这是出于实际的需要。 It was important to me to do

well in college . Community identity was

secondary , if a consideration at all . 在大学里干得好对我来说很重要,即使我考虑到社区身份,那也只是次要的。

*the typical European response was

unlike anything I had seen before . They

had no homes or businesses to worry

about protecting . They wanted to know

why Negroes did not riot more often . As

the only Negro in the summer session I

felt awkward for a time . 欧洲人典型的反应是我过去从未见到过的。他们无需为保护自己的家庭和 企业操心。他们想要知道为什么黑人不经常发动暴乱。 作为暑期班里唯一的黑人学生,我一度觉到十分尴尬。

*In one sense,I was the archetype of the

ghetto child who through hard work and

initiative was pulling himself toward a

better life. 我是通过勤奋努力和主动精神使自己的生活得以改善的黑人区后代的典范。 I was the example ,the

exception . It was my life that was held

up to Watts youth to emulate . 我是个

榜样,也是个例外。我的生活成为瓦茨青年仿效的榜样。 In another sense ,

however , my feelings toward the rioting

were predictable . 然而,在另一方面,我对暴乱的感受是在意料之中的。 I had

always been bothered by the passivity of

the ghetto . 黑人区的消极顺从向 来使我不安。

*Earlier I had thought the success I had

won satisfied an obligation I had to all

Negroes . 过去我认为我取得的成功使我能履 行自己对所有黑人的责任, It is

part of the lip service every successful

Negro is obliged to pay to the notion(觀念)of race progress whenever he

achieves . 这是每一个有成就的黑人在取得成功后不得不对种族 进步的观念在口头上作出表示的一部分。

*I suspected at the time and now realize

that the riots were perhaps the most

significant massive action taken by

Northern Negroes . It was a watershed in

the ghetto’s history . Before the riots ,

the reach of the Negro movement in

America seemed within the province of a

small civil rights leadership . Now Watts ,

and places like Watts , were redefining

the role of black men in their city’s life .

当时我猜想,现在则更加认识到暴乱也许是北方黑人采取的最有意义的大规 模行动,是黑人区历史的分水岭。

在此之前美国黑人运动的规模似乎只局限于狭 小的民权运动领导范围之内。现在瓦茨以及像瓦茨这样的地方正在重新界定黑人在他们城市生活中的角色

*The problem of the poor and of the city

in America , simplified , is the problem

of the ghetto Negro. 美国的贫困问题与城市问题简单来看就是居住在黑人区的黑人问题。There is a difference between

my schooling and the wisdom of the

street corner . 我受的学校教育和街头文化之间存在差别。

Lesson Ten How Market Leaders Keep

their Edge领先市场的公司怎样保持竞争优势

*The first value discipline we call

operational excellence 第一种价值类型

我们称之为运作卓越型。 Companies

that pursue this are not primarily

product or service innovators, nor do

they cultivate deep , one –to-one

relationships with customers . 追求这种价值的公司既不是产品和服务的革新者,也不培养和顾客一对一的密切关系。

*The second value discipline we call

product leadership . 第二种价值类型我们称之为产品领先型。 Its practitioners

concentrate on offering products that

push performance boundaries 产品领先型公司倾全力提供性能最好的产品。Their proposition to customers is an

offer of the best product , period . 他们为顾客服务的宗旨是:提供最好的产品。Moreover , product leaders do not build

their positions with just one innovation ;

此外,产品领先者并不止步于只是一种革新, For these product leaders ,

competition is not about price or

customer service ( though those can’t be

ignored ) , it’s about product

performance( . 对于这些产品领先者来说,他们要竞争的不是产品价格或对顾客的服务(虽然这两条不能忽视),而是产品的性能。

*The third value discipline we have

named customer intimacy。 第三种价值类型我们称之为亲密顾客型。 Its

adherents (信念)focus on delivering not

what the market wants but what specific

customers want . 这类公司着重提供的不是市场的需求,而是特定顾客群体需求。 Customer-intimate companies do

not pursue one-time transactions; they

cultivate relationships . 与顾客关系密切的公司追求的不是一次性的交易, 他们培养与顾客之间的关系。 They specialize

in satisfying unique needs , which often

only they recognize , through a close

relationship with ---and intimate

knowledge of ----the customer . 他们满足顾客的特殊需求,而这些需求,只有靠他们和顾客建立密切关系,深入了解才能获知。 Their proposition to the customer:

We have the best solution for you , and

we provide all the support you need to

achieve optimum results , or value , or

both , from whatever products you buy .


*Winning through Cost ,Operationally

excellent companies deliver a

combination of quality , price , and ease

of purchasethat no one else in their

market can match . They are not product

or service innovators , nor do they

cultivate one-to-one relationships with

customers. They execute extraordinarily

well , and their proposition to customers

is guaranteed low price or hassle –free

service , or both . 以价格取胜运作卓越型公司提供一种质量、价格、购物便利的组合,这是市场上其他公


*Winning with Great Products 以优质产品取胜 Companies pursuing product

leadership continually push products

into the realm of the unknown , the

untried , or the highly desirable . 追求产品先领先地位的公司不断努力生产出别人未知的,未尝试过的,或极 具吸引人的产品。Reaching that goal requires that

they challenge themselves in three ways .


*First , they must be creative . More

than anything else , being creative means

recognizing and embracing ideas that

may originate anywhere ----inside the

company or out . 首先, 他们必须富有创造性。富有创造性最主要的是能认别并容纳来源不同的主意,无论是公司那还是公司外。 Second , they must

commercialize their ideas quickly . To do

so , all their business and management

processes are engineered for speed . 其次,他们必须迅速地使自己的想法商品化。要做到这一点,其所有的业务和管理进程都要加快速度。 Third and most

important ,they must relentlessly pursue

ways to leapfrog their own latest product

or service . 第三点也是最重要的一点,他们必须坚持不懈地寻找超越自己最新产品和服务的途径。

*product leaders create and maintain an

environment that encourages employees

to bring ideas into the company and ,

just as important , to listen to and

consider these ideas , however

unconventional . 产品领先公司创建和保持一种环境,鼓励员工把新想法带入公司,不管这些想法多么不合 常规也要倾听和考虑。 Companies excelling in

product leadership do not plan for every

possible contingency , nor do they spend

much time on detailed analysis . 以产品领先而著称的公司不为每一个可能发生的意外事件做计划,也不花太 多的时间做详细的分析。` Their strength lies in

reacting to situations as they occur . Fast

reaction times are an advantage when

dealing with the unknown . 他们的力量体现在对所发生的情况做出反应。当处理未 知的事情时,快速反应是优势。

*Product leaders have a vested interest

in protecting the entrepreneurial

environment that they have created . To

that end , they hire , recruit , and train

employees in their own mold . When it is

time for Vistakon to hire new

salespeople , for example , its managers

do not look for people experienced in

selling contact lenses ; they look for

people who will fit in with j&J ‘s

culture . That means their first question

isn’t about a candidate’s related

experience ; it’s more likely to be ,

“ Could you work cooperatively in

teams ?” or “ How open are you to

criticism ?”产品领先公司对保护他们所建造的企业环境拥有既得的利益。

为了达到那个目的,他们以自己的模式雇用、招收、培训员工。 比如说,当卫康公司要聘用新销售员时其经理所要聘用的不是有销售隐形眼镜经验的人,而是将能适应强生公司文化的人。 也就是说,他们所问的第一个问题不是关于应聘者的相关经验,


*Product leaders are their own fiercest

competitors . 产品领先公司最激烈的竞争对手就是自己。They no sooner cross a

frontier than they are scouting the next .

他们刚刚跨越一个新领域就开始 探索下一个更新的领域。 They must be adept at

rendering obsolete the products and

services they have created , 他们必须善于使自己的产品和服务淘汰。 They

realize that if they don’t develop a

successor , another company will . 他们知道如果自己不开发更新换代的产品,其他公司也会这样做的

*A company that delivers value via

customer intimacy builds bonds with

customers like those between good

neighbors . Customer-intimate

companies don’t deliver what the

market wants but what a specific

customer wants . 一个通过与顾客建立密切关系而实现其价值的公司与顾客建立友邻一样的联 系。 顾客亲密型公司并不提供市场所需的,而是提供某特定的顾客所需的东西。

*The customer-intimate company makes

a business of knowing the people it sells

to and the products and services they

need . It continually tailors its products

and services and does so at reasonable

prices . 顾客亲密型公司认为了解其顾客以及顾客所需的产品和服务至关重要。


*The Key is to segment the market

vertically . This enables the company to

pitch specific customers with specialized

services that no other company can

begin to provide . Example: One

customer segment is the legal profession .

cable& Wireless is developing features

and function that have tremendous

appeal to lawyers . 垂直分割市场至关重要。这样做可以使公司选定特定的客户群并提供给他们 其他公司无法提供的特殊服务 比如;一个划分的客户群体是法律专业人士。 Cable & Wireless公司研究开发出对律师们有极大吸引力的具有独特功能的特色服务。

*The company wants customers to feel

they’re getting the support of not just

the sales force but of the entire company .


Top management empowers all

employees who work with customers to

make sophisticated decisions . 高级管理层授权所 有与顾客打交道的员工以做出老练的决定。 Pricing was once the

domain of corporate pricing gurus . No

longer . 定价权曾经只掌握在公司定价权威人 士手中,而现在再也不是这样了。

Lesson Eleven On Human Nature and

Politics论 人 性 与 政 治

* Undoubtedly the desire for food has

been, and still is, one of the main causes

of great political events. But man differs

from other animals in one very

important respect, and that is that he has

desires which are, so to speak, infinite,

which can never be fully gratified, and

which would keep him restless even in

Paradise. the boa constrictor, when he

has had an adequate meal , goes to sleep,

and does not wake until he needs another

meal. Human beings, for the most part ,

are not like this. When the Arabs, who

had been used to living sparingly on a

few dates , acquired the riches of the

Eastern Roman Empire and dwelt in

palaces of almost unbelievable luxury ,

they did not, on that account , become

inactive. Hunger could no longer be a

motive, for Greek slaves supplied them

with exquisite viands at the slightest nod.

But other desires kept them active: four

in particular, which we can label

acquisitiveness, rivalry, vanity and love

of power. 勿容置疑,对于食物的欲望一直是并仍然是导致重大政治事件的主要原因之一。但人与其他动物有一个很重要的区别,那就是人有着可谓无休止的欲望, 永远不可能得到完全满足,即使到了天堂也还不得安宁巨蟒饱餐一顿后就睡觉,直到需要再吃一顿时才醒来。对于大多数人来说并非如此。阿拉伯人曾习惯于靠吃几个枣子节俭度日,当他们获得东罗马帝国的财富,居住在几乎令人难以置信 的豪华宫殿中时,他们并未因此就闲居不动了。饥饿不可能再是一个动机,因为 只需轻轻一点头,希腊奴隶就会奉上精美佳肴。但是别的欲望使他们继续活跃,主要有四种欲望,我们称之为,占有欲,竞争欲,虚荣心和权力欲。

*Acquisitiveness the wish to possess as

much as possible of goods, or the title to

goods is a motive which, I suppose, has

its origin in a combination of fear with

the desire for necessaries. 占有欲——希望占有尽可能多的财产或对财产的所有权——在我看来是一种动机,它根源于恐惧和对拥有生活必需品的欲望的结合。

The world would be a happier place than

it is if acquisitiveness were always

stronger than rivalry . 如果占有欲总是强于竞争欲的话,世界将是一个比现在更快乐的地方。

*Mankind have even committed the

impiety of attributing similar desires to

the deity, whom they imagine avid for

continual praise. 人类甚至犯下不敬之罪,将类似的欲望也加在神明身上,认为


*Power, like vanity, is insatiable. 同虚荣心一样,权力欲也是永远无法满足的,

Nothing short of omnipotence could

satisfy it completely. 除非是无限权力,否则什么也不能使它完全满足。 And as

it is especially the vice of energetic men,

the casual efficacy of love of power is out

of all proportion to its frequency. 但事实上,特别是精力旺盛的人的恶习,权欲的偶尔实现与权欲的频繁滋生两者完全不成比例。 It is, indeed, by far the

strongest motive in the lives of important

men. 这的确是大人物生活中最强烈的动机。

*Human beings show their superiority to

the brutes by their capacity for boredom,

though I have sometimes thought, in

examining the apes at the Zoo, that they,

perhaps, have the rudiments of this

tiresome emotion . 人类优越于畜生之处表现在他们会感到厌倦,虽然在观察动物园的猿类时,我有时会想它们或许也有这种厌倦情绪的萌芽。

*Red Indians, while they were still

unaffected by white men, would smoke

their pipes, not calmly as we do, but

orgiastically, inhaling so deeply that they

sank into a faint . 红种印第安人在还未受到白人影响时,抽他们自己的烟斗,不像我们这样平平静静地吸,而是放任地深深地吸,以致于昏了过去。 And when

excitement by means of nicotine failed, a

patriotic orator would stir them up to

attack a neighbouring tribe, which

would give them all the enjoyment that

we (according to our temperament ),

derive from a horse race or a General

Election. 当尼古丁造成的刺激消逝后,一个爱国的演说家就会鼓动他们去攻击邻近的一个部落,这就会给他们带来快乐,就像我们(根据我们的不同性格)从赛马或大选中得到的这种快乐。 With

civilized men, as with primitive Red

Indian tribes, it is, I think,chiefly love of

excitement which makes the populace

applaud when war breaks out ; 对文明人和原始的红种印第安人部落来说,我认为,主要是出于追求刺激才会使老百姓在战争爆发时鼓掌欢呼

*What is serious about excitement is

that so many of its forms are destructive.

追求刺激的严重性在于它的许多形式是有破坏性的。 It is destructive in those

who cannot resist excess in alcohol or

gambling. 对那些抵制不住过度饮酒或赌博的人来说,它是有破坏性的。 It is

destructive when it takes the form of

mob violence. 当它以暴民暴乱的形式出现时,它是有破坏性的。And above all it

is destructive when it leads to war. 尤其当它引发战争时,它是有破坏性的。 It is

so deep a need that it will find harmful

outlets of this kind unless innocent

outlets are at hand. 寻找刺激是如此强烈的需要,如果身边没有无害的途径,它便会找到这类有害的途径来发泄。

*Civilized life has grown altogether too

tame, and, if it is to be stable, it must

provide harmless outlets for the impulses

which our remote ancestors satisfied in

hunting. 文明生活变得完全驯化了,如果要使之稳定,就必须为我们远祖从狩猎中得到满足的那种冲动提供无害的发泄途径。

Lesson Twelve The Everlasting Witness永恒的证据

*Marian opened her mouth to tell them

what she had done the night before and

then she closed it on brioche, no words.

What she had done was to try and find

the film again, the war newsreel in which

she had seen Jerry, her son. Or had she

seen him? They ought to be told that the

uncertainty had not been removed by

this trip to Mexico. But her next and

clearer thought was that this matter was

all her own and had to be accomplished

without help. Evidence of that was her

husband's letting her come down alone ;

the trip to Mexico was for her to find

herself, get back on her feet , return to

him healed. 玛丽安张开嘴想告诉他们她前一天晚上做了什么,可是她咬了一口黄油点心把嘴闭上了,什么也没有说。她前一天晚上做的就是试图重新找到那部电影,那部战争新闻短片,她在里面看到过她的儿子杰里。可是她看到他了吗?应该告诉他们这次旅行并没有消除她心中的疑惑。但接下来她有了更明确的想法,这件事是她自己的事,不需要别人来帮助她完成。丈夫让她独自一人到墨西哥就证明了这一点;这次来墨西哥就是为了让她弄清自己的处境,重新站起,抚平心灵的创伤后回到他身边。

* Downtown, she parked her car in a

garage. Everything was getting ready for

this moment. She did not carry the

flowers in her car but she carried them

in her heart. Now she was going to find

out whether it was death or life. Either

she could tolerate . It did not occur to

her that the newsreel might not be there.


*Right in front of a parking place at the

flower market, the opener and closer of

doors, the idiot, sat on the curb with his

knees doubled over into the gutter.(水槽)was sleeping, his head thrown back

against a telephone pole. His hands were

thrown down on the cement (水泥)he

sidewalk, no longer trembling, but

abandoned . Nor was his head trembling

and shaking. His face asleep was

beautiful. He was not old, no, not old nor

bloated (浮腫)he had thought him, but

thin and defenceless as the sleeping

young are, beautiful, and an idiot. 在花市的停车场前面,那个开关车门的人,那个白痴,坐在马路牙子上,双腿弯曲伸进路沟里。



Lesson Thirteen Selected Snobberies势 利

种 种

*All men are snobs about something.

One is almost tempted to add : There is

nothing about which men cannot feel

snobbish. But this would doubtless be an

exaggeration. There are certain

disfiguring and mortal diseases about

which there has probably never been any

snobbery. I cannot imagine, for example,

that there are any leprosy-snobs. More

picturesque diseases, even when they are

dangerous, and less dangerous diseases,

particularly when they are the diseases

of the rich, can be and very frequently

are a source of snobbish self-importance.



*I have met several adolescent

consumption-snobs , who thought that it

would be romantic to fade away in the

flower of youth , like Keats or Marie

Bashkirtseff. Alas, 我遇见过好几位因患肺结核而有势利感的年轻人,他们觉得很像济慈或玛丽?巴什基尔采夫那样在青春妙龄时死去是很浪漫的一件事。

*Disease-snobbery is only one out of a

great multitude of snobberies, of which

now some, now others take pride of place

in general esteem. 因疾病而生之势利仅是众多的势利中的一种,在这众多的势利中,有时有这样或那样的势利在人们心目中独尊其位,


*At the same time, of course, the

producer must do his bit by producing

nothing but the most perishable articles ,


*For modernity-snobs naturally tend to

throw away their old possessions and

buy new ones at a greater rate than those

who are notmodernity-snobs. 因为新潮势利者自然会比无此势利感的人更快地抛弃他们所拥有的旧东西并购买新东西。Therefore it is in the producer's interest

to encourage modernity-snobbery.

Which in fact he does do on an enormous

scale and to the tune of millions and

millions a year by means of advertising.


newspapers do their best to help those

who help them; and to the flood of

advertisement is added a flood of less

directly paid-for propaganda in favour

of modernity-snobbery. 报纸也尽一切力量帮助那些帮助它们的人们,在洪水般的广告之外再加上洪水般的不那么直接花钱去做的有利于新潮势利感的宣传。The

public is taught that up-to-datedness is

one of the first duties of man. 公众被教育说保持时尚是人类首要的职责之一,Docile, it accepts the reiterated

suggestion. 驯服的公众接受了这个一再被重申的启事。

4 Most of us are also art-snobs. There

are two varieties of art-snobbery the

platonic and the unplatonic. Platonic

art-snobs merely "take an interest" in

art. Un platonic art-snobs go further and

actually buy art. Un platonic

art-snobbery is a hybrid or mule ; for it

is simultaneously a sub-species of

culture-snobbery and of

possession-snobbery. 我们中多数人也是艺术势利者,这种势利感有两类,一是纯精神的,另一类则与之相反。纯精神的艺术势利者只是对艺术“感兴趣”,非精神的则进一步而且真的购买艺术,这种势利感是一种杂交品种或者说是一头骡子,因为它同时是文化势利感和财产势利感的亚种,

*A society with plenty of snobberies is

like a dog with plenty of fleas: it is not

likely to become comatose,(昏睡狀態) 一个有许多种势利感的社会就像一只有许多跳蚤的狗,它不太可能变得麻木倦惰。

Every snobbery demands of its, devotees

unceasing efforts, a succession of

sacrifices. 每种势利感都要求其信徒作出不懈的努力,一个接一个的牺牲。

* If we regard activity as being in itself a

good, then we must count all snobberies

as good ; for all provoke activity. 如果我们把行动本身看作是好事,那么我们必须把一切势利感当作好事,因为它们全都能引起行动。 If, with the Buddhists , we

regard all activity in this world of

illusion as bad, then we shall condemn

all snobberies out of hand. 如果我们和佛教徒一样,认为在这个虚幻的世界上一切行动都是坏事,那么我们就会立即谴责所有的势利感。Most of us, I suppose,

take up our position somewhere between

the two extremes . We regard some

activities as good, others as indifferent or

downright bad. 我认为我们多数人所采取的立场是介于这两个极端之间的某个地方,我们把某些行动看作是好的,某些是无关紧要的,或彻底坏的。 Our

approval will be given only to such

snobberies as excite what we regard as

the better activities ; 我们赞成的只能是那些激起我们认为是较好的行动的势利感, the others we shall either tolerate or

detest . 其余的我们只能或容忍、或憎恶。`

Lesson fourteen Saturday Night and

Sunday Morning星期六的晚上和星期日上午

*Another solitary man was fishing

further along the canal, but Arthur knew

that they would leave each other in peace,

would not even call out greetings . No

one bothered you: you were a hunter, a

dreamer, your own boss away from it all

for a few hours on any day that the

weather did not throw down its rain .

Like the corporal in the army who said it

was marvelous the things you thought

about as you sat on the lavatory. Even

better than that, it was marvelous the

things that came to you in the

Tranquility of fishing. 不远处还有一个人沿着运河边在独自垂钓,但阿瑟知道他俩可以互不干扰各钓各的鱼,甚至没必要相互打招呼问候。没人打扰你:你是猎人、梦想家,是自己的老板,在不下雨的日子里,你可以有几个小时的时间摆脱所有的烦恼。 像军队里的那位下士所说坐在马桶上想到的事情真是太奇妙。在垂钓的宁静中想起的事情比在马桶上想起的事情更美妙。

*With float bobbing before him once

more he sat down to wait. This time it

was war, and he wanted fish to take

home, either to cook in the pan or feed to

the cat. 浮标又一次被投入水中,在他面前上下摆动,他坐下来等。这回可是一场真正的战争,他要把鱼带回家,放在锅里煎或喂猫。 It's trouble for you and

trouble for me, and all over a piece of

bait(誘餌), The fattest worm of the lot is

fastened to the hook, so don't grumble

when you feel that point sticking to your

chops. 这对你对我都是个麻烦,都是因为这一诱饵引起的。在鱼钩上放上所有鱼饵中最肥的一只虫子,所以当鱼钩叉入你的嘴中时,你可别抱怨。

Lesson Fifteen Is America Falling Apart?


*His car needs mechanics, and

mechanics grow more expensive and less

efficient. The gadgets in the home are

cheaper to replace than repair. The more

efficiently self-contained the home seems

to be, the more dependent it is on the

great impersonal corporations, as well as

a diminishing army of servitors. Skills at

the lowest level have to be wooed

slavishly and exorbitantly rewarded.

Plumbers will not come. Nor, at the

higher level, will doctors. And doctors

and dentists know their scarcity value

and behave accordingly . 他的汽车需要机修工人,而请机修工的费用变得越来越贵,其效率却越来越低。家用小装置买新的要比修理便宜。在家庭里越是显得设备齐全,就越要依赖于冷漠的大公司和人数日益减少的服务人员。技术再低的工人也要卑躬屈膝地去恳求,还要付给昂贵的报酬。管子工叫不来,在更高的层次上,大夫更是难请。医生和牙医知道物以稀为


*It has been assumed that the youth of

America has been in the vanguard of the

discovery of both the disease and the

various escapist movements,

however, have committed the gross error

of assuming that original sin rested with

their elders, their rulers, and that they

themselves could manifest their essential

innocence by building little ne-Edens.

The drug culture could confirm that the

paradisal vision was available to all who

sought it 人们认为,美国青年是发现社会疾病和其治疗方法的先锋。

然而各式各样的逃避现实的运动,都犯下了这样一个严重的错误,即认为只有他们的长辈,他们的统治者身上才有原罪,而他们自己可以用建立小的伊甸园的方法来表明自己本质的清白无辜。 毒品文化可以进一步证明,一切寻求它的人都能得到天堂的幻景。.

Sixteen through the tunnel

Going to the shore on the first morning

of the holiday, the young English boy

stopped at a turning of the path and

looked down at a wild and rocky bay ,

and then over to the crowded beach he

knew so well from other years. His

mother walked on in front of him,

carrying a bright-striped bag in one

hand. Her other arm, swinging loose ,

was very white in the sun. The boy

watched that white, naked arm, and

turned his eyes, which had a frown

behind them, towards the bay and back

again to his mother. 假期的第一个早晨,这个英国男孩在去海边的路上的一个转弯处停了下来,他俯视着波涛汹涌、礁石林立的海湾,又看了看近年来他非常熟悉的拥挤的海滩。 他的母亲走在他的面前,一只手提着一个镶着,她那另一只松弛摆动的胳膊在阳光下显得白白的。 男孩看了看那裸露的白白的胳膊,即而将视线转向海湾,眼睛有一种不高兴的神情,接着又转向他的母亲。

* "Oh, no!" he said quickly, smiling at

her out of that unfailing impulse of

contrition(悔悟) a sort of chivalry(騎士) .

Yet, walking down the path with her, he

blurted out (突然), "I'd like to go and

have a look at those rocks down there."


*She gave the idea her attention. It was a

wild-looking place, and there was no one

there, but she said, "Of course, Jerry.

When you've had enough, come to the

big beach. Or just go straight back to the

villa, if you like." She walked away, that

bare arm, now slightly reddened from

yesterday's sun, swinging. And he almost

ran after her again, feeling it unbearable

that she should go by herself, but he did

not. 她注意到了他的想法,那是荒凉的地方,一个人也没有,但是她还是说:“当然可以,杰里。你玩够了,就到大海滩上来,或者如果你愿意,直接回别墅也行。”


*He was a good swimmer. He went out

fast over the gleaming(閃光) sand, over a

middle region where rocks lay like

discoloured monsters under the

surface ,and then he was in the real sea a

warm sea where irregular cold currents

from the deep water shocked his limbs.



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