



1. strong police force has been placed between the two (rival)


in the village to prevent fighting and killing.

3. Although personally we believe this to be of only secondary

importance, its

potential role in (motivating) innovative acts cannot be



5. Western nations have older and shrinking populations since

they entered the 21st century and their(fluctuating) birth rates

have also posed problems.


7. The president is in trouble and will have to work hard to

(restore) his

credibility after people discovered that he was not telling

the truth.

8. To study a number of subjects in the humanities has been

both enjoyable

and (enlightening) , providing me with a new and different

perspective on the world in which we live.

9. People are concerned about the environment issue because

air and water

pollution not only affects everyone's health but also makes

it difficult for businesses to (profit) .



2. The support our volunteers provide to the community as well

as society


3. (be measured in) purely practical terms, and their

continuing contribution is vital.

Please don't forget the Tourist Guide, which should(come in

handy) when you travel to different places in Asia and Europe for

the next few



5. You will (pay a big price) for not learning English; you

never know how

much you will miss without being able to speak English.




8. Class discussions next week will (revolve around) the

importance of

love, communication and a close relationship between parents

and their children.

英翻中 Minimalism (极简主义) is about getting rid of excess

stuff and keeping only what you need. Minimalist living, in

simplest terms, is to live with as less as possible, mentally and

physically until you achieve peace of mind. Results that ensue

are less stress, more time, and increased happiness. Minimalists

like to say that they're living more meaningfully, more

deliberately, and that the minimalist lifestyle allows them to

focus on what's more important in life: friends, hobbies, travel,

experiences. Of course, minimalism doesn't mean there's anything

inherently wrong with owning material possessions. Today's

problem seems to be that we tend to give too much meaning to our

things, often forsaking (抛弃) our health, our relationships, our

passions, our personal growth, and our desire to contribute beyond

ourselves. In addition to its application in people's daily life,

minimalism also finds application in many creative disciplines,

including art, architecture, design, dance, film making, theater,

music, fashion, photography and literature.



国民幸福指数(National Happiness Index,NHI)是衡量人们幸福感的一种指数,也是衡量一个国家或地区经济发展、居民生活与幸福水平的指标工具。随着中国经济的高速增长,中国政府越来越重视人民群众生活质量和幸福指数的提升。政府注重改善民生,努力改善人民群众的经济状况,满足人民群众日益增长的物质文化需求。当前,中国政府提倡释放改革红利,让人民群众得到更多实惠。所有这些都将有效促进我国国民幸福指数不断提升。

National Happiness Index (NHI) is an index that measures how

happy people are. It is also a tool that measures the levels of

economic development and people's livelihood and happiness in a

country or region. With the fast growth of Chinese economy, the

Chinese government has been paying more and more attention to

people's living quality and the increase of happiness index. The

government stresses improvement of its people's livelihood,

striving to improve their economic conditions and meet their

growing material and cultural needs. Currently, the Chinese

government advocates the unleashing of more reform dividends,

with the aim of offering more real benefits to its people. All

these measures will combine to effectively increase the NHI of

our people.


2. Language is the (symbolic) representation of a people, and


combines their historical and cultural backgrounds, as well

as their approach to life.

3. Because of the effective and helpful method, I was

(disposed) to

answer all the questions I could, and I never worried about

making mistakes.


5. You will need to prove that the noise (violated) the

regulations, that

your neighbor was causing the noise, and that you attempted

to have him stop.

6. Most universities will guarantee your (accommodation) ,

at least during

your first year, but you are likely to share a kitchen and

bathroom with other students.


8. She frowned at the business report, making an effort to


herself before she talked to the employees at the upcoming


9. A crucial factor is that one witness' evidence, though

(plausible) , may

be rejected because it is contradicted by another witness

whose evidence is already proved correct.

10. Windsor Middle School has been famous for zero (tolerance)


violence and emphasis on respect for its students and rules.

1. I surely know it's a good opportunity for us to invest in

this housing project,but it all(comes down to) money in the end;

that is, how much money we can afford to invest.


3. There have been big strikes all over the country due to

the recent tax

reform, but the Prime Minister has made it clear that he won't

concessions to) the strikers.


5. He would never (feel at ease with) the French: He will never

wear the (make

right clothes, and he will never feel well on goose and red


6. Having expected that she would become the mistress of the


and have much more freedom after her marriage, she was now


7. Carl (on both counts) . (took over) the duties and

responsibilities of his father in running a

manufacturing factory from an early age.

8. Bob was popular with local soccer fans, but his popularity


(stemmed from) the fact that he made or scored vital goals

when they were needed.

英翻中 The color and style of a wedding gown can depend on

the religion and culture of the wedding participants. For example,

in Western cultures brides often choose a white wedding dress,

while in China the traditional wedding dress is in red. Though

white has become the most preferred color for wedding gowns across

the world today, this was not a widespread trend before the

Victorian era. White became a popular option in 1840, when Queen

Victoria wore a white gown at her wedding. The official wedding

photograph was widely published, and many brides chose white to

become the followers of the Queen. Many people believed that the

color white symbolized virginity, though this was not the original

intention. As far as the style is concerned, wedding dresses were

once typically short in the front with a longer train in the back.

This tendency continued until the late 1960s, when it became

popular to revert to long, full-skirted designs.




中国是丝绸的故乡,因而有很多与丝绸相关的艺术,刺绣(embroidery)就是其中的一种。刺绣是中国民间传统手工艺之一,至少有两、三千年的历史。从事刺绣的多为女子,因此刺绣又被称为"女红"(women's needlework)。刺绣在中国受到了人们广泛的喜爱。刺绣可用来装饰衣物,如在衣服、被子、枕套(pillowcase)等物品上绣上美丽的图案,也可制作成特别的饰品(ornament)。中国有四大名绣:


China is home to silk, thereby having a variety of arts related

to silk, one of which is embroidery. Embroidery, with at least

two or three thousand years of history, is one of the Chinese

traditional folk arts and crafts. Since most embroiderers are

women, it's also called "women's needlework". Embroidery has been

much-loved by the Chinese people. It can be used to beautify

clothing and things. For example, clothes, quilts, pillowcases

etc. can be embroidered with beautiful designs, or a piece of

embroidery can be made for a special ornament. There are four most

famous types of embroidery in China: Suxiu from Suzhou, Yuexiu

from Guangdong, Xiangxiu from Hunan, and Shuxiu from Sichuan, each

having its own style and theme. Among the four, Suzhou embroidery

has enjoyed the highest reputation.

本文标签: 刺绣生活中国白色人民