




r and Vocabulary

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices

marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

25. Many young people say that they want to be more independent, but sometimes

they use this as an excuse ___________ irresponsible behavior.

26. Frankly speaking, _________ of them knew what the other was doing in the

morning that day.


27. The bread you bought at the supermarket today was at least ___________

the bread you bought in the nearby bakery yesterday.

A. as worse as better than worse than better as

the victims of the earthquake went back home, the repair of their

damaged houses __________.

yet completed been completed yet

already completed already been completed

29. He started the work quite early this morning. By now he ___________ it,

but he is still working on it.

finish have finished finish

have finished

30. It is not alwayss easy for the public to see ____________ use a new

invention can be of to human life.

der said that he would found an institution ____________ any person

could receive instruction in any study.

32. Tom admitted ____________ the document in the morning without getting

his manager’s permission.

read read read

33. ___________ difficulties we may come across in carrying out this plan,

we’ll work together to overcome them.

r er er matter

34. Evidence came up ___________ specific speech sounds were recognized by

infants as young as two months old.

35. It’s not important whether you win or not. What really matters is

__________ you play the game.

36. Only under special circumstances ___________ to use the fire hose,

otherwise they will be punished.

people permitted are permitted permitted

people permit

37. You’ll find the hot issue that Da Vinci Furniture Co., Ltd sold fraud

furniture _________ all over China.

A. talk about talk about g about D. talked about

38. What a fantastic view it is! We see millions of golden rape flowers, rows

of houses and smoke __________ from behind them.


39. A disabled boy begging on the street was reported ___________ by a car,

but the driver fled instead of sending him to hospital.

hit be hit been hit have been hit

40. My grandparents have developed a habit of taking a walk after dinner every

day __________ it rains.

time of er when e

Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box.

Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you


y g s


unity ant es enience


From the golden-tipped fields of mid-west America to the ancient kingdoms

of green Palestine, there is a happy truth to be shared with all who would

pay attention. In more recent times, this truth has been expressed as: April

showers bring May flowers. This is a truth that ____41____ light bursting

from darkness, strength born from weakness and if one dares to believe, life

____42____from death.

Farmers all over the world know the importance of the seasons. They know

that there is a season to plant and a season to harvest. Everything must be

in its own time. Although the rain pours down without stop, ___43___all

outdoor activities, the man of the field lifts his face to the heavens and

smiles. Despite the ___44___, he knows that the rain provides the nourishment

his crops need to grow and flourish. The showers in April give rise to the

glorious flowers in May.

But this ancient truth ___45___ to more than the crops of the fields.

It is a(n) ___46___ message of hope to all who experience ___47___ in life.

A dashed relationship with one can open up the door to a brand new friendship

with another. A lost job here can provide the ___48___ for a better job there.

A broken dream can become the foundation of a wonderful future. Everything

has its place.

Remember this: overwhelming darkness may ___49___ for a night, but it

will never overcome all the radiant light of the morning. When you are in

a season of sorrow, hang in there, because a season of joy may be just around

the corner.

III. Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or

phrases marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that

best fits the context.

Drones are technically known as unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs. These

aircrafts, however, are not just used for air strikes, and they are not just

used by rights activists, environmental groups and

journalists are ___50___ using drones in their work.

Drones can fly in the sky to ___51___ images that reporters may not be

able to get close to on the ground.

Matt Waite is a journalism professor at the University of Nebraska,

Lincoln. Students in his Drone Journalism Lab are ___52___ different uses

for drones in news reporting.

Matt Waite says, “Drone journalism as an idea is less than a year old

at this point. The first____53___ I saw was a labor protest in Poland where

a man had a remote-controlled helicopter and he put a camera on it, flew it

up and got just a ___54___ of the protests from the air. And you could see

police moving into position to ___55___ the protest route. A video on You

Tube shows images captured by the so-called RoboKopter. A group of citizen

journalists in Moscow used a ___56___ drone camera to record protests during

Russian Parliamentary elections.

Professor Waite noted a recent environmental case in the United States

captured by someone flying his remote-controlled airplane. He said that the

man ___57___ a meat packing plant that was polluting a nearby creek that ran

into a nearby river. He had images of a ___58___ of blood flowing out of this

meat packing plant, which was against the law. And environmental regulatory

authorities were ___59___ to it.

Andrew Sniderman is a co-founder of the Genocide Intervention Network.

He wrote recently in the New York Times that drones could be used to collect

important information in ___60___ areas, like Syria.

Professor Waite also imagines many other uses for drones. He thought of

every hurricane, tornad, fire and every kind of mass ___61___ that he ever

covered as a journalist and thought that would be ___62___ to have it as a


Drone use in the United States is now rare ___63___ federal restrictions

on airspace. However, Congress just passed a bill ___64___ to ease those

restrictions by 2020.

50. A. incresingly lly rdinarily lly

51. A. preserve it n e

52. ing ing ng

nt age ce list

54. on

55. p

ar r r

57. d ted d

58. tion

59. d

60. lled ed ct

61. er e nt

62. le g lous sted

63. case of the sake of e of spite of

64. sed ed ed

Section B

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by

several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four

choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the

information given in the passage you have just read.


A surprising case of exploitation (剥削) of the poor has surfaced in India

after the authorities cracked down on a gang of “blood-suckers” who stole

blood from helpless victim locked in a smelly basement. “Five people have

been arrested in connection with this ring which may have been connected to

local hospitals and a local university,” announced the head of police, who

also added that some of the victims had been imprisoned by the gang for nearly

three years.

Acting on a tip-off, the police attacked a house in Gorakhpur. There they

found 17 persons who were described as having been “reduced to skeletons”.

They were too weak to stand and had to be brought to the hospital in


Pappu Yadav, the supposed gang leader, managed to escape the authorities,

together with three gang members. A reward has been announced for his capture

and the government has announced that it will use every available resource

to hunt him down. Meanwhile, the police are piercing together the operation

of the gang. The five arrested, who had experience working as lab technicians,

told investigators that they had attracted poor laborers with offers of

profitable jobs. Once the poor people agreed, the gang forced them to take

blood tests. Initially, they were paid 1,500 rupees to donate blood on a

frequent basis. Then, as they got weaker and weaker, the gang drew blood from

them daily.

Each of the five arrested has been charged with illeagal imprisonment

and attempted murder, facing up to 14 years in jail. Locals have blamed the

state of the nation’s economy and the disparity(分配) between the rich and

the poor for this incident. Even though India’s economy has seen rapid growth

over the past few years, the people at the bottom have yet to see its benefits

reach them and more than a-third of India’s one billion people live on less

than one U.S. dollar a day

of the following statements is NOT true accroding to the passage?

were at least nine members in this hateful gang.

police found the victims were all skin and bones.

the gang members used to work as lab techinicians.

hospitals and a univerisity were involved in this case.

66. What was the gang members accused of?

exploitation of the poor. al imprisonment and attempted


ng from the authorities ng blood from a lot of poor


67. What does the author mean by saying “...the people at the bottom have

yet to see its benefits reach them”?

Indians have benefited from India’s economy growth.

’s economy growth has brought benefits to poor Indians.

C. Poor Indians haven’t benefited from India’s economy growth.

D. Indians at the bottom contribute a lot to India’s economy growth.

68. What may be the best title of this passage?

in India B.A Terrible Bloody Case

Blood Suckers Indians’ Suffering


Micro-Enterprise Credit for Street Youth


Although small-scale business training and credit programs have become

more common throughout the world, relatively little attention has been paid

to the need to direct such opportunities to living on the street or in

difficult circumstances. Over the past nine years, Street Kids International

(S.K.I.) has been working with partner organisations in Africa, Latin America

and India to support the economic lives of street children. The purpose of

this paper is to share some of the lessons S.K.I. and our partner

organizations have learned.


Typically, children end up on the streets not due to a single cause, but

to a combination of factors: a lack of adequately funded schools, the demand

for income at home and so on. The street may be attractive to children as

a place to find adventurous play and money. However, it is also a place where

some children are exposed, with little or no protection, to exploitative

employment, urban crime.

Street Business Partnerships

S.K.I. has worked with partner organisations in Latin America, Africa

and India to develop innovative opportunities for street children to earn


 The S.K.I. Bicycle Courler Service first started in the Sudan.

Participants in this enterprise were supplied with bicycles, which they

used to deliver parcels and messages, but they were required to pay for

it gradually from their wages.

 The Youth Skills Enterprise initiative in Zambia is a joint program with

the Red Cross Society. Street Youths are supported to start their own

small business through business training, life skills training and access

to credit.

Lessons learned

The following lessons have emerged from the programs that S.K.I. and

partner organisations have created.

It is critical for all loans to be linked to training programs that include

the development of basic business and life skills.

Small loans are provided initially for purchasing fixed assets such as

bicycles, shoe shining kits.

All S.K.I. programs have charged interest on the loans, primarily to get the

business runners used to the concept of paying interest on borrowed money.

Generally the rates have been modest.


There is a need to recognize the importance of access to credit for poor

young people seeking to fulfill

69. The orgnization, S.K.I., aims to ______________________.

e schools and social support for street children

business training and loans to street children

the lessons S.K.I learned to help street children

the attention of the govenment to street children

70. According to the passage, what is the most probable reason why children

end up living on the street?

oyment urous play. crimes y

71. This passage implies that with the help of S.K.I street children may


paid employment their families

C. set up their own business D. employ other children


Disappointed with delays in Sacramento (the capital of California), Bay

Area officials said Thursday they planned to take matters into their own hands

to regulate the region’s growing piles of electronic waste.

A San Jose council woman and a San Francisco supervisor said they would

propose new local plans aimed at controlling electronic waste if the

California law-making body fails to act on two bills delayed in the Assembly.

They are among a growing number of California cities and countries that have

expressed the same intention

Environmentalists and local governments are increasingly concerned

about the danger caused by old electronic devices and the cost of safely

recycling those products. An estimated 6 million televisions and computers

are stocked in California homes, and an additional 6,000 to 7,000 computerss

become outdated every day. The machines contain high levels of lead (铅) and

other dangerous substances, and are already banned from California


A bill by Senator (参议员) Byron Sher would require consumers to pay a

recycling fee of up to $30 on every new machine containing a cathode ray tube.

Used in almost all video monitors and televisons, those devices contain four

to eight pounds of lead each. The fees would go toward setting up recycling

programs, providing grants to non-profit agencies that reuse the tubes and

rewarding manufacturers that encourage recycling.

A sepearate bill by Los Angeles-area Senator Gloria Romero would require

high-tech manufacturers to develop programs to recycle so-called e-waste.

If passed, the measures would put California at the forefront of national

efforts to manage the refuse of the electronic age.

But high-tech groups, including the Silicon Valley Manufacturing Group

and the American Electronics Association, oppose the measures, arguing that

fees of up to $30 will drive consumers to online, out-of-state shops.

“What really needs to occur is consumer education. Most consumers are

unaware they’re not supposed to throw computers in the dust bin,” said

Roxanne Gould, vice president of government relations for the electronics


Computer recycling should be a local effort and part of residential waste

collection programs, she added. Recycling electronic waste is a dangerous

and specialized matter, and environmentalists maintain the state must

support recycling efforts and ensure that the job isn’t contracted to junk

dealers who send the poisonous parts overseas.

“The graveyard of the high-tech revolution is ending up in rural

China,” said Ted Smith, director of the Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition.

His group is pushing for some refinement to Sher’s bill that would prevent

the export of e-waste.

72. How would Bay Area officials deal with the problem of e-waste?

get enough support to pass the delayed bills.

persuade the lawmakers of the California Assembly.

C. To make relevant local regulations by themselves.

D. To put pressure on manufacturers of electronic devices.

73. What do the two bills delayed in the California Assembly both concern?

reprocessing of the huge amounts of electronic waste in the state.

regulations on dumping dangerous substances into landfills.

funding of local initiatives to reuse waste electronic devices.

sales of the second-hand electronic devices to foreign countries.

74. High-tech groups believe that if an extra fee is charged on every TV or

computer purchased in California, consumers will _________________.

te to upgrade their computers n online shopping

ly protest against such a charge them from other states

75. We learn from the passage that much of California’s electronic waste

has been ____________.

into local landfills ed to foreign countries

ted by non-profit agencies ed by computer manufacturers

Section C

Directions: Reading the following text and choose the most suitable heading

from A-F for each paragragh. There is one extra heading which you do not need.

A. What you think usually becomes what you dream.

B. There are different methods to fulfill your dreams.

C. You may get solutions and become what you dream

D. Dreams are your window to the mental computer.

E. Pushing your goals deeper into subconscious helps you succeed

F. Being positive and changing mental programming lead to success

If you are interested in personal development you have probably heard

Brian Tracy’s words, “You are what you think about most of the time”. It

is true, by thinking about something enough you push it into your subconscious,

your mental computer that works 24 hours a day.


When you dream your conscious turns off, giving you a view of what is

going on in your subconscious. 

You most important work will be done when you

sleep. Your mind will be working without your conscious getting in the way.

It will be solving problems you don’t even know you have and present you

with solutions.


Your dreams mirror your thoughts. It is your subconscious.
By pushing a

message into your subconscious it will be a part of your dreams. But to get

something into your subconscious takes effort. You need to think about it

constantly, write it down, visualize it, repeat it to yourself and almost

become obsessed by it.


Once you have pushed your thoughts into your subconscious you will start

dreaming about will then start to see changes in the world

around you and before long you will become what you have dreamed

shorter time then you can imagine you can do extra ordinary things.

If you

have read “Think and Grow Rich” By Napoleon Hill, he shares this advice

in his book and shows examples of how some of the most successful men and

women have changed their lives and gone from rags to riches in just a short



Most of us have a speical skill to think about more about the negative,

but the danger of this is that you will be pushing this into your subconscious,

making your mental computer work on solutions to give you even more

you are to succeed you have to change your mental programming. In addition,

you have to become a more positive person, focusing on the good and on



Keep repeating positive messages to yourself throughout the day. If you

want to rekindle the romance in a relationship it can be enough to repeat

to yourself day in and day out “I love my wife or partner”.

This will push

it into your subconscious and your will start finding solutions to make it

reality. In addition, when you have your goals in writing it becomes easier

to think about them. You can spend time reading them every day. You can write

down plans, think about ideas and so on. All this will push your goals deeper

into your subconscious and help you speed up your success.

Section D

Directions: Read the passage caerfully. Then answer the questions or complete

the statements in the fewest possible words.

In West Africa in 1900, a British governor’s demand that an Ashanti tribe

give up a golden stool started a small war. The governor, believing the stool

to be a throne(宝座), thought that possessing it would establish his

authority over the tribe.

The stool, however, was no mere throne; it was a sacred relic (圣物) that

contained the spirit of the tribe. It was so sacred that even the Ashanti

chief would not sit upon it. Rather than give up the stool, the tribe hid

it. British soldiers were ordered in, and many people were killed. However,

this war and its tragic consequences could have been avoidable.

The science of anthropology, the study of people, how they live and their

customs and beliefs, began in the mid 1800s. At that time, anthropologists

believed that human culture developed from lower to higher forms of society

and technology. However, by the time of the governor’s stupid mistake, those

early beliefs had given way to the study and documentation of differences

between cultures. Had the governor consulted an anthropologist, he would have

had a much better chance of understanding the real meaning of the stool, and

many lives could have been saved.

Modern anthropologists study every level of society. One of their main

goals is to uncover common patterns of human behavior. To avoid mistakes like

that made by the unfortunate British governor, people rountinely seek the

advice of anthropologists.

For example, the Peace Corps send volunteers around the world to help

people in unindustrialized countries learn how to improve their lives. This

was a noble idea. Yet in the early years of the Peace Corps, most volunteers

were inexperienced, and few bothered to learn the language of their assigned

country prior to their arrival there. Today, thanks to anthropology, the

Peace Corps has changed. Its volunteers are more experienced. They have some

basic language training, and they have learned how to understand and show

respect for the customs and beliefs of other nations.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TWELVE


81. Why did the British governor what the golden stool?

82. The British governor’s mistake could have been avoided


83 What’s the goal of the Peace Corps?

84. In the passage the author expresses his viewpoint that


第II 卷 (共 45 分)


Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words

given in the brackets.

1. 健康与体育锻炼密切相关。 (relate)

2. 这种病毒在德国医生偶然发现它之前,一直不为人知。 (until)

3. 惠特妮·休斯顿(Whitney Houston) 突然辞世的消息让她的歌迷悲痛万分。


4. 其实他从不想冒犯你,但他提到的事的确引起了不愉快的误解。 (mean)

5. 昨晚电视里的电影太吸引人了,以至于我都忘了做作业,挨了批评。



Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the

instrutions given below in Chinese.






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