


WeChat user manual for the elderly

Introduction of application:

WeChat is a network walkie talkie application developed by Tencent.

WeChat's main function is to communicate voice and text chat through

the network. In addition to leaving the Wifi environment to use the traffic

cost of 3G network,the WeChat is a completely free service. Compared

with the telephone,it saves the traffic,so it is much more popular than

the Skype and Facetime. In addition to the above main functions,the use

of WeChat can chat with the friends you know,and can talk to people

through geographical location (the function is much more controversial).

Besides voice and text,you can also send pictures and video calls.

Functional catalogues:

ad / register / login



's start chatting!

te a multiplayer chat

of friends

attention to public accounts

menu,function opening and closing


ad / register / login return directory

At present,WeChat can be downloaded in all districts,as long as

it is free to download one in any App Store. When you open the program

for the first time,remember to allow the push so that you will be pushed

to it when there is news. New users need to register with the phone


At present,registration can only use the mobile phone number. The

previous version can choose the mailbox registered outside the mobile

phone number. The new user has no choice but to use the phone number.

02. Add a friend back to the directory

When you log in to WeChat,chat starts!The system will ask you

if you want to open the address book match so that if someone in the

address book uses a mobile phone number as a micro signal,it can be

added. Or add micro signals,QQ numbers and phone numbers to add


For new users,it is the first to add from the QQ friends list,because one is that the general friends will be on the QQ,two is the

WeChat people generally registered with the QQ,and the circle of

friends covers a wide range. The previous version can directly select QQ

friends to add,but in the new version,because QQ can not be

registered,it needs to be opened in settings. Open the "I" interface,click settings,select account number and security,bind QQ number.

Then go back to the address book,open up the friend interface,and

choose to add QQ friends. Selected from the QQ friends list after

adding,because QQ and WeChat seamless connection,so friends group

and so on are the same as QQ. Open the group you want to add. Anyone

who already has WeChat will be placed in the front,and there is a "add"

button on the right side. After clicking and then adding to the address

book,you will normally pop up the validation,and add QQ,which

will be added to your address book after verification.

In addition,in addition to adding QQ,those who do not use QQ or

are not in your friends can be added by search numbers,whether it's a

micro signal,a QQ number,a cell phone number or a public account,which can be added to the number.

More dazzling points are added through two-dimensional code.

General public accounts with two dimensional codes are in the majority.

After clicking and sweeping,WeChat will start the camera,and the box

in the middle of the camera can be identified and added to the black and

white two-dimensional code. The added friends will appear in the address

book,in the order of the initials.

At present,the new version has introduced a radar plus friend

function. In a certain area,as long as someone opens this function at the

same time,your radar will show the other side. At this point,if you

choose to add or not,OK will save you the trouble of finding a friend.

03. Add a stranger's return directory

It is a controversial function to add friends in random or


In the "discovery" page,look for people nearby and you can see

who are around you using WeChat. If the page becomes gray after

clicking,it means that no location is opened. This is out of privacy

protection. In such a state,strangers can't send applications to friends.

The way to open the location is to set up > Privacy > location service on

the main screen. In a number of programs below the positioning

service,WeChat is found. The button on the right is gray,the round

button on the button moves to the right,and the button is opened when

the button is blue. If you want to close it later,you can do it here!When you go back to the main menu and enter WeChat again,the

people around you will appear in the order of distance and near. People

who are interested can greet them.

If you find it embarrassing to meet people nearby,you can try

shaking,which also requires opening geographic information. Open,shake,shake your cell phone,and shake to the same person who is

shaking in boredom at the same time.

The new version has cancelled the function of the drifting bottle by

default,and needs the user to turn it on. In the "I" interface,select

"Settings",then click "general",enter the "function",pull to the

bottom,find the drifting bottle,and enable it. Usage is the same as QQ

drifting bottle. It is also random to put your information in the drifting

bottle to see who will find it. After opening,the floating bottle can be

found in the "discovery" interface.

04. Start chatting!Return directory

After adding a bunch of friends,start talking. In the address book,the user selects the object that wants to chat,and then click the green

"send message" button to appear the dialog box. At the bottom of the

screen is the information input column,if the left round button is the

loudspeaker pattern,it is the text input mode,and clicking the middle

of the box will pop up the keyboard. The smiling face on the right is an

expression with classic QQ expressions,Emoji expressions and

animated expressions. The "+" button beside the smiling face can insert

pictures,send locations,business cards,real-time talkback and video


Like inserting pictures and other chat softwares,you can send

photos in the photo album or send photos directly.

Sending the geographical location function is very close to rabbit's

paper. If you lose your way,just send your location to your friends and

ask for help. OK!

Sending a business card is to send a card of one of the contacts to

other people,including some basic information such as micro signals.

Others can easily add a friend or initiate a chat on the business card.

Real time talk and video chat is equivalent to audio and video chat,but the effect is not good Skype and Facetime,is a WeChat with a

comparison of chicken ribs with the function,there is no difficulty in


All of these are some functions that can be implemented in text chat.

Now speaking of WeChat's main chat mode -- voice input. If there is a

"hold down" button in the input column,just hold the button with your

finger,and talk to the microphone under the fuselage or the headphone

hole. However,when you speak,you should pay attention to it. Hold

on and wait for half a second to speak again,otherwise the beginning of

your speech will be cut off. After the talk,a little bit of punning again.

The length of speech should not be too long,otherwise it will not only

be cut off,but the other side will also be tired. Rabbit paper is especially

afraid of people who talk a lot of sentences,each sentence is a large


According to the length of speech,after voice is sent out,it is also

different. Green is the other's words. If not,there will be a red dot on the

right side. After hearing it,whether or not it was finished,the red dot

disappeared. What I say is white. After that,the white bar will flash and

flash,indicating that it is being sent. Generally speaking,WeChat uses

voice traffic to occupy a small amount of compression,so the speed of

sending is very fast. Unless there is a problem with the network,a red

exclamation will appear on the left side,indicating that no transmission

is successful. If you want to re send,click the red exclamation mark,you will pop up the dialog box,click "yes". The new version of WeChat

joins the translation function,and it can be translated into local language

by long messages in foreign languages.

05. Initiating multiple people chatting back to the directory

If it is a need for a group of girlfriends or a group of horses,WeChat is also very convenient. In the WeChat interface,click the plus

sign on the upper right corner and click on "start group chat",so you can

tick off the people you want to chat with in your contacts. The

information sent will then be sent to everyone's WeChat,similar to QQ's

temporary conversation group.

Rabbit paper has always had a class group. There are hundreds of

hours in the chatter and bustle. If you hate the mobile phone,click on

the two small head icons in the top right corner (chat information) at the

group chat interface,pull down to the bottom,click "detail",and then

close the new message. If you do not want to stay in the group,click the

red "delete and exit" in the chat message.

The new version features a face-to-face feature that eliminates the

trouble of finding a friend list. Open the address book,click on the

friends in the upper right corner,and choose the next face-to-face

building group. You can enter the same group chat with only the same

four digits with the people around you.

06. A circle of friends return to the directory

The circle of friends is a photo sharing feature like Instagram,now

joining the post sharing,and you can share the interesting things you've

found in the application of supporting the circle of friends. Under the

"discovery" page,the first button "friend circle" lets you see the news

shared by friends. The photos are arranged in reverse order in a timeline.

Click the dialog button on the lower right side of the picture,you can

praise photos or comment.

Of course,you can also send pictures,just click on the top right

corner of the camera button (long press the text content),you can take

photos or choose the photos in the album. Users can add their own

notes,add the current location,set the visible range,or remind a

friend to watch the message.

07. Pay attention to the return directory of the public account

In addition to personal chatting,many companies and platforms,such as our love applications,have exclusive public accounts,which

are used to publish some messages to interested users. All you need to do

is to click on the "WeChat public account" below and add "friend

application" to add a friend's interface. Because account duplication,we

must recognize the small yellow frame.

After clicking on the attention,the deadline is delivered by WeChat.

Brief introduction of small sticker photo and text consultation,restricted

free fashion tool!

08,set menu,function to turn on and close the return directory.

In the new version,WeChat integrated many functional settings

into the "I" interface. First of all,let's talk about the payment function

of WeChat. Open "my bank card",where users can charge the charge,personal finance,tick tick,online shopping,QQ recharge,WeChat

red bag,movie ticket online purchase,food review and AA receipts.

Before the payment function is used,the user needs to add a bank card

first,and then use the payment function,and only need to pay the

password and SMS authentication code to be paid quickly. It can be said

that the function of payment is different from all aspects of life.

Most functions of opening and closing and setting,message

notification,privacy settings are in "Settings". By opening the "general"

and selecting functions,you can see the currently enabled and unenabled

functions. It should be noted that after the function of the phonetic

Notepad is opened,it can be found in the "WeChat" interface,and it

can be conveniently forgotten.


On android 4.0 phone can install and use micro letter this software,at the same time if there are any errors or the elderly to micro letter

operation not understand place,please refer to the manual or online

consulting relevant staff,customer service telephone .

本文标签: 综合用户手册