


I Basic Situation of the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

两条途径,并行运作 a two-way parallel protection mode, namely, administrative and judicial


国家知识产权局 State Intellectual Property Office

国家工商行政管理总局 State Administration of Industry and Commerce

新闻出版总署 the General Administration of Press and Publication

海关总署 General Administration of Customs

国家版权局State Copyright Bureau

国家林业局State Forestry Administration

公安部Ministry of Public Security

最高人民法院 Supreme People’s Court

最高人民检查院 Supreme People’s Procuratorate

国家保护知识产权工作组 the National Working Group on IPR Protection

关于在查处侵犯知识产权违法犯罪案件中加强协作配合的通知 the Notice on Strengthening

Cooperation and Coordination in the Work of Investigating and Dealing With Criminal Cases That

Infringe Upon Intellectual Property Rights

行政执法机关移送涉嫌犯罪案件的规定 Regulations on the Transfer of Suspected Criminal

Cases by Administrative Law Enforcement Organs

关于加强行政执法机关与公安机关、人民检察院工作联系的意见 Opinions on Increasing

Work Contacts Between Administrative Law Enforcement Organs and Public Security Organs and

People’s Procuratorate

日常监管routine management and supervision

专项治理special crackdown caimpaigns

全国整顿和规范市场经济秩序电视电话会议 the national TV and telephone conference on

rectification and regulation of the market economic order

全社会的知识产权意识 the awareness of the general public about IPR

保护知识产权宣传周 week for publicizing the importance of IPR protection

公益广告 public interest advertisements

知识产权圆桌会议 a round-table conference on IPR

特殊标志管理条例 Regulations on the Protection of Special Signs

奥林匹克标志保护条例Regulations on the Protection of Olympic Logos

外商投资企业 foreign-invested enterprises

定期沟通协调机制 a mechanism for regular contact and coordination

II Patent protection

专利法 the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China

专利法实施细则 the Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law

专利代理条例 Regulations on Patent Commissioning

专利行政执法办法 Procedures for the Administrative Enforcement of Laws Concerning Patents

关于实施专利权海关保护问题的若干规定 Regulations on the Implementation of Customs

Protection of Patent Rights

专利合作条约 the Patent Cooperation Treaty

集成电路布图设计保护条例 the Regulations on the Protection of the Layout Design of

Integrated Circuits

关于加强知识产权行政执法开展专项执法行动的工作方案 the Work Program on

Strengthening the Enforcement of the Laws on Intellectual Property Rights and Launching a

Special Law Enforcement Campaign

专利审查体系 patent examination system

中国专利局 the China Patent Office

专利管理机构 patent administrative organs

专利代理 patent commissioning

专利技术转让中介 intermediary services for patent technology transfer

专利技术评估 patent technology evaluation

专利申请 patent application

国内申请 domestic application

国外申请 applications from other countries

发明专利 invention patents

实用新型专利 utility model patents

外观设计专利 exterior design patents

专利侵权/纠纷案 cases involving patent infringement / patent disputes

冒充专利案 cases of patent counterfeits

假冒他人专利案 cases of unauthorized use of others’ patents

III Trademark protection

与贸易有关的知识产权协议 Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property


商标法 the Trademark Law

商标法实施条例 the Regulations for the Implementation of the Trademark Law

商标评审规则 the Trademark Assessment Rules

驰名商标认定和保护规定 Provisions on the Recognition and Protection of Well-Known


集体商标、证明商标注册和管理办法 Procedures for the Management and Registration of

Collective Trademarks and Certification Trademarks

马德里商标国际注册实施办法 Procedures for the Implementation of Madrid Agreement for the

International Registration of Trademarks

保护工业产权巴黎公约 the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property

商标印制管理办法 Procedures for the Administration of the Printing of Trademarks

商标统一注册 the unified registration of trademarks

商标注册程序 trademark registration procedure

商标注册申请 applications for trademark registration

服务商标 service trademarks

集体商标 collective trademarks

证明商标 certification trademarks

公众熟知的商标 trademarks well known to the public

立体商标 three-dimensional trademarks

颜色组合商标 colour combination trademarks

驰名商标 well-known trademarks

地理标志 geographical marks

注册商标专用权 the right to exclusive use of registered trademarks

消费者的合法权益 the legitimate rights and interests of consumers

侵权假冒商标标识 counterfeiting trademark logos

追究刑事责任 pursue criminal responsibilities

保护知识产权专项行动 special campaigns on IPR protection

各类商标违法案件 law-violation cases involving trademarks

商标一般违法案件 common violations of trademark laws and regulations

商标侵权假冒案件 cases involving trademark infringement and counterfeiting

IV Copyright protection

著作权法 the Copyright Law

计算机软件保护条例 Regulations on the Protection of Computer Software

著作权法实施条例Regulations for the Implementation of the Copyright Law

著作权行政处罚实施办法 Procedures for the Implementation of Administrative Sanctions

Concerning Copyright

著作权集体管理条例 Regulations on the Collective Management of Copyright

版权行政管理与行政执法体系 the system of copyright administrative management and law


侵权盗版 copyright infringement and piracy

公安部 departments of public security

工商部 administrative organs for industry and commerce

新闻出版 departments of press and publication

文化部 cultural departments

版权社会服务体系 copyright pubic service system

版权集体管理机构 copyright collective management organs

版权代理机构 copyright agencies

版权保护协会 copyright protection association

相关行业协会 professional associations

权利人组织 organizations of copyright holders

中华版权代理总公司 the Copyright Agency of China

中国版权协会 Copyright Society of China

中国音乐著作权协会 the China Copyright Society of Works of Music

中国版权保护中心 Copyright Protection Center of China

中国文联 China Federation of Literature and Art Circles

中国作家协会 Chinese Writers Association

中国电影家协会 China Film Association

版权维权组织copyright protection organizations

V IPR protection for audio and video products

一整套音像制品管理制度 a whole set of system for the management of audio and video


保护知识产权制度 IPR protection system

音像制品经营许可证制度 audio and video business license system

出版权专有制度 exclusive publication right system

复制委托书制度 duplication authorization system

光盘来源识别码制度 SID code system

进口音像制品内容审查制度 censorship system for imported audio and video products

奖励举报人制度 the system of awards for informants

音像制品加贴统一防伪标志制度 the system of uniform anti-counterfeit labels for audio and

video products

音像制品仓库登记备案制度 the system of registration and filing of audio and video products in


非法音像制品监督举报公示制度 the system of inspection of , report on and keeping the public

informed of illegal audio and video products

音像制品管理条例 Regulations on the Administration of Audio and Video Products

民法通则 the General Principles of the Civil Law

刑法Criminal Law

音像制品出版管理规定 the regulations on the administration of publication of Audio and Video


音像制品批发、零售、出租管理办法 Measures for the Administration of Wholesale, Retail and

Renting of Audio and Video Products

音像制品进口管理办法 Measures for the Administration of Import of Audio and Video Products

中外合作音像制品分销企业管理办法 Measures for the Administration of China-Foreign

Cooperative Distribution Enterprises of Audio and Video Products

精简、效能、统一 streamlining, efficiency and unification

文化市场稽查队伍 investigation squads of cultural markets

出版物市场监管部门 the publication market supervision authorities

盗版音像制品/正版 pirated audio and video products / original copies

吊销复制经营许可证 revoke the duplication business license

文化市场稽查管理部门 cultural market inspecting and management authorities

VI Protection of New Varieties of Agricultural and Forestry Plants

植物新品种New varieties of plants

《植物新品种保护条例》Regulations on the Protection of New Varieties of Plants

农业部Ministry of Agriculture

国家林业局State Forestry Administration

植物新品种保护办公室Office of Protection of New Varieties of Plants

植物新品种复审委员会Reexamination Board for New Varieties of Plants

农业植物新品种繁殖材料保藏中心Center for the Preservation of Breeding Materials of New

Varieties of Agricultural Plants

植物新品种测试中心Center for Testing of New Varieties of Plants

品种权Plant Variety Right

农业植物新品种保护名录List of Protected New Varieties of Agricultural Plants

林业植物新品种保护名录List of Protected New Varieties of Forest Plants

《国际植物新品种保护公约》International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of


品种权申请Applications for plant variety rights

大田作物Field crops

果树Fruit tress

观赏植物Decorative plants

木本观赏植物Decorative arbors

月季Chinese rose


一品红Christmas flower



板栗Chinese chestnuts




私人育种者Individuals engaging in breeding

农业植物新品种侵权和假冒Cases of infringement upon new agricultural plant variety rights and

of faking new agricultural plant varieties

VII Custom Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

边境保护Border protection

报关单证审核Examination of customs declaration bills and certificates

进出口货物查验Inspection of imported and exported goods

对侵权货物的扣留和调查Detention and investigation of right- infringing goods

对违法进出口人进行处罚Punishment of illegal importer and exporters

对侵权货物进项处置Disposal of right infringing goods

海关知识产权保护方面的职能The function of IPR customs protection

保守商业秘密Keep business secret

国际注册商标的备案Filing of international registered trademark

担保金的收取和退还Collecting and returning of security deposit

权利人对有关费用的承担Payment of relevant fees by the proprietors

知识产权海关保护的中央备案制度A central filing system for IPR customs protection

口岸海关The port customs


假冒和盗版产品Fake and pirated products

查获Ferret out

VIII Public security organs act on criminal infringement on

intellectual property right

打击 crack down on

执法水平 law enforcement standards

社会主义市场经济 socialist market economy

刑事诉讼法 the Criminal Procedure Law

专业侦查队伍 specialized investigation team

受案、立案、侦查、破获 receive, file, investigate, crack (cases)

犯罪嫌疑人 suspects

侵犯商标专用权infringement on the exclusive rights of trademark ownership

伪劣产品 fake or inferior products

定期沟通协调制度 a system of regular communication and coordination

跨国跨境侵犯知识产权案件 transnational and trans-border criminal cases of IPR infringement

美国国土安全部移民与海关执法局 the Immigration and Customs Enforcement of the

Department of Homeland Security of the United States

IX Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights














procuratorial organs

cases of criminal IPR infrigement

legal supervision

people suspected

judicial proceedings

technological contract dispute

Specific Provision of the Criminal Law

integrated circuit layout designs

cases of first instance

make law enforcement standards consistent

condemnation standards

IPR judges

professional training

本文标签: 保护知识产权商标制度音像制品