



Unit 1 Part B

Language Focus


1. kernel 2. charismatic 3. filtering

4. impeccable 5. perception 6. acquaintanceship

7. primitive 8. demeanor 9. implication

10. inconsequential 11. subdued 12. rapport


…down the right path back to

half of the battle 4.a step further

5.a key to to conclusion

the basis of his favor

an instant the scales


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initial: 1) happening at the beginning of a process, or when you first

see or hear something

2) the first letter of someone’s name

fair: 1) used for emphasizing that an amount, size, number, etc. is large

2) reasonable

thrive: 1)being prosperous or successful

2)to become successful or happy in a particular situation

clue: 1) an object or fact that someone discovers that helps them solve

a crime or mystery

2) to provide someone with information about someone or something

compliment: 1) something nice that you say to praise someone

2) used to greeting someone, or giving them your good wishes


First impressions are made in a moment but they are the most lasting.

Today in the complex business world, people still depend on their

primitive instincts to communicate with each other.

A handshake made people get closer to each other temporarily.

The knights were carefully touch each other’s clasp to make sure

there were no weapons hidden the sleeves.

Offering a compliment about something one wears could express your

kindness and thus

make you more easygoing.

Part C Translation

It is a very unwise cause for John to undertake.

Every afternoon, he would take a half-an-hour nap in his swivel chair.

Since he stood in the wrong line, his waiting time was greatly


The hotel owned by the couple is comfortable and unpretentious.

We needed to reskill our workforce to cope with massive technological


Republican leaders called him a disgrace to th

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