






英 [et] 美 [et]

1. h:hour; 小时

2. h:halt; 停止,停机

3. h:hit; 击球

4. h:hardware; 硬件


1. 英语字母表的第8个字母

H is the eighth letter of the English alphabet.

2. (首字母为h的一些单词的'缩写形式,如hour, height, hospital和hard)

H or h is an abbreviation for words beginning with h, such as

'hour', 'height', 'hospital', and 'hard'.


harmony/ ‘ha:mni/ n.调合,协调,和谐

harness/ ‘ha:nis/ vt.治理 n.马具,挽具

harsh/ ha:/ a.严厉的;刺耳的

harvest/ ‘ha:vist/ n.收获,收成 vt.收割

haste/ heist/ n.急速,急忙;草率

hat/ ht/ n.帽子(一般指有边的)

hate/ heit/ vt.恨,憎恨;不喜欢

hatred/ ‘heitrid/ n.憎恶,憎恨,仇恨

have/ hv, hv/ .已经 vt.有;吃

hay/ hei/ n.干草

hazard/ ‘hzd/ n.危险;公害

he/ hi:/ pron.(主格)他

head/ hed/ n.头;上端 vt.率领

headache/ ‘hedeik/ n.头痛;头痛的事

heading/ ‘hedi/ n.标题,题词,题名

headline/ ‘hedlain/ n.大字标题;新闻提要

headquarters/ ‘hed’kw:tz/ n.司令部;总部

health/ helθ/,健康状况

healthy/ ‘helθi/ a.健康的;有益健康的

heap/ hi:p/ n.(一)堆;大量

hear/ hi/ vt.听见;审讯;听说

heart/ ha:t/ n.心,内心;勇气

heat/ hi:t/ n.热,炎热 vi.变热

heaven/ ‘hevn/ n.天堂;天,天空


1. A few managers left the A share market to work for

overseas capital markets including at H share funds.

2. EMSD Chief Engineer K H Ling said that type of incident is


3. The final " h " was clipped off from 1890 to 1911, but locals

fussed so much that city officials put it back.

4. The issue price will not be lower than 90 per cent of the

average closing price of Air China's H shares.

5. Chenming's closing H share price values the company at a

multiple of 8 times 2008 earnings forecast by its sponsors.

6. A dish which was especially worthy of recommendation is

the steamed cod fish wit h beancurd.

7. This would be following the relaxation of listing

requirements for H shares and the beginning of the conversion

of B shares into H shares.

8. HSBC also bought 20 per cent of BoCom's H shares to keep

its position in the directorate.

9. They say any discount of H share prices would guarantee

a substantial jump for the shares on their first trading day.

10. The H share of Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical had a

68 percent discount to the company's A share in August.

本文标签: 字母代表标题