


修改注册表显示和隐藏任务栏图标(Modify the registry to show

and hide taskbar icons)

1, use group strategy

Run the user configuration - > template management

- > taskbar and start menu - > Hide notification area

configuration is enabled to restart

At the clean point, the clock configuration is removed from the

system notification area to enable restart

2, modify the registry to show and hide the taskbar icon



Key value: NoTrayItemsDisplay=0/1 (display / hide)


To solve the problems of the network --| Windows SP2 brought

XP back to the home page | 2006 index | -- hidden local

connection icon method

Registry and hide windows

Hide appearance and subject tabs

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/System] "NoDispAppearancePage" =dword:00000001

Hide the desktop tab


"NoDispBackgroundPage" =dword:00000001

Hide the Settings tab


"NoDispSettingsPage" =dword:00000001

Hide the screen saver options card


"NoDispScrSavPage" =dword:00000001

Hide the drive instructions in my computer

Hide the drive in my computer

Hide all drives: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/

Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer creates a DWORD

value in the window to the right: "NoDrives" and sets its value


Hide E disk: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/

Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer creates a DWORD

value in the window to the right: "NoDrives" and sets its value

to "10"; hides the D disk:



In the right window, create a DWORD value: "NoDrives" and set

its value to "8"";

C: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/.

Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer MyPlaces (free

expression of self space) 1TH, I, Z, O

In the right window, create a DWORD value: "NoDrives" and set

its value to "4"". Hide a:


Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer creates a DWORD

value in the window to the right: "NoDrives" and sets its value

to "1"". Hide specified drive


Key name: NoDrives

Value: you need to explain, here is the use of 2 N side to

represent a drive name, rather than the ordinary A, B, C, D......

The following are the corresponding relationship, and the 2

drive name of N, to facilitate the readers: A: 1, B: 2, C: 4,

D: 8, E: 16, F: 32, G: 64, H: 128, I: 256, J: 512, K: 1024, L:

2048, M: 4096, N: 8192, O: 16384, P: 32768, Q:65536, R: 131072,

S: 262144, T: 524288, U: 1048576, V: 2097152, W:4194304, X:

8388608, Y: 16777216, Z: 33554432 value according to the rules

above, if you want to hide the A, B, C three drive, 7 input can,

because of 7=1+2+4, if you want to hide all drives 67108863,


Hide add new program page

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Uninstall] "NoAddPage" =dword:00000001

Hide the add and remove program group tab

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Uninstall] "NoWindowsSetupPage" =dword:00000001

Hide settings, program access, and default pages

[ hkey_current_user /软件/微软/窗口/ currentversion /政策/卸载]

“nochooseprogramspage”= DWORD值:0000000 1


[ hkey_current_user /软件/微软/窗口/ currentversion /政策/卸载]

“noremovepage”= DWORD值:0000000 1


[ hkey_current_user /软件/微软/窗口/ currentversion /政策/资源管理器]

“notrayitemsdisplay”= DWORD值:0000000 1

作者:121.24.17。* 2006-11-6 20:39回复此发言


[ hkey_current_user /软件/微软/窗口/ currentversion /政策/资源管理器/控制面板]

[ hkey_current_user /软件/微软/窗口/ currentversion /政策/资源管理器/控制面板/桌面]


[ hkey_current_user /软件/微软/窗口/ currentversion /政策/资源管理器]“隐藏时钟”= DWORD值:0000000 1

[ hkey_current_user /软件/微软/窗口/ currentversion /政策/资源管理器/控制面板]

[ hkey_current_user /软件/微软/窗口/ currentversion /政策/资源管理器/控制面板/桌面]


[ hkey_current_user /软件/微软/窗口/ currentversion /政策/资源管理器]”nosettaskbar”= DWORD值:0000000 1

[ hkey_current_user /软件/微软/窗口/ currentversion /政策/资源管理器/控制面板]

[ hkey_current_user /软件/微软/窗口/ currentversion /政策/资源管理器/控制面板/桌面]


[ hkey_users /默认/软件/微软/窗口/ currentversion /政策/资源管理器]”nofavoritesmenu”= DWORD值:0000000 1



hkey_current_user /软件/微软/

窗口/ currentversion /政策/资源管理器


隐藏文档菜单hkey_current_user /软件/微软/

窗口/ currentversion /政策/资源管理器在右边的窗口中新建一个DWORD值”norecentdocsmenu”,并设值为1。

隐藏”关闭系统”菜单在hkey_users /默认/软件/微软/

窗口/ currentversion /政策/资源管理器下在右边的窗口中新建一个DWORD值”并设值为详尽程度无显著”,“1”。

隐藏在[ ] [ ]开始菜单上显示运行选项myplaces(自我空间自由展现)# c4q d2k)B J |

0i6g b9n #我uguest在[开始】-->【运行】-->键入[注册] ->

[ hkey_current_user ] -> [软件] -> [微软] -> [窗口] -> [以下简称] --> [政策] -->在[探险家] [值右窗口增加一个DWORD ],[ norun ] [ 1 ] [数值资料为隐藏运行],[ 0 ]为显示[运行]。

另更改:[ hkey_local_machine ] -> [软件] -> [微软] -> [窗口]

-> [以下简称],[政策]然后在增加一个项名为[探险家],在[探险家]右窗口增加一个[ ] [ ]值DWORD,norun数值资料:[ 1 ]为隐藏[运行],[ 0 ] [运行为显示],重新登录或启动后生效。


在hkey_users /默认/软件/微软/

窗口/ currentversion /政策/资源管理器下在右边的窗口中新建一个二进制值”nologoff”,并设值为”01 00 00 00。


在hkey_users /默认/软件/微软/

窗口/ currentversion /政策/资源管理器下在右边的窗口中新建一个值”nofavoritesmenu并设值为”,“1”。

Hide the options in the start menu (document)

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer] "NoSMMyDocs" =dword:00000001

Start menu button to hide


"NoRun" =dword:00000001

Hide the start menu button to cancel


"StartMenuLogOff" =dword:00000001

Hidden shutdown system


"NoClose" =dword:00000001

3 registry and hide windows

Hide (so program) menus are not classic patterns of programs

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer] "NoStartMenuMorePrograms"


From the settings menu to hide network connection button

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer] "NoNetworkConnections" =dword:00000001

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer/Control Panel]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer/Control Panel/Desktop]

The search button from the start menu.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer] "NoFind" =dword:00000001

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer/Control Panel]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer/Control Panel/Desktop]

Hide the public group from the start menu

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer]{"NoCommonGroups" =dword:00000001}

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer/Control Panel]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer/Control Panel/Desktop]

From the start menu button to help hide


"NoSMHelp" =dword:00000001

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer/Control Panel]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer/Control Panel/Desktop]

Delete system icons on the desktop

When you want to delete icons on the desktop, such as recycle

bin, Internet, Explorer, etc, you will find that they cannot

be deleted in a general way. At this point, you can select the

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE child window on the local machine to locate



NameSpace branch, under which there are several sub keys that

correspond to the "system" icon on the desktop, and you can see

the "Internet Explorer" on the right window. To remove

unnecessary icons, simply delete the corresponding key and

restart the system.

Delete share, share, and user folders

In addition to the normal [my] and [] file shared folders, each

user will have a separate folder, the following set will stay

on my folder, the rest will not show up in the beginning:

[]-->[]--> type [regedit]-->


-->[Microsoft]-->[Windows]-->[CurrentVersion]-->[Explorer]-->[MyComputer]-->[NameSpace] operation, delete

[{59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee}] key in



[HKEY LOCAL machine _ _ / software / Microsoft / Windows NT /

CurrentVersion / Winlogon / specialaccounts / userlist]

"Administrator" = DWORD: 00000000

隐藏资源管理器 "管理" 项目

[HKEY current user _ _ / software / Microsoft / Windows /

CurrentVersion / policies / Explorer]

"Nomanagemycomputerverb" = DWORD: 0000000 1

[HKEY current user _ _ / software / Microsoft / Windows /

CurrentVersion / policies / Explorer / control panel]

[HKEY current user _ _ / software / Microsoft / Windows /

CurrentVersion / policies / Explorer / control panel / desktop]

隐藏桌面上internet explorer图标

[HKEY current user _ _ / software / Microsoft / Windows /

CurrentVersion / policies / Explorer]

4 注册表与隐藏windows

5s4fa i s - fguest "nointerneticon" = DWORD: 0000000 1

[HKEY current user _ _ / software / Microsoft / Windows /

CurrentVersion / policies / Explorer / control panel]

[HKEY current user _ _ / software / Microsoft / Windows /

CurrentVersion / policies / Explorer / control panel / desktop]


[HKEY current user _ _ / software / Microsoft / Windows /

CurrentVersion / policies / Explorer] "nodesktop" = DWORD:

0000000 1


[HKEY current user _ _ / software / Microsoft / Windows /

CurrentVersion / policies / Explorer]

- P X - C r3d the _ nguest "nopropertiesmycomputer" = DWORD:

0000000 1

[HKEY current user _ _ / software / Microsoft / Windows /

CurrentVersion / policies / Explorer / control panel]

[HKEY current user _ _ / software / Microsoft / Windows /

CurrentVersion / policies / Explorer / control panel / desktop]


[HKEY current user _ _ / software / Microsoft / Windows /

CurrentVersion / policies / Explorer]

1 [v '{R & D' _ "qguest" nonethood "= DWORD: 0000000 1


[HKEY current user _ _ / software / Microsoft / Windows /

CurrentVersion / policies / Explorer] "notoolbarsontaskbar" =

DWORD: 0000000 1

[HKEY current user _ _ / software / Microsoft / Windows /

CurrentVersion / policies / Explorer / control panel]

[HKEY current user _ _ / software / Microsoft / Windows /

CurrentVersion / policies / Explorer / control panel / desktop]


[HKEY classes root / _ _ lnkfile] "isshortcut" = -


[HKEY _ users /.Default / software / Microsoft / Windows /

CurrentVersion / policies / system]

"Noprofilepage" = DWORD: 0000000 1} {"nonetsetup" = DWORD:

0000000 1}


[HKEY current user _ _ / software / Microsoft / Windows /

CurrentVersion / policies / Explorer] "nosetfolders" = DWORD:

0000000 1


隐藏回收站, 是指不会显示在桌面及资源管理器里, 隐藏并不等于停止这个功能 在 [开始] - > [运行] - > 键入 [regedit] -- > [HKEY

LOCAL machine _ _] -- > [software] -- > [Microsoft] -- > [windows]

- > [CurrentVersion] -- > [explore] - - [desktop] -- >

[namespace], 将 [{645ff040 - 5081 - 101b - 9f08 - 00aa002f954e}]

删除 重新登陆就可生效, 也可以随便玩个游戏, 然后切换出来同样生效


也是在namespace下面删除那个 {450d8fba - ad25 - 11d0 - 98a8 -

0800361b1103} 就可以了 你最后备份下这个地方的注册表, 以后要显示的话, 把备份的导入进去就可以了 嘿嘿!


[HKEY current user _ _ / software / Microsoft / Windows /

CurrentVersion / policies / Explorer]

"NoFolderOptions" =dword:00000001

Hide A.C.D disk

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer] "NoDrives" =dword:0000000d

Hide Hardware tab


"NoHardwareTab" =dword:00000001

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer/Control Panel]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer/Control Panel/Desktop]

Hide mappings and disconnect network drives



"NoNetConnectDisconnect" =dword:00000001

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer/Control Panel]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer/Control Panel/Desktop]

File menu in mask Explorer


"NoFileMenu" =dword:00000001

Open the CPU (256K) two level cache to speed up the system core

processing process

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Session Manager/Memory Management]

E2k, j0[, P)] H1T8T3RGuest, "SecondLevelDataCache",


Completely hide files from Explorer


U1V, C, B2m2f, {Guest, RegPath, =

Software//Microsoft//Windows//CurrentVersion//Explorer//Advanced, MyPlaces (free expression of self space), Y8Dr, A, M5n,


"CheckedValue" =dword:00000000

Hide files completely


"CheckedValue" =dword:00000000

Hide the search button on the Explorer toolbar

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer] "NoShellSearchButton" =dword:00000001

1, use group policy to hide taskbar icons

In the "start to run", type "" to open the group

policy, and then select the user configuration and management

templates to the taskbar and start menu to hide the notification

area ", will be configured to" enabled ", then restart to hide

the taskbar icon. If there are still clock icons left on the

taskbar, then select "remove the clock from the system

notification area" and start it.

Hide the notification area in the group policy to hide the

taskbar icon

2, modify the registry to show and hide the taskbar icon

Open the registry editor, select the path:

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer, and then adjust the NoTrayItemsDisplay key

value, 0 is shown, and 1 is hidden.

本文标签: 隐藏显示资源管理任务栏政策