



英 语 试 卷 2012.4





1. Why won’t the woman go to town tomorrow?

A. Because it will rain.

B. Because it will be too cold.

C. Because it will be too hot.

2. When will Mr. Addison return?

A. On Monday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday.

sports does the woman like best?

A.Baseball. B.Badminton. C.Volleyball.

4. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.At a hospital. B.At a shop. C.At a post office.

5. What does the man mean?

A. The fridge will be fixed.

B. The room will be warmer.

C. The lights will be switched on.




6. Where does the woman mail her package to?

A.New York. B.Paris. C.London.

7.How will the woman mail her package?

A.By airmail.

B.By regular mail.

C.By special delivery.

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8. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A suggestion for city planning. B. A problem with traffic rules.

C. A way to improve air quality.

9. What does the woman think about the man’s idea?

A. It’s interesting. B. it’s worth trying. C. It’s impractical.


10. What happened to the man?

A. He was laid-off.

B. He failed his final test.

C. He gave the students a hard test.

11. How was the man’s feeling to the woman?

A. Grateful. B. Frightened. C. Disappointed.

is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Guest and receptionist. B. Teacher and student C. Doctor and patient.


13. When do students of reading clubs get together and exchange their ideas on books?

A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Saturday.

can the members of music club do?

A. Meet on Sunday B. Watch performances. C. Go to the concerts.

is the speaker doing?

A. Asking for information.

B. Offering information.

C. Making a request.




Stolen Property

Details of the Lost Property

a Polo 16 with two 17 and a

white purse inside

Material: 18 leather

Feature: with the logo on the 19 and at

the bottom in the left-hand corner

Place: on the platform of the train

- 2 -

Time: about 20 pm


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)


21. That ___ Seventh International Strawberry Festival was held in Changping is

______great success.

A. the ; a B. the ; the C. a; 不填 D. a; a

22.In the last few months, many practice exams _____ to sharpen the students’

examination skills.

A. were holding B. were being held C. have held D. have been held

23. It worried her a bit ____ her hair was turning grey.

A. when B. that C. which D. what

24.________ the Internet is of great help, I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend too

much time on it.

A. While B. As C. Because D. If

25. — Which of those electronic dictionaries do you like most?

— ____. They are all expensive and of little use.

A. None B. Both C. Neither D. All

26. Some college students think Valentine’s Day is an opportunity _____ some pocket

money by selling flowers.

A. earn B. to earn C. earning D to have earned

27. How beautiful your dress is! Could you please tell me ______you bought it?

A.what B.which C.who D.where

28. Betty went to the shopping mall alone. If she had invited me then, I _____with her.

A. would go B. went C. would have gone D. had gone

29. The plane had already been away for quite some time when we ____ at the airport.

A. have arrived B. arrived C. had arrived D. arrive

30. ---Where will you start your work after graduation?

---Mmm, it’s not been decided yet. I ______ continue my study for a higher degree.

A. need B. must C. might D. would

31.---Did you watch the movie Mei Lanfang in the National Grand` Theater last night?

---I had planned to, but it _______ hard all the time.

A. is raining B. had rained C. has rained D. was raining

32. Tom arranged to spend his winter vacation in Hawaii with his parents ______ he

would stay for a week.

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A. who B. where C. which D. what

33.______ a better position at IBM, he became more and more confident of his ability.

A. To offer B. Having offered C. Offered D. Offering

34. Only if you eat the correct foods _____ be able to keep fit and stay healthy.

A. you will B. you do C. will you D. do you

35. Can you take the path ______ to the deep forest?

A.leading B.leads be led D.led

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)


Old Shoes, Happy Life

People often drop into a sad life and are unable to free themselves.

Once there was a poor and discouraged salesman 36 every day that there

was no platform for him to display his 37 and the fate(命运) was often pulling his


At Christmas Eve, every family 38 their houses with lanterns and streamers

and it was very festive everywhere. But he was alone sitting on a 39 in a park and

recalling the past. It was on the same day last year when he was also alone drinking his

Christmas day away, 40 new clothes, new shoes, let alone a new car and a new


“Damn! I have to spend this Christmas day with these old shoes again.” he 41

and began to take off the old shoes. 42 , he glanced at a young man in a wheel chair

passing by him with his 43 difficultly pushing the wheel forward. It 44 on him

that he was so lucky to have shoes to wear 45 that man did not even have the 46 .

Afterwards, the salesman did anything with a calm mood and cherished every

opportunity to 47 himself. He worked hard and tried his best to make progress every

day. Several years later, he 48 changed his life totally and 49 a millionaire.

If you look all around, you will find there are so many people who were born 50

in the society but they are confident in life and never complain about the unfair destiny.

They are also not to beg others’ assistance. 51 , they constantly struggle to make

themselves stronger and more excellent to 52 the society. By contrast, we should feel

53 . We are born healthy, but we are fed up with life; we complain about our

colleagues and are 54 with our jobs.

Maybe all of us would feel 55 when we realize we have fallen into such a

discouraging state of life, but worse is you even do not realize you have fallen into

such a dangerous situation.

36. ucing B. complaining C. mentioning D. explaining

37. A. opinion B. patience C. ability D. intention

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38. A. provided ted C. painted D. changed

39. A. bench B. boat C. sofa D. tree

40. A. in B. for C. with D. without

41. A. doubted B. agreed C. sighed D. wondered

42. A. Proudly B. Fortunately C. Suddenly D. Interestingly

43. A. arms B. legs C. feet D. hands

44. A. tried B. focused C. relied D. dawned

45. A. while B. as C. unless D. though

46. A. idea B. chance C. belief D. plan

47. e B. recognize C. preserve D. express

48. sly B. eventually C. hopefully D. regularly

49. A. applied B. became C. grew D. remained

50. A. disabled B. rich C. diligent D. lazy

51. A. Then B. Later C. Still D. Instead

52. A. challenge B. serve C. appreciate D. admire

53. A. bored B. puzzled C. ashamed D. disappointed

54. A. connected B. confused C. dissatisfied D. satisfied

55. A. confident B. enjoyable C. proud D. afraid





Spring Cleaning on Mount Everest

A team of mountaineers begins an expedition (远征)to clean up rubbish left

behind by climbers of the world’s highest top.

The world’s tallest mountain is in need of spring cleaning. A team of mountaineers

flew to Mount Everest to begin the expedition to clean up tons of rubbish that was left

on the massive mountain by its climbers.

Mount Everest is located in the Himalayas, on the border of Nepal and China. At

29,029 feet above sea level, it’s the tallest peak in the world. Climbers first successfully

reached the peak in 1953. Since then, thousands of people have climbed it, leaving their

rubbish along the path. This includes ropes, tents and empty oxygen bottles, which

climbers use to breathe more comfortably at the mountain’s high altitudes. Nepal

requires climbers to bring down everything they take up the mountain, but rubbish from

climbers before the rule took effect still litters the slopes.

The mountaineers plan to bring down 11,000 pounds of garbage from Mount

Everest this spring. This is the peak climbing time before the summer monsoon season

begins. Expedition members will receive $1.40 for every kilogram of rubbish they carry

down the mountain.

Eco Everest Expedition organized the cleaning expedition. This is the fourth year

one has been held. Leading the team is Apa, an experienced Nepalese guide who has

climbed Mount Everest a record 20 times since 1989. “I want to do this for my country,

my people and for Mount Everest,” Apa says.

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Apa says that when he first began climbing Mount Everest, the path to the summit

was covered in ice and snow. But now the path contains rocks and deep cracks from

melting ice. This makes expeditions up the mountain more dangerous. Apa, who grew

up in the foothills of Mount Everest but now lives in the United States, has campaigned

for saving the mountain from the effects of global warming and other pollution issues.

56. What happened to Mount Everest?

A. It was in danger.

B. It was popular with climbers.

C. It was covered in ice and snow .

D. It suffered from rubbish pollution.

57. We can learn from the passage that Apa _______.

A. is an experienced Chinese guide

B. first reached the peak in 1953

C. is the leader of Eco Everest Expedition

D. made a lot of money by carrying the rubbish

kind of person is Apa?

-hearted and responsible. B. Friendly and ambitious.

C. Optimistic and strong-willed. D. Hard-working and serious.


Living and dealing with kids can be a tough job these days,but living and dealing

with parents can be even tougher.

If I have learned anything in my 16 years,it is that communication is very

important,both when you disagree and when you get along.With any relationship,you

need to let other person know how you are feeling.If you are not able to communicate,you drift apart(疏远).When you are mad at your parents,or anyone else,not talking to

them doesn’t solve anything.

Communication begins with the concerns of another.It means that you can’t just

come home from school,go up to your room and ignore everyone.Even if you just say

“Hi”,and see how their day is for five minutes,it is better than nothing.

To have a good relationship,you must keep communication strong.Let people

know how you feel,even if it’s just by writing a note.

When dealing with parents,you always have to make them feel good about how

they are doing as a parent.If you are trying to make them see something as you see it,tell them that you’ll listen to what they have to say,and ask them politely to listen to

you.Yelling or walking away only makes the situation worse.

This is an example: One night,Sophie went to a street party with her friends.She

knew she had to be home by midnight after the fireworks,but she didn’t feel she could

just ask to go home.That would be rude.After all,they had been nice enough to take

her along with them.Needless to say,she was late getting home.Her parents were mad

at first,not when Sophie explained why she was late,they weren’t as mad and let the

incident go.Communication was the key factor here.If Sophie’s parents had not been

willing to listen,Sophie would have been in a lot of trouble.

Communication isn't a one-way deal: it goes both ways. Just remember: if you get

into a situation like Sophie's, tell the other person how you feel — listening is the key

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factor to communication.

59.The second paragraph is mainly about_______.

A.the importance of friendship

B.the importance of communication

C.making your feeling known to others

D.the disagreement between parents and children

60. Who is the passage intended for?

A. Parents. B. Teachers. C. Children. D. Reporters.

61.The author mentioned Sophie’ s example to _______.

A.make the point persuasive their condition their common points

D.tell us the difficulty of communication

author writes the passage to _______.

A. present a fact B. argue a claim

C. introduce an approach D. support a research



Before the age of radio, movies, and television, many people enjoyed variety

theatre. In America this entertainment theatre was called vaudeville. The term

vaudeville comes from the French “voix de ville”. It means “voice of the city”. For just

five cents, people could be entertained. Popular acts included music, comics, magic,

animal acts, acrobatics, and even lectures.

A routine vaudeville show usually began with a silly act, such as acrobats or trick

bicyclists. This allowed audience members to arrive late and find their seats. The show

peaked in the middle with the “headliner”. This act was considered good enough to

feature but dull enough to make audiences leave the theatre.

Between the years 1880 and 1920, vaudeville enjoyed great popularity. Industry

was growing in the U.S.. People had more money to spend on entertainment. Many

theatres tried very hard to appear polite and family-oriented. They wanted to draw in

middle-class customers. Performers were not allowed to use bad language. They could

not even say the word “hell”. But the performers often disobeyed the rules, and this

delighted the audiences.

Successful theatre owners insisted their theatres appear rich and grand. The curtains

and seats were covered in the finest red velvet. The beautiful woodwork was gilded with

gold trim. They made the theatres look like palaces. Still, they housed silly acts such as

juggling dogs. By the 1890s, vaudeville peaked. It became equal to churches and public

schools in popularity. It was a great place for people to gather.

There was no exact end to vaudeville. But in 1910, movie theatres opened. They

offered entertaining films at a lower price. This shrank vaudeville’s audience continually.

Ironically, movies were first shown in vaudeville theatres. By the 1930s, the Great

Depression hit the U.S. .Vaudeville disappeared.

Many famous American film and television stars began on the vaudeville stage.

Performers such as the Three Stooges, the Marx Brothers, Buster Keaton, and Judy

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Garland all began their careers in vaudeville.

ing to Paragraph 2, why did a vaudeville show usually start off with a silly


A. Because the audience preferred to begin with silly acts.

B. Because silly acts got the audience ready for serious ones.

C. Because the audience needed time to arrive and find their seats.

D. Because that was the only type of act the theatre owner could find.

underlined word “they” in Passage 4 refers to______.

A. theatre owners B. theatres C. curtains and seats D. palaces

ing to Paragraph 3&4, which of the following is true?

A. Theatre performers tried to act politely.

B. Middle-class customers enjoyed vaudeville a lot.

C. Successful theatre owners rejected silly performance.

D. Vaudeville was once as popular as churches and public schools.

66.According to the passage, what led to the disappearance of vaudeville?

A. Politicians and religious figures

B. The decline of the middle class

C. The invention of radio and television

D. Movie theatres and the Great Depression


Do you ever hear yourself think, “It doesn’t matter”? I have come to understand

that I think this way. It may be because I think I should do something, and I can also

accept that it is unimportant. Sometimes I see negative things going on around me and

think it doesn’t matter. As I started working on changing this in myself, I came up with

something that really works for me.

Not everything can intensely matter to us, or we will drive ourselves mad with

concern and worry. However, because procrastination (拖延) causes so many troubles

in our lives, we can benefit from one simple question.

When I think I should do something that perhaps I don’t really feel like doing, I may

think it doesn’t matter right now. Say, for example, that you think that you need to have

your roof repaired. Then you think I should call someone and have it fixed. There may

be many reasons or excuses and mixed emotions behind the thought. Whatever you feel,

you can convince yourself or accept that it doesn’t matter. Ask yourself this question,

“When will it matter?” After you answer this question, you may become motivated to

take the necessary steps. By asking and answering, this question can actually make you

least resistant to accomplish what you want.

I think that everything matters in life, some things just matter less than other things.

Saying “It doesn’t matter” or “I don’t care” is a lie. If something is bothering you, it is

because it matters to you. Therefore, the next time you think something doesn’t matter,

try the follow-up question. Perhaps the thing matters to you because you can see the

consequence of ignoring it. Maybe by using the follow-up question you will see that it

“matters” to you now, and avoiding the issue is unlikely to make it matter less.

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Taking action toward what matters to you is what makes the difference in your life.

You have your reasons for saying “It doesn’t matter” and asking when it will matter can

help. I hope this suggestion will help you as much as it has helped me.

67. What’s the purpose of this passage?

A. To ask readers an important question.

B. To analyze what is important in life.

C. To show how to ask a good question.

D. To share tips on overcoming procrastination.

68. According to the passage, once in a while the author ________.

A. ignores the importance of dealing with unpleasant thingsB. becomes crazy when

facing difficulties

C. believes everything matters to him

D. tries to make no mistakes

69. According to the passage, the follow-up question can ________.

A. help people take things more seriously

people become more curious

C. lead to people’s being honest

D. offer more advice to people

70 Which of the following does the author agree with?

A. By asking when it will matter, you can always be successful.

B. Things that matter should be done sooner rather than later.

say “It doesn’t matter” when you face anything.

D. Challenge yourself as much as possible in your life.



The Media Influence Theory

The American Entertainment industry has been heavily criticized(批评). Critics

are unhappy with the amount of pretend violent acts it shows. The Media Influence

Theory explains this problem. It suggests that the rise in the rates of real violent acts is

linked to entertainment.

This theory considers many acts of violence. 71 It claims they are due to the

high levels of violent acts in the media. This takes on various forms in popular


The basis of the theory lies in the assumption that many people are exposed to a

high level of violent content in media outlets. A small percentage of these people have

trouble separating fantasy and reality about the violence they see. 72

The most frequent targets of the theory’s advocates (提倡者) are video game

companies. These companies produce many first-person shooter games. Most of these

feature a high level of violence and gore. 73 These games reward the player for

committing acts of violence.

74 They claim these artists incite violence. Violent movies too cannot avoid

their accusation. They claim these kinds of movies make violence look attractive. All of

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these are forms of entertainment, and people want the companies to take more

responsibility for their products. They want them to label products that are extremely

violent. They also want minors to have limited or no access to these products.

However, critics of this theory say that government should not regulate media.

They say that it would harm American citizens’ right to free speech. They compare

statistics of violence between the United States and other countries. Some of these other

countries have the same kind of violent media. 75 So these critics claim that the

problem of violence in America is not due to the media. They say it is caused by the

availability of weapons.

A. High school shootings are the most common.

B. Advocates say these games make life seem cheap.

C. Violent movies are forms of entertainment.

D. But there are much fewer violent acts being committed.

E. These people think that it is okay to commit violent acts.

F. Advocates also target musicians who sing hateful lyrics.

G. Easy access to weapons causes violence among teenagers in America.


第一节 情景作文(20分)




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Last Thursday, April 16th , was my mother’s birthday.

第二节 开放作文(15分)


In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You

are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.

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6-10 AACCA 11-15 ABBCB



16. case 17. records 18. soft 19. back 20. 5:20


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)

21—25 ADBAA 26—30 BDCBC 31—35 DBCCA

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)

36—40 BCBAD 41—45CCDDA 46—50 BABBA 51—55 DBCCD



56-58 DCA 59-62 BCAC 63-66 CBDD 67-70DABA


71—75 AEBFD



One possible version :

Last Thursday, April 16th was my mother’s birthday. Early in the

morning, my

father and I discussed what to do for her. In my mind, mother devoted all her time to the

family and had never celebrated her own birthday. Therefore, we decided to give her a

big surprise. My father suggested buying flowers for her and preparing a big meal while

I thought it necessary to buy a birthday cake. The moment the school bell rang, I hurried

to the school gate to meet my father eagerly. With a birthday cake and a bunch of

flowers in our hands, we made our way to the vegetable market, picking my mother’s

favorite vegetables, like turnips and tomatoes.

Arriving home, we got down to preparing. Father washed the dishes and cut them

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just like a real cook. I was setting the table in the dining hall when mother came in. I

rushed to her and presented her our gift, saying “happy birthday”. She felt too moved to

say a word. Soon, a rich meal was ready and we sat down to celebrate it together.

Seeing a big smile spread across her face, I felt so proud of what we did. What a

meaningful and unforgettable day!


One possible version:

As is vividly shown in the picture, a man is picking the biggest apple on the tree

with ease with the help of two people.

The picture conveys a message that the biggest apple represents the ideals which

everybody has and keeps pursuing in our life. But it is difficult to realize them on

condition that we work alone. As the Chinese saying goes, unity is power. Therefore, it

is essential for us to work in a united way.

In a word, we should bear in mind that we cannot survive alone and frequently we

need to cooperate with others to achieve our goals. Individually, we are a drop; together,

we are an ocean.





3. 评分时应考虑:内容要点的完整性、上下文的连贯、词汇和句式的多样性及语言的准确性。

4. 拼写、标点符号或书写影响内容表达时,应视其影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。

5. 词数少于60,从总分中减去1分。







第一档: (18—20分)


* 覆盖了所有内容要点;

* 运用了多样的句式和丰富的词汇;

- 13 -




第二档: (15—17分)







第三档: (12—14分)






第四档: (6—11分)






第五档: (1—5分)




0分 : 未能传达任何信息;所写内容与要求无关。

开放作文 (15分)





- 14 -





第一档: (13—15分)





第二档: (9—12分)






第三档: (4—8分)









0分: 未传达任何信息;所写内容与要求无关。



M: Do you want to go to town with me if it doesn’t rain tomorrow?

W: No, I don’t think so. It will be too hot outside.


W: Good morning.

M: Good morning. I’m here to see Mr. Addison.

W: Mr. Addison went to Washington on Monday afternoon for an exhibition, and won’t

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be back until Thursday night. If you like, you can come again on Friday morning.


M:I like badminton so much. What’s your favorite sport?

W:it’ s hard to say. I like baseball a lot,but I think I like volleyball best.


M:What seems to be the trouble?

W:Well,I think I am running a fever now.

M:I see. Let me take your temperature.


W: My goodness, it’s freezing here in the room.

M: I am sorry, madam. It will be ok as soon as I turn the heating on.


W:I’d like to mail this package to New York.

M:How would you like to send it?

W:Special delivery,please.

M:OK. Let’s see. It’s twelve pounds,so that will be ten dollars and eighty-one cents.

W:Ten dollars and eighty-one cents?

M:Yes. That’s a pretty heavy package you’ve got here.

W:Hmm. I suppose it is. Tell me,is there a cheaper way to mail it?

M:Sure. It can be sent by airmail. But it will take longer to get there.

W:How long will it take?

M:Let me see. To New York from Paris it will take about twelve days.

W:How much will it cost?

M:Let’s see. Twelve pounds, That will cost five dollars and ninety-four cents.

W:OK.I think I’ll send it by airmail.


M: Air pollution is so bad in this city. I think the government should stop people from

driving cars on certain days.

W: You have a point. Air pollution is a problem, but not letting people drive on certain

days is a bad idea. People have to go to work by car.

M: I’m afraid I don’t agree with you there. Reducing air pollution is really important.

People are so used to driving that they don’t think about ways to do things. If we stop

them from driving on certain days, maybe they could think of new ways to get around.

W: I see your point, but I still think it wouldn’t be possible to stop people from driving.


M: How are you, Mrs Brandon?

W: Pretty good. How are you doing.?

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M: Not so good. I just lost my job today.

W: I’m sorry to hear that.

M: How are your students doing?

W: They are very nervous about their final test.

M: I remember you gave our class a hard final test in my first year of college. Many of

us failed. But I really learned a lot from you. You see, I can speak very good English.

W: Thank you for saying so.


Hello, everyone. I’d like to tell you something about the student clubs in our school.

Let’s begin with our reading club. It was first started in 1968, and has 90 members now.

Every Thursday afternoon, they gather together to exchange their ideas on books. And

you may join them to share your views. If you are a music lover, come to our music

club. This club has a total of 85 members who usually meet on Saturday. Sometimes

they go to the concerts together and sometimes they give performance themselves. For

those who enjoy outdoor sports, bicycle club can be a good choice. Trips are usually

organized on Wednesday and last at least two hours. Together with our 50 cyclists, you

can not only see the beautiful nature, but also make yourself stronger. Of course, there

are also many other clubs in our school. For more information, please go to the school



W:Lost Property. Can I help you, sir?

M:Oh, yes .I've had my case stolen.

W: OK, take a seat please, sir. First of all, can you show me your ID please?

M: Sure. Here you are.

W: OK, could you please tell me what your case looks like?

M: Of course, it's a soft leather one, you know, not a sports one that looks childish.

W: Mmm…how does it close?

M: It’s got buckles at the front…two of them.

W: Any distinguishing features?

M: Parden?

W: Any marks on it that make it stand out?

M: Oh, yeah, the brand name.

W: So what's it, sir?

M: Oh, it's a Polo. It has the logo on the back and at the bottom in the left-hand corner.

W: Right, got that. So, what did you have inside the case?

M: Well, all the gifts for my family, you know, two pieces of records for my children

and a white purse for my wife.

W: Where exactly did you lose the case?

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M:Well….I couldn’t believe it. I was standing on the platform … it was right next to


W: You were holding it?

M: I’d just put it down on the floor. I was watching for my train and then next time I

looked, my case wasn’t there.

W:And what time was this?

M:Ah…it was …it must have been about 5:20.

W: OK, sir, I'm sure it's your case. Thank you for your cooperation. You can have it


M: Thank you so much. You guys are really responsible.

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