



Part 1 Fill in the blanks with prepositions or


(每小题: 分)

Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with

appropriate prepositions or adverbs. Fill in each blank with only ONE


1. Please come with me to revisit our university. It is very likely that you

would run


2. He is searching in his house as well as in his office

forintoa friend that you haven't seen for a long

any cigarettes, ashtrays, and lights. He has

determined to say goodbye to smoking forever.

3. When two people are in love, they feel drawn to one another, greatly

enjoy each other's company, and are attracted


Some people from the States have decided, just

one another.

out oftocuriosity, to make a tour in the space even though it will cost about

tens of millions of US dollars.

5. For our new semester, another two phonetic labs will also be


withcomputers and video cameras for our

online language learning.

6. Nowadays young people are very particular with trademarks that

identify the manufacturer of a product and distinguish it

betweensimilar goods of others.

7. The lecturer presented a picture of our future possible career in such

a vivid way that we became absorbed

inwhat he

was saying and didn't notice it was dinner time.


If you focus

ona person you have an encounter with

for the first seven seconds, you'll likely pick up a lot of information

about the person.


The opposition party launched an attack

onthe new

administration's tax policies, arguing that the new policies will never

help the country to tide over the economic crisis.


He took the newspaper and skimmed quickly


story in minutes rather than hours, but it turned out not as exciting as

people had talked about.

12. The American Running Association has a twelve-week program

designed to move a fifteen-minute walk

a thirty-minute run.


Because of the downturn

inthe current economy,

most workers feel more insecure in their jobs today than they did a

year ago.


It's always a good idea to start doing things

fromscratch. For example, a baby can learn a language better and get

more accurate pronunciation than an adult.

15. I don't mean to poke my nose into your family affairs, but I think it's

time to get serious

and children.

aboutyour relationship with your wife

Part 1 Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs (每小题: 1 分; 满分:15 分)

小题 得分 对错



into into



1for for


1to to


1out of out of


1with with


0between from


1in in


1on on


1on on


1through through


0(未答) from


0(未答) to


1in in


1from from


1about about

Subtotal: 12


Part 2 Cloze (with choices provided)

(每小题: 分)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each

blank there are four words or expressions given. You should choose

the ONE that best fits into the passage.

Questions 16 to 35 are based on the following passage.

Researchers have been trying to find how men and women are

different in many ways. Take solving problems with 16.

alikegoals as an example. It has been found that even

though men and women can solve problems 17.

identicallywell and efficiently, there are always some 18.

distinctdifferences between them.

Women focus more on the process 19.

thanmerely solving

the problem itself. For most women, it is an opportunity to 20.

investigatea relationship with others while discussing

beneficialwith them. It is also 21. for them to work in a

"collective team, and they would like to 22.

enforceintelligence" to the task. They usually prefer to 23.

apply toteam members for cooperation, as they believe

impactsolving a problem can profoundly 24. how they feel

about their team. The process of solving a problem can 25.

strengthenor weaken a relationship and make them feel

closer to or more distant from others.


However, men solve a problem using a very different

women. 28.

Whenway 27.

fromsolving a

problem, most men do not feel the same as women. For them, the

process of solving a problem is 29.

not same asimportant as solving it. What men usually do is to 30.

set asidetheir feelings and focus on solving the problem

only. They focus more on how to solve a problem 31.

efficientlyso that there is a possible chance for

identifythem to 32. themselves from others. Usually,

absorbedthey tend to be more 33. in their individual work

probeinstead of group work. They prefer to 34. their

way in the unknown world by themselves alone. For most men,

solving a problem presents an opportunity to make them feel 35.

competitiveand to show their abilities in facing a


Part 2 Cloze (with choices provided) (每小题: 1 分; 满分:20 分)

小题 得分 对错



alike similar



0identically equally


0distinct distinctive


1than than


0investigate explore


1beneficial beneficial


0enforce employ


0apply to appeal to


1impact impact


1strengthen strengthen


1However However


1from from


1When When


0not same as not nearly as


1set aside set aside


1efficiently efficiently


0identify distinguish


1absorbed absorbed


0probe negotiate


0competitive competent

Subtotal: 10


Part 4 Vocabulary and Structure

(每小题: 分)

Directions: For each of the following sentences there are four choices

marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete each


36. ________ is announced, the country has launched a large-scale

movement to wipe out hunger, poverty, and diseases in the wide

rural areas.

A. What

B. That

C. As

D. Which

37. The students expected there ________ more reviewing classes

before the college entrance examination, but, to their

disappointment, all the classes were finally canceled.

A. being

B. would be

C. have been

D. to be

38. The United States is proud of ________ great writers, especially

________ in the 20th century such as Mark Twain and Ernest


A. its ... those

B. the ... which

C. her ... what

D. his ... that

39. He is now working in a foreign firm, but not until three years ago

________ to work outside the country.

A. has he started

B. will he start

C. did he start

D. he started

40. Though having been living in the States for more than 10 years, she

still has a ________ British accent when she talks.

A. sensitive

B. narrative

C. distinctive

D. representative

41. Repeated failures lead to success and prove to be ________ to us as

we experiment every day to find out the right way of doing things.

A. substantial

B. influential

C. beneficial

D. potential

42. It's not ________ that he should be assigned to the job since he is

new and has no experience at all in this particular field.

A. advisory

B. advisable

C. advised

D. advising

43. When being checked at customs, I am ________ make a declaration

of all purchases and gifts acquired in the country.

A. engaged to

B. resolved to

C. obliged to

D. committed to

44. You will have to ________ yourself to a completely new life in college

because it's a lot different from high school.

A. appeal

B. apply

C. thrust

D. adjust

45. Mr. Collins argues that it is unrealistic for his secretary to do anything

for any real purpose before she has reached the level of ________

with computers.

A. proficiency

B. accuracy

C. sufficiency

D. deficiency

Part 4 Vocabulary and Structure (每小题: 1 分; 满分:10 分)

小题 得分 对错






1B B


1A A


0D C


1C C


1C C


1B B


1C C


1D D


1A A

Subtotal: 9


Part 5 Reading comprehension

(每小题: 分)

Directions: Read the following passages carefully. Each passage is

followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of

them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best

answer to each question.

Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

When I was a kid, I read every comic book ever published. I quickly went

through all of them in a couple of days, and then reread the good ones until

the next issues arrived.

But as I got older, my eyeballs must have slowed down! I mean comic

books started to pile up faster than my brother Russell. It wasn't until much

later did I realize it wasn't my eye balls that were to blame. They're still

moving as well as ever. The problem is there's too much to read these

days and too little time to read every word of it.

Now, besides novels and newspapers, I read different kinds of books and

magazines. There are hundreds of techniques you could learn to help you

read faster. But I know of three that are especially good.

Previewing is especially useful for getting a general idea of heavy reading,

like long and hard magazine or newspaper articles. Read the entire first

two paragraphs of whatever you've chosen. Next read only the first

sentence of each successive paragraph. Then read the entire last

paragraph. It can give you as much as half the comprehension in as little

as one-tenth the time.

Skimming is a good way to get a general idea of light reading, like short

and simple popular magazines or the sports and entertainment sections of

the newspaper. Think of your eyes as magnets. Force them to move fast.

Sweep each line and pick up only a few key words in each line.

Clustering trains you to look at groups of words instead of one at a time to

increase your speed and comprehension enormously. It is a totally different

way of seeing what we read. Here's how to cluster: Train your eyes to see

all the words in clusters of up to three or four words at a glance.

With enough practice, you'll be able to handle more reading at school or

work – and at home – in less time. You should even have enough time to

read your favorite comic books.

46. What did the writer realize later regarding his slowed-down eyeballs?

A. His brother had more comic books than him.

B. He couldn't read as fast as his brother.

C. He couldn't finish reading all the comic books.

D. He had too much to read but too little time to do it.

47. Why is previewing especially useful for a heavy reading?

A. You can read various kinds of books such as magazines.

B. You can see the whole picture of a long reading in less time.

C. You can understand the content completely within a short time.

D. You can comprehend at least 50% of what you're reading.

48. What is the use of the technique of skimming when you are doing

light reading?

A. It enables you to read some entertaining books.

B. It enables you to think like magnets.

C. It helps you pick up key words.

D. It helps you get the information you want.

49. What's the most important advantage when you do clustering?

A. It helps you read faster and understand better.

B. It lets you read in a totally different way.

C. It allows your eyes to pick up three to four words at a time.

D. It trains your eyes to see all the words in the reading.

50. Which statement best expresses the main idea of this passage?

A. Moving your eyes fast gives you a general idea.

B. It is necessary to choose different methods for different readings.

C. Different reading skills should be used at the same time.

D. You may read faster by using reading techniques.

Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

Before computers were invented, the words byte and modem did not exist,

and a mouse was something that made some people scream and run

away. Words are added to language every day. Changes in society also

cause changes in language.

Changes in attitude also affect language. As people become more

sensitive to the rights and needs of individual, it becomes necessary to

change the words we use to describe them. The elderly are now called

senior citizens. The handicapped are described as physically challenged.

Many of the words we once used had negative feelings attached to them.

New words show an awareness in today's society that differences are good

and that everyone deserves respect. Even the names of certain jobs have

changed so that workers can be proud of what they do. The trash man is

now called a sanitation worker and a doorman is an attendant. One

important influence on our language in the past decade has been the

changing role of women in modern society. As women entered more and

more areas that were once thought of as men's job, it became necessary to

change the job titles. For example, a mailman is now a mail carrier, a

watchman is a guard.

Sometimes new words may seem awkward and silly, such as chair for

chairman, fisher for fisherman, and drafter for draftsman. But change is

never easy. People often fight change until it becomes a familiar part of

everyday life.

Women have fought long and hard to be treated equally in language as

well as in society, because they know that changes in language can cause

changes in attitudes. If every person isn't referred to as he, people will

begin to realize that men aren't the only ones who are important or who

have made great achievements. Most words that indicate only one gender

have been replaced with words that refer to both males and females. Thus,

a poetess is called a poet, a waitress is a server, and mankind has become


51. Words are added to language ________.

A. when new things are invented

B. when society changes

C. when old words disappear

D. all the time

52. Words are changed because ________.

A. it is part of everyday life.

B. the handicapped should be proud of themselves.

C. many old words cause negative feelings.

D. some words look silly and awkward.

53. A doorman is now called ________.

A. attendant

B. watchman

C. trash man

D. server

54. Which of the following is one important influence on our language in

the past decade according to the passage?

A. The changing attitude toward the elderly.

B. The changing job market.

C. The changing role of women.

D. The changing social opinions.

55. Which of the following best summarizes the passage?

A. Language is always added with new vocabulary.

B. Language changes with the changing of society.

C. Changing language reflects the achievements of people.

D. Changing language gives people more individual rights.

Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.

People use more than just words to communicate. In fact, some

researchers claim that less than half of a spoken message's real meaning

is in the words used in the message. They say that most of a message's

meaning comes from understanding how the speaker uses things like tone

of voice and body language.

Body language includes such things as the expression on the speaker's

face, gestures that speaker makes with his or her hands, and the position

of the speaker's body. Just as there are many different languages spoken

around the world, there are many different ways for people to use body

language, too. For example, gestures may imply different meanings in

different cultures. Making a "thumbs up" sign in America means, "Great!"

However, in Arab cultures, this gesture is extremely offensive.

Although many gestures can be interpreted differently by different cultures,

there are also many gestures that are almost universally interpreted in the

same way. For example, by and large, a smile is understood as a sign of

friendship or good will around the world. Also, using an open hand to

gesture toward something is viewed as polite or friendly in most cultures.

There are also some forms of body language that can be universally read

with the meaning, "I am interested in you" or "I like you." Sometimes this

kind of body language is used unconsciously between two people. These

signs of interest include standing or sitting with both feet flat on the ground,

mirroring or using the same gestures as the other person, and turning

one's body to fully face the other person.

Body language experts point out one important thing. The person's culture

is only one factor that can influence his or her use of body language. The

time and place where the body language is being used can have a lot to do

with a person's body language. If the person has had a bad day or if a

meeting takes place in a crowded place, the body language a person uses

may be very different from under other circumstances.

56. According to the passage, more than half of a spoken message's real

meaning comes from ________.

A. words used in the message

B. things used in the message

C. the speaker's tone of voice

D. the speaker's tone and body language

57. The second paragraph describes ________.

A. an example of a gesture not used in India

B. different meanings of gestures in different cultures

C. how gestures can change the meaning of words

D. useful gestures in Arab cultures

58. If a person starts copying your body language, what does this


A. He/She is interested in you.

B. He/She isn't interested in you.

C. He/She doesn't agree with you.

D. He/She agrees with you.

59. People may use different body languages ________.

A. only in different places

B. only at different time

C. under different circumstances

D. under few circumstances

60. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Body language is an important part of communication.

B. Body language is affected by culture.

C. Body language can be extremely offensive.

D. Body language can tell you whether people like you.

Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.

Grammar is an aspect of language about which learners have different

opinions. Some learners are very interested in finding out or learning

grammar rules and doing lots of grammar exercises. Others hate grammar

and think it is the most boring part of learning a new language. Whatever

opinion you have, however, you cannot escape from grammar; it is in every

sentence you read or write, speak or hear. Grammar is simply the word for

the rules that people follow when they use a language. We need those

rules in the same way as we need the rules in a game. If there are no rules,

or if everybody follows their own rules, the game would soon break down.

It's the same with language; without rules we would not be able to

communicate with other people.

So you cannot escape from grammar, but the key question here is: What is

the best way to learn grammar? You can learn the rules of a game by

simply playing the game. You will certainly make mistakes; you may even

get hurt. Eventually, however, you will know how to play. Of course, the

rules of a language are very much more complicated than the rules of any

game, but in fact this is exactly how you learned your own language.

Nobody taught you the rules of your mother tongue as you were growing

up but now you never make a grammar mistake.

Most people learning a new language do not have so much time and such

an ideal situation. So, there is no easy answer to the question. There are

just as many different opinions about teaching grammar as there are about

learning grammar. Many teachers believe in the importance of grammar

lessons devoted to a study of language rules and lots of practice exercises.

Other teachers feel that grammar is best learned by doing different

language activities without focusing so directly on the rules. Whatever your

opinion about grammar and whichever is the way you are taught, you need

to use different strategies to help you learn grammar more effectively.

61. How is grammar defined in the passage?

A. Grammar is something you cannot escape from.

B. Grammar is a kind of game that requires a lot of practice.

C. Grammar is a set of rules that are used in a language.

D. Grammar is a strategy that consists of rules.

62. According to the passage, why is learning grammar important?

A. It helps you make no mistakes.

B. It makes communication possible.

C. It helps you not to get hurt.

D. It makes playing games possible.

63. In the writer's opinion, what is the best way to learn grammar?

A. Playing games with a set of rules.

B. Learning grammar naturally as you grow up.

C. Recalling how you learned your mother tongue.

D. Doing a lot of grammar exercises.

64. What's the difference between teachers' opinions in the way of

learning grammar?

A. More exercises vs. more activities.

B. More activities vs. less exercises.

C. Less exercises vs. more grammar rules.

D. More exercises vs. less activities.

65. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Memorizing rules is required for learning grammar.

B. Doing a lot of exercises helps learn grammar.

C. Playing games helps learn grammar better.

D. There are different ways to learn grammar.

Questions 66 to 70 are based on the following passage.

Gender differences are also reflected in the ways that men and women use

language. In junior high school, Joy's status will depend on her circle of

friends. If her friends are popular, then Joy may enjoy high status at

schools. For this reason, Joy and many other girls are interested in gossip,

talking about other people and their private lives. If Joy has some

information to share about a popular girl at school, this proves that she has

a friendship with this girl. In this way Joy can use gossip to gain more

status in her school.

Tommy, on the other hand, may be less interested in gossip. His status

doesn't depend on who his friends are at school. Tommy gains status

through his own ability to play sports well or earn high grades. Later in life,

Joy may continue to be interested in talking about other people and their

lives. Tommy will be less interested in personal talk and more concerned

with discussions of sports and news. These give him a chance to gain

status by showing others his knowledge.

Different ways of speaking are part of gender. As adults, men and women

sometimes face difficulties in their communication with each other. Studies

of communication show that if a woman tells her husband about a problem,

she will expect him to listen and offer sympathy. She may be annoyed

when he simply tells her how to solve the problem. Similarly, a husband

may be annoyed when his wife wants to stop and ask a stranger for

directions to a park or restaurant. Unlike his wife, he would rather use a

map and find his way by himself.

Language is also part of the different ways that men and women think

about friendship. Most men believe that friendship means doing things

together such as camping or playing tennis. Women, on the other hand,

usually identify their best friend as someone with whom they talk

frequently. Moreover, they often use tag questions to get agreement from

their friends. If men and women can understand their differences, they may

be able to improve their relationships.

66. Why are girls interested in gossip?

A. Gossip teaches them how to act.

B. Gossip allows them to use commands.

C. Gossip brings them high status.

D. Gossip helps them know about their friends.

67. What do some boys want to prove by discussing sports?

A. They are knowledgeable.

B. They are more masculine.

C. They are interested in sports.

D. They are not interested in personal talking.

68. What will a woman expect her husband to do if she tells him about a


A. Tell her how to solve the problem.

B. Listen and show sympathy to her.

C. Talk about the problem with her.

D. Solve the problem for her.

69. Men usually show friendship by ________.

A. doing things together

B. agreeing with each other

C. talking together often

D. camping or playing tennis together

70. What message does the writer want to send out?

A. Both men and women should speak directly.

B. Talking to women is easier than talking to men.

C. There are many differences between men and women.

D. It's beneficial to understand gender differences in using language.

Part 5 Reading comprehension (每小题: 2 分; 满分:50 分)

小题 得分 对错






2B B


0D C


2A A


2D D


2D D


0A C


2A A


2C C


2B B


2D D


2B B


2A A


2C C


2A A


2C C


2B B


2B B


2A A


2D D


2C C


2A A


2B B


2A A


0C D

Subtotal: 44


Part 6 Fill in the blanks with the help of the

first letter(s)

(每小题: 分)

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the help of the first letter(s).

71. He thought the inefficiency of their work is because of the new

managesystem under different controls from various


(Suggested first letter(s): mana )

72. The Chinese, on the other hand, could learn from the Western

trato think more about action, truth, and the right

thing to do.

(Suggested first letter(s): tra )

73. The police along the border of Mexico try very hard to prevent the


sub, such as heroin, from coming into the US.

(Suggested first letter(s): sub )

74. My different responsibilities at school keep me busy all the time,

leaving me no

mato date someone.

(Suggested first letter(s): ma )

75. Failing memory makes it difficult for aged people to

rall the basic information that young people would

easily take for granted.

(Suggested first letter(s): r )

Part 6 Fill in the blanks with the help of the first letter(s) (每小题: 1 分; 满分:5 分)

小题 得分 对错



manage managerial



0tra tradition


0sub substance


0ma margin


0r recall

本文标签: 大学得分答案对错学生