


Unit 13


Word Bank

account:n. a written or spoken description of an event(书面或口头)报告

acquaintance: a person that you have met but do not know well相识,熟人

affection: a feeling of liking for a person or place友爱,爱情

commitment: a promise to do sth. or to behave in a particular way承诺;责任;

compatible: able to exist, live together, or work successfully with sth. or sb. else能共处的;能共存的;能相容的

conservative: tending not to like or trust change, especially sudden change保守的,守旧的

divorce: legal ending of a marriage离婚

esteem: respect for or a good opinion of sb. 尊敬,尊重

excessive: too much过度的,过多的

generality: when what sb. says contains no details, and often very little meaning普遍性,通性

intimate: having, or being likely to cause, a very close friendship亲密的

mobile: able to move freely or be easily moved可移动的,易变的,机动的

pursue: to follow sb. or sth., usually to try to catch or kill them追随;跟随

rarity: sth. that is very unusual, or the quality of being very unusual稀有

relocate: to (cause a person or company to) move to a new place换一个地方;重新安置

reveal: to make known or show sth. that is surprising or that was previously secret展现,显示,揭示,暴露

spouse: a person's husband or wife配偶

stigma: a strong feeling in society that a type of behavior is shameful耻辱;瑕疵

superficial: only on the surface of sth. 表面的;肤浅的

transient: lasting for only a short time; temporary短暂的

widowed: having become a widow or a widower守寡的;成为鳏夫的

Phrases and Expressions

attach to: to connect one thing with another系,连接

break up: to stop a relationship(突然)结束

encounter with: to meet sb., especially when you do not expect it偶遇

end up: to finally be in a particular place, state, or situation, especially without having planned


strike up: to start a conversation or relationship with sb. 交谈起来,结交起来

Reading Comprehension

Choose the best for each of the following.

1. The authors say that Americans use the word "friend" differently than the way the dictionary

defines the word. What do the authors mean by saying so? ( C )

A. Americans use the word "friend" in a narrower sense than it is defined in the dictionary.

B. Americans use the word "friend" to refer to close friends.

C. Americans use the word "friend" in a larger sense than it is defined in the dictionary.


D. The dictionary defines the word "friend" in a wrong way.

2. Americans have a few close friends because __B___.

A. they are lazy

B. they do not have time

C. they have many commitments to friendship

D. both B and C

3. According to the authors, how do many Americans behave with others even if they are

strangers? ( D )

A. They tend to be shy. B. They tend to smile.

C. They tend to talk easily. D. Both B and C.

4. In the United States, marriage relationships are __B___.

A. all the same B. different from couple to couple

C. arranged D. mature

5. The authors say that in the United States remarriage is considered normal, and they point out

that grown sons and daughters often encourage their widowed or divorced parents to __C___.

A. stay home alone B. buy gold

C. continue to socialize D. travel

II. Complete the following summary of the text by filling in the blanks with words. The

initial letter of each word has been given to you.

Americans use the word "friend" more extensively than what a dictionary defines. A friend

might be an (1) acquaintance or an intimate companion. They might call anyone that they know

about a friend. They, however, have (2) casual and friendly relationships with many people but

develop deeper and closer (3) relationships with only a few. Americans are friendly who easily start

conversations with (4) strangers and sometimes share their life stories with them. Due to different

cultural backgrounds, American men and women have a (5) variety of relationships. Some might be

lifelong friends but without sex contact. Some might live together as sex companions without

getting married in the end. Some American (6) couples take themselves as best friends. More (7)

divorced or widowed Americans remarried in their old ages.

Americans make new friends easily and quickly because of (8) mobility. In general they do

not (9) settle down in one place for good. They move from place to place for changing jobs, getting

married, (10) attending universities or having children. Many of them do not have everlasting



I. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1. He had a deep ___D__ for his aunt.

A. effect B. kindness C. heart D. affection

2. There has been a drop in public ___A__ for teachers.

A. esteem B. affection C. love D. interest


3. A(n) ___D__ is a person you've met but you would not call him a friend.

A. neighbor B. friend C. colleague D. acquaintance

4. The institution makes a __C___ to equal pay and opportunities for every employee.

A. policy B. plan C. commitment D. schedule

5. This software may not be __A___ with older operating systems.

A. compatible B. perfect C. false D. legal

6. Her biography ___C__ that she was not as rich as everyone thought.

A. affected B. recommended C. revealed D. pointed

7. He's a very ___C__ dresser—he always looks like he's wearing his father's clothes

A. fashionable B. modern C. conservative D. fancy

8. She gave a thrilling ___B__ of her life in the jungle.

A. speech B. account C. presentation D. lecture

9. His dog became his closest ___D__ during the last years of his life.

A. enemy B. acquaintance C. headman D. companion

10. Each of us may __A___ happiness in a very different way.

A. define B. say C. read D. write

II. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary.

superficial end up characterized pursue companion

excessive reveal rare divorce transient

mobility encounter stigma break up intimate

1. Despite their superficial similarities, the two novels are in fact very different.

2. The hunters spent hours pursuing their prey.

3. Excessive exercise can sometimes cause health problems.

4. They got divorced after only six months of marriage.

5. Some neck injuries cause total loss of mobility below the point of injury.

6. We encountered quite a few problems at the beginning.

7. He started drinking heavily after his marriage broke up.

8. He will end up in prison if he steals.

9. Steve has many friends but few intimate friends.

10. This species of plant is becoming increasingly rare.


Put the following paragraphs into English.





1. Friends would like to have each other’s company and exhibit loyalty towards each other,

often to the point of selflessness. Their tastes are usually similar and they share enjoyable activities.

They will help you regardless of any difficulties when you are in need. Friendship is a person's

needs, friendship is a must, and friendship is a person's yearning for, and friendship is indispensable

to one’s life. We are eager to have friendship. We all cherish the friendship.

2. Life is limited. One may die without accomplishing many things to be done. But if there is

an intimate friend, one can rest in peace, because he will be able to assume that you have not done.

Therefore, a good friend can actually make you get another life.


Put the verbs in brackets into appropriate verb forms.

1. Where he comes from and what he is doing here is (be) secrets

2. Making and having dumplings on Chinese New Year's Eve is (be) a tradition in Northern


3. Part of the confusion stems (stem) from the lack of federal guidance for interpreting the new


4. The most recent and radical challenge to some living ways rejects (reject) the traditional


5. There is (be) still a lot of uncertainty about how the U.S. military effort in Afghanistan will

affect the U.S. economy.

6. Everyone else, besides myself, believes (believe) him to be innocent.

7. Every means has (have) been tried by them, but in vain.

8. Many a woman and many a man likes (like) to watch the sunrise here.

9. To finish the work in so short a time now seems (seem) practically impossible.

10. Man, no less than the lower forms of life, is (be) the product of the evolution process.


Turn the following sentences into Chinese.

1. That day, the President had an interview with her father. Her father was going to the moon by

space shuttle.

2. The traditional New Year Holiday was fast approaching, the first big event of the year, and

everyone, except those who owed heavy debts—which traditionally had to be paid off before the

end of the year—was enthusiastically looking forward to it.

3. She went back home to take care of her husband. He was seriously ill.

4. That is why practice is the criterion of truth and why the standard of practice should be first

and fundamental in the theory of knowledge.


1. 那天,总统会见了她的父亲,因为她的父亲即将乘航天飞机去登月。

2. 旧历新年快来了。这是一年中的第一件大事。除了那些负债过多的人以外,大家都热烈地欢迎这个佳节的到来。


3. 过了两年,他又换过学校,却遇见了一个值得感佩的同事。那同事是个诚朴的人,担任教师有六七年了。

4. 她回家去照料病重的丈夫。

5. 所谓实践是真理的标准,所谓实践的标准,应该是认识论的首先的和基本的观点,理由就在这个地方。


Below are some expressions about sports.

demonstration match: 表演赛

invitational tournament: 邀请赛

championship: 锦标赛

sportsmanship: 体育道德

physical exercise therapy: 体育疗法

hat trick: 帽子戏法

No.1 seed (player); top seed: 头号种子选手

match fixing: 打假球

an unexpected winner: 爆冷夺冠者

mass sports activities: 群众性体育锻炼


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