


Anything can be achieved through focused, determined effort, commitment and self-confidence. If your life is not what you9) are longing for, you have the power to change it, and you must make such changes on a moment by moment basis. Livewith your goals and your plan of action, and live each moment with your 10) priorities in mind, then you will have the life youwant.2、Emotions speak louder than wordsWith the fierce competition at work or in school, you are often stressed out and easily offended. How can you relieve suchstress? Follow the following tips to reduce your stress to manageable levels!Avoid MUST think. You have to move away from the notion that you must do something in a certain way. For example, “Imust get a great score on a test.” This thought pattern only adds to the stress you’ll feel. Evaluate your situationrationally and analytically, and not as a “life or death" up the mess. Don’t study in a messy or crowded area. Clear yourself a nice, open space that’s free manageable goals. Break large projects into smaller parts and you’ll feel a positive sense of accomplishment as youfinish each e dumping your worries. Imagine yourself walking on a beautiful beach, carrying a sand bucket. Stop at a good spotand put your worries into the bucket. Drop the bucket and watch as it drifts away into the good thoughts. Create a set of positive but brief assumptions and mentally repeat them to yourself just before youfall asleep at night, and you will feel a lot more positive in the e yourself succeeding. Close your eyes and remember a real-life situation in which you did well. Imagine facing yourstressful situation with the same feeling of your bed for sleeping, not studying. Your mind may start to associate your bed with work, which will make it harder foryou to fall to relaxing music. If you want to play music, keep it low in the background. Classical music especially can aid thelearning these tips to your own life, soon you’ll find fewer and fewer situations to feel stressful about.Q1: What will happen if you always think that you must do something in a certain way?Q2: How can you make large projects workable according to the passage?Q3: What is the benefit of classical music mentioned in the passage?Q4: What is the best title for the passage?答案:1. You will experience more stress.2. By dividing them into smaller parts to finish one after another .3. It can facilitate your learning.4. Suggestions to reduce your stress to manageable , say the experts, are emotions that tend to become fixed, 1) exerting an influence on one’s outlook for hours, daysor even weeks. That’s 2) fabulous if your mood is a pleasant one, but it will be a problem if you are sad, anxious, angry s one of the best ways to deal with such moods is to 3) talk them out. Sometimes, though, there is no one to listen.

Modern science offers an abundance of drugs to deal with bad moods. But scientists have also discovered the practicabilityof several non-drug 4) approaches to release you from an unwanted mood. These can be just as useful as drugs, and havethe added benefit of being healthier. So, the next time you feel out of sorts, don’t 5) head for the drug store — try thefollowing all the mood-altering self-help techniques, physical exercise seems to be the most 6) efficient cure for a bad mood. “Ifyou could keep up the exercise, you’d be in high spirits,” says Kathryn Lance, author of Running for Health and sly, physical activity 7) is linked with mood chers have explained biochemical and various other changes that make exercise 8) compare favorably to drugs as amood-raiser. Physical exertion such as housework, however, does little help, probably because it is not intensive enough,and people usually do it unwillingly. The key is physical exercise — running, cycling, walking, swimming or other sustainedactivities that 9) boost the heart rate, increase circulation and improve the body’s use of oxygen. Do them for at least 20minutes a 10) session, three to five times a week.3、Love your neighborThe BBC’s iPM radio program asks its listeners for interesting questions. In response, a listener asked the followingquestion:“I would like to ask a question about the relationships among neighbors. I mean those people who live in your immediateneighborhood. Many people we have spoken to have said they don’t know any of their immediate neighbors.”What about you? Do you know any of your immediate neighbors, in the sense of something more than exchanging “Goodmorning” or “Good afternoon”, for example?A research group carried out an investigation and asked people how well they know their neighbors and this is what theresearch group singly, 77 percent of people say they know their neighbors. It also emerged that if they live in a house, regardless oftown or rural area, a massive 80 percent of them know their r, the figure drops to 75 percent if they’re in a flat. The survey also revealed that people appear to get friendlier asthey get older. In fact, only 64 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds know their neighbors, but for people aged 55-64 this numberclimbs to 88 percent. Interestingly enough, it turns out that men are a little less likely to say they know their neighbors thanwomen, and the rich are closer to their neighbors than the less topic was very popular with lots of BBC listeners and provoked plenty of comments on the BBC’s iPM of the listeners said, “I only really got to know my neighbors when their house caught fire. We’re good friends now.”Another one recalled, “When we moved into our house three years ago, the first remark our neighbor made was, ‘So,you’re moving in? I hope you don’t have noisy kids.’ We reassured him we had no children and tried to makeconversation but with no success.”Q1: What question did the research group try to find an answer to?Q2: Which age group is more likely to know their neighbors?Q3: Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?Q4: What do the website’s comments mentioned at the end of the passage imply?答案:1. How well do people know their neighbors?2. 55- to 64-year-olds.3. Women are more likely to know their neighbors than men.4. It is hard to get to know our neighbors.

Many neighbor disputes end up in court because of poor communication. If something dangerous or 1) illegal happens, thecops are the obvious solution. But if problems that arise are grayer, communication is the best way to save money andtrouble. Here are some tips to be a good neighbor and deal with a bad one:Get to know each other. Being a good neighbor doesn’t mean 2) taking family vacations together. Just knowing them wellenough to say hi, or maybe borrowing a cup of sugar or loaning a gardening tool, can build trust and understanding. Issuesare much more likely to occur among strangers than even casual 3) off problems before they’re problems. If you are 4) throwing a party at your place, go to all neighbors who might beaffected and offer them two things: a 5) verbal invitation to the party and a card with your phone number. If they are not 6)tolerant of the noise or there are other problems, your neighbors can call you instead of asking the police to 7) your neighbors what’s bothering you — don’t assume they know what the problem is. Be open and direct, notpassive-aggressive. Ask for their opinions, and wherever possible, propose a solution that 8) splits the difference anddemonstrates a willingness to compromise. Stay cool and positive, even if your neighbors are with other neighbors. See if anybody else on the block is having similar issues — they may be willing to help 9)resolve it. If one of the neighbors is close to the troublemaker, have them come with you when you 10) talk it line? As with any relationship, being a good neighbor — or dealing with a bad one — is all about communication.4、What’s the big idea?We may take the invention of the toilet for granted, but it is something many of us would have a hard time learning to livewithout. Public sanitation systems were invented long ago, but when was the toilet invented? The story of the toilet takes usback to toilet was created by Sir John Harrington for his godmother, Queen Elizabeth I. Harrington called his design a “watercloset”, and his water closet was installed in Queen Elizabeth’s castle in original toilet, or water closet, had a knob on a chain that had to be pulled in order for the water to be released from abowl. Underneath the bowl, there was a basin or collection bowl that had to be emptied and cleaned often. It is not thesanitary and pleasant way for removing waste that we know of, but it paves the way for later time, many inventors improved Harrington’s original water closet by improving the pipes that were attached to thebottom and the flush system that built upon the original toilet. By 1896, Thomas Crapper began to sell toilets. Crapper sawthe importance and necessity of the toilet, and he used his admiration for the product to help promote and sell the gton’s invention is, without a doubt, one invention that would be hard to live without. Inventors will continue todevelop upon Harrington’s original water closet.Q1: Who invented the first toilet according to the passage?Q2: What was one of the problems with Harrington’s water closet?Q3: How did inventors improve the original toilet according to the passage?Q4: Which of the following can best summarize the passage?答案:1. Sir John Harrington.2. The basin had to be emptied and cleaned consuming.3. They improved the pipes that were attached to the bottom.4. The development of the toilet.

Scientific research should improve our overall quality of life. The government should provide financial and political supportto any research that is likely to result in immediate and significant benefits for the people. However, people’s ideas 1) varywhen it comes to whether the government should support scientific research with no practical use. Still 2) a large portion ofpeople believe that the government should distribute adequate funds to any scientific research that aims to improve the 3)well-being of people, even if it is of no practical use in the short ific research whose social benefits are immediate, predictable, and 4) profound should continue to be a high example, biotechnology research has been proven to help cure and prevent diseases; information technology enableseducation to be more 5) accessible; and communication technology facilitates global peace by improving mutualunderstanding among people and their participation in the democratic r, this is not to say that research whose benefits are less immediate or clear should be given a lower priority. It isdifficult to predict which research will 6) ultimately lead to the greatest contributions to society. Reluctance to finance lesspractical scientific research could 7) have a harmful effect on the efforts to explore new knowledge. This is particularly trueof the computer sciences. For instance, before the first computer was invented, public opinions 8) went against it, as mostpeople saw nothing practical in computer research. However, computers transformed the way human society evolved andproved to be of great avail in the long run, especially in terms of scientific development in fields such as the military,medicine, 9) aviation, and ore, never should we think that scientific research whose benefits are unknown 10) is not worth pursuing since thepurpose of any research should be to discover truths, whatever it might be.

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