


人教版高中英语第四册Unit 3 REACHING OUT
















Activity 1: Talking about sea exploration.


Students work in groups of four and discuss the following


Q1: What do you know about the topic? List out some

events you know about sea exploration.

Q2: What do you think of the purpose of reaching out

across the sea? Can you think of the problems when ancient

people tried to reach out across the sea? Why did they still

carry out the task?

【设计意图】此活动是导入环节。学生就上述两个问题进行小组讨论,激活学生背景知识,引发学生对于话题的深入思考。第一个问题了解学生的背景知识,引出话题词汇sea exploration, across the

sea, Zheng He, Marco Polo, Columbus, Magellan 等。通过学生相互交流,激发学生探究这个话题的兴趣,丰富学生的背景知识。第二个问题引发学生对话题的进一步思考,引出trade, exploration,

curiosity, cultural exchange等话题语言,为深入研读课文内容以及第二课时探究海洋探索意义作好铺垫。

Activity 2: Predicting the content of the passage.


Students look at the title of the passage and the picture,

and then answer the questions.

Q1: What does “reaching out across the sea” mean?

Q2: What’s the picture about? What about the other three

pictures? List the events according to time order.

Huan, 751-762, Soldier &Traveler, to West Asia &

North Africa, Record of My Travels

Polo, 1275-1295, Italian traveler and businessman,

the Silk Road, CHINA

He, 1405-1433,Chinese navigator & diplomat,

India Ocean &Africa

us, 1492 Italian explorer & navigator, In October,

discovered the American Continent

Q3: What do you think this passage about? Exchange your


Q4:What do you want to know about the topic?

【设计意图】在这个活动中,学生基于对标题和文本中图片的理解,通过文章标题和图片预测文本内容,带着预测进行阅读,使他们更加积极主动且聚焦主题语境。同时补充文本中提到的Marco Polo,

Columbus, Du Huan三张图片方便学生在阅读第一自然段时梳理提到的海洋探索事件的时间顺序和意义;基于上一步对学生主题背景知识的了解,借鉴阅读教学中常用的K(know)—W(want to know)—L(more to learn)的模式,提出自己想要从文中获取的信息,进一步预测文本内容,带着问题进行阅读培养推断能力,促进主动学习。

Activity 3: Dealing with the main idea of the text and the



Students skim the text to get the main idea. In the

meanwhile, students find answers for the questions they

raised in activity 2.

Q1. What is this text about?

How Chinese people have conducted sea explorations

over time.

Q2: Can you find answers to your questions in the passage?

Find out and exchange with your classmates.


Activity 4: Identifying the structure of the passage.


Students read the title of the text again, scan the text for

time signals and identify the structure. Students think about

the following questions.

Q1. What type of essay is this and why is it?

It’s an expository essay, because it is factual, giving

information on sea exploration.

Q2. How does the main topic develop through the article?


According to time order.

Q3: How many parts will you divide the passage into? How

and why?

Q4: What is the main idea of each part?

1. The first paragraph: leading to the topic of sea


2. The second and third paragraph: China’s sea

explorations in ancient times.

3. The fourth and fifth paragraph: China’s sea

explorations at present

4. The sixth paragraph: China’s mission to reach out

across the sea in the future.

【设计意图】关注标题中关键词“sea”和主题“sea exploration”,


Activity 5: Focusing on the introduction to the topic


Read Paragraph 1 and answer the following questions.

Q1: What is the topic sentence of the first paragraph?

The first sentence: Curiosity and trade have often formed

the foundation of mankind’s greatest achievements.

Q2. Why are “completing the world map”, Marco Polo

and Columbus mentioned?

They are mentioned as examples to demonstrate that

“trade and curiosity have often formed the foundation of

mankind's greatest achievements”.

Q3: Why is “however” used in the last sentence? What is

the function of the last sentence?

“However” is usually used to introduce an important

idea that is somehow contrary to something that has been

said previously. In this case, it is to lead a transitional sentence

directing the discussion from ocean exploration in general to

expeditions made by people of the East, in particularly, by

China, thus entering the main topic of the article.



Activity 6: Focusing on the information of China’s sea

exploration over time.


Students read Paragraphs 2-6 carefully, write down

questions you may have while reading. Exchange the

questions in groups and try to find out answers together. Then

mark the sea route of China’s sea exploration in different

times on the maps given, and try to find out the language

relating to the significance of China’s reaching out across the


While checking the answers, students answer the

following questions:

Q1: Note the changes in the significances over time, what

conclusions can we draw from them? About the question

asked at the beginning of the class what is the purpose for

people to reach out across the sea, do you have different ideas


1) Trade and curiosity have been constant motivations

behind China’s reaching out across the sea

2) In ancient times, cultural exchanges and developing

relations/friendships were, instead of a conscious pursuit,

mostly by-products of self-interested trade and curiosity.

3) Today, while trade and curiosity remain motivations of

China’s sea explorations, we are consciously pursuing

cooperation, bonds, development of the whole area and

benefits for mankind as a whole. Also note that the changes in

purposes/significances reflect the progress of human mind

over time, but also demonstrate the fact that China is much

stronger today than ever before so that we can be much more

involved in international affairs and shoulder much greater

responsibility for mankind.

Q2. What language difficulties do you meet with while


【设计意图】明确主题后,学生再次自主阅读文本,提出问题相互帮助解决,在此基础上梳理信息完成表格。学生需要梳理内容并进行提炼和概括,围绕文章的两个逻辑层次展开:(1) 从过去到现在到将来: ancient Maritime Silk Road → Zheng He → the 21st

Maritime Silk Road → China’s drive to reach out across the

sea far into the future,通过在地图上标出不同时期中国海洋探索经过的区域可以帮助学生进一步深入理解海上探索的发展历程; (2)海洋探索的意义从贸易到科研:from expeditions for trading

goods and making awareness of other cultures, to

international cooperation and scientific researches for the

shared future of mankind,逐步递进,深入理解国家强大以后作为大国在国家上的担当,帮助学生深层理解“一带一路”倡议的重要意义。特别注意这两个逻辑层的相互交织和关联,理解它们如何共同呈现文章的主题。在此基础上,梳理段落间句子之间的关系及段落之间的关系,让学生体会这篇说明文的写作技巧。

Assignment: Retelling China’s sea exploration according

to the table.


Retell the passage about China’s sea exploration over

time and think about the problems for reaching out across the


Students are supposed to pay attention to the structure

and use the words and expressions in the passage.










Activity 1: Retelling China’s sea exploration according to

the table.


Retell China’s sea exploration over time according to the

table finished in the last period.

Students are supposed to pay attention to the verb

phrases of showing the significance of sea exploration.



Activity 2: Discussing about the problems and effects of

China’s sea exploration


Answer the questions after discussion in groups.

Q1. Why does China revisit the ancient sea routes

travelled by Zheng He?

Encourage cooperation and trade, strengthen bonds, and

help develop the whole area, for the benefit of future trade

and culture exchange.

Q2. Why do you think China continued to explore the sea

despite all the problems? What’s the effects on the world?

Despite all the problems, China continues to explore the

sea for the benefit of all humans.

Effects on the world: cooperate and communicate with the



Activity 3: Summarizing the writing technique.


Students discuss in groups and summarize the writing


Q1: What is the function of the first sentence in 2nd


It serves as a transitional sentence, guide the readers from

the known facts to the unknown facts, from the Silk Road

overland to the Maritime Silk Road, the subject given.

Q2. What is the function of the first sentence in 3rd


It connects the second paragraph, continuing the subject,

the development of ancient Maritime Silk Road and also

severs as the topic sentence of third paragraph.

Q3. What is the function of the first sentence in 4th


A transitional sentence making a turn of the discussion

from ancient times to the current. Note the writing technique:

one simple sentence makes a transition crossing hundreds of


Q4. What is the function of the first sentence in the 5th


To serve as a transitional sentence expanding the topic to

include sea explorations beyond trade and cultural exchange.

is para.6 related to the previous ones?

It follows the previous discussion of sea explorations in

the past and the present, and further pushes it to sea

explorations in the future.

Q6: How are the sentences connected in each paragraph?

And how are paragraphs connected?

Looking back on the first paragraph, then summarize the

writing skill used in the expository essay: The text has four

parts, and each part is a layer of meaning: topic introduction,

the past, the present, and the future. So there is a clear line of

time order running through the article and the first sentence is

extremely important when giving information on a subject,

leading the topic to the point the author wants to stress.

Note the words and sentences the author uses to make

transition from one layer to another. It is an important writing

skill to learn.


Activity 4: Looking forward to the future of China’s sea



Students exchange idea in groups.

Q1: Do you have any other questions about this topic?

Share your questions in groups and try to get possible


Q2: What do you think of the future of China’s sea


Q3: Imagine that you are a scientist coming from 2100

and you are giving a speech on the topic of China’s sea

exploration of 22nd Century. Your speech will cover the

following aspects in the table and try to use some transitional

sentences, making your speech smooth and concise.

【设计意图】此活动为半开放性的活动,呼应第一课时导入的问题,学生通过对前面中国海洋探索事件的学习,进一步回顾自己读前问题, 在小组分析问题并试图获得回应,培养探究意识和合作精神。学生根据课本所学以及合理想象,通过分享中国海洋探索的远景,激发学生创造性思维,学会使用写作技巧和所学话题语言得体表达自己的思想和观点。

Activity 5: Talking about your own idea.


Think about the following questions and talk about your

own attitude in pairs.

Q1: As for this topic,what impresses you the most in the


Q2: What do you think of the future of China’s further

exploration in sea? Are you in favor of the further exploration?Why or why not?




Write about your idea of the future of China’s sea

exploration. And add your attitude towards the effort China

have made in sea exploration. You’re expected to use the

language and the writing technique learnt in the passage.

the internet to get more information about the

topic of China’s sea exploration.



本文标签: 学生探索海洋文本