



1. Slender and graceful in light furs, the model wore a jeweled girdle, fine clothes and a

gorgeous hat.

2. During these amazing years of unprecedented expansion, Greater London grew at a much

faster rate than the national population as a whole and faster than the suburbs of any

provincial city.

3. Complete your visit with a leisurely stroll around Cardiff Bay and enjoy the remarkable

historic buildings and the delightful specialty shops.

4. As a judge who believed that there was either good or evil, with no gray area in between, he

was stern with lawbreakers but generous to the poor.

5. The new ruler was condemned for his introduction of a repressive political system that

allowed no freedom.

6. The pressure of population growth within the confines of a small island of only 29 square

miles led to the development of an innovatory, intensive system based on very effective soil

conservation techniques.

7. Then I pretended to notice him for the first time and engaged him in conversation in an

impromptu manner.

8. Roughly one-half of the world‟s population, including almost all of East and Southeast Asia,

depends on rice as its principal staple food.

9. The bank planned to charge card holders a ten-yuan annual fee from next year, which

invited strong opposition from its customers.

10. Intrinsically motivating activities are those in which people will engage for no reward

other than the interest and enjoyment that accompanies them.

1. While the new college was being built in Oxford Street, the students worked in a makeshift

laboratory in apartments rented in a nearby street.

A. alternate B. alternative C. poorly-equipped D. temporary

2. He has great zeal for nature and dreams to be a biologist when he grows up.

A. demand B. diligence C. eagerness D. warmth

is only when foreign brands land on our doorsteps and people flock to buy them that the

local manufacturers will respond to the competitive threat.

A. begin B. gather C. prefer D. refuse

4. She refused to travel abroad unless accompanied by massive quantities of prescribed drugs

because she could only survive the small hours by swallowing incautious numbers of

sleeping tablets.

A. the early morning B. the flight time C. the short journey D. a very short time

5. Nearly everyone had a very positive outlook and the plans for action to revive the area

were discussed.

A. animate B. explore C. rescue D. revitalize

6. When she stayed away from him, he would wander out into the stony streets, hoping to

bump into her, to glimpse her sitting in a bar or on a park bench.

A. blow into B. collide into C. run into D. shake into

7. Many Fine Art graduates take up professional practice as artists, and this course

encourages them to consider their role as artists in the community by providing opportunities

for short-term placements outside the Faculty.

A. accept B. adopt C. occupy D. start

8.I was in some doubt as to whether the Corporal had stumbled upon us accidentally on

his way out of the town.

A. crashed on B. bumped into C. fell against D. puzzled about

9. She took the report, went out into the department and threw herself into her work with

tight-lipped determination.

A. brought herself back to B. busied herself with

herself towards

10. The statement said the people of Srebrenica

States and France to help halt the offensive.

A. aroused B. attracted C. used D. urged


Nowadays what get talked about is not how to enjoy life on the campus, but how to have a

appealed to the presidents of the United

C. freed herself from D. rushed

paper published, or how to find a good job.


Campus life is supposed to be happy and relaxed; full of fun activities, but my life is under

great pressure.


If you‟re still wondering what this internship program is all about, check out the company

website, where the director of the program, John Brown, gives a more detailed description.


Many young people believe that one could be happy only if one work hard and play hard.


My new life as a postgraduate student didn‟t quite turn out as I hoped, but I tried to adapt

myself to it, and enjoyed meeting every unexpected challenge.


The boss often talks about work plans for the weekends as if they were no different from the

ones for weekdays.


Can we conclude that we are in a society which values sports more than research and

education just because the professional athletes are paid much more than even Nobel Prize

winning scientists?


The root of the fierce competition in the present job market, when it is mentioned at all, is the

booming population.


After a brief period in the employment of others, I set up my own company, but the venture

ended in tears.


Prof. Smith, the leading researcher in this field, studied all the factors at play for the change.

Funny. This is how the U. S. was supposed to be. In a famous series of essays collected in his

1976 book, The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism, Daniel Bell noted how the decline of

the Protestant small-town

真是可笑!这本该是美国的模样嘛!丹尼尔· 贝尔1976 年出版《资本主义文化矛盾》一书, 书中收录的一系列著名文章,他描述了新教徒小镇式道德观的衰落怎样动摇了美国资本主义的道德基础和对工作内在价值的认识。

By the 1960s, Bell argued, “The cultural justification of capitalism (had) become hedonism,

the idea of pleasure as a way of life.”

20 世纪60 年代,贝尔声称,“资本主义文化经过拨乱反正已变成了享乐主义文化,享受成为生活的一种方式。”

In a 1969 cover story titled “California: A State of Excitement”, Time reported that, as most

Americans saw it, “the good, godless, gregarious pursuit of pleasure is what California is all

about … „I have seen the future,‟ says the newly returned visitor to California, „and it plays.‟”

(Para. 4)

1969 年《时代周刊》一篇名为《加利福尼亚:充满刺激之州》的封面故事中写道,“追寻美好的、非宗教的、交际性的快乐已经成了加利福尼亚的全部。每个刚去过加州的人都说,‘我看到了未来,自由自在的娱乐在发挥作用。’”当时绝大多数美国人对报道中提及的情况都是有目共睹的。


1. She took a long leave of absence without detriment to her career.

2. The Foreign Minister held talks in Paris with his French counterpart on April 2.

3. It is very infuriating to read such a ridiculous novel.

4. A woman with hardly any make-up and short haircuts is thought to be a stereotypical


5. My own solitude was as nothing compared with their constantly patrolled loneliness.

6. His conception of humans is skewed and none of us can win his trust.

7. After the dismissal of the cook, we had to make our meals ourselves.

8. The professor has been a (n) advocate of changes to English teaching.

9. This is variable, depending on how the two parties perceive the relationship.

10. We can see both variety and uniformity in these Hollywood movies.

1. Israel’s insecurity was so pervasive that even words are daggers.

A. powerful B. pervading C. general D. deep-rooted

important to them than their parents ideas

D. counterparts

opinions of the youth’s peers are more

A. equals B. allies C. aliens

3. His performance of Hamlet was topnotch in the recent 20 years.

A. engaging B. impressive C. unique D. best

4. For basketball players, injuries are an job-related hazard.

A occupational B. principal C. rational D. hypothetical

5. These factors are unlikely to impinge on the development of agriculture.

A. depend on B. carry on C. influence D. devote to

6. It is announced that people are appointed solely on the basis of merit.

A. promptly B. only C. unanimously D. ultimately

7. Any climate shift adversely affecting the earth will be discussed at the conference.

A. ardently B. reversely C. inversely D. unfavorably

8. Given the above differences, East Asia and the West do not always hold the same views

on human rights. Necessarily determine what reality is for the child.

A. typical B. identical C. reciprocal D. superficial

9. This newspaper story could not damage their reputation; conversely, it will give them a

lot of free publicity.

A. controversially B. inversely C. contrarily D. consistently

10. You can’t park here, since this is only for the bona fide guests.

A. real

1. 就此而言,你并不比玛丽或者其他同事更符合条件

For that matter, you are no better qualified than Mary or other colleagues.

2. 这是我们在这种情况下渴望的最好结果。

This was the best result that we could expect under the circumstances.

B. important C. honored D. disabled

3. 性别歧视影响到我们职业生涯的各个方面,从薪酬到升职。

The effects of gender discrimination are impinging on every aspect of our careers, from our

salaries to our promotion.

4. 他被公司开除了,这证明玩忽职守必被追究。

He has been fired by the company, which proves that if you neglect your duty, you can‟t get

away with it.

5. 他长时间地工作,损害了健康和家庭生活。

He worked long hours, to the detriment of his health and family life.

6. 该章可以分为三节,但最后一节似乎偏离了女权主义主题。

The chapter falls into three parts, but the last part seems to divert form the feminist thesis.

7. 除了玻璃天花板和工资不平等外,公开的歧视也随处 可见。

Aside from the glass ceiling and wage inequality, explicit discrimination is everywhere, too.

8. 开始许多人对这支乐队的反应是他们只是一伙漂亮的男孩,没有什么天赋。

Initially the reaction of many to this band was that they were just a bunch of pretty boys with

no talent.

9. 就实际的销售情况而言,这本书完全失败了。

In terms of actual sales, the book has been a complete failure.

10. 根据一次民意调查就预测选举结果稳妥吗?

Is it safe to predict the result of the election on the basis of one opinion poll?

Historically, the most obvious example of sex bias has been paying women less than men for

doing the same work. Although unlawful, the practice is pervasive, and even now, after years

of strong feminist (and other) efforts to correct this inequity, women still earn only seventy

cents for every dollar earned by men.


This is wage inequality, not to be confused with the glass ceiling, which denies women the

opportunity to advance up the corporate ladder (which also, of course, impinges on wage



Let‟s say you‟re a woman working as a publicity director for a large corporation, and you earn

$35,000; your male counterpart, publicity director for another division of the same

corporation, is earning $50,000.


You and he have almost identical curriculum vitae — in fact, you went to the same college,

worked together at another company, and then each of you got your “dream job.” (Para. 2)

他的资历与你相当——确切地说:你们进同一所大学,同在另一家公司共过事,然后你们都找到了“理想的工作”。(Para. 2)

本文标签: 工作公司生活文化