



词汇记忆 第61节


press [pres] vt. 按压;极力劝说 vi. press for竭力争取 n.报纸;新闻工作者


词源:Meaning "device for pressing cloth" is from late 14c., as is also the sense "device

to squeeze juice from grapes, oil from olives, cider from apples, etc.," from

Middle French presse. Specific sense "machine for printing" is from 1530s; this

was extended to publishing houses by 1570s and to publishing generally (in

phrases such as freedom of the press) from c. 1680. This gradually shifted c.

1800-1820 to "periodical publishing, journalism." The press, meaning

"journalists collectively" is attested from 1921 (though superseded by media

since the rise of television, etc.).

搭配:press the accelerator hard:猛踩油门

press for changes in the law;竭力争取法律的修改

press him to stand firm:极力劝说他坚持立场

press his shirt:熨了他的衬衣

get bad press/get good press:受到媒体批评/好评

press charges against:起诉

go to press:付印

pressing ['presɪŋ] adj. 紧迫的;紧急的 7276

助记:press(按;压)+ -ing(形容词后缀)→ 使劲按压的;压力大的 → 情势紧迫的 → 紧迫的;紧急的

搭配:the most pressing problems:最紧迫的问题

a pressing need for more fund:迫切需要更多资金

hard-pressed ['hɑ:dprest] adj.(经济上)处于困境的; 遭遇巨大压力的; 很难做到的


助记:hard (= with difficulty:困难的) + press(= 压)+ -ed(形容词后缀)→ 遭受重大压力的;很难做到的;(做…)有困难的

搭配:already hard-pressed teachers:原本就承受巨大压力的老师们

hard-pressed consumers:消费者经济窘迫

be hard-pressed to make a profit:很难赢利

pressure ['preʃə] n.(利用影响、辩论或威胁施加的)压力;(工作或生活中的)压力;(尤指经济或政治的)压力 vt. 对…施加压力;强迫 766

助记:press(按;压)+ -ure(名词后缀及动词后缀)→ 某人面临的按压;按压某人 → 压力;对…施加压力


搭配:never give in to pressure:绝不能屈从压力

a high pressure job:压力大的工作

inflationary pressures:通货膨胀的压力

pressure sb. to do sth.:强迫某人做某事


give in 屈服,让步

high-pressure [,haɪ'preʃə] adj. 强力劝说的;非常紧张的;压力大的;受到高压的(气体或液体) 18302

助记:high(高的)+ pressure(压力)→ 压力大的;受到高压的 → 引申为(给某人)强力劝说的;压力大的

搭配:high-pressure sales techniques:咄咄逼人的推销手法

a high-pressure job:压力很大的工作

a high-pressure water-jet:高压水喷

express[ɪk'spres; ek-] vt. 表达;(想法、情感) 流露; 呈现 adj. 明确陈述的 (命令、指令);特定的 (意图、目的);快递的 adv. 快递地 n. 快速列车 1279

助记:ex-(= out:向外; 出来)+ press(= to press, push:压;推)→ put into words,

speak one’s mind:把(情感,语言等)挤压出来 → 表达,传达 → 引申义为明确陈述的命令;特定的意图;快递的(向外运送的)

搭配:express grave concern:表达严肃关注

anxiety often expresses itself as anger:焦虑经常表现为愤怒

express orders:明确的指令

express purpose:特定的目的

express service:快递服务

Murder on the Orient Express:东方快车谋杀案


Fedex = the Federal Express 联邦快递

Nutri-Express 营养快线

grave adj. 重大的,严肃的 Oriental adj. 东方的

gravity n. 重力,严肃 Orient n. 东方

expressly [ɪk'spreslɪ; ek-] adv. 明确地;确切地;特意地;专程 14068

助记:express (明确陈述的命令;特定的意图) + -ly(副词后缀)→ 明确地;特意地

搭配:be expressly forbidden to do sth.:明确被禁止做某事

expressly design to conserve energy:为节约能源而特别设计

expression [ɪkˈspreʃn] n.(用口头、书面或行动的)表达;表露;表情;神色;(艺术表演中的)情感表现;字词;措辞 1542


助记:express(表达)+ -ion(名词后缀)→ 表达;表情;措辞

搭配:the most infectious expressions of emotion:最具感染力的感情表达方式

an expression of sadness:神情忧伤

put more expression into my lyrics:在歌词中注入了更多的情感表达

pardon/forgive/excuse the expression:原谅出言冒犯

expressionless [ɪk'spreʃ(ə)nlɪs] adj. 面无表情的 18904

助记:expression(表情)+ -less(= lacking,devoid of:缺少;缺乏)→ 缺少表情的 → 面无表情的

搭配:an expressionless face/tone/voice:呆板的面孔/声调/声音

expressive [ɪk'spresɪv; ek-] adj. 富于表情的; 富于表现力的;表达…的;表现的


助记:express(表达;流露)+ -ive(形容词后缀,表示“大,多”)→ 富于表情的;富于表现力的

搭配:expressive face:表情丰富的脸

expressive painting:富于表现力的绘画风尚

expressive of the character:表现了性格特征

expressive of love for someone:表现了对某个人的爱

释义:(ADJ-GRADED) 富于表情的;富于表现力的 If you describe a person or their

behaviour as expressive, you mean that their behaviour clearly indicates their

feelings or intentions.

(ADJ-GRADED) 表达…的;表现…的 If something is expressive of particular

ideas or qualities, it has features which indicate or demonstrate them.


(be) expressive of sth. 表达……,表现……

expresso[e'spresəʊ] n.(蒸汽加压煮出的)浓咖啡(同espresso) 13093

助力:ex-(向外)+ presso(press out:压出来)→ 向外压出来 →(蒸汽加压煮出的)浓咖啡

搭配:Italian espresso coffee:意式特浓咖啡(一种蒸馏咖啡)

espresso machine:咖啡机

释义:N-UNCOUNT Espresso coffee is made by forcing steam or boiling water

through ground coffee beans. 浓咖啡

compress [kəm'pres] vt.&vi. 使压紧;缩短(时间);压缩(计算机文件)vt. 压缩〔文字或话语〕;使简练 n.(用以止血或止痛的)敷布,压布 9746

助记:com-(= with, together;一起;共同) + press (= to press, cover, compress:按压;覆盖;压缩) → 一起/共同按压;覆盖;压缩 → 使压紧;压缩(文件、文字);缩短时间;敷布;(冷、热)敷法

搭配:something compresses well:便于压缩

compress into summary form:压缩成概要形式


compress courses:减少课时

compress data saved to the disk:压缩储存在磁盘上的数据

cold compress:冷敷布;冷敷法


hot compress:热敷布;热敷法

compressed [kəm'prest] adj. (空气或气体)压缩的 13145

助记:compress(压缩)+ -ed(形容词后缀)→ (空气或气体)压缩的

搭配:compressed natural gas:压缩天然气

释义:(ADJ) (空气或气体)压缩的 Compressed air or gas is squeezed into a small

space or container and is therefore at a higher pressure than normal. It is used

especially as a source of power for machines.

compression [kəm'preʃ(ə)n] n. 压缩(行为;过程;结果;状态) 8540

助记:compress(压缩;缩短)+ -ion(名词后缀)→ 压缩的行为;过程;结果;状态

搭配:data compression:数据压缩

image compression:影像压缩,图像压缩

compressor [kəm'presə] n. 压缩机 15238

助记:compress(= squeeze:压缩)+ -or(表示人或物)→ 压缩机

搭配:air compressor:空气压缩机

centrifugal compressor:离心式压缩机

释义:(N-COUNT) 压气机;压缩机 A compressor is a machine or part of a machine

that squeezes gas or air and makes it take up less space.



-ar 名词后缀:表示人/物 tractor, computer

-er 形容词后缀:……的

-ur 动词后缀(极少数情况)

impress [ɪm'pres] vt.&vi. 给…留下深刻印象;使钦佩 vt. 使明白 (重要性或程度);使铭记在心;压印;横征暴敛; 强征入伍 3081

助记:im-(= into, in, upon:里面;进去)+ press(= to press:按;压)→ 往里面压,在心里留下印记 → have a strong effect on the mind or heart, stamp

deeply in the mind:在心灵和脑海里留有深刻影响,深深印在心里面 →

给…留下深刻印象;使钦佩;使铭记在心;压印 → 引申义为横征暴敛;强征入伍

搭配:impress the public:给公众留下深刻印象

impress upon the children:让孩子们明白


impress itself on the minds of the public:使公众对此铭记在心

impress me as a good place to live:给我留下适合居住的印象

impressed [ɪm'prest] adj. 对…钦佩;敬仰;有深刻的好印象 16490

助记:impress(给…留下深刻印象;使钦佩)+ -ed(形容词后缀)→ 对…钦佩;敬仰;有深刻的好印象

搭配:impressed by/with sb./sth.:对…有深刻的好印象

be all impressed by her enthusiasm:都被她的热情打动了

unimpressed [ʌnɪm'prest] adj. 没有留下深刻印象的;不以为然的 19128

词源:1861, "not awed". Used earlier in a sense of "not subjected to restraint" (1743).

Unimpressive is recorded from 1796.

助记:un-(=not:不;非)+ impressed(对…钦佩;敬仰;有深刻的好印象)→没有留下深刻印象的;不以为然的

搭配:very unimpressed by his teachers;没觉得他的老师有多好

be unimpressed with the idea of filling in a lengthy questionnaire:对填写冗长的调查问卷没什么兴趣

释义:(ADJ-GRADED) 没有留下深刻印象的;不以为然的 If you are unimpressed

by something or someone, you do not think they are very good, clever, or useful.


length n. 长,长度

lengthy adj. 冗长的

impressive [ɪm'presɪv] adj. 令人敬佩的; 让人印象深刻的 3286

助记:impress(给…留下深刻印象;使钦佩)+-ive(形容词后缀,表多或大)→印象多的 → 令人敬佩的; 让人印象深刻的

搭配:an impressive achievement:一项了不起的成就

an impressive performance:令人难忘的演出

impressively [im'presivli] adv. 令人印象深刻地 19288

助记:impressive(让人印象深刻的)+ -ly(副词后缀)→ 令人印象深刻地

搭配:an impressively bright and energetic woman:一个聪明过人而又精力充沛的女人


energy n. 精力,活力,能量

energetic adj. 有活力的

impression [ɪm'preʃ(ə)n] n. 印象;(通常有悖事实的)感觉,假象;(通常指对名人的)滑稽模仿;压印 2559

助记:impress(给…留下深刻印象;压印)+ -ion(名词后缀)→ 印象;(通常有5


搭配:the first impressions of college:对大学的第一印象

do an impression of daddy:滑稽地模仿爸爸

fossil impressions of plant life:植物化石印痕

make an impression:造成强烈影响

under the impression that something is the case:(通常是错误地) 认为某物是那样

false impression:错误印象

initial/first impression:第一印象

impressionist [ɪm'preʃənɪst] n. 印象派画家;用滑稽方式模仿名流的艺人 17480

助记:impression(印象)+ -ist(名词后缀,表示某种主义者、从事某种职业的人)→ 印象派画家;名人言行给人留下印象,特指用滑稽方式模仿名人言行的艺人

搭配:Impressionists such as Monet and Pissarro:莫奈和毕沙罗等印象派画家

释义:(N-COUNT) 印象派画家 An impressionist is an artist who paints in the style

of Impressionism (usually Impressionist)

(N-COUNT) 用滑稽方式模仿名流的艺人An impressionist is an entertainer

who does amusing imitations of well-known people.

oppress [ə'pres] vt. 压迫;压制;使心情沉重;使压抑 13412

词源:late 14c., oppressen, "to press unduly upon or against, overburden, weigh down,"

also figuratively, "overwhelm overpower" (of sickness, grief, etc.); also "burden

with cruel, unjust, or unreasonable restraints, treat with injustice or undue

severity, keep down by an unjust exercise of power".

助记:op-(= ob-, against:相反;反对)+ press(= strike:压迫)→ 压制对立的一方 → press unduly upon or against; press down; overburden; weigh down:施加过度的压力;避迫;给…负担过重;使颓丧 → 引申词义压制;压迫;使心情沉重

邪解:op(= po:拼音“迫”)+ press(压)→ 压迫

例句:This experience left a deep impression on him and made him determined to do

something for convicts and slaves and for all who were oppressed and deprived

of their liberty. 这次经历给他留下了深刻印象,使他决定去为囚犯,以及所有被压迫和被剥夺自由的人做一些事情。

搭配:oppress ruthlessly:无情地压迫

oppress somebody:使某人烦闷;使压抑

oppressed [ə'prest] adj. 受压迫的;受压制的;(因受压制而)烦恼的;忧郁的12435

助记:oppress(压迫;压制;使心情沉重)+ -ed(形容词后缀)→ 受压迫的;受压制的;〔因受压制而〕烦恼的;忧郁的

搭配:oppressed minorities:受压迫的少数民族

the oppressed:受压迫者;被压迫的人民

feel oppressed:憋闷



the + adj. 表示“某一类人” the rich/poor 富人/穷人

oppression [ə'preʃ(ə)n] n. 压迫;压制 6945

助记:oppress(压迫;压制)+ -ion(名词后缀)→ 压迫;压制

搭配:political oppression:政治压迫

the struggle against oppression:反抗压迫的斗争

oppressive [ə'presɪv] adj. (社会、法律、习俗等)压迫的,压制的;(天气、空气等)闷热的,难以忍受的;令人心情沉重的;让人感到压抑的 9883

助记:oppress(压迫;压制;使心情沉重;使压抑)+ -ive(形容词后缀)→(社会、法律、习俗等)压迫的,压制的;令人心情沉重的;让人感到压抑的

搭配:oppressive regime:暴政

the oppressive afternoon heat:湿热的午后暑气

the oppressive sadness:令人抑郁的悲伤

oppressor [ə'presə(r)] n. 压迫者;暴君 18754

助记:oppress(压制;压迫)+ -or(名词后缀,表示人)→ 压迫者;引申词义暴君

搭配:defense against oppressors:反抗压迫者

repress [rɪ'pres] vt. 压抑,克制(情感);忍住 (笑、叹气或呻吟);压制,限制(自由)


助记:re-(向后;往回)+ press(按;压)→ 往回按压 → to check, restrain:制约;限制 → 引申词义克制(情感);忍住;压制等

搭配:repress their emotions:压制情感

couldn't repress a sigh of admiration:忍不住发出一声赞叹

repress his people:压制民众

repressed [rɪ'prest] adj. (感情、欲望等) 受到压抑的 13813

助记:repress(压抑情感等)+ -ed(形容词后缀)→ (感情、欲望等) 受到压抑的

搭配:repressed anger:被抑制的怒气

repression [rɪ'preʃən] n. 压制;镇压;(对感情、欲望等的) 压抑 7818

助记:repress(压制;压抑、克制情感等)+ -ion(名词后缀)→ 压制;镇压;(对感情、欲望等的) 压抑

搭配:government repression:政府的压制

a society conditioned by violence and repression:处于暴力和压迫中的一个社会

the repression of feelings:对情感的压抑



condition n. 条件,环境,状况

v. 影响

repressive [rɪ'presɪv] adj.(政府或法律)残酷的;严苛的;(对感情、欲望等的) 压抑的;克制的 11730

助记:repress(压制;镇压;克制情感)+ -ive(形容词后缀)→(政府或法律)残酷的;严苛的;(对感情、欲望等的) 压抑的;克制的

搭配:a repressive regime:残酷苛刻的政权

repressive measures:高压措施

suppress [sə'pres] vt. 镇压; 压制;抑制 (身体功能或反应) ;抑制 (情感或反应) ;封锁;阻止 (活动); 抑制 (过程) 5018

词源:late 14c. (implied in suppressing) "be burdensome;" 1520s as "put down by force

or authority," from Latin suppressus, past participle of supprimere "press down,

stop, hold back, check, stifle". Sense of "prevent or prohibit the circulation of"

is from 1550s of publications; medical use from 1620s. Related: Suppressed;


助记:sup-(= sub-:向下) + press (压) → 压下去 → 对…进行压制;击打 → 镇压;抑制身体功能、情感或反应;封锁;阻止

搭配:suppress drug traffickers:镇压毒贩子们

suppress the growth of the cancerous cells:抑制癌细胞的生长

suppress a smile:强忍住一个微笑

suppress the information:封锁这个消息

suppress inflation:遏制通货膨胀

suppress emotions:抑制情感

suppress appetite:抑制胃口

suppression [sə'preʃ(ə)n] n. 镇压;压制;抑制 10395

助记:suppress(镇压;压制;抑制身体功能、情感或反应)+ -ion(名词后缀)→ 镇压;压制;抑制身体功能、情感或反应

搭配:the suppression of a rebellion:对反叛的镇压

subsequent suppression of the immune system;随后免疫系统所受的抑制

the suppression of emotion:对感情的抑制

fire suppression:灭火

depress [dɪ'pres] vt. 使沮丧;使抑郁;降低(价格);减少(工资);使萧条;使不景气;按,压,推下(尤指机器部件) 11735

词源:late 14c., "put down by force, conquer," a sense now obsolete, from Old French

depresser "to press down, lower," from Late Latin depressare, frequentative of

Latin deprimere "press down".


Meaning "push down physically, press or move downward" is from early 15c.;

that of "deject, make gloomy, lower in feeling" is from 1620s; economic sense

of "lower in value" is from 1878.

助记:de (=down:向下) + press(按;压)→ 向下按压,…受到抑制 → 按压;情绪沮丧低沉;(经济方面)价值降低 → 使沮丧;使抑郁;降低(价格);减少(工资);(经济)萧条;按压零部件

搭配:depress wages/prices:减少工资;降低价格


depress:心情、经济被压下去 → 心情沮丧;经济萧条

suppress:暴乱被压下去 → 镇压(叛乱)

depressed [dɪ'prest] adj. 沮丧的;患抑郁症的;(地区、产业等)萧条的,经济困难的;低于正常水准的 4551

助记:depress(沮丧;抑郁;使萧条)+ -ed(形容词后缀)→ 沮丧的;患抑郁症的;经济萧条的;低于正常水平的

搭配:feel lonely and depressed:感到孤独和沮丧

clinically depressed:临床诊断患有抑郁症

depressed housing market:不景气的房产市场

a depressed appetite:食欲不振

depressing [dɪ'presɪŋ] adj. 令人抑郁的;令人沮丧的;令人消沉的 9300

助记:depress(抑郁;沮丧;消沉)+ -ing(形容词后缀,令人…的)→ 令人抑郁的;令人沮丧的;令人消沉的

搭配:a depressing sight/thought/experience:令人沮丧的景象/想法/经历

depression [dɪ'preʃ(ə)n] n. 抑郁症;经济萧条期,不景气时期 2113

助记:depress(抑郁;使萧条)+ -ion(名词后缀)→ 抑郁症;经济萧条期,不景气时期

搭配:post-natal depression:产后抑郁症

deep depression:情绪极度消沉

the Great Depression:(20 世纪30年代的)大萧条

depressive [dɪ'presɪv] adj. 抑郁的 n. 抑郁症患者 11685

助记:depress(使抑郁)+ -ive(形容词后缀)→ 抑郁的;抑郁症患者

搭配:a severe depressive disorder:一种严重的抑郁症

depressive symptoms:抑郁症状

depressant [di'presənt] n. 镇静剂;a. 有镇静作用的

助记:depress(压制;抑制)+ -ant(名词后缀)→ 抑制情绪的东西 → 镇静剂

anti-depressant n. 抗抑郁药;使人放松(或快乐)的事物; 解忧良药 12562

助记:anti-(against, opposed to:与…相反)+ depress(deject, make gloomy, lower


in feeling:使沮丧;使忧愁;使抑郁)+ -ant(名词后缀)→ 对抗沮丧、忧愁、抑郁的情绪的事物 → 抗抑郁药;使人放松(或快乐)的事物;解忧良药

搭配:a powerful antidepressant exercise:能够使人一扫阴霾的锻炼

释义:(N-COUNT) 抗抑郁药 An anti-depressant is a drug which is used to treat

people who are suffering from depression.

(N-COUNT) 使人放松(或快乐)的事物;解忧良药 You can use anti-depressant to talk about something that makes people feel happier and more


squeeze [skwi:z] vt&vi. 塞进; 挤进 vt. (常指用手) 挤压; 紧捏;挤; 压榨 (液体等) n. 紧捏; 挤压;满塞 2914

助记:s(加强语气)+ queeze(= press:压;挤)→ 挤压

例句:Manufacturing industry has been seriously squeezed. 制造业被严重挤压。

squelch [skweltʃ] vt. 压制; 镇压 vi. 发吧唧声; 发扑哧声[+ through/along/up]


搭配:squelch rumors of a takeover bid:压制住了被收购的谣言

squelch across the turf:扑哧扑哧地走过草皮

reprimand ['reprɪmɑːnd] vt. 训斥;谴责 n. 训斥;谴责 15361

词源:1630s, from French réprimande (16c.), from Middle French reprimende

"reproof," from Latin reprimenda "that is to be repressed" (as in reprimenda

culpa "fault to be checked"), fem. singular of reprimendus, gerundive of

reprimere "hold back, curb," figuratively "check, confine, restrain, refrain".

(from PIE root *per- (4) "to strike"). Spelling influenced in French by mander

"to summon."


助记:re-(= back, again:再;重新)+ prim(= press = to press, check, confine:按压;限制;阻止)+ -and(动词、名词后缀)→(因某人行为越过既定规范、纪律)重新(用语言)按压、限制某人的行动;阻止某人的行为 →


搭配:reprimand sb. (for doing sth.):因某事训斥某人

a severe reprimand:严厉的斥责

释义:(VERB) 训斥;斥责;谴责 If someone is reprimanded, they are spoken to angrily

or seriously for doing something wrong, usually by a person in authority.



reproach[rɪ'prəʊtʃ] n. 责备;批评;批评的言辞;(使…)丢脸的人(或事)vt. 批评;自责 19268

词源:mid-14c., "a rebuke, blame, censure;" also "object of scorn or contempt;" c. 1400,

as "disgrace, state of disgrace," from Old French reproche "blame, shame,

disgrace" (12c.), from reprochier "to blame, bring up against".

助记:re- (= opposite of:相反) + proa(= prove 证明有价值) → 做的事被证明没有任何价值 →(受)责备;批评

搭配:reproach to sb./sth.:(给…)带来羞辱的人(或事);(使…)丢脸的人(或事)

reproach oneself:自责

beyond/above reproach:无可指责

approach sb. (for sth./for doing sth.)/approach sb. (with sth./with doing sth.):因某事责备/批评某人

bring reproach upon herself:使她很丢面子


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