


新编英语教程3 (词汇Unit 1-10 ) ants05

Unit 1 My First Job


1. (f) fume: smoke or vapor; offensive or suffocating gas

2. (h) sandy: of the colour of sand; pale reddish-yellow

3. (c) somehow: for some reason or other

4. (b) stale: dry and unappetizing

5. (g) dingy: dirty-looking; not fresh or cheerful

6. (e) proceed: go ahead

7. (d) bloodshot: full of blood; red because the small blood vessels are

swollen or broken

8. (a) dismayed: made afraid or discouraged at the prospect of trouble


1. awkward: inconvenient and uncomfortable

2. depressed: sad; low in spirit

3. dreary: gloomy; cheerless

4. grunt: make a short, deep, rough sound (like a pig) showing


5. vital: very necessary

6. appall: shock deeply; fill with fear

7. diffidently: timidly

8. ultimate: greatest; extreme


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Unit 2 Unwillingly on Holiday


1. (c) rage: be very angry

2. (a) a vegetable plot: a small piece of land for growing vegetables

3. (g) croaking: rough and harsh

4. (d) murmur: speak in a low but not clear voice

5. (h) wind down: lower (the car window) by turning the handle

6. (b) gesture of despair: movement of the head or hand to show


7. (f) brutal: cruel

8. (e) quarantine: the period of separation from others so that the disease can

not spread


1. bear: yield; produce

2. gaze: look intently and steadily; stare

3. bitterly: crossly, showing displeasured

4. spoil: make unsatisfactory

5. strictly: with obedience

6. hostile: unfriendly

7. coop up: keep in a small place

8. poky: (of a place) uncomfortably small


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Unit 3 Three Sundays in a Week


1. (b) globe: world

2. (e) circle: move around

3. (h) indirectly: not straight to the point; in a roundabout way

4. (d) idle talk: talking about unimportant things

5. (f) coincidence: a combination of events happening in such a way that it

seems planned or arranged

6. (a) hastily: in a hurry

7. (c) demand: ask forcefully

8. (g) roar: speak in a loud, deep voice


1. steer: guide or direct

2. queer: strange

3. extraordinary: very unusual, remarkable

4. concurrence: example of events happening at the same time

5. voyage: a long journey by water

6. positive: certain

7. feebly: weakly

8. particular: special


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Unit 4 A Man from Stratford


1. (g) will: the legal statement concerning the disposal of one’s property

after death

2. (a) signature: person’s name written by himself

3. (f) literary: of literature

4. (h) supposition: a guess

5. (b) playwright: dramatist, a person who writers plays

6. (e) vague: not clearly known

7. (d) confirm: prove the truth of something

8. (c) verse: poetry


1. legacy: money or property left to someone by a will

2. estate: privately owned piece of land with a large house on it

3. genius: talented man

4. awe: a mixed feeling of respect, fear and wonder

5. thriving: prosperous, successful

6. (to) plot: work out an outline for

7. become involved: become engaged

8. clue: something that helps to find an answer to a question

9. apparently: clearly, obviously

10. conviction: very firm belief

11. sufficiently: enough

12. influential: powerful and wealthy


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Unit 5 The Light at the End of the Chunnel


1. (d) complexion: natural colour of the skin, especially of the face

2. (e) foreboding: a felling of coming trouble

3. (b) terminal: the station at the end of the Chunnel

4. (a) rift: breach, split, disagreement

5. (f) snakes: winds its way; moves in curving manner

6. (c) screeches: makes a harsh, piercing sound


1. shudder: uncontrollabe shaking

2. ketchup: sauce made from tomato juice

3. feat: sth. difficult well-done; an impressive and difficult achievement

4. hitched: fastened to a hook; here, joined or connected to eacher other

5. scheme: plan or design for work

6. parallel: continuing at the same distance from one another

7. psyche: human mind; mentality

8. moat: deep, wide ditch filled with water round a castle as a defense

9. installation: fixing (apparatus) in position for use

10. communication lines: telephone or telegraph lines connecting places

11. quirk: peculiar behavior

12. chic: stylish, fashionable in style


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Unit 6 Atomic Cars


1. (e) outlay: a spending of money

2. (h) refill: a new filling

3. (f) theoretically: in theory

4. (g) uranium: heavy white metal which is radioactive, a source of atomic


5. (a) bonnet: metal lid on the front of a car

6. (b) submarine: a ship that can stay under water

7. (d) radiation: the process in which energy in the form of rays is sent out

from atoms

8. (c) synthetic: not naturally produced, artificial


1. refuel: refuel: fill up again with fuel

2. optimistic: taking the hopeful view of things and expecting the best


3. harness: the use of natural source to produce useful power

4. penetrate: force way into

5. fatal: causing death, disastrous

6. impractiable: can not be put into practice

7. ease: being free from pain, worry or trouble; comfort

8. basic: elementary, fundamental


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Unit 7 On Not Answering the Telephone


1. (d) pose as: pretend to be

2. (h) pest: an annoying thing

3. (a) suspense and anxiety: state of being anxious and uncertain about

something unknown

4. (c) fidgeting: moving about restlessly

5. (g) assure: make somebody believe, feel sure

6. (i) apace: quickly

7. (b) inquisitive chatterbox: a person who is curious about other people and


8. (j) obstinacy and wilfulness: stubbornness and pig-headedness

9. (f) escapism: that which makes one stay away from the unpleasant reality

10. (e) justify: explain satisfactorily


1. asphyxiated: feeling ill because there is too little air; choked

2. unventilated: (air) not moving in and out freely

3. flavored with: having the smell of

4. indiscreet: not careful

5. a large circulation: a large number of copies read

6. eloped: run away secretly with a lover

7. wilfulness: stubbornness

8. tycoon: rich and powerful businessman


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Unit 8 On Buying Books


1. (f) shelter: protection; a building offering protection

2. (h) dust-jacket: a loose paper cover put round the hard cover of a book for


3. (d) become engrossed in: having one’s attention completely taken up by

4. (e) content: satisfaction

5. (a) browse: read here and there in books especially for enjoyment

6. (b) variety: collection of different kinds of things

7. (g) apart from: besides

8. (c) tempt: attract


1. irresistible:too strong or too good to keep oneself back from

2. approach: come near or nearer to

3. inevitable: which cannot be prevented from happening

4. retire: go away to a quiet place

5. illustrated: provided with pictures to explain

6. indulgent: very kind to other people

7. beckon to: call one’s attention by a movement of the hand

8. tuck away: to put in a safe place


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Unit 9 Who killed Benny Paret?


1. (j) fledgling: young and inexperienced

2. (e) spectacular: very impressive

3. (g) adroit: quick and skilful

4. (i) coma: unconsciousness due to injury

5. (a) flurry: sudden excitement

6. (b) recuperate: get back one’s strength

7. (c) massive hemorrhage:

8. (f) fragile: easily injured or broken

9. (d) concussion: (an) injury to the brain

10. (h) permanent: lasting for a long time or forever


1. colossus: a person or thing of very great size, importance ability

2. adequate: just enough (for the purpose)

3. lacework: a netlike ornamental cloth made of delicate threads

4. exquisitely: almost perfectly

5. intricate: complicated

6. encase: put into a case

7. withstand: remain unharmed

8. futile: useless

9. intervene: take action (in order to) prevent sth. from happening

10. boo: express disapproval or strong disagreement by saying boo

11. squirt: gush out in a thin fast stream

12. wobble: move unsteadily from side to side


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Unit 10 “Keep Class 2 Under Your Thumb”


1. (c) cudgel: short, thick stick

2. (g) duck: lower one’s head or body so as to avoid being hit

3. (f) placatory: submissive, undisturbed

4. (h) negligently: carelessly

5. (b) wry: twisted

6. (a) bawling: loud, rough shouting

7. (d) pandemonium: (scene of) wild and noisy disorder

8. (e) gramophone: record-player


1. wince: move back suddenly, often showing a painful expression

2. illegally: against the rules and regulations of the school

3. creep: move slowly or quietly

4. indefensible: which cannot be excused inexcusable

5. maliciously: wishing to do harm

6. puny: small and weak

7. mass execution: putting a lot of people to death

8. indolently: lazily

9. impostor: person who pretends to be somebody he is not

10. appropriate: in keeping with (the condition in the classroom)


本文标签: 教程新编词汇