




试卷满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟





例:How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15.


1. What kind of fruit does Adam like best?

A. Oranges. B. Apples. C. Pears.

2. Why does the man call Olivia?

A. To invite her to a party.

B. To cancel an appointment.

C. To ask about the homework.

3. What are the speakers going to do next?

A. Have a meeting.

A. Cloudy.

A. A new measure.

B. Wait for Mark.

B. Rainy.

B. A car accident.

C. Go to the hospital.

C. Sunny.

C. City traffic.

4. What will the weather be like this afternoon?

5. What are the speakers talking about?

B. £9.18. C. £9.15.




6. Where did Cindy grow up?

A. In England.

A. For study.

B. In Germany.

B. For work.

C. In Poland.

C. For sightseeing.

7. Why did Cindy come to Beijing?


8. How old is Clark now?

A. 10. B. 12. C. 22.

9. What will Clark do in New Zealand in September?

A. Take a holiday. B. Visit his family. C. Receive some training.


10. What is the book mainly about?

A. A writer.

A. Amy Guglielmo.

A. Encouraged.

13. What is Jennifer?

A. A nurse. B. A student. C. A tour guide.

B. Take a trip abroad.

14. What will Jennifer do first this summer?

A. Do some volunteer work.

C. Visit her grandparents.

15. What subject will the man probably teach?

A. English.

A. On July 10th.

B. Geography.

B. On July 16th.

C. Science.

C. On July 23rd.

16. When will the man finish his work in Nepal?


17. Who needs a babysitter now?

A. The speaker’s relative.

C. The speaker’s friend.

18. Where do the couple most probably work?

A. At a restaurant.

A. In the morning.

A. Easy-going

B. At a hospital.

B. In the afternoon.

B. Serious.

C. At school.

C. In the evening.

C. Interesting.

19. When does the babysitter need to work?

20. What are the couple like according to the speaker?

B. The speaker’s neighbor.

B. An artist.

B. Brett Helquist.

B. Disappointed.

C. A parrot.

C. Cezanne.

C. Surprised.

11. Who drew pictures for the book?

12. How does the man feel after reading the book?


第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)




The 3 best cameras to film a TikTok

While a high-end smartphone can record TikToks at a capable quality, using a camera has several advantages. They

usually have interchangeable lenses and better dynamic range. They also have high image quality. Here are the 3 best

TikTok cameras to create wonderful content with:

1. Canon Powershot G7X Mark III

The Canon Powershot G7X Mark III is an outstanding high-end pocket camera. The 1-inch sensor and Digic 8

processor capture stunning 4K video clips up to 10 minutes long. This pocket camera can livestream directly to YouTube

and has a flip-out screen for a pleasant vlogging (拍摄并上传视频) experience.


Impressive color

Live video streaming

Flip LCD, ideal for vlogging


Below average battery life, up to an hour

10 minute limit on 4K video

2. Panasonic Lumix GH5

Panasonic Lumix GH5 is an outstanding mirrorless camera that steadily drops in price. It boasts excellent low-light performances. If you’re looking for a camera that is great for TikTok but also captures beautiful stills (剧照),

consider the GH5.


Breathtaking image quality

Affordable for a mirrorless

Almost no noise


Fairly large and heavy

Below average battery life, up to 120 minutes

3. Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K

The Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K is no toy and it’s not for beginners. It’s a camera with excellent build

and controls. With an incredible dynamic range, the BPCC 6K captures stunning color with a great light sensitivity

range. It’s the best camera for the most experienced content creator.


Best of the best

Outstanding build and controls

Compatible with a range of Canon EF lenses


Price tag to match the skills

Complex for TikTok

What’s next?

Let’s get started! Entertain and amaze your viewers with the best content on TikTok in 2023. If you are unsure

where to start, click on how to use TikTok for a step-by-step guide.

21. What belongs to the advantage of Panasonic Lumix GH5?

A. Flip-out screens. B. Excellent build and controls

D. Excellent low-light performances. C. Small size and light weight.

22. Who would you recommend Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K to?

A. Those who enjoy vlogging.

B. Those who are senior photographers.

C. Those who just get started in photography.

D. Those who are unwilling to spend much money.

23. Where can you see the text probably?

A. On a website.

C. In a newspaper.

B. In a magazine.

D. In a guidebook about cameras.


Sirine Jahangir has been singing, writing and performing music since she was a little girl. She lost all her vision in

one eye by the time she turned 5, so now the teen uses her gift “as a way to —not escape, but to help me through.” Not

only did her passion get her through some difficult times, but when she was 14 it also brought her to the “Britain’s Got

Talent” stage, where she impressed everyone with her performance.

Sirine has a rare condition that left her completely blind by the time she was 10 years old. While her parents and

doctors have tried to find treatments for her, there isn’t much they can do. So her parents focused on helping her adjust

to her new life, which was when her dad said she was first introduced to music. “I remember one day, we were driving

in the car. This is about when she was getting to the stage where she couldn’t look out the window anymore to see things,

and I didn’t know what to do. I just put the music on really loud. She started singing in the car, and she was so happy.

And then she just found happiness every time I put it on,” her father said.

It didn’t take long for them to realize Sirine has tremendous talent. When she appeared on “Britain’s Got Talent”,

she told everyone just how much her passion means to her. “I guess music is my vision,” she said. “That’s just what I

live by, and music is my thing.” Then she headed over to the piano, where she played the piano and sang beautifully

enough to bring the audience to tears! Unsurprisingly to everyone but Sirine, all four judges voted her into the next

round of the competition!

Afterward, she said, “I can’t even say it’s a dream come true, because I didn’t even dream of it at I

never thought that would be realistic in my life.”

24. What helped Sirine get through her difficult times?

A. Britain’s Got Talent.

C. Support from her parents and doctors.

25. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Sirine displayed all her passion on stage.

B. Sirine lost her sight totally at the age of five.

C. Her parents focused on treatments all the way.

D. Sirine was not surprised at the judges’ decision.

26. What does the underlined “it” refer to in the last third paragraph?

A. Music. B. Clothes. C. Talent. D. Microphone.

27. Which of the following would be the best title for the story?

A. Never give up your dream. B. Music lights up the world.

B. Her passion for music.

D. Encouragement from four judges.

C. True happiness lies in competition. D. Life can be too good to be true.


I am standing next to a five-year old girl in Pormpuraaw, a small Aboriginal (土著的) community in northern

Australia. When I ask her to point north, she points precisely and without hesitation. My compass says she is right. Later,

back in a lecture hall at Stanford University, I make the same request of an audience of excellent professors. Many

refuse; they do not know the answer.

A five-year-old in one culture can do something with ease that great scientists in other cultures struggle with. This

is a big difference in cognitive (认知的) ability. What could explain it? The surprising answer, it turns out, may be


Around the world people communicate with one another using a variety of languages— 7,000 or so all told— and

each language requires very different things from its speakers. For example, suppose I want to tell you that I saw Uncle

Vanya on 42nd Street. In Mian, a language spoken in Papua New Guinea, the verb I used would reveal whether the

event happened just now, yesterday or in the distant past, whereas in Indonesia, the verb wouldn’t even give away

whether it had already happened or was still coming up. In Russian, the verb would reveal my gender.

Research in my lab and in many others has been uncovering how language shapes even the most basic concept of

human experience: space, time, and relationships to others. Unlike English, the language spoken in Pormpuraaw does

not use relative spatial terms such as left and right. Rather speakers talk in terms of absolute directions. Of course, in

English we also use direction terms but only for large spatial scales (标度). We would not say, for example, “They set

the salad forks southeast of the dinner forks!” But in Pormpuraaw, absolute directions are used at all scales. This means

one ends up saying things like “the cup is southeast of the plate” or “the boy standing to the south of Mary is my brother.”

28. How does the author mainly explain the role language plays in the different cognition?

A. By giving numbers.

C. By describing personal experiences.

A. Her training in Stanford University.

C. The language she speaks.

A. The time.

A. Favorable.

B. The gender.

B. Cautious.

B. By making comparisons.

D. By presenting different viewpoints.

B. The challenge from professors.

D. The English culture she absorbs.

C. The space.

C. Negative.


In the book Consciousness Explained, the cognitive scientist Daniel Dennett describes a kind of fish, which

wanders through the sea looking for a suitable rock to make its home for life. On finding one, the fish no longer needs

its brain and eats it. Humanity is unlikely to adopt such an eating habit but there is a worrying trend that people are

dumping themselves down by becoming overly dependent on “intelligent” machines, especially when ChatGPT comes


Since its launch in November 2022, ChatGPT has drawn 1 million people to register during the first week. Its allure

is obvious: ChatGPT can produce jokes, write undergraduate essays and create computer code from a short writing

D. The event.

D. Objective.

29. What contributes to the girl’s success in pointing the direction?

30. What can be shown from the verb used in the language Mian?

31. What is the author’s attitude towards the language spoken in Pormpuraaw?

prompt (提示).

But this is a false impression. Computers have become more capable but they lack genuine thinking, developed in

humans through constant social practices. ChatGPT does not know what it is doing; it is unable to say how or why it

produced a response; and cannot tell if it is making sense. So why all the fuss’ Google’s new AI-powered search tool,

Bard was released in March 2023, making its ambition obvious in its promotional video. The profit-driven competition

to fill our daily lives with artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly fierce.

Humans have a long track of turning a blind eye to the risks of new breakthroughs. Web companies want to draw

their users to think extremely highly of their AI tools, encouraging humanity to think them far beyond human’s cognitive

competence. As we know, the rise of civilization through art and agriculture contributes mostly to the remarkable human

mental powers. No one knows what will happen to such technologies if the software engineers of the future make

themselves become software programs. Maybe the danger is not machines being treated like humans, but humans being

treated like machines.

32. Why does the author mention “the fish” in the first paragraph?

A. To stress the importance of intelligent machines.

B. To introduce a new kind of eating habit in animals.

C. To compare with human’s unwillingness to think.

D. To praise the excellence of human thinking ability.

33. What does the underlined word “allure” mean in the second paragraph?

A. Target. B. Attraction. C. Setting D. Access.

34. What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?

A. Human beings are being treated like machines.

B. Money matters much behind the AI competition.

C. Computers are skilled at completing cognitive tasks.

D. People should trust software more than themselves.

35. What does the text mainly talk about?

A. ChatGPT has both benefits and risks.

B. Human depends overly on intelligent tools.

C. More intelligent technology is always better.

D. Human’s cognitive competence is irreplaceable.



When I was a child, my grandparents bought a second home in Arkansas and would bring me there every single

summer. I would spend a lot of time outside. 36 We would collect cool-looking rocks and refill the

hummingbird feeders. Almost every afternoon we would drive down to Bull Shoals lake, the “swimming hole,” and

take a swim.

I always remember my grandparents calling me over to the window when a deer family was in the yard or a few

hummingbirds were at the feeders so that I could watch them. 37 . I remember repeating to myself “oak trees,

dogwood trees, maple trees” over and over so that I could impress him by remembering. I would search around the yard,

and if I was lucky I would find a turtle. If I did find a turtle I would go to get my grandfather so that he could pick it up

and put it in the kiddy pool for me to observe for a few minutes. 38 After I finished observing the turtle, my

grandfather would pick it back up and return it to the bush I found it in. I would watch in amazement as it slowly stuck

its legs out and crawled back under.

39 It was quiet and full of interesting natural things I never got to see in Illinois. I could definitely tell that

my grandparents had an appreciation for nature as well. They disturb the land around them as little as possible and didn’t

see it as annoyance, rather a beautiful view.

I think we should take the time to appreciate and observe the natural world around us. When we do this, we find

that it brings us happiness and has a great value beyond just that of resources. Preservation of the natural world is

important as we are dependent upon it for life. 40

A. I was always amazed by creatures like this.

B. I followed my grandfather while he did yard work.

C. I always felt very at peace at my grandparents’ home

D. Our experiences with nature have shaped my life values.

E. Walking in the forest always makes me feel relaxed and energetic.

F. My grandfather taught me the names of different trees in the yard.

G. We can’t harm it at such a rate where it will never return to what it once was.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)



I recently spent a week on the Greek island of Ikaria with my partner, exploring the secrets, of the locals’ healthy

and happy lifestyle. It was a (n) 41 break from the fast-paced world, and we learned a lot about the 42

of slowing down and enjoying life.

One of the first things we 43 was how relaxed life was on Ikaria. Unlike the 44 rush of modern

society, the locals took things 45 , enjoying long meals with friends and family, taking a 46 in the

afternoon, and spending lots of time outdoors. While they worked hard when they 47 to, they also knew how

to take breaks and 48 the simple pleasures of life.

Food played a big role in their healthy lifestyle, too. The island’s Mediterranean diet 49 fresh vegetables,

fruits, and seafood instead of red meat and carbohydrate(碳水化合物), and we enjoyed delicious meals at local

restaurants. The amount was small, but the flavors were 50 , and we noticed that the locals 51 to snack

on healthy options like nuts and seeds.

Exercise was also a big part of life for the native people on Ikaria. The hilly landscape provided plenty of

opportunities for 52 , and we even joined a group of locals for a morning yoga session on the beach.

53 , our time on Ikaria taught us the importance of prioritizing (优先) self-care and taking things at a lower

54 . While we may not be able to 55 the exact lifestyle of the locals back home, we can certainly include

some of their habits into our own lives.

41. A. embarrassing B. refreshing C. surprising

C. functions

D. creative

D. intentions 42. A. disadvantages B. philosophies

43. A. noticed

44. A. ordinary

45. A. seriously

46. A. rest

47. A. expected

48. A. appreciate

49. A. makes out

50. A. light

51. A. tended

52. A. boating

53. A. Besides

54. A. process

55. A. admire

B. confirmed

B. sudden

B. slowly

B. lesson

B. refused

B. accept

B. stirs up

B. rich

B. used

B. skating

B. Therefore

B. conduct

B. copy

C. recorded

C. constant

C. quickly

C. ride

C. managed

C. provide

C. focuses on

C. hot

C. promised

C. hiking

C. However

C. amount

C. balance

D. assumed

D. illegal

D. personally

D. leave

D. needed

D. promote

D. adapts to

D. salty

D. decided

D. driving

D. Overall

D. pace

D. measure



In the year of rabbit 2023, there is a leap February. Have you ever heard about a leap month? According to the

56 (tradition) Chinese calendar (the lunar calendar), for every 19 years there will be seven leap months. Some

traditions concerning the leap month 57 (hand) down for many years, 58 vary from place to place.

In some parts of Central China’s Henan province, daughters will prepare wild goose-shaped pastries (老雁馍) for

their parents before the leap month comes, 59 (wish) for happiness and luck. In some part of East China’s

Shandong province, the married daughters will send dough-made fish and toad (蟾蜍) 60 their parents, which

means “wealth” and “health” 61 (separate).

People 62 (live) near Wuyi Mountain in East China’s Fujian province have the tradition of drinking tea

during a leap month, and only women can attend. Women in the village take 63 (turn) to hold the tea party, and

they drink tea while talking to one another.

Just like other festivals, 64 get-together dinner is very important among the traditions of the leap month.

When a leap month comes, parents will get food 65 (prepare) and invite their daughters to return home to have

dinner together.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)


假定你是高一年级的学生李华,上周你们年级举办了以“Wildlife Protection”为主题的英语海报设计比赛。请你为校英文报写一篇报道。内容包括:1.比赛过程及结果;2.活动反响。



A Poster Design Contest on Wildlife Protection





“Lion hair! Lion hair! Hahahaha!”

It wasn’t the first time she’d been called Lion hair. Rani’s cheeks burned and tears stung her eyes. She hurriedly

jumped off the school bus and landed in a ditch (沟) of muddy rainwater.

As she got back into her house, Rani’s cousins, Amit and Sumit, came over, mocked (嘲笑) her hair as a bird’s nest

and talked about how many bird eggs there were in it. Ignoring it, her mother was cooking dinner in the kitchen.

Before she could think, Rani had fled out of the house and made her way down a narrow path into a clearing. “I

hate my hair!” She screamed as tears of rage and shame streamed down her cheeks.

Before long, she fell asleep because of tiredness.

Rani woke up to Mama’s anxious calls, but she hugged herself close and promised herself not to go home in that

Mama let Amit and Sumit make fun of her.

Alone, she felt very hungry and frightened as dusk fell. Suddenly, someone or something was making its way into

the clearing. Rani froze. Frightened a lot, she even opened her mouth to scream.

It was Papa. Relief and joy flooded through Rani. She threw her arms around Papa and clung to him.

With an obvious relief, Papa told her that everyone had been looking all over the place for her and urged her to go

home. Rani shook her head and cried, telling Papa everything about her damning hair and that she decided to quit the

inter-school speech competition on Monday. Scanning Rani’s face, Papa replied that he promised to give those boys and

cousins a heavy lesson but fleeing (逃避) was not how they solved problems. Meanwhile, he added that Rani was never

one to shy away from a challenge.

With these comforting words and in Papa’s warm arms, she entered home. It’s time for dinner, and Mama’s waiting

for them. Rani’s favorite dish! Yummy! The delicious food cooked by mom satisfied and pleased her a lot. After dinner,

Rani rested herself next to Papa and began to sleep.




Suddenly Papa woke Rani up to watch a TV program in which Madame Curie was awarded the Nobel Prize. ____


With the Monday morning’s bright and clear dawn, Rani welcomed her big day. __________________________




第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)



36-40 BFACG

24-27 BAAB 28-31 CCAD 32~35 CBAB


第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)


41~45 BBACE

56. traditional;

61. separately;

46-50 ADACB

57. have handed;

62. living;


58. which;

63. tums;

59. to wish;

64. the;

60. to

65. prepared


第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)


A Poster Design Contest on Wildlife Protection

Last we held a poster design contest on wildlife protection among Grade I students. Now let me briefly introduce

some information here.

As is known to all, the more biodiversity there is in an ecosystem, the more successful and healthy it is. Every

animal has its place in the balance of nature. Destroying one species can do damage to the delicate ecosystem,

influencing the survival of human beings, so it’s high time we made concerted efforts to protect their habitats and

establish nature reserves. The corresponding endangered species laws are to be made and awareness of protecting

wildlife is to be raised.


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