


full of的用法及短语

一、Full of的用法及短语概述

Full of是一个常见的英语短语,表示“充满”。它可以用于多种情况和语境中,包括形容地点、物体、人物以及感情等。本文将详细探讨full of的用法,并列举相关的常用短语和例句进行解释。


1. Full of life - 充满生机

例如:The city's vibrant streets are always full of life, with people bustling about

and music playing in the background.

2. Full of history - 充满历史

例如:This ancient castle is full of history, telling stories that date back centuries.

3. Full of natural beauty - 充满自然之美

例如:The countryside is full of natural beauty, with rolling hills, colorful flowers,

and peaceful streams.

4. Full of laughter - 充满笑声

例如:The park is always full of laughter as children play on the swings and slides.


1. Full of flavor - 充满味道

例如:This dish is full of flavor, bursting with a combination of herbs and spices.

2. Full of light - 光线充足

例如:The room has large windows that allow it to be full of light during the day.

3. Full of potential - 具有潜力

例如:This young athlete is full of potential, showing great promise in his chosen


4. Full of energy - 充满活力

例如:The puppies were running around the yard, full of energy and excitement.


1. Full of joy - 充满喜悦

例如:She had just won a big award, and her face was full of joy.

2. Full of determination - 充满决心

例如:Despite facing numerous obstacles, he remained full of determination to

achieve his goals.

3. Full of kindness - 充满善意

例如:The old lady was full of kindness, always willing to lend a helping hand.

4. Full of confidence - 充满自信

例如:He walked into the room full of confidence, knowing he had prepared well

for the presentation.


1. Full of surprises - 充满惊喜

例如:The party was full of surprises, with unexpected guests and exciting


2. Full of praise - 赞美之词不断

例如:He listened to the singer's performance with wide eyes, giving her words full

of praise afterwards.

3. Full of hope - 充满希望

例如:Despite the difficult situation, they faced it with hearts full of hope for a

better future.

4. Full-of-themselves - 自以为是的

例如:Some people can be quite annoying when they are full-of-themselves and

think they know everything.


Full of是一个非常常用的英语短语,用来形容地点、物体、人物以及感情等。它可以配合多种词汇使用,形成各种表达方式。无论在口语或书面表达中,正确运用full of能够使句子更加生动且充满描述力。通过掌握相关的常用短语和例句,我们可以更好地运用这一表达方式,丰富我们的英语表达能力。

本文标签: 物体用于地点