


高考英语外刊阅读模拟强化训练 语法填空专题二十八

Serious safety concerns had previously been raised about the vessel that has gone

____1____(miss) on a dive to the Titanic.

Last night the five passengers ___2____ board had just 40 hours of oxygen _____3__(leave). The

US Coast Guard said it was doing all it could ______4___(find) Titan, a 6.7-metresubmersible, as

an international search effort ___5_______(intensify) in the Atlantic. Three people from Britain are

among those _____6____(trap), including Suleman Dawood, 19, and his father, Shahzada, 48, from

Long Ditton in Surrey. The Dawoods are from one of Pakistan’s _____7_____(rich) families. The

father and son undertook the 3,800-metre descent on Sunday at 8am with the British billionaire

Hamish Harding, 58.

Last night David Mearns, a wreck hunter ____8____ is friends with Harding, said he had seen

reports of “tapping” being heard in the water, ___9______(suggest) the men were alive. He told

Channel 4 News: “They’ve got sonobuoys out there; there may be some other hydrophones that the

mothership, the Polar Prince, had in the water.”

Experts said there was a “1 per cent” ____10____(possible) of finding the vessel in the Atlantic


【The Times (21 June 2023)】

New Yorkers are used to ___1____(deal) with weather. But not weather like this. Last week,

smoke from wildfires hundreds of miles away ____2____(envelop) the city, along with Boston and

others on the east coast, in __3____ acrid orange grey haze. The air quality index for NYC gradually

rose from “Unhealthy” to “Very Unhealthy” ___4__ “Hazardous”. At one point, it hit the

____5____(bad) level of any major city in the world. Drivers put their headlights on at midday

___6____ they struggled to see their way under the blotted-out sky. Thousands of flights

______7____(ground). Pavements and playgrounds emptied as people opted to stay indoors, while

many of those ____8___ ventured out wore masks. On Broadway, the play Prima Facie stopped ten

minutes into the performance after its star, Jodie Comer, experienced difficulty breathing.

It's a global trend. We saw it in Britain last year, ____9___ wildfires destroyed homes in London

for the first time; in Australia's epic bush fires of 2019, which burned millions of hectares of land,

___10____(include) in the Gondwana rainforest, where fire had been rare. Scientists believe the

biggest increases in wildfires could be seen in verdant, humid states in the southeast of the US.

【The Week UK(17 June 2023)】

“Serene as a Tuscan village" is ___1_____ the residents of Monti in central Rome, once

described their neighborhood. But that was 15 years ago, before the arrival of Airbnb. Today,

____2___ visitor numbers back to pre-pandemic levels, it's a tourist hell. The short-term rental

market has pushed tens of thousands of ____3____(local) out of the historic city centre, and the

shops ___4____ which they relied for everyday needs _____5______(replace) by chain stores, pubs

and places peddling tourist junk. Rome is turning into __6___ architectural theme park; and the

residents have had enough. In Monti, someone has put up a sign ___7____ reads: “Why call it tourist

season if we can't shoot them?” Activists of a more practical bent are calling for a national law

____8____(limit) the number of days that a flat can be used for holiday rentals: the limit in London

is 90 days; in Paris, it's 120; but in Rome, with its roughly 25,000 Airbnb listings, there's no limit at


The desertification of the city centre is not just Rome's problem: all of Italy's historic towns suffer

from it. No wonder, when you look at the figures: between 2008, ___9___ Airbnb came to Italy, and

today, annual tourist numbers have risen by more than 20 million. Belatedly, now the government

____10_____(discuss) plans to introduce a bill which would mandate a minimum stay of two nights.

【The Week UK(17 June 2023)】

Since he stepped down as a“working” royal and moved to California, Prince Harry seems

____1_______(spend) all his time ____2____(tell) “his truth”. He has done it through interviews,

documentaries and a ghost-written memoir. Last week he did it again, under oath, _____3____ the

first senior royal ____4_____(give) evidence in court for waging a war on more than a century. He

spent two days on the stand in the High Court in his case ____5___ Mirror Group Newspapers

(MGN), which he claims used unlawful means to invade his ______6_____(private).

The 38-year-old prince didn't hold back. He claimed to have suffered phone-hacking“ on an

industrial scale"; talked of journalists' “typing fingers" ______7_____(stain) with “blood"; and even

turned his guns on the current government, accusing it ___8____ collusion.“Our country

____9_____(judge) globally by the state of the press and our government," he said -“both of

_____10___ I believe are at rock bottom".

【The Week UK(17 June 2023)】

①missing;on;left;to find;intensified;trapped;richest;who;suggesting;possibility

②dealing;enveloped;an;to;worst;as;were grounded;who;where;including

③how;with;locals;on;have been replaced;an;that;to limit;when;is discussing

④to have spent;telling;as;to give;against;privacy;being stained;of;is judged;which

本文标签: 模拟强化训练阅读语法外刊