



您的姓名: [填空题] *


学号: [填空题] *


1. The young man got a job as a member of the ship’s _____. () [单选题] *

A. clerk

B. staff

C. crew(正确答案)

D. crowd

2. At last the prices of the necklaces were _____. () [单选题] *

A. cut off

B. cut down(正确答案)

C. cut out

D. cut in

3. The travelers _____ 400 miles a day by car the day before yesterday. () [单选题] *

A. passed

B. took

C. covered(正确答案)

D. went

4. If I take this medicine twice a day, it should _____ my cold. () [单选题] *

A. recover

B. heal

C. restore

D. cure(正确答案)

5. It is the center for _____ new varieties of vegetables. () [单选题] *

A. erecting

B. designing

C. cultivating(正确答案)

D. training

6. Having made his first film earlier this year, he is _____ starring in a new musical. ()

[单选题] *

A. currently(正确答案)

B. recently

C. lately

D. actually

7. The villagers had cast _____ on the old idea that there is a new life after one’s death.

() [单选题] *

A. doubt(正确答案)

B. thought

C. belief

D. fear

8. They intend to _____ with the old method as soon as they have developed a better one.

() [单选题] *

A. do away(正确答案)

B. put away

C. keep up

D. come up

9. The doctor made one last _____ effort to save the boy’s life. () [单选题] *

A. violent

B. essential

C. desperate(正确答案)

D. faint

10. The car salesman took the customer for a drive in the new model in order to _____ its

improved features. () [单选题] *

A. expose

B. demonstrate(正确答案)

C. exhibit

D. reveal

11. We could see only the _____ outline of the mountain in the distance. () [单选题] *

A. slight

B. dark

C. dim(正确答案)

D. faint

12. The old couple are so kind to people that they _____ our constant help. () [单选题]


A. reserve

B. deserve(正确答案)

C. serve

D. preserve

13. I’m not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment, so I can’t make a(n)

_____ promise to help you. () [单选题] *

A. certain

B. defined

C. definite(正确答案)

D. appointed

14. College students there are _____ interested in making a better life for all people. ()

[单选题] *

A. deeply(正确答案)

B. thoroughly

C. entirely

D. fully

15. During the process, great care has to be taken to protect the _____ silk from damage.

() [单选题] *

A. sensitive

B. delicate(正确答案)

C. tender

D. sensible

16. It takes us 5 hours to travel from our starting point to our _____. () [单选题] *

A. deadline

B. departure

C. destination(正确答案)

D. direction

17. After taking a bath, he _____ the water out of the bathtub. () [单选题] *

A. drained(正确答案)

B. dragged

C. dropped

D. drew

18. Twenty workers have been selected to get special training to do this highly _____ job.

() [单选题] *

A. inquiring

B. requiring

C. rewarding

D. demanding(正确答案)

19. He had tired everything but it made little _____. () [单选题] *

A. use

B. good

C. difference(正确答案)

D. result

20. We will have to clean our classroom, help a poor girl with the housework and carry

the desks to the yard. I think it necessary to _____ our class into three parts. () [单选题] *

A. separate

B. cut

C. split

D. divide(正确答案)

21. Before he left for Washington, he went to the bank and _____ $3000 from his account.

() [单选题] *

A. picked

B. borrowed

C. drew(正确答案)

D. gained

22. Can you _____ me to the Sea Park, please? () [单选题] *

A. direct(正确答案)

B. instruct

C. appoint

D. introduce

23. Left-handed people have been distrusted or looked upon with _____. () [单选题] *

A. disadvantage

B. disapproval(正确答案)

C. disappointment

D. dissatisfaction

24. Old people often fear change. They have got used to their old way of life and don’t

like to _____ from it. () [单选题] *

A. escape

B. depart(正确答案)

C. dismiss

D. drift

25. He was deeply _____ and no one could lift his spirits. () [单选题] *

A. astonished

B. excited

C. depressed(正确答案)

D. moved

26. These passages are supposed to _____ one’s reading ability. () [单选题] *

A. increase

B. explore

C. expand

D. develop(正确答案)

27. Some _____ products have proved to be better in quality and less expensive than

foreign ones. () [单选题] *

A. dramatic

B. national

C. civil

D. domestic(正确答案)

28. The postman at last _____ the parcel we had been waiting for. () [单选题] *

A. delivered(正确答案)

B. mailed

C. transported

D. conveyed

29. Some of the experiments _____ in the book are easy to perform. () [单选题] *

A. conducted

B. described(正确答案)

C. released

D. expressed

30. The government gave a very _____ explanation of its plan for educational

development. () [单选题] *

A. widespread

B. extensive

C. detailed(正确答案)

D. deep

31. Once your computer is connected to the Internet, you can browse Internet news, send

and receive email, and _____ useful information. () [单选题] *

A. undertake

B. overcharge

C. download(正确答案)

D. overload

32. The chairman _____ the meeting open when the clock truck 9. () [单选题] *

A. stated

B. spoke

C. announced

D. declared(正确答案)

33. The girl is old enough to _____ right from wrong. () [单选题] *

A. realize

B. extinguish

C. recognize

D. distinguish(正确答案)

34. We switched off the motor and started to _____ along. () [单选题] *

A. drift(正确答案)

B. drop

C. drive

D. drip

35. From a child Mr. Malthus had a(n)_____ nature and always wanted to put others

under his control. () [单选题] *

A. principal

B. dominant(正确答案)

C. official

D. demanding

36. Her good deeds _____ her to the respect of the people around her. () [单选题] *

A. permitted

B. qualified

C. deserved

D. entitled(正确答案)

37. A compass _____ the captain of a ship to find his location and keep in the right

direction. () [单选题] *

A. enabled(正确答案)

B. makes

C. allows

D. permits

38. People will suffer from the natural disasters in the future because there is a growing

_____ that we are dangerously warming our planet. () [单选题] *

A. mark

B. symbol

C. signal

D. evidence(正确答案)

39. We couldn’t cut the string because the _____ of the knife was not sharp enough. ()

[单选题] *

A. side

B. edge(正确答案)

C. front

D. point

40. It’s more _____ and healthful to live in the countryside than in town. () [单选题] *

A. financial

B. economic

C. economical(正确答案)

D. commercial

41. Please tell me about it. I’m all _____. () [单选题] *

A. eyes

B. hands

C. ears(正确答案)

D. heads

42. The company ended up with 3500 unsold copies of the magazine because they _____

the demand too high. () [单选题] *

A. considered

B. estimated(正确答案)

C. valued

D. treasured

43. It’s always difficult being in a foreign country, _____ if you don’t speak the language.

() [单选题] *

A. extremely

B. naturally

C. eventually

D. especially(正确答案)

44. Every morning some old people gather in the park to _____ themselves by singing

and dancing. () [单选题] *

A. entertain(正确答案)

B. impress

C. excite

D. appreciate

45. It is rather _____ that scientists still don’t know how many species there are in the

world today. () [单选题] *

A. misleading

B. embarrassing(正确答案)

C. boring

D. demanding

46. These goods are _____ for export, though a few of them may be sold on the home

market. () [单选题] *

A. essentially(正确答案)

B. completely

C. necessarily

D. remarkably

47. Can you _____ that the furniture will be delivered on time? () [单选题] *

A. ensure(正确答案)

B. assure

C. confirm

D. prove

48. The city at one time _____ a high level of civilization. () [单选题] *

A. owned

B. showed

C. appreciated

D. enjoyed(正确答案)

49. If you undertake this task, you have to be ready to _____ hardships. () [单选题] *

A. endure(正确答案)

B. ensure

C. maintain

D. raise

50. Quite a number of people got poisoned by the gas _____ from the gas pipes

undergrounds. () [单选题] *

A. escaping(正确答案)

B. existing

C. relieving

D. released

本文标签: 词汇姓名练习填空题